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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1916)
Press Paragraphs Mia. - W. W. MoPbereoo waa in Walla W alia Saturday. For Bale Throe testing stoves. Enquire -of J. E. Froome. Dr. F. S. Vincent was ju tbe oily tiom Pendleton, Tuesday. D. 11. Mansfield shipped a oaiload ot horses to Caldwell, Idaho, Tuesday. Charles MoFailand baa been aerl oosly 111 this week at his borne in this oily. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Soott viBited rel atives and friends in Walla Walla, yesleiday. .' . Miss Gladys Shaw, cf Ooltaz.Wasb, ' is visiting ber sister, Mrs. A, B. Steele lu-tbis city. Republican speakers will address the voters of Athena on the evening of November 3rd. All members of the Bebekab Lodge are requested to he present at the next regular meeting. Lottie Bush. N. Q. Mr. and Mrs. H. MoArthor returned to their borne in Portland TueBday, after spending several weeks io Ath ena, , Emery Wortbiugton "went over to Walla Walla Sunday to attend the Inneiel of his great-nnole, Mr. Kin near. Basket ball season opens Friday eve ning, Octorer 27. ' Don tie header, lo cal teams, Girls' and Boys'. 25 cents admission. Miss Gladys Andre, who is in train ing at a . hospital in Noitb Yakima, for a nurse, vidited ber mother, .Mrs. W. S. Ferguson last week. Ibe little .son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Saunders has teen seriously ill for sev eral days at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ailie Bell in this (bis oitr. Or, Plsmondoo reports teoent arriv als at tbe homes of Cbaa. Stoctatlll, Henry Whitelay, Eoolid Martin, Nor ris West and Charles Wilkes, all boys, Fieldtr Wood, brother of Henry Wood of this city, died Sunday at bis home in MoMionvllle, at an advanced age. Paralysis waa the oansa of death. Headed by the Milton-Freewater band, a number of East End people in antos, went to Pendleton Tuesday eve ning, to attend tbe lepublioao polit ical rally. A speoial train will run tomorrow over tbe 0-W to tbe Walla Walla harvest festival, leaving Pendleton at 9:80 a. m., returning from Walla Walla at 11:30 p. m. High School Basket Ball; Double header. Girls' first and aeoond teams, and boys' first and aeoond teams play. Admissiou 25 oents. U B there. Fri day evening, Oot, 27. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. B. Woodward and Mra. M. Woodward and daugh ter, will leave shortly for Los Angeles, The paity will make tbe trip in Mr. Woodward's Franklin oat. Jesse Myriok has leased the Fred Raymond place of 1600-acres, near Helix, and will engage in farming. Tbe ranob oonsists of 1200 aores farm land and 400 aores pasture. Millard Kelly leit this week for the Uiand Konde, taking a oouple ot horses to replaoa tboee wbioh have strayed from the Athena hunting party, whiob went there several weeks ago, Colonel Wood of tbe Weston Lead er, viBited at tbe Boyd borne Sunday. A new press has teoeotly been install ed in the Leader offloe, and a type setting maehinq will ba in operation in a few days. Betrayed From Mra. K. Timmer man's ranob, 1 black 2-year-old geld ing. Finder notify same aud reoeive reward. Helix, Oreg. Way to Know There is only one way to realize tbe facilities of this store for sup plying everything needed to furnish the home oomplete from oellar to garret to oorae and see. We want you to do this look us over, judge tbe appointments of tbe store, tbe completeness of the ataoks by those of any other etoie in Walla Walia or elsewhere. Tbe Davis Kaser business was founded in 189122 years ago. From a very small beginning it baa grown to its present proportions. Ibe same troad, liberal polioy towarda its customers tbe same determination to eioel io quality aud valne giving, in service giving, animates this business todiy. These 22 Years Have taught us mauy things regarding tbe ueeds of this seotlon, the goods best suited to these needs. 'J'be result is that many of the best suited lines are shown exclusively on our floors. In Furniture, Floor Coverings and Draperies, in Stoves and Kiton enware, in Dinnerware, Glassware, Silverware and Cutlery, in Art Goods. Cut Glass and Brass, in LampB, io 1 ranks and Travelers' acces sories, in Sewina Maobines, in Pianos and Player Piauos, Phonographs and Scent Mnsio in auythlng ueedd to completely furnish tbe modem hurne, you will Bnd evidenoe of this aoperiniity in oor otferinge. Come and sen not merely a suilaoe iuspeotioo, uut take a good look. Al ways weloome. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. The Old Goat Has New Life If. a good Cigar is becoming to you then you will sure be coming to us Billiards and Pool Fine Cigars, Cigaretts, Tobacco; Confections of best quality. . Cleanliness a specialty. Courteous attention. BUSH ca, COLEMAN, The New Proprietors This Is No Special Sale ! Every day is Sale Day at the Gold en Rule Store. We give merchandise at sale prices when you need it We have what you want at less than special sale's prices. If any purchase you make at our . store is not satisfactory, tell us. We stand back of our merchandise. ' Cotton Blauaeta. edge .... .49 89x68, white, tan. gray. .49 Misses' " " .49 48x72, white, tan, gray, - .69 Ladies' toe rubbers - .46 80x76, white, tan, gray, -' .98 Ladies' low or high heel rubbere.49 72x80. white, tan, gray, - 1.49 Ladies' oloth rubber .69 84x78 Wooloap Hankers, - I.8 Youths' rubbers - - .49 B618O Wooloap " 2 25 Boys rubbers. - - .59 10- 4 Oregon City gray, - 2.98 Mens rubbers .69 12-4 Oregon City gray & bi'n, 4.98 Mens rubters, roll edge - - .89 11- 4 Oregon City aoarlet, 8.90 Meoa t-buokle overshoes, .98-1.49 See our line ot fanoy Plaid Wool Mens 2 buokla " - 1.69 BlankeU, - 2.98 to 4.89 Mens 4-buokle " 1.98 2.49 Rubbers, Overshoes, Bobter Boots. Mens snag-proof " J.69 Children's rubters, plaio or rolled Mens Bobber boots - 3.98-8.49 Just received a shipment of Oregon City Overcoats. The very latest- J. C. Penney Co. Inc. J G. Lansing Hard, id the extension servioe of tbe Oregon Agrioaltnral college, was in tbe city Tuesday. Mr, Hord. who waa formerly lbs publish er of Ibe Btenfleld Standard, called at tba Press offioe. Ira MoDonald returned tbis week from Portland, where ba reoently un derwent aurgloal operation for sto maoh trouble. The result is most sat Isfaotoiy, Ira having praotioally re gained his health. Billy Kilgoie and aon, Gerald, left Monday tor an automobile trip through Idaho, their destination be ing American Falls, where they will look into a land proposition. Ibey will ba home tba last of next week. Mrs. David T. Stone waa hostess Snnday at a family dinner party, at wuloh she entertained tbe following: Mrs. Elliott of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Woodward, Dr. and Mis. Wood of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mis, Claude Wallan. For Sale, Two lots witb 6 land ings, good tenoes; 1 good milk oow; 8 tons of bay ; 8 oords ot 16-inob wood; 2 ton oopl; 25 worth ot carpenter tools; 40 obiokens; household goods, all as good as new, all for f 500.00. See Charlie Grant. Tbe Hawaiian Quintette, celebrated tbe continent over for tbeir superior talent, will give a ooncert at tbe Christian ohurob, October 80. Ad mission, adults, 50o. ; under 12 years, 25o. Season tickets for five numbers, $2.00 for adults; 75o. under 12 years. Wednesday evening at-the regular meeting of MoKenzie Chapter, 0. E. the Weston Chapter waa enter tained, about thirty-Ova oomiog over from that oity. Three oandidates were initiated into tbe Chapter, and after tba business session, a two-oourse lunobeon was served. On Saturday, October 28. the ladies of tha Christian oburoh will hold a Home-oooking Food Sale in the Nelson building, next door to Steele's, harness shop oo Main street. Pastry, cakes, bread, dressed obiokens and many otber good thinga will be displayed lor sale. Remember tbe date. Tba Ellison-While Lyceum Bureau will begin their season of entertain nenia in this plaoe Ootober 30, In tbe Christian obnrob auditorium, witb tbe Hawaiian Quintette of instrument al and vooal artists. Keknku, the leader, is said to ba tbe finest Guitar sololjt in the world, Douglas Rubson, the versatile Soot tisb baritoue aud elocutionist will ap pear at the Peoplea Theatre Saturday nigbt in a program of songs, stories and dramatio poems of tbe Yukon, Mr, Robson is the well-known sooiety entertainer from Spokane. Don't misB this. Oon night, only. F. S. LeGrow and Sam Pambruu returned laet evening fiom tbeir Mon tana bunting trip, io wbiob they were acoompauied by Diok McLean and Frank Grasty. Tha bunt waa very successful, eaoh bnnter getting an elk. soma of tbe Quest trout ever seen here, were brought back by tba bunt ing party. Saturday Ootober 28 will be Wilson Day and the democrats of Umatilla oonuty will oelebrate tbe oooasion witb a politioal rally at Pendleto, witb Seuatur Chamberlain tbe prin cipal speaker ot tbe evening, Sen ator Chamberlain is to be in ibe county for three days, and it is pos sible that he will speak io Athena, date to ba announced later. Snnday at tbe Christian Cbnrob: Bible sobool 9:50 a. m., Geo. R. Har king, director. Preaching by tbe pas tor at 11 and 7:30. Morning theme, "The Abounding Cbnrob;" evening, "Where Shall Wa D,aw tba Line?" Christian Endeavor, 8:80 p. m., Jacub Boober president, Speoial musio morn ing and evening, Dr. W, R. Scott, di rector. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Worthingtoo wera again called to Walla Walla Friday afternoon, to be present at the bedside of Mr. Alexander Klnnear, who died abont ten o'clock Friday nigbt. Fnneral services were held Sunday afternoon, iitermeut neing In tbe Walla Walla oemetery. Mr. Kin near was an old time resident ot Wes ton, and- had been in ill health for many years. He waa an nnole uf Mrs. Wortbiugton. Tbe young people of tbe Christian cburob nordially Id vita all tbe mem bers and their friends to meet with tbeoi Thursday evening, Ootober 2R, to enjoy an evening at "Tbe Witches' Gouolave," wbion will be of a varied nature. Among otber things on the menu are pumpkin pie and sweet cider. Tbis is tbe young people's annual so cial event, and tbey expeot a good time. Tobe Bnsh, a former Athena resi dent, aud Jook' Coleman, the well known Scottish entertainer, have pur obased tha Urqubait billiard ball, and will open it tomorrow evening un der tbe name of "Tbe Goat." Tbe interior of tba plaoe baa been thor oughly renovated, repapered, paloted, eto. Tin new firm will oarry a fine stook of oigars, confections and soft drinks. Mr. Bush will move bis fam ily to Atbeoa. He recently sold bis ranob on Birob Creek. Mra. Charles Gerkiog entertained the Sunehioe Club yesterday afteinoon at ber oountry borne west of town. Aside from tbe members, two visitors were present, Mrs. J. B. Sav ior of Freewater aud Mrs. Bsiley of Milton. Mrs. Bailey gave a reading, "Guilty, or Mot unilty," whtoh waa very muob appreciated. Tba hostess was assisted In serving by Mrs. Beisb man and Mrs. Judy, lbs next meet ing ot tbe Clnb will be held at tbe borne ot Mia. Casper Woodward. Metbodist Church Sunday Services: Sunday School, 10 a. m., W. C. Em mel, rjopr, Preaobiog servioea II a. nr. and 7:80 p. m., morning topio; "Superhuman Power in Ordinaiy Men;" evening topio: "Blessinas in Disguise." A ooi dial weloome is ex tended to all. Tba oboir of tbis ohurob will give a aaored oonoert on tba evening of November 12. Re serve tbat date. Walter 8. Gleiser. School Notes,. The Athena Press has offered tbe Alliens publio schools an honor cup, to be awarded in tbe following man ner: Tbe school is to be divided into five oonlestiug units: Tha Piimary room, tha Seoood Primary room, the Inter mediate room, the Grammai Grades room and tbe High aohool. Tbe room wbiob makes the best reo ord for the first bait year of 1916-17 in snob matters as may ta used for tbe tase of determining said record shall be presented tbe honor oop. Tbe loom that first wins the oup twloe becomes Its permaneut posses sor. Wben another room wios it, tha , present bolder of tbe oup shall surren der it, but may regain it by being tha winner before it has been won a aeo ond time by any otber contestant Each winner shall be entitled to have name and data of winning, en graved upon tbe honor cup, The points upon wbiob tba cup will be awarded shall ba as follows: 1. Highest per oent of attendance, 80 to 60 points. 2. Lowest number of oases of tar diness, 10 to 20 points. 8. Best average deportment in aobool room, 15 to 80 points. 4. Best general good behavior in halls, on tbe play grounds and to and ftom sobool, 20 to 40 points, 5. Courtesy to teachera and fellow olnssmates, 26 to 50 points. Highest per cent of pupils ex- empt from final examination for tbe half year, 50 to 100 points. All teaoberg will bava the right to report, failure on tha part of any pu pil whose oonduct outside of tbe school room would not be in aoaordanoe witb tba honor of tbe aobool. Suoh report shall be made to tbe Superintendent within three days from time ot commitment. Chairman M. L. Watts spoke before Ube high sohool student budy at our regular neouesuay BBseaiuiy, uir. Watts pointed out tbe value of con scientious study and urged eaob to make a speoial effort to do bis work well. "Suooess in sobool," be said, "comes only y the hearty co-operation ot students and faculty and care tul observation of those things wbiob are so neoessary in the work of tbe sohool." The aeoond meeting ot tbe Athena High Literary society was beld last Friday afteinoon. After the adoption of the constitution and by laws, tbe following oftioeia were installod by Supt, J. O. Russell: President, Law- aoo Boober; viae president, Annabelle MoLeod; secretary, Lloyd MoPbenin; seigeant-nt-arms, Verne Dudley; ed itor-in-obief , Edna MoAlexander, Eaon number of tba first piogram was well rendered and much amusement was furnished in tne pantomime: "Just Farmers," by Vetne Dndley and Hen ry Koepke. A speoial feature was the reading of the fliet issue of "The Spectator," tbe Hist paper ever issued by the Athena Higb and muob priise is due its editois. The program far tbe meetiug Oot. 27 will be as follows: 1. Soog, "Orange and Blaok." Reoitatioo, Emest Dunoan Vooal dnet, Helen Russell and Velva Mansfield Fnuny Stoiy, . Rex Payne Debate: "Resolved, tbat Oregon should adopt a Health Insurance law, embodying tbe essential featmes ot the fetandaid Bill of tbe American Asso ciation tor Labor Legislation." Af firmative, Florenoe MoLennao, Zola Keen, Edna ' MoAlexander; negBtivs, Henry Koepke, Elmer Martin, Verne Dndley. Parents and frieods are cor dially invited to be present Meeting oallsd at 2:30 p. m. The Juniuis and Seniors bava an nounced their intention to entertain the FreBbmen, Sophomores, Alnmni ot the High, and the sobool faculty, Tuesday evening, Ootober 81. It is to be a masquerade Hallowe'en paity. Tbe seveial oommlttees are busy mak ing pluns for tbe afiaii and a .good time is assoied. A donble-beader biskst ball game will be held in ibe gymnasium Friday evening, Oot 27, at 8 p. m. Tbe con testing teams are Diet and seoood girls' teams, and first and seaoud boys' teams. Don't miss tbe opening game ot tbe season for it will te a spirited oontest. The regular line up for first teams will be determined by tbe re sol s of these games. Tbe words of tha following song were composed by Miss Martha Butt, Higb aohool poet: HIOH SCHOOL DAYS. These are the daya of tbe sobool year, Days foil ot life and of fuu; Days tbat bring memories to oberisb; Just wben onr work bai begun. Retraiu: High Sohool Dayal Higb Sobool Days! Thoughts of High so true! In tbe sea of memory - My thoughts steal back to you. Higb Sobool Days! Higb School Pays I Lessons of Friendship tiue; And though thoughts may roam. They'll always oome borne To our beautiful Higb Sobool Days. Tbongb we may woik hard and steady, Eaob baa bis life woik to do: Aod then, of oourse, everybody Will tbink of SrJbool Days so true. Strang is our baud, never broken, Foimed in aobool days so free; And we'll let tbis te a token Ot our Higb Sohool memoiv. ml wm. GREA' IS NOW ON $70,000 worth of high-grade merchandise saved from the ruins now at your mercy" It will take several months to dispose of it, and prices have been cut to the core. When you go to Pendleton, go there first ALL SALES WILL BE STRICTLY CASH! WE HAVE NO BOOKS! It's taking place in the Judd building, Main and Court Streets. An elephant tunt 'Is going to make trouble turns his back on his Intended victim ond begins to swing bis great body from side to aide. Then In a flash he wheels, cntcbes tbe offender with his trunk and burls bim perhaps twenty feet a way. following swiftly to crush the life from hla body with bis mighty kuees. Curious Shoes. In India tbe lowest classes near as shoes a Bat block with a large knob, which slips between the first anil sec ond toes. They are so skilled in wear ing these that tliey are able to keep thein on and walk or run with great speed. About Dry Goods Mainly. 'Before wo were married, Tom, yon used to drink in every word I said." "Yes, but your conversation baa be come so dry now that I can't drink it In." Boston Traveler. There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It waa eup posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly falling to cure with local treatment, , fironounced it Incurable. Catarrh is a ocal disease, greatly Influenced by con stitutional conditions and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, la a consti tutional remedy. Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Fills for constipation. (or Sale. 720 aores foolbill lood lo Unstllls Co., S mil s from town. About 350 aores under plow, Boestof barley laod. Balanee good pasture laud well water-' ed. Terms bnt no trsde. Boyera only, write, Exeontora of Estate, Box 893, Walla Walla, Waab. or a peJwimM '!" "He ain't i:eltlivr one. De'a i rulKidixt " New York American. Ill cut- Preparedness Ward off the sharp winds through being prepared with a comfortable over coat tailored by A. L Anderson & Co. Chicago Nothing smarter than the overcoat pictured above. Emery Worthington LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Earm Loans NO COMMISSION NO BONUS NO DELAY ' NO RED TAPE LOW INTEREST RATES LIBERAL REPAYMENT PRIVILEGES Hartman Abstract Company" Corner Main and Court Streets, Pendlelon, Oregon Peoples Theatre I till ... nri. n Always The Best" Tonight - "IRON CLAW" - See It. 5c and 15c tsmfa fahfe Cit ' I ( at t- V S. BLOOD-AND':HEDi WA FOX PRODUCTlOJbl LA m BLUE f.A WILLIAM MONDAY ONLY A Picture of Love and Adventure with G-eorge Walsh and Boris Pawn A Western Picture which is differ ent from all others, showing love and romance in genuine ranch colorings cAdmission for tbis great production, 10c and 200