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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
To Advertisers The Athena Press circulates in the homes of readers who reside in the heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat Belt, and'they have money to spend mm Subscription Rates One Copy, one year, $1.50; for six months, 75c; for three months, 50c; payable in advance, and subscrip tions are solicited on no other basis Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Claes Mail Matter VOLUME XXIX, ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1917. NUMBER 15 coinmcMiiints Vacuum Cleaners Sweepers A goodVacuum Cleaner will save its cost and over again in Car pets, Rugs, Curtains, Upholstered Furniture etc., to say nothing about time and much back-breaking work saved. It sucks in the dirt and im purities instead of scattering them through the air to choke lungs and settle on everything in the room. We have good reliable hand clean ers which are convenient and easy to use, durable and effective will get the dirt and grit out of the heaviest carpet or rug. Our Davis-Kaser Special at $6 75 is fully guaranteed money back if not satisfied after two weeks trial. Others are here at $8.00 to $9.50. These'are but little larger thah an ordinary carpet sweeper, and are almost as light and easy to use. Then we have electric cleaners, fully guaranteed at $14.50 and up ward to $50.00 for the incomparable Magic Cleaner. Call and ee these if possible. " Write for descriptions and prices if unable to come. In any event get a Vacuum Cleaner if you haven'lV one a very profit able investment. THE DAVIS-KASER CO WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. IIIIIOIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIMMIMMIIH 'JLJ ' 1 8H IF"? i 1 l IS n hi w i l-i i-ja u.?i . - It Mi f'..mi.t.UvH-l Demonstration Day Set SATURDAY, APRIL 7th AT O, H. NELSON RANCH, FORMERLY WM. M'KENZIE PLACE, IN THE EDGE OF WESTON. AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENT TRACTORS WILL BE SHOWN IN THIS WORKOUT 5 a gk Beginning at 2 p. m. Watts Rogers "Just Over the Hill" 'tetimmnnniitiiiuiHUii The First National Bank of Athena Conducts a General Banking Business BfllllllllE Capital and Surplus, $100,000 We are always prepared to care for the proper needs of our Customers. i.mitinnnmnnMiniiiiiiMHimniniHM ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is rtade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. ItllllHIHIIIIMUHMimiMIIHIHMIIIIHHMmi We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon UNITED STATES ENTERS WORLD HOUSE FAVORS RESOLUTION 373-50 With the House of R epresentatives voting at three o'clock thisjmornipg in favor of the resolution by the de cisive majority of 378to 50,'the Unit ed States enters the World war. The Senate had previously passed the Resolution by a vote of 83 to 6, ' the dissenting Senators being Gronna, La Follette, Norris, Lane, Stoneand Var daman. The war Resolution was strenuously debated in the House and the mem bers were weary when the long session ended this morning. The Resolution is as follows: tn"Whereas, the Imperial German government Jhas committed repeated actsof waragainet the government and peop le of the United states" of America, therefore be it "Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives of? the United States of America, in congress assem bled, that the state of war between the United States ami' tin' imperial I German government which has , thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; that the President be, and herebyis authorized and directed to employ the entire nav al and military forces of the United States and reserve army to carry on war agaifist the imperial German gov ermeht; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all resources of the country are hereby pledged'by the Congress of the' United States." EXTRACTS PROM THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH "The present German submmarir.e warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind. It Is a war against all nations. American ships have been Bunk, American lives taken, in ways in which it has stirred us very deeply to learn of, but the ships and people of other neu tral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhelmed in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. The challenge is to all mankind." "Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for ourselves must be male with a moderation of council and a temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a Nation. We must put excited feeling away. Our motive will not be re venge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the Nation, bu t only the Vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a sin gle chamrjjop." "We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feeling toward them but one of sympathy and friendship. It was not upon their impulse that their government acted in entering this war. It was not with their previous knowledge or approval." "It was a war determined upon as wars'used to be determined upon in the old, unhappy days when people were nowhere consulted by their rul ers and wars were provoked and waged in the in'erest of dynasties or little groups of ambitious men who were accustomed to use their fellowmen as pawns and tools." "Self governed nations do not fill their neighbor states with spie3, or set the course of intrigue to bring about some critical posture of affairs which shall give them an opportunity to strike and make conquest. Such designs can be successfully worked only under cover and where no one has the right to ask questions" "We are at the.beginning of an age in 'which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong done shall be observed among natiens and their governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized states.'- "We have no selfish ends to. serve. We desire no conquest, no domin ion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been as secure as the faith and the freedom of the nations can make them." "Just because we fight without rancor and without selfish objects, seeking nothing for ourselves but what we shall wish to share as free peo ple, we shall, I feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents with out passion and ourselves observe with proud punctilio the principles of the right and of fair play we profess to be fighting for." Local Tryout April 13th. Much interest is being shown in the Athena school in the local declamatory and oratorical tryout for the County Contest of April 20. The tryout will be held in the Bchool auditorium on Friday evening, April 13th. The Athena school in every contest in the past has won a medal, and the winners in the coming contest will make a strong effort to keep up the reputation of the school. The program of the lo cal tryout is as follows : 1. Instrumental solo, Velva Mansfield 2. Declamations, Division D; Max Newsom, Olive Shick, Elmo Russell, Velton Read. 3. Vocal solo. 4. Declamations, Division C: Velma McAlexander, Audra Win ship, Ethel Woodruff, lone Carden, Mildred Winship, Elizabeth Math ers, Betheen Read. 6. Instrumental solo. 6. Declamation, Division B: Zola Keen. 7. Oration, Division A: Florence McLennan. 8. Vocal solo, - Jeannette Miller Decision of Judges. NEXT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Rubbish to Be Hauled Free of Charge to Property Own ers on Those Days. ayor Watts has set aside Thursday anil Friday of next week as clean-up day in Athena,, AH rubbish and de bris which is placeaTii piles by res idents of the'city on these two days will be hauled away free of charge to them. Everyone is requested to clean up premises and alleys, vacant lots, etc. Other towns are observing the annual clean-up system and it is noted that Athena in spots, should do likewise. It is understood that the owners of lots on which remain wreckage from burned buildings must give immediate attention to removal of same, or the city will have it dona, charging the costs against the property. With clean yards, alleys and streets, these charred wrecks do not look wall to the public eye. ATHENA HIGH S8H00L PLAY AT AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT The comedy, "Mr. Bob," will be given by the High school tonight at 8:15 in the auditorium. This is the closing play of the season and a larg3 audience is expected. Besides the play, many interesting specialties have been arranged by trie grades which will be a pleasant feature. The comedy in two acts is written by Rachel E. Baker. It is a portrayal of life in a fairly well-to-do community where yachting and a fascination for the "Cat" family are pastimes for some of the leading characters. The Cast: Philip Royson, interested in yacht ing Henry Koepke. Robert Brown, clerk of Benson & Benson Verne Dudley. Jenkins, Miss Rebecca's butler Lawson Booher. Rebecca Luke, a well-to-do maiden lady Evalyn Hurd. Katherine Rogers, Miss Luke's niece Zola Keen. Marion Bryant, Katherine's friend Helen Russell. Patty, Miss Luke's maid, of dram atic taste Kathren Froome. Act I. Breakfast room at Tresham; time, morning. Act. II. Same as Act I; time, afternoon of the same day. Specialties. 1. Dance of the Dunces Eight pu pils from the third and fourth grades. I 8, The Clown Drill Eight pupils I from the fifth and sixth grades. 8. Pantomime, "Coming Thru the ', Rye," Seven girls Beventh and eighth gradeB. 1. Vocal solo "The Jungle Moon," in costume Master Elmo Russell. l. Vocal solo "In the Land of Years Ago," Miss Lucille Taylor. Pianist, Miss Velva Mansfield. Curtain at 8:15 p. m. School Notes, Contributedi Humorist-Philosopher. Ralph Parletto, America's foremost platform humorist-philosopher, has been secured to appear here on April 17, at the Christian church, where ha will give the last in the series of ly ceum attractions. For twenty years ho has been growing in demand until to day we are fortunate to have him for he cannot fill half the engagements offered him. This is your only chance to hear him this season. Preparations are now being com pleted for the last public exercises of the High school, the Baccalaureate service and Commencement exercises. Rev. W. S. Gleiser of the Methodist Episcopal church will deliver the Bac calaureate sermon. The service will be given Sunday evening, May 18th, at 8 o'clock in the High school auditor rium. The program for the Com mencement exercises is complete with the exception of the choice of speaker. An effort was made to secure Dr. Pen rose of Whitman, to give the address, but he was unable to comply with the request. The program will appear later. Every effort is being exerted by the High school students to make the last meeting of the Literary Society, to be held on Thursday, April 13 instead of Friday, the I3th, as previously an nounced, the best and most entertain ing of the year. Special features of the meeting will be the reading of the society paper, "The Spectator," con taining a Senior Class history and "will" and the closing address by Supt. Russell. The program: Song, - - by the Society. Stunt, - - Henry Koepke. Reading, - - Evelyn Hurd. Faculty quartet, Prof. Russell, H. A. Post, W. D. Allingham, Miss Brierloy. Society Paper, - Annabel McLeod. Frenchman's Interpretation of Mac Beth, . - - Mr. H. A. Post. Farewell Speech, Edna McAlexander, (President of Senior Class. ) Piano solo, - - Belle Pambrun. Debate, Sylvester Crabill and Carrie DeFreece. Piano, solo, - Velva Mansfield. 'Hosing address, - Supt. Russell. Report of Critic, i Areta Littlejohx Last Friday afternoon the Athena High school base ball team opened the season by defeating a picked town team on the local diamond b,v a score of 15 to 'I. Booher, the school s pitch er, was the star of the game, striking out 18 men aid allowing only three hits The fielding of the high school nine was erratic, throe runs being made by the town team on three hits. Much improvement has been made in the defensive work of the team during the past week however, and clean fielding is expected from now on. The High school team will play either Helix or Weston on the home diamond this afternoon. The lecture given last Monday eve ning by W. D. Allingham, Manual Training instructor, on "Inside Paint ing and Vanishing, " was greatly ap preciated by the audience. Demon strations were given in polishing and varnishing wood surfaces, how to re move varnish, etc. The increased au dience showed much interest in the course of lectures, and many are anx ious to obtain the information offered. Advantage should be taken of the last lecture next Monday evening, when Mr. Allingham will finish the course. At the election of the May Q ieen last Friday, Helen Rus3oll was chosen to represent the school in the May Day Festival. Annabel MeLeod re ceiving the next highest number of votes, was chosen Maid of Henor. Seme time in the near future flower girls will also be cho3en, who will take an active part in the May Day fes tivities. In accordance with Patriotic Week, an assembly w held Friday merning in the auditorium, for the entire school at which tlari) the stule.its pledge! allegiance to the Flag and listened to shert patriotic speeches by Sapt. Russell and Prof. Alling'iim. Visitors to the sehjal daring the week were: Mrs. O. Stephens, M,-3. M. Hansell, Mrs. Jacksei, Cmty Sipt. I. E. Yonganl Si?i. Parks of the Penlletm sehiols. Oi ae:oant of sic'.nejs, the pupils of M133 Bhar.ia in 'l roem this week ha 1 te pesptone several drills a.iJ program which had bees plameJ. L E TWO DAYS SESSION PROGRAM Delegates From the Walla Walla District and Others to Be in Attendance. Following is the program of the Sunday School Institute which will be heid at the Methodist church next Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 18. The townspeople of Athena and also the people of the surrounding territory are cordially invited to at tend. A large delegation of out of town people is expected. Wednesday, April 11th. 2 :00. Devotions led by Rev. J F. Cook 3:15. Importance of Observing Spe cial Days In the Sunday school - - Rev. T. A. Graham 3:00. The Sunday School as an Evan gelistic Agency - - Rev. J. M. Weaver of Seattle 3:45. The Book We Teach and Its Place in the Sunday School - - - Rev. Downs Evening Session. 7:30. Devotions led by Rev. Clark. 7:15. Address of Welcome by W. C. Emmel, Supt Athena S. School. 8:00. Response Rev. R. E. Gornall. 8:16. Address, - Dr. Bowen. Thursday Morning. 9:00. Devotions led by Rev. Carrick. 9:15. Sunday School Organization and Administration - Dr. Warner. 10:00. The Organized Adult Class, - Rev. J. M. Weaver. 10:15. The Sunday School a Social Institution, - Rev. Gornall. 11:30. The Primary Essentials in Building up an Efficient Sunday School - Rev. D. L. Clark. 13:00. Luncheon. Afternoon Session. 1 :00. Devotions led by Rev. Bryan. 1:15. Material and Method in Teach ing Religion - Dr. Warner. 8:00. Necessity of Teacher Training Rev. A. A. Callender. 3:15, Simple Uses of the Blackboard Rev. Weaver. 3:30. Music in the Sunday School, Rev. P. C. Money. 4:00. Missionary Instruction in the Sunday School Rev. J. O. Johnson. Evening Session. 7:30. Devotions led by Rev. Money. 8:00. Passion Play shown by Rev. Gleiser, Pastor Athena Church. To Appear in Recital. At eight o'clock next Tuesday even ing in the High school auditorium, Mrs. Nellie Whiting McDonald will present two pupils, Kathren Froome and Thelma Saling, in piano recital. Both girls have displayed marked tal ent and the program will bo of much interest. Miss EJna Saling, violinist, will assist. The program: Gavotte - Bach Saint Saens Thelma Saling. Sonata in C Major - - Mozart Second piano - - Greig Kathren Froome. Mrs. McDenald at second piano. Titania - - - Holliday Legends ... Torjussen Hungarian Rhapsody - Koelling Thelma Saling. Erotic Danse Caprice Wedding Day at Troldhangen - Greig Kathren Froome. Rondino - - . Kreisler Mignonette ... Friml Miss Elna Saling. To the Spring - - Greig Albumleaf - - - " Scandinavian dance - Petersen La Regatta Venetians - Liszt Thalma Saling. To the Rising Sun - Torjussen Drifting - - - Friml To a Water Lily - MacDowell Military Polinaiso - - Chopin Kathren Froome. MR. RA.NCHER Look over our cash prices and see what we can save you by paying cash. We buy for cash, sell for cash and cur motto is "one price to all." Market condit ions warrant you in buying where your dollar buys you the most of the best cTWerchandise to be had. FOR MEN "Crown Special" overalls, genuine Indigo dye , all sizes - .98 "Crown Special" stripe overaiis genuine Indigo dye, all sizes .83 "Underbill" genuine Indigo dye overalls, all sizes - - .08. "Big ;" extra heavy overalls .H:i "Ehrman" overalls good grade .75 Waist overalls genuine Indigo .88 Khaki Pants - $1.10 11.33 Work Pants - $1.33 $1.98 Cotton gloves - - .05.10 Work Socks - .05 .08 1-3 .15 Red and Blue H'ndkch'fs. 05 .08 1-3 FOR MEN Harvest Shoes $1.79 $1.08 Work Shoes - $3.19 $5.21 Dress Shoes - $4.91 $5.60 Killing Boots - $7.19. $8.90 Work Shirts all colors - .19 Work Shirts Extra Size - .59 Shirts and Drawers Each .23 .10 Union Suits. - - 19 .98 B. V. D. Union Suits - .89 Chalmers Poros-Knit - .89 Work gloves - - .49 $1.19 See our line of smoked and Cor duroy Buck gloves two of the best made in wrist or gauntlet. - $1.49 FOR THF HOUSEWIFE Oilcloth, all colors, - .90 Apron Gingham, Amoskeag, - .07 Calico, all colors, - - .07 Dress Ginghams, - ,10.12'j' Percales .08 1-8, .10, ,11)2 Galitea.all uolors - - .18 Renfrew Damask - .59 Good grade Bleach Muslin .03 1-3 Hope Bleach Muslin - .10 Fruit of Loom Bleach Muslin .13J4 No 00 Berkley Muslin - .15 Pillow Cases, .10, .13),', .15, .31 Turkish Towels, pair .19, .36, .39 Sheets, - - .19, .79, .98 The above are only a few of our everyday Bargains. One visit will convince you that we earry only first class merchandise with price within reach of all SI THE GOLDEN RULE & J