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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
200 Rooms Near Both Absolutely 100 Baths Depot, fireproof Hotel Hoyt Corner Sixth end Hoyt St.., Portland, On. Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated LOU HIMES, Manager. RATES:-75c to2. SPECIAL Week or Month ut m y i mro . m .uuuui aiiu a ihuj . J HOTEL is tie NORTHWEST J Eric V. Hauser. President. ,550 A 75 j Rooms ilWiii Sample, LSI. 00 Jf Still Rooms r tVtlifr of Anerici'i Etceptioiul Hstelii; HARMONIZING UNCLE SAM'S WAR WORK FORD CARS H Mvcrv Ffnl Car nhnuiii rarrv one -x JW tratireitftflvechiu.i?.np;on the road. THE TWIN RIM flta both front and rear wheel. Applied in 6 min utes. .Saves time, clothen, temper and religion Price $6.fi0. Bent parcel post prepaid, upon re ceipt of price. ORffiGH VULCAN 1 71 NO SO.. "The Tire Shoo" 833-335 liurnside at, Portland, Oregon C. B." MINERS & CO. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP AUTOMOBILE BfPAIftlMO AMD REBUILDING. I. E. 00N. HUH AND OMAN ITI. CORTLAND, 0RE0OM FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. Organizer and Developer. Patents aocqred or Fee Refunded. FREE, Toy X-Ray Plate; shows every bone In your body right through your clothing. Suites 701. 701A, Vol It. 701C. Central bldg.. Seattle STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited school; write, or phone Main 580 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker Business College, 167 4th Street, near Morrison, Portland, Oregon. LEARN A TRADE. Gas Tractor and Auto mobile men are In demand. We are giving a com plete course In both for the price of one tuition, for a short time only. Large class now graduat ing and have room for few more men. Catalog and details free. fUapkill'i Schools, 20b. A'JbwfarM Portland, Oregon. Af D- OFF ON DEVELOPING W I CI IsCIU AND PRINTING Send us your next film or negatives for a trial and receive 40 per cent discount on the order. Ve lox prints, 2c up. Developing, 10 and 15c. En largements, up to . lit, blai'K find while, Hfic. All work guaranteed. Owing to the discount, kindly Hend remittance to cover order. Difference will be refunded in case Home arc not ffoOCL Only one or der to a family at this price. "THE PRINTS THAT NUtt" PHOTO CRAFT SHOP, Plttock Block, P. O. Box 726. Portland, Oregon HIDES, PELTS. CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Of tut lit you have. Write for prices and shipping tags the H. F. Norton Co. Portiind, on.; Seattle, wn. We Are Buyer, of Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, Etc. Your to u. wilt bring- to you prompt return, and be.t possible prices. WRITE FOR SHIPPING TAGS. VALLEY PRODUCE COMPANY, US Front 8t. Portland, Oregon SHIP Veal. Pork, Beef. Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce to the Old Reliable Everdlng house with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKH1TE 48-47 Front Street Portland, Oregon FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE raf Property anywhere in the united states Canada. What can you offer for HiO acres timber ami bunch grass near Boundary, 100 acres Colum bia River water front near Ilossburg, 10 or 100 HCn-H iid joining Mt'yt'rn .-nun, w) lots on busmen street in Meyery 1' nils -nil in Stevens county. Wash. 140 acres Shoshone county, timber urn bunch grass, uai acres Kootenai County, isO acre. Bonner County, ranch and timber, Idaho- nisi cottage in Seattle for acreage near Spokane? W. 8. KOBISON, 201 Central llldg.. Seattle. "REALTY: All parts U. S. and Canada." Each of the ten cabinet officers has appointed a representative from hit department to make up a committee which holds daily sessions with the coun cil of national defense. The object of the committee is to co-ordinate the entire government machine so that it may approach the task of military, na val and industrial preparedness to the best advantage. Seated in this group, left to right, are: William C. Fitts, department of justice; William M. In gra ham, assistant secretary of war; Louis Freeland Post, assistant secretary of labor. Standing, left to right, Dr. B. T. Galloway, agriculture; Frank Fray ser, post office department; Lathrop Brown, Interior, and Leland Harrison, state department. Mr. Harrison is ths state department's press censor. BUYING OF ALASKA GOOD INVESTMENT Judgment of Man Who Engi neered Deal Fifty Years Ago Has Been Vindicated. CHEMISTS WAR FACTOR Should Be Kept From Firing Line, Says U. S. Aid. WEALTH IN NORTHERN EMPIRE In the. Tea Kettle. Cousin Elmer hnd a big boll on tho back of his neck that was interfering seriously with bin enjoyment of the spring and the world in general, and the conversation at the dinner table turned from cousin Elmer's ailment to a general discussion of boilB. When a lull came, John, ago 8, who had been listening intently, snoko up: "The last boll I saw, papa, was in the tea kcttlo." Indianapolis News. No Doubt About That. "What! Paid $50 for a hat? Woman, are you mad?" "No; but it's plain to bo seen that you are." Boston Transcript. Motive Enough. Manager Your play lacks motive. Playwright Motlvo? Why, man, I haven't had a square meal in a year. The Reason. "What a big Bnob that fellow seems to be!" '"Of course, he Is. That's why he's attached to an official bureau." Dal tlmore American. The Easiest Way. Northern viBltor, in Georgia I see you raise hogs almost exclusively about here. Do you find they pay better than corn and potatoes? Native, slowly Wal, no; but yer see, stranger, hogs don't need hoeing! Exchange. Had a Good Doctor. The Sympathetic Friend Is he a good doctor? Tho Chronic Invalid Oh. splendid, I have only been employing him three months, and he has already told me 1 have almost all the diseuBOs there are. Buffalo Express. "Why 1b your wlfo looking bo hap py?" "She's got something to worry about again." Puck. four Own Plumbing By buying direct from us at wboleeak prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will give yon our rock bottom "dlBect-tO-you" pries, f b mil or boat We actually sns yuu from 10 to 86 par cent All .roods iruaraiitwd. Northwest headquarters for Lewder Water System, and Fuller A Johnson Engine STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. Portland. Orate To Have Neglected Opportunity to Obtain Territory Would Have Been Colossal Blunder, Says Secretary Lane. "Fifty yeurs ugo," says Secretary Lnno of the United States depiirtment of the interior, "Alaska became u part of the United States. "We are only beginning to realize bow tremendous the service was that VVllllum H. Seward performed when he secured for us thut great source of wealth. When Seward was secretnry of stute, few men realized the great potential value of Alaska. Popular Im pression held It n snow-bound wilder ness, u lund of Ice and polur bears. Seward felt that the time would come when the wealth of Alaska would as tound the world. His Judgment toduy Is vindicated. Opposition to the taking of Alaska was as blind as it was virulent. But after llfty yeurs, actual niiuncliil state ments show us, und prove conclusively, thut to have neglected thut opportun ity would have been a colossal blun der, u blunder future generations could never forgive. A moral obligation was one of the primary reasons Unit led to the pur chase of Alaska. Itussla hud given us tho passive support of two fleet! of warships during our Civil wur, and snved us from serious Indignities that threatened from abroad, itussla need ed money. We, of course, could not give It to her outright, but we could let her have It and take In exchange! her barren North American provinces. In the face of a storm of protest the treuty was signed and fully ratified; the ltusslnn ambassador collected L'IM),fMH) from Uncle Sam ; and Alaska edged her way Into a protesting anil Inhospitable democracy. Cost Two Cents an Acre. "Six hundred thousand square miles of territory, ;W4,IKH),000 ncres of land, were bought by our government In 1M07 for n little over $7,lKX,(Hr. That Utile filer In real estate, at cents an acre, has brought something more than throe-quarters of a billion dollar! Into the channels of American trade dur ing the past half century. And the profit! are Just beginning to come In. A scant 85,000 people are living in that vast country, one-tlfth as large as the United States. Due hundred million dollars out of that three-quarters of u billion formed their Contribution for 1010. What It will tio In MM no man can predict. "It Is estimated that lfiu.OOO.OtXl.OOO tona of coal lie in tho virgin coal fields of Alaska. This coal Is gradual ly appearing in the market. Experts say some of the best coal In the world streaks the giant mountains of Alas ku. With these mines opened, with tho new government railroad in ac tive operation, the development of great and rich tracts, both mineral and agricultural, will follow Inevitably. "The great gold fields of the In terior never have been worked ade quately. Extended the advantages of railroad transportation, initio opera tors will soon be able to Increase their output materially. Copper Fields Untouched. Copper mined last year brought be tween $:,,000,000 and $40,000,000 ; and still comparatively little has been taken out. "When Itussla sold Alaska In 18117, she threw In the surrounding sens for good mensure. Since then great musses of fish caught In Alaskan wa ters have brought our people 1830,000,- 000. Euch yeur sees the establishment of new centers and larger canneries. Fur-bearing animals, too, linve In creased our mighty dividend by $05,- 000,000. Alaska's period of trial is over. She has been weighed In the balance and found magnificently worthy." Needed In Making Munitions, Testing Foods and Perfecting Other In dustrlal Activities. "The chemist and mining englneei Will pluy a most Important part in win ning the war for the United States," said Charles Curtis, superintendent of Uncle Sum's customs assaying labora tory in Kansas City, Mo. "The development of explosives and poison gases Is wholly a chemical proc ess. The problems of trench digging, mining rind other earth operations are those of the mining engineer. "Recognizing these facts, the Ameri can Chemical society has offered Its services to the president, und Is mobil izing Its forces for wur. "We are in the best possible positiou to take advantage of the experience and mistakes of the other countries. Germany has made a terrible mistake In sending her chemists to fight in the trenches. Several hundred of the most eminent chemists In Oermany have been killed, and their services are lost, not only to Oermany, but to the world. The chemists should be kept out of the tiring line and put to work In making munitions, testing foods and perfecting other Industrial activities In their line. "American chemists are naturally thinking of new devices which will be of service In the war. The chlorine gas used by Germany Is terrible, but It is mild compared with others that might be employed, such as bromine or fluor ine. These things nre positively devil ish, and It Is terrible to think of using them, but It seems that war stops at nothing these days." SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast NEW DRINK INVENTED Uncle Sam's Apple Expert Makes Concentrated Cider. To feel as fine as the proverbial fiddle, we must keep the liver washed clean, almost every morning, to pre vent Its sponge-like pores from clog glng with Indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. If you get headaches, It's your liver. If you catch cold easily. It's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred tongue, nasty breath or stom ach becomes rancid, Its your liver. Sallow skin, muddy complexions, wa tery eyes all denote liver uncleanll ness. Your liver Is the most lmpor tant, also the most abused and neglect ed organ of the body. Few know Its function or how to release the dammed up body waste, bile and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous, salivating chemical which can only be used occasionally because It accumulates In the tissues, also attacks the bones. Every man and woman, sick or well. should drink each morning before breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's Indigestible mater lal, the poisons, sour bile and toxins; thuB cleansing, sweetening and fresh enlng the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food Into the stom ach. Limestone phosphate does not re strict the diet like calomel, because It can not salivate, for it is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It Is Inexpensive and almost tasteless, and any pharmacist will sell you a quarter pound, which Is sufficient for a demonstration of how hot water and limestone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling fit day in and day out. Hard to Get Up. "Every cloud may have a silver Tin in'," said Uncle Eben, "but de facili ties aln' alius pervlded fur climbln1 up an' lookln' at dat side o' de cloud." Just Now. "What's the best seller today?'" "Judging from the most recent re ports, I should say it was a potato eel lar." Baltimore American. Hint to Girls. Of course it is none of our business but any smart girl could reduce the cost of shoes and stockings by doing her own knitting. Dallas News. Animal Yarns. "Ever read Aesop's fables?" "Yes," replied Mr. Growcher. "And I don't see what they were written for. "Why, to point a moral." "But I don't see how a man who told such whoppers as he did could claim to have anything moral about him. Washington Star. Reverse. "They say there will be food dic tators appointed to prevent food spec ulators. 'At last poetic retribution. The packers will be canned." Exchange. P. M. U. No. 19, 191. Bookworm's Paradise. The Library of Congress in Wash ington, the largest library of the west ern hemisphere and the third largest In the world, addetl 88,000 books to Its shelves lBt year. It now contains 2,151,074 books, 154,- 'M0 maps add charts. 730.'J43 volumes and pieces of music and ;ttll',tK)6 prints, Tho librarian Is Dr. Herbert Put Mtt, a relative of the famous pub lishers Of that mime. CUB REPORTER'S 'SCOOP' The shock thut Abou Hen Ad hem experienced when he was awakened by the angel had noth ing on the surprise that Guy D. Wilson, u cub reporter, furnished the editor of a Fort Worth (Tex), newspaper. Wilson was sent to visit re cruiting stations and bring in the nunies of men enlisted that day. After a call at the United States Murine corps he decided he would give up newspaper work and follow tho fortunes of lite "soldiers of the sea." He sent his report back to the editor by messenger. The following edition of the paper published u long list of re cruits, and "Lo, Guy Wilson's name led all the rest." roTroTnnmroTroT n't! WOULD RAISE FOOD IN YARDS Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Urges City Dwellers to Aid In Increasing Food Supply. A statement urging that ns n patri otic duty city residents transform their yards Into gardens, and farmers so di versify their crops as to make each section self-sustaining, was Issued by Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture. The greut need In wartime, Mr. Vroo man suld, Is a surplus of wheat with which the nation can feed Its allies.' He also deelured the acreage of soy beans and cow peas should be Increased to augment the source of protein, for which In time of emergency they could take the place of meat for human con sumption. Two or three crops of some sort should be raised durlug the com ing summer, he said, on every vueunj square foot In the titles. Works Both Ways. Score one for nature. The ctty boy often looks with ilerl' ion on the coun try youth as he expresses his unfa mlllarlty with the sights and activities Incident to his flrst visit "to town." But no rurnllte in the city could be one half as incapable, more hopelessly awkward, more densely Ignorant, or so utterly helpless as the city boy w hen he attempts for the first time to perform tho duties of his country cousin. Patriotism. It should be the work of a genulnt and uoble patriotism to raise the life of tho nation to the level of Its privi leges; to harmonize Its general prac tice with Its ubstract principles; to reduce to actual facts the Ideals of Its Institutions; to elevate Instruction into knowledge; to deepen knowledge Into wisdom ; to render knowledge and wisdom complete In righteousness and to make the love of country In the love of man. Henry Gllea. If Your Skin Itches Just Use Resinol No remedy can honestly promise to heal every case of eczema or similar skin ailment. But Resinol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap, gives such instant relief from the itching and burning, and so generally succeeds In clearing the eruption away for good, that it is the standard skin treatment of thousands and thousands of physi cians. Sold by all druggists. Getting Used to It. "Turkish women muffle the entire lower part of the face with a veil leaving only the eyes exposed. Queer costume, eh? "I thought so until our girls began wearing their furs that way. Louis vllle Courier-Journal. AN OPERATION AVERTED mm ll.l Philadelphia, Pa. "One year ago I was very sick nnd I suffered with pains in my side and back until I nearly went crazy. I went to differentdoc tors and they all said I had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had suffered forfour years before this time, but I kept get ting worse the more medicine I took. Every month Bince I was a young girl I had suffered with cramps in my sides at periods and was never regular I saw your advertise ment in tho newspaper and the picture of a woman who had been saved from, nn operation and this picture was im pressed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind so 1 sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women know of my cure. "Mrs. Thos.McGon IQAL, 3432 Hartville Street, Phila,, Pa. No Manufacturer Will Market It for None Can Get Exclusive Use of the Formula. With the problem of finding a way to utilize the vast percentage of waste In the annual apple crop of the land, one-fourth of which Is lost In the orch ards, H. O. Gore, chemist In charge of Uncle Sam's frnlt and vegetable utlll zatlon laboratory, discovered that this great apple loss was not so much due to lack of cold storage and marketing conditions as to a lack of knowledge on the part of the farmers as to what to do with the culls and apples for re tail sale that would net them any profit. Clder-maklng, though neither diffi cult nor expensive, did not give the solution, for It Is so perishable, so bulky, and the price It brings too low to make It profitable. So, also, cider may be made into vinegar, but there Is a limitation to that market. All sorts of experiments were made toward finding a method of keeping cider, but they did not result satisfac torily. Finally a barrel of frozen elder gave the key. It was observed that when the cider was allowed to freeze naturally, the Ice formed In a nearly solid mass around the outer sides of the barrel, leaving in the center a con centrated nonfrozen liquid which pos sessed all of the flavor, but which con tained much less water. The outer Ice proved to be mostly water, with very little of sugar. Analysis of the con centrated cider proved that It con tained sufficient proportions of the acid nnd sugar to preserve it, and the chemist believed that at last had been found a means to keep cider for the market after Its usual season was past. Laboratory experiments duplicating uature's freezing Anally established the fact that concentrated cider would keep much longer than in Its original condition and In cold storage would keep Indefinitely. Delicious as this new kind of cider Is, it is not being adopted commercial ly, for the simple reason that no man ufneturer Is willing to put it on the market, though all who have sampled It admit Its superiority to many of the soft drinks which now are popular nt the soda fountains. The reason Is that Uncle Sam will not give the formula exclusively to any one bottler. The lending drink purveyors Insist that commercial success In marketing a new drink depends chiefly upon the manufacturer having the exclusive se cret nnd patented recipe which will give his brand a monopoly. However, being always paternal Uncle Sum has gone still further In his efforts to teach the apple raisers the full value of their crops, for he lias had his chemists compile and Is sue a bulletin with nil of the methods directions, cost and even recipes for the utilization of cider made in this new way, and then teaching ways of making splendid apple sirup that Is marketable. The same bulletin gives recipes for a number of dishes In which the sirup forms part. Seek Heirs of Men Who Died in Uncle Sam's Army The endeavor of the Euro pean nations to locate the rela tives of men who have fallen In battle while serving the various foreign legions bears an inter esting comparison to similar ef forts now being undertaken by Uncle Snm to trace the relatives or heirs of men in the American service who have died, some of whom have left valuable prop erty. The United States Marine corps Issued a bulletin contain ing the nnmes of Sergt. Albert Jolly of Melbourne, Australia ; Corporal Thomas Brophy of Dublin, Ireland, and Private Owen Woods (former address unknown), in a further effort to locate their heirs or next of kin. These men, who have been dead over ten years, left effects of considerable value, and numer ous inquiries during that period have failed to locate their right ful heirs. Government Buys Old Trees. Some of the biggest trees In the Se quoia national park have remained in the hands of private owners until re cently. Congress appropriated $50,000 to purchase the trees and the land on which they stood, but $20,000 more was required to settle other claims. The $20,000 has been provided by the Nn tlonal Geographic society for this pur pose, and the entire tract will become the property of the government. Some of the trees thus acquired are believed to be 4,000 years old. Rcdurci Strained, Puffy Ankles Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula. fiS Roils. Swellings; Slope I IIISIM I and allays pain. Heats Sores, Cuts, JHP Bruises, Hoot Chafes. It is a 0F SAFE ANTISEPTIC UD GERMICIDE Duet not blister or remove the hair and ho rat can be wotted. Pleasant to use. $2. 00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your csae for special Itwtnu t ions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBING, JK.. antirertlc liutncnl lor mankind, re- Ssce, Strain Baislul. Knottr.!. Swollea Vein. Coerew. tratei on!, itw .irof., resulted ,1 sc. applkauoo. fries St SSI beetle st dealer, or eliered. I. F. tOUM. P.O.F., 4C, Tan., IprktjfesM, Km Argentina Buying Automobiles. Big shipments of automobiles from the United States to Argentina in 1916 were reported by Uncle Snm. The to tal imports Into the South American republic during the year amounted to 4,670 machines. The greater part of the cars imported into Argentina are of comparatively small type, designed particularly for country use. Small cars are becoming popular among farmers, who find them of great serv ice. It Is said, In facilitating rural business. Use American School Desks. American school desks are becoming popular In India and have been In stalled In several schools, Uncle Sum's consul at Madras reports. As consid erable expansion of schools and col leges Is taking place, the consul thinks there Is a chance for American firms to do a big business there. Probably Not. We don't suppose any given neighbor woman ever regarded any given girl's hair as naturally curly. Ohio Stat Journal. W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS IT8 SHAPE " $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 JSMfOm Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. The quality of V. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a weU-eauipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers; under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest deter minatron to make the best shoes tor the price that money can ray. Ask your shoe dealer for W. X Doaglaa shoes. If he can. .cot supply you with the Iclnd you want, take no other iintm-. .true ror inwreKuw ooomet explaining now to get saoes of the nlgnest standard ox quality for tn. ujr return man, postage iree. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas .j ,k ... el ,h k..e,m PrlrlMitW.lDouela.8ho8Co.,, - --BparK St., BrocKton, jtihsb. Lb price, l ta JSZA a t wis kc vi . Boys' Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $?.50 & $2.00 War. "Those old sculptors failed to rec ognize me properly as the god of war," complained Mars. "They made you fierce looking enough." "Yes, but none of them had the fore sight to put 'made in Germany' on my statues." Exchange. SKIN TORTURES That Itch, Burn and Scale Quickly Re lieved by Cutlcura Trial Free. It takes about ten minutes to prove that a hot bath with Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cutlcura Ointment .will afford relief and point to speedy healment of ec zemas, itchings and irritations. They are ideal for all toilet purposes. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. ..,. Comparative Misfortunes. "We certainly do have trouble. This year we had double pneumonia In the family." "That's nothing. We had twins in ours." Baltimore American. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Main Thing Now. "How Is MrB. Flubdub as a house keeper?" "I can't say much for the condition of her automobile." Louisville Courier-Journal. LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and Boon the corn or hardened callus loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with out pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it Is inexpensive and 18 said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. Painfully So. "There is something reminiscent of the fortunes of war in the mother ship of the Deutschland seized In New London." '"What Is It?" "'You know It was the Willehad. Now it is what 'Willie hasn't'." Exchange. But Few Have. Edith Do you believe that men like women with Intelligence? Alice Yes, provided they have enough of it to refrain from impres sing a man with his ignorance Bos ton Transcript. Costly Caloric. "Doesn't it strike you that the tem perature in this room Is rather high?" "There's no doubt about It, with coal at tho present price." Boston Transcript. Hardened Veterans. Another thing will widowers go to war, or will it be considered that they have served their term? Dallas News. First Society Girl There's a lovely murderer over at the Jail. Second Society Girl Isn t he per fectly killing? Boston Transcript. Consolatory. 'They say men of brains live long er than others." 'Don't worry: you may be one of the exceptions to the others." Balti more American. Iku. .."""ninH,iiiiiiiiniiNiiiiiimaiiii9 riJ llrlMli fir Tired Eyes. S NiOVISS Red Kyca-Sore Eye. 5 llranolatad BraUds. Eosta- e Ii.fre.he. Restores. Mnrlne Is a Farurlte Treatment for Urea that feel dry asd smart. z Gl.eyonr ayea aanraehof yonrloetnifcare - aayoor Teeth and with the same regularity, ft Calf FN THES TM CalMT BUT SEW EYES! r Sold at Dreg and Optical Stores or hj Mall. atk Mirks Ets tssaart Co, c.lesto, tor Frss Ml ?IUIIIIflllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllUII1Mtllllilllllltlll r Awarded GRAND PRIZE altka P.PJX : u sustain -.1 M.S.W1.II. 85tlie SUlt-EVD(TmIRE arsiJiinSiftiWrip PtWAKL VI mUMVK llyevdealereMwMssJyewewwUeeMll&eeri. charts, errpui oa receipt of price. S5c each. Levi 5Uusa Co, Stan Fn FEW FOLKS HAVE Druggist Says Ladies are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which Is so at tractive, use only the old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture Improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which darkens the hair so naturally, so even ly, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, Is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite to Impart color and a youthful appear ance to the hair. It 1b not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. That's What He Meant. Bacon Let me shake your hand, dear boy. This Is one of the happiest days of your life. Egbert You're too previous, old man. I'm not to be married until to morrow. Bacon That's what I say. This Is one of the happiest days of your life. Impossible. Crabshaw It's impossible to make a woman happy. Crawford Nonsense. Just give her all the money she can spend. Crabshaw Didn't I Just say it was impossible. Pittsburgh Post. A Compliment Modified. "Ever see a picture of any Japanese wrestlers?" "No," replied the man .who Is trying to reduce. "They are Invariably large, fat men." "I wiBh you hadn't told me that. My wife was Just saying that my ex ercise is beginning to make me look like an athlete." Washington Star. The Reason. He How that Dutch chorus does lumber along! She But, my dear, they have on wooden shoes. Exchange. A Fresh Start. "Send me some money to get me out of this trouble," wrote the way ward youth, "and I promise to begin all over again." "Yes," muttered his father, crumb ling up the letter In his horny fist, "that's precisely what you would do If I sent It." Boston Transcript. Too Slow. Teacher I am teaching your son "first aid' Father of dullest boy in class Bet ter teach him "second aid" Instead, ma'am; he's so durn slow he'd never get there In time to use the first Life. Why Suffer With Backache, Kidneys or Rheumatism Now. Letter TcUx of Lona-iooked-for Prescription, Dear Headers It I can do any good In the world for others, I wish to do It, and I feel that ;t Is my doty to write about tho wondermi results I received from the use of " Anuria I was suffering from kidney and bladder troubles, scalding urine, backache and rheumatism, and feet and ankles swelled so that at times I could not walk without assistance. Had taken several different kinds ol kidney remedies but ail failed. I sent for a box of Dr. Pierce's newest dis covery, "Anuric," which 1 received by mall In tablet form. I soon got better and am convinced that this popular new medicine is good. 1 wish to rec ommend it to my neighbors and every body suffering from such trouble. MBS. M. J. SABGK5T. Note: You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well known medicines. Well, this prescrip tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, K. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis eases arising from disorders of the kid neys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, conges tion of the kidneys, Inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, "Annric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the Increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce has Anally decided to put It Into the drug stores of this country within immediate reach of all sufferers. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric Is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signature on the package Just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriniion. the ever. famous friend, to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest gen eral tonic and reconstructor for any one. nestae-i ueiug uio Desc uiooa-I