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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
WHAT YOU NEED- The other fellow may have; what you have the other fellow may want Come together by advertising in the Press. BARGAIN DAY Is every day with the Merchant who advertises in the Press-he has some thing to sell and says so. Buy Your Groceries From Your Home Grocer VOLUME XXVIII. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916. NUMBER 19. WORLD'S DOINGS . OF GMT WEEK Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINISS IN A NUTSHCU Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. The British steamship Parisiana, of 4763 tons gross, has been sunk. The crew of the vessel was landed. . The Parisiana left Newport, England, April 20, bound for Norfolk. w The French Line steamshpi Rocham beau arrives in New York from Bor deaux with a gun mounted on her stern. She is the first passenger ship to reach this port thus armed. President Wilson has received the third eagle sent him in two months. It came from John Scheels, of Port Jarvis, N. Y.; who said it was caught in Sussex county, New Jersey. The eagle was Bent to the zoo. Sharp" rises in food prices in Den mark have alarmed the people, who fear further increases if the war con tinues. Foods and every-day necessi ties are said to be up 30 per cent, with the rate of increase growing. Fred Cozzens, an importer of New York; asserted on his arrival here aboard the French Line steamship Rochambeau, that he had witnessed the entraining at Marseilles two weeks ago of a force of Japanese soldiers, 200 strong. To test the new state law of Florida making it illegal for white persons to teach negroeB,- three nuns from St. Joseph's convent at St. Augustine were placed under technical arrest. They were released on their own re cognizance. , - .. . While 4699 men have enlisted in the army since March 15, when congress authorized an increase of 20,000, army officials estimated that the actual net gain ' has been something over 2000. Army fficials say the present recruit ing is satisfactory and above normal. The government's case - against Franz von Rintelen and those associ ated with him in the labor troubles among the munitions plants of this country is declared to have been strengthened by the discovery of cer tain documents relating to payments ; made to von Kintelen... ' - The senate considers the long-pend ing rural credits bill to establish farm loan banks. The bill creates a farm loan board to control a system of 12 or more land banks, which would make loans to farmers on mortgages, and also a series of farm loan associations, wnicn woum represent the farmers m dealing with the banks. , ; It is learned that the number of Japanese settlers on Panama territory has been made the subject of a report by United btates Consul General Alban G. Snyder to the State deparmtent at Washington.- It is said that within the past year more than 100 Japanese have come to Panama and entered vari ous occupations, especially that of fish ermen. - A large Russian force has been land ed in France. , A tornado in .Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri is believed to have killed at least 20. . The editor of a German paper in Chicago declares this country is in for a "clean'.r.sup." The capture of Trebizond by Rus sians makes possible a direct attack on Constantinople. . President and Mrs. Wilson received several thousand members of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion, assembled for their annual con gress, and Iso of the Children of the American Revolution - r If a friend sends for liquor under a permit and has it shipped to you in trust for him, and you are caught with this liquor and some of your own, you are guilty of having an oversupply in your possession, according to the de cision rendered by a police judge of Aberdeen, Wash. :, Seven Villistas were found guily of murder in the first degree at Deming, N. M., as the result of the raid upon Columbus. All were wounded and only two could stand up when the indict ment was read. One was brought into the courtroom lying on a cot. The penalty for the crime for which the Mexicans were convicted is death by hanging..; ,...- - There is fear in Washington that submarine attacks may occur while this country awaits Germany's answer to the ultimatum, thus forcing a crisis. An earthquake : lasting 12 seconds rocked houses on the Canary Islands Friday. The shock was accompanied by loud rumblings, and terrified the population. The damage was small. To curtail the number of drunks in Pendleton, Oregon, and to enforce the prohibition laws, the purchasers and amount of liquor sold each month by each of the drug stores will be pub lished, i BIG GUNS AGAIN IN ACTION IN MANY SECTIONS OF FRONT London The Turkish garrison Wed nesday, revolted and slew all its Ger man officers before the Russians cap tured Trebizond, says the Daily Mail's Odessa correspondent. - London Artillery bombardments alone are taking place on the French and Belgian fronts, ' the scene of the greatest activity being the region of Le Mart Homme, and in the Arognne forest, with the Germans the aggress ors in the former and the French in the latter sector. - . , The fighting between the Russians and the Germans and Austrians along the eastern front continues at various points, but no important changes in position are reported. The same is true of the AuBtro-Italian zone. Vienna reports an attack Easter Sunday by seven Italian aeroplanes on the city of Triest, in which nine civil ians, five children, were killed and five wounded. ' The '. report says that be cause of this attack the "enemy for feited every right to have his towns spared." - v.- -v ' The British and Boers in German East Africa are continuing their for ward movement against the Germans, having now occupied the town of Kon doa, in the Irangi region. Consider able casualties were inflicted on the Germans. . . .,: - The British also have been success ful in an operation near Deudiar, Egypt, repulsing with heavy casualties a Turkish attack. An engagement near Quatia village, however, resulted in the British being forced to retreat after an engagement with a Turkish column superior in numbers, i. - FRESH REVOLUTION BREWING IN MEXICO New Movement, Presumably by Felix Diaz, Gives Deep Concern to Washington Cabinet Discusses Situa tion, but Awaits Report of General Scott. Many Killed in Uprising in Dublin Widespread Plot Believed Nipped. London With 12 persons killed and 19 wounded as the result of an up rising in Dublin Tuesday,, all Ireland is a smouldering volcano. , Although the capital was almost completely isolated by the cutting of telegraph lines when the rebels seized the postofnce, the government pro teases to be in control of the situation. The most sanguine, however, will not predict what even the next hour will bring forth. Augustine Birrell, chief secretary for Ireland, who made the first an nouncement of the trouble in the house of commons Wednesday, could give few details. The government knew, he said, that about a dozen sol diers had been killed, that arrests had been made, and that troops were on the way from The Curragh to Dub lin. It did not know the number of rioters killed, or the parts of the city that were still In their possession. So far as known, the trouble started at noon on Monday in the center of Dublin. A mob, composed mainly of members of the Sinn Fein society, seized Stephens Green, a large park near the Royal university; the post office on Sackville street and several houses immediately adjoining. Troops, hastily summoned, and loyal volunteers sought to expel the rebels, who meanwhile had cut ail the com munication lines. In the fighting that ensued two policemen and two citizens were killed, together with several soldiers.'--' j,! - , it is the connection between the re volt and the attempted landing of Sir Roger Casement with German arms on the Irish coast that makes the situa tion ominous. It is believed now that there is a vast conspiracy afoot through all Ireland and that the arri val of Sir Roger had been set as the signal for a general uprising. -. The official statement, however, as serts that the disturbances were local ized in Dublin. Reports received from Cork, Limerick, Ennie, Tralee and both ridings of Tipperary, where the Sinn Feiners have been especially strong, show that if any revolts were planned they failed to materialize. . The prompt seizure of Casement and the sinking of the German auxiliary with her cargo of arms are believed to have disorganized the plans of the leaders. None of the Irish leaders here are believed implicated in the plots. " Both Sir Edward Carson, who is one of the strongest members of coalition govern ment, and John Redmond, the Nation alists chief, unite in condemning the acts of rebellion. Washington, D. C While immedi ate interest centers naturally in the situation as to the troops in Mexico, there were renewed indications about the State department Saturday that a wholly different aspect of the Mexican problem was causing concern. ; That is the movement supposedly headed by Felix Diaz, nephew of the former Mexican dictator, for a new revolution against the de facto government. ... None of the information upon which the uneasiness rests has been disclosed. It is known, however, that, several Mexicans in the United States are be ing closely watched and it Beems possi ble that some of the anti-American feeling in Chihuahua state, which haB met the troops pursuing Villa, may be attributed to this movement. - v The Diaz government, it is said, has the backing of various elements of Mexicans, both in Mexico and this country. As viewed by the State de partment, it is understood the activi ties of these persons "are the more dangerous because they are wealthy, while the de facto government is in volved in a snarl of financial compli cations which would be hard to over come even in times of complete peace. ; Funston Sends More Troops. San Antonio, Tex. : General Fun ston issued orders Tuesday that will place at the disposal of General Per shing 2300 more troops. He has ordered to proceed to Colum bus, N. M., the 6th Cavalry from the Brownsville district, the 17th Infantry from Eagle Pass, the first battalion of the 24th Infantry from Eagle Pass and Troop L from the 10th cavalry, Fort Apache. ' . It may be that the War department may have to authorize the sending of the few remaining troops in the Unit ed States into this department, or it may be that filling of the vacant posts along the border may be left to the government of Texas; which may send the militia. Pursuit at Standstill. Washington, D. C. The administra tion is waiting on further reports from American officers in Mexico before de ciding whether the expedition Beeking Villa shall be withdrawn or reinforced for further operations. Indications at the War department bore out press re ports from the front that the pursut of Vila was temporarily at a standstill, although there has been no change in policy. ... - , President Wilson and his cabinet discussed the Mexican situation Tues day in the light of a review of its mil itary aspects submitted by Gen. Fun ston. It was announced later that the situation was unchanged and the ad ministration's policy unaltered. : One member of the cabinet admitted, how ever, that no decision had been reach ed as to the withdrawal of the troops; American Line of Communications Being Menaced Alaska Work Is Stopped. Washington, D. C -All work on the government railroad has been brought to a standstill by a renewal of the strike among workmen on the line and there will be no attempt to continue construction until a definite settlement of the labor troubles has been effected. A dispatch reaching Secretary Lane, of the Interior department, revealed that the walkout last Saturday, de scribed in news dispatches as affecting work north of Anchorage, had in real ity resulted in abandonment of opera tions all along the line. Miners' Strike Predicted. New York Efforts to harmonize the demands of the anthracite miners and the concessions offered by the opera tors were broken off Wednesday, after more than eight weeks of almost con tinuous discussion here by a joint sub committee representing both employers and employes. Predictions were made by members of the miners' general board that the tri-district convention, to be held at Pottsville, Pa., - on May 2, would vote in favor of a strike. - ,.Jar ri$!Q MffJf M-M ; It ) IBS"-"" I Y I KffiMCwfcWJ2!i "yj J - ft 'Ml itS tit ' 'MhI) "H oU V M V ' A (WW simvo v General Pershing's force of 12,000 men in Mexico since Carranza has not premitted use of the railroads for supplies is now menaced on a line some 400 mlies long, reaching from Columbus, N. M., to Parral, where Major Tompkins has clashed with a mob. This line, over which automo bile trucks have carried provisions for his soldiers, reached from Columbus through Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, and Satevo. Whether or not supply autos are on their way to Parral to help Major Tompkins is not known, ' Carranza has many thousand soldiers scattered through this territory. They would be used at once against Ameri can troops if the clash came. They are distributed as follows: At Chi huahua, General Gutierrez with 6,000; at Parral BOO; at Jiminez 600; north ern Sonora, General Calles with 12,- 000; at Satevo, General Hen-era with 1 Bacon Held Real Author. Chicago Francis Bacon was de clared to be the author of the works of William Shakespeare in a decision ren dered in an injunction suit Saturday by Judge Richard S. Tuthill in the Cir cuit court. The decision dissolved an injunction issued on the . petition of William N. Sehg, motion picture man ufacturer, to restrain George Fabyan, publisher, and others from completing publication of books supporting the Baconian theory. The court held that the name Shakespeare had been used simply as a disguise. Air Fleet Raids Germans. Paris Three more raids by squad rons of French aeroplanes on German positions near the Greek border are re ported in a Havas dispatch from Sa loniki. French areoplanes bombarded the German camps at Negotin, Serbia and Podgoritz, Montenegro; the bar racks at Gieveli, the German hangars at Negotin, the supply station at Stru- mitaa and the camp at Padagaoi. The dispatch says many bombs were effective. 1200; at Juarez, General Gavira with 1800; at Madera General Bartani with 800; at Namaquipa, General Cano with 800; at Guerrero, General Cavas son with 600, and at Casas Grandes, General Davilla with 1200. At Tor reon, southeast of Parral, General Trevino has 4000. The Arrieta broth ers are operating in Durango with about 3000 men and then there are the Villa bandits. Eleven Killed by Tornado. Kansas City, Eleven persons were reported dead and scores injured, sev eral seriously, in a succession of tor nadoes which swept through the cen tral portions of Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri Thursday. Proper ty damage was believed to be great, although accurate information was un available because of disabled telegraph and telephone service. The storm areas centered north of Topeka, in a line running from the southwestern corner of Wilson county, in Kansas, across the Missouri line. Iowa Swept by Tornado. Mason City, Mo. A tornado swept through North Central Iowa and Southern Minnesota late Thursday, de stroyed a number of farm houses, in jured probably a score of persons and killed several head of livestock. At Bricelyn, Minn., seven persons were injured, some seriously. Two farm houses at Belmont, Minn., were blown down and dwellings in Kleister, Minn., were damaged, ac cording to reports received here. NEWS ITEMS . Of General Interest Three Governors to Visit. Salem Governor Alexander, of Ida ho, has notified Governor Withycombe that he will be present at the Oregon State Fair September 29, Governors' Day. Governor Lister, of Washington, also has accepted Governor Withy combe s invitation to be a guest at the State Fair. In return Governor Withycombe will visit the Washington State Fair at North Yakima. Commenting on Governor Withy- combe's plan for an interchange of visits between executives of the three Northwestern states with a view of stimulating interest in the state fairs, Governor Alexander wrote! ; "This interchange of visits of the executives of the neighboring states is a happy thought, as so many of our interests are mutual. " State Money Is Involved. Salem The right to possession of $25,000 paid by the Btate of Oregon for the building and grounds of the Sa lem hospital will be decided between the hospital and the Oregon Children's Aid society by Circuit Judge Kelly here next week. ; ' Through condemnation proceedings the state acquired the hospital proper ty which adjoins the state asylum, turning over $26,000 appropriated by the legislature in payment. The mon ey, now in possession of the county clerk, is claimed by the hospital au thorities and also the Children's Aid society. The latter claims the money by reason of the terms of the deed in which it conveyed the property to the hospital association. The deed speci nes that tne hospital shall maintain a children's ward and not dispose of the property. ' Now by condemnation the Aid society claims it is entitled to the money. Early Irrigation Started. Klamath Falls Water was turned into the Griffith canal Saturday by the Keclamation service. This is a week earlier than the water will be used generally over the project, but it was necessary to supply the sandy lands in the hand Hollow and Malin districts, as they are blown badly by the strong April winds. The water was turned in from Lost river, and would otherwise have wast ed away through the diversion canal to Klamath river. Heretofore the Malin ranchers have suffered considerably be cause water could not reach them ex cept through the main canal, but the enlarging and extension of the Griffith canal last summer has brought great relief. Flax to Go at 62S a Ton. Salem The State Board of Control has authorized the sale of five tons of flax straw to the Minnesota State Ex periment Station for $26 a ton. The Minnesota authorities desire to conduct certain experiments and tests with the straw. An offer of $60 aton was made for ten tons, but the State Board of Control felt it could not spare so much. In view of the fact that the straw has coBt the state only $16 a ton, the offer of $50 a ton was deemed too great and the price was cut in half. Total May Be 225,000. Salem Oregon's registration for the primaries this year will total approxi mately 225,000, or 6000 less than two years ago, according to the estimates of the secretary of state's office. Reports so far give a total registra tion of 217,779, of whom 146,000 are Republicans and 64,261 Democrats. Progressives number 1169; Prohibi tionists, 6134; Socialists, 4900, and miscellaneous registrations, 6325. The registration shows 67.04 per cent Re publicans and 24.91 Democrats. Lockwood Quits Race. Salem Charles E. Lockwood. of Portland, has withdrawn as a candi date for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, and requested Secretary of State 01- cott not to certify his name for print ing on the ballot at the primary elec tion May 19. Reason for his with drawal is given in the fact that the Oregon Supreme court has decided that the name of Charles E. . Hughes be placed on the Republican ballot for President. . Bar View to Get Road. Bar View The much talked of road through this place is about to be real ized. The county commissioners have decided to go ahead with the construc tion as qiuckly as preliminary work can be done, and it is expected that the latter part of this week will see the thing in full swing. Since the I high tides last fall Bar View has been I cut off from the outside world as far as road connection is concerned. Pulp Mill Machinery Bought. Marshfield One of the paper mills at Oregon City has purchased the ma chinery in the C. A. Smith pulp mill, near this city, and will remove it soon to Oregon City. The Smith pulp mill had been closed for 15 months. This indicates that there will be renewal of activities for the present. Merrill Has Rabies'Scare. Klamtah Falls The town of Merrill is much excited over a rabies scare. A coyote that bit a dog was killed and its head sent to the Oregon Agricul tural College for analysis, the report being that unmistakable signs of ra bies were apparent. SPORTING GOODS Our stock of Baseball Equipment is superior to any we have carried heretofore. . . . FISHING TACKLE The Fishing Season is here and we are pre pared to please you in any of the best makes of Rods, Creels, Flies, Lines, Etc. . Foss-Winship Hardware Co. Barrett Building, Athena. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour. The flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington. Home of QUALITY apHp Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat " " in ii iiiiiiiiiim,fiw"w