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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1915)
Press Paragraphs visited io Walla Kotert Raymond Walla Monday. John Gross of Walla Walla, was in tbe oily Tuesday.. I IcvId a Brooks spent Wednesday evening in Pendleton. ' Mi. and Mrs. W. 8. Ferguson were in Pendleton, yesterday. M. Li. Watts transacted business in Pendleton, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. Coomana spent Monday in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Agoen of Portland were in tbe otty Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Street (fot Weston, May 8, 191ft. a dangblei. Miss Laura Smith aooompanied Ihe Hlieard family to Walla Walla Tues day. , Bennett is giving a 40 per cent, dis co 'tit in prices for piotnre framing. Adv. ftioiaid Martin, brother of Mrs. Wro. Wiosbip, was in tbe oity Tuea cay. Mis. Wm. Wiosbip and Mrs. A. 4. rose motored to Walla Walla ..Wed nesday. . Watts & Sogers offer a bargain id a gas angina, portable tbresber. See big ad. Over two miles of maoadam load has been completed on tbe Weston Milton sBotion. Miss May Singer of Waitsbnrg, spent tbe week end at the Coomans borne in Ibis city. Ace Wagner motored to Walla Wal la 'loesday, with bia mother and Bis ter, Mrs. Ureigblon. Mrs. E. 11. Smith aod daughter Gladys spent Satnrday in town, from their borne in Weston. A monument was placed at 1 the grave of the late L. T. MoBridein Weston oemetnry, Wednesday. Mrs. 1J. B. Jarman and children were over from Freewater Sunday, vieitiog at tbe Winsbip borne. W. J. Gholpon and H. O. Welling ton bave oompleted painting tbe D. 0. Baker building on Main street. ' Foi Sale A nioe young Jersey oow, fresh and good milker, kind and gen tle. A. L. Svvaggart, Atheua. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Soolt witb Mrs. Alfied Uaslello as Ibeir guest, motored to Pendleton Wednesday at ternooo. Mrs. Janie Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs Arthur Uoppook went down to Two Rivers, this week, where tbey visited friends. . Charles Keen was down from bis mountain ranob, Monday, and reports spring work well under way on tbe mountain farms. , Mr. and Mrs. Fied Oswald of Au burn, Wash., have teen visiting at the borne of Mrs. Oswald's mother, Mrs. MoPbeirin, f The Indians are bolding tbeir an nual roundup of stock at Thorn Hol low, and many people bave gone out to see tbem work.- Eggs for Setting The M. J. My res strain of Barred Books at rxasonable prices; also Indian Bnnner duok eggs, J. M. Swaggari. Adv. lerious Tnef Mrs. Martha Mays has been serious iy ill the past week .at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. 0. A Bairett, tut at present is improving. Wednesday, W. R. Taylor sold II bead of horses to MoDonald of Walla Walla, buyer fot the English govern- Can't Catarrh Be Cured? Tf ISTnt Vim'mifi Pipniipnpo , H II? Tbe mother neglects to teaob the ohild to blow bis nose; some tissue behind tbe nose enlarges and tbe child has to breathe thtougb bis mouth Adenoids tbe roof of tbe mouth goes up, tbe partition botween the nostrils slides, buckles or bends and be will bave nasal oatarrh until the inteiior of tbe nose is made like it was before this happened. Tbe ca tarrh extends to tbe ears, be may esoape ear disease but later on be will bave diminished bearirg. If yon wait nntil you" are HALLOED at you never again will bear liks you did a few years ago. D. N. REBER, M. D, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Schmidt Building, Pendleton. Watts & Rogers Hardware Weston : Orsgon Come and see Ihe best, most flexible oertain look galvanized bog wire fencing on tbe market. We bave it in oar lots: 22- 26- 80 oents, eto. We bave an International Tbresber witb gas engine, all mounted on truok and can be moved anywhere witb 1-borse team; will thresh 10 to 60 tnshels per hour of bundle giain; 8 to 5 men to run it. A bargain, Plymouth and International Twine. Alfalfa Seed 18 oents. The Domo Cream Separator, tbe guaranteed simplest, best bargain of them all; a 300-1 1 style for 1 36. 75. . x ' THE HUDSON 40 Champion Light Weight "Six." It weighs less than 2900. The most flexible, quietest, powerful and econom ical engine, the greatest power for weight, the most comfortable and easy riding, the most beautitul and the most copied and imitated auto of them all. Auto tires, chains etc. California Raisin BREAD m Get It Here Freshly BAKED Today We are baking a bread after e famous piize reoipe which oalli for California raisins a raisin bread tbat you'll went to serve on your tatle as soon as you taste a tite. Freeh loaves are being bak--td today. Come buy one Bud Iry it. Bread was neer baked better. And rainia breed is one of the moat bealttifol foods tbat any family oaneai. Tbe raisins are suu-enred io -C'Bliforais. The sunshine al one ttings out the delioloua pure graps sugar. And one pound of these rai sins is eqnal in food valne to one and a tblrd pounds of tbe finest teef;" four pounds of milk; two ponnds of eggs; four and 8 quarters pounds of Bsh; four and one hall pounds of pnl a toes. California raisins am tbe "peine of food" Let your folks especially vour cbild int enjoy them in this deli-" clous bread. PRICE PEK LOAF, 5c AND 10c ATHENA BAKERY ED. KAUFMAXN, PROPRIETOR ment and today is showing string of horses to Peddioord, tbe Kansas City buyer. ' ,v Strayed Bay mare. S years old, wire out on right knee, white right hind foot, weight abont 900. Notify B. Bowell, Touohet, Wash. Adv. , ' Z. W. Lookwood is having a cistern constructed on his plaoe south of tbe City Park, aod will supply it with water from the artesian wall, Dun't forget to consult Drs. Lowe & Turner, eye specialists, at St. Nioh ols Bote), Fiiday, May 7, and at He- ! lis, Saturday. May 8. Adv. Fred and Columbns Rice, Brothers, have been in the oity this week from Brownsville. Tbey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eiik, while In the city. , Charles Newoouib, an old time res ident of this plaoe whan the town ap peared on the m ip as Centerville, was bere Wednesday. Be lives at Pilot Rook. ' Hog wire is a oatload specialty witb Watte & Rogers. See big ad. And i now, if we bave made you weary, take a ride in a Hudson Six. Watts & , Rogers. ; The ladiea of tbe M. E. Aid sooiety announce a benefit pastry sale, wbioh will be held on Main stieet nn Satur day, May 16. Fuither pirtionlara next week. For Sale. I bave for sale, bound wheat ba; two miles east and one half mils aoutb of Adams station, in Spring hollow. C, B. Allen, Adams, Or,. Route 1. Adv.. r While shoeing an Indian cayuse TueBdav, Bob Tbarp waa kicked in the side by tbe animal with such force tbat be had one rib fraotured. Dr. Stone was called. ( Miss Zelma DePeatt visited friends in Milton Sunday, and Monday went on to Walla Walla where she seleoted goods for the Fix & Radtke store, in which she is employed. - Uncle Jaok Crfglar oame over from Freewater this week and spent a oou pie of days with bis son, French. The old gentleman is carrying bis 83 Tears as lightly as most men do 75 years. A tank of oil has been spread on the iad botween bere and Adams and a portion of tbe way toward - Weston. It will take about 8000 gallons more to oomplete tbe Atbena-Weston road. It Is requested of those who olean up tbeir lota in Masonic oemetery to hereafter plaoe the grass in tbe load instead of plaoing it on other lots or in tbe passage ways of the oemetery giounds. At the Umatilla Ceiilo oelebration Tuetday, a short address waa given by Mrs. N. A. Jacobs of Portland, well known in this oity. Mrs. Jacobs is famous as a survivor of the Whitman massacre. Mrs. Alfred Caetello, who with her little son has been visiting friends here for tbe past month, left this morning to join her husband in Port land, and will visit her brother, Wal ter Ely in that oity. Charles Giant is catering to a good trade these days at Jjia eating house oj Third street. ' He offers the best eata tbe market affords, selves in up-to-date style; cbarges ; reasonable. He is building up a splendid trade for Pendleton bread. Adv. About twenty-five ladies went out to the home of Mrs. Henry Koepke Wed nesday afternoon, wbeie a session 'of the Christian Women's Board of Mis sions was held. Th meeting was led by Mis. J. T. Kiug, and refreshments were served by tbe hostess. The auto stage leaves Athena twioe daily for Weston, al 8:40 a. m. and 4:10 p. m. ; and leaves twioe daily far Adams and Pendleton, at 9:25 a. m. and fi:20 p. m. Express packages oar ried. Headquarters at St. Niohols Hotel. A. M. Boyden, proprielor. Ad Dreamland Theater program for to night and tomorrow night: I and 2. "Trapped by Wireless," Eleine Fea ture Film Co. 8. "Hunger Knows No Law," Vitsgrapb. Sunday: 1. "Max's Vaoation," Patbe. 2. "In Real Life," Essanay. 3, "The Sea Gall," Vitegraph. Bert Wilson came in from Port Angeles, Wash., tiie fore part of tbe week after bis automobile, wbioh be drove to Tbe Dalles, shipped by steam boat to Vancouver and drovi the bal ance of tbe way. Bert has pnrohased two lots in Port Angeles and built bungalow. Senator 0. A. Barrett, Samual Fam- brnn and W. C. Miller attended tbe exerises of opening of tbe Colombia river, at Wallula, Monday, Mr. Pam brnn Bnd Mr. Miller returned borne from Wallula, but Senator Barrett continued on with the exouraionista to Tbe Dalles. In the Alexander case, tba defend ants being charged witb using irreg ular means to obtain money in tbe oourse of a deal involving tbe rental of reseivatiou lands, H. I. Watts, oounsel for the defendants, tiled bis brief with the state, supreme oourt Wednesday without argument. Mrs. Narcissa' Moore, of Walla Wal la, ii visiting tbis week at tbe 0. A. Barrett home, a guest of Mrs. Martha Mays. Mrs. Moore will be joined bera tiaturday ty ber sister, Mrs. Anna Sbinu of Seattle, when a reunion of the three ladles will be honored at tbe Bariett home. Mrs Sbinu oomes ao oompanied by ber son, Fred. In order to assist in road improve ment over tbe oounty, tbe county oool t has decided to plaoe an order for 50 split-log drags, and distribute tbem among tbe farmers. Tbey will be used under tbe King system of road making and a good Ulceration of what these drags will do in road improvement may be seen wintb of town, where W. 8. Ferguson has been dragging tbis spring. Tbe Sunshine Club Mi a pleasant session yesterday Bit-moon at tbe bom of Mrs. Claude Reader, aod tbe ladies were reialed witb dainty re freshments after tbe business was at tended to. It was decided tbat tbe next meeting will be in the nature of a picnic, when the Sunshine husbands ill bs permitted the privilege of tak ing the ladies to the power plant on tbe Walla Walla river, wtere tbe day will ba spent. Tbe Farmer's Union Picnic will be held at Pilot Rook this year on Sat nrday, May 29. . National Lecturer Dornblaxer, of Atlanta, Ua., will be tbe prinoipal speaker of tbe oooasion. The pionio will be au all day affair, and tbe program of entertainment will be left to the Pilot Rook looal. Mr. MoLeod, Sam Haworth and Dr.- Welob went to lbs Hormiston re servoir in the MoLeod auto Wednes day witb tbe intention of fishing, but tbe water waa so muddy tbat little anooees resulted. The party enjoyed tbe ride, however and found jaokrar bits to be good targets for rifles. They returned borne Wednesday evening. At tbe Baptist parsonage io Pendle ton, Melvin L. Hutobens and Miss Florence L. Wiokam were wedded at bigb nooo, Wednesday, ty tba Rev. E. B. Olevenger. The young oouple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berlin, of tbis oity. Tbey will make their home in this vicinity, where the bridegroom is employed on a farm Examinations in tbe eighth grade are in progress throughout the county with the exoeption of Pendleton today, having begun yesterday. Snpt. Young estimates that 800 pupils will take them. In addition some 400 other pu pils of tbe sixth and seventh grades are taking examinations in geography and physiology, tbe former subjeot being oonoloded in tbe seventh grade and the latter in tbe sixth by I be pies ent etndy arrangement. In the County spelling contest held at Pendleton last Saturday, Dorothy Koepke won first plaoe in the third grade and Luoinda Dell woo first in the fourth grade. Belle Pambiun is also entitled to honorableuention as she stood thud in the seventh grade. In the County Declamatory ooptest held in Pendleton on the preoedlng evening, Dorolby Koepke won first plaoe io Division 0, and Zola Keen seoond in Division A. The death of Mrs. Stillman Damp sey, wile of the physical instructor in the lekoa, Wash, high sobool, in a Walla Walla hospital Sunday, waa a sad surprise to many friends of the lady in Athena. Mrs. Dempsey was for merly MiBS Bessie Winn, daughter of Mrs. A. Z. Winn of Dry Creek, ueer Weston. She bad been married less than a year, and death, fallowed an operation for appendicitis. Several Athena people went to Wsston Tues day to attend her fnneral. , leetmuay, two wen Known young people of tbis oity, Mr, Elmer Boober and Miss Delia Russell, were united in marriage by County Judge Marsh. Tbe marriage oemnony was porforraeTn in tbe judge's offioe at the court bouse in the presence uf Mr. John MoCool and Miss Vergie Russell, sister of the bride. Tbe biide is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rnesell of tbis oity, and tbe groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boober. Both were raised here and have a large oonoouree of friends, who extend congratulations. (Chairman Watts cf tbe Athena aohool board, givos ont the following list of teaohera elected for the coming year: Prinoipal, 0. A. Qoerne, re eleoted; High school Miss Biierly; 7th and 8tb grades Miss Inez Wagner; 5th and 8th grades Mies- Leota Wagner j 8rd and 1th grades, Miss Vests Cuts forth; 1st and 2nd grades, Miss Celia Armstrong, Mr. Watts announoes that by oonsolidation in tbe 6tb and Oth grades, one teaoher less will be em ployed. An assistant principal is yet to ba eleoted. Lf "ilose" (Floyd) Payne, known in T - .1.1-.. I 1 . . II. . 1 1 1 niuitiuu uiiuies hb rue jitueua juus rabbit, smashed tbe two-mile record on U. of O. field, Friday when tbe University defeated Multnomab Ath letio Club 93 to 82 points io their an nual field meet, Payne and four others of Bill Hayward'a string left Eugene Tuesday for San Francisoo, wbeie they will participate in tbe events at the ExpOBilion, Payne's time at Eusene waa 9:40 4 6 The Oregooian says Multnomab failed to place an entry on tbe marks of the two-mile classic, so Payne started with MoUlure and Huggius in the mile. As the two foimer finished their distance the Athena "jBGkrabbit" waa bat 50 yards in the rear and innning fresh. As be circled tbe quarter mile track in tba longer race few thought tbat be woold ever floisb with the paoe tbat be bad set, Tbe final stretch bbw him sprint home, snap tbe string and walk easily away with a new Northwest mark to bis credit. io , Athena Tennis Club. The Athena Tennis Club now has an active membership of 23, inoluding three junior;. A club bandiriBp.tour ney is being beldtbe drawing tor which resulted lujrte following selec tion of players: , ' Singles, 2 sets ont of 8: J. H. Har mon (owe 15) vs. H. Harmon; Uroots (owe 40) vs. Ones. Oerking; Wood ward (owe 80) vs, tJoerne: Cannon vs. Osboro; Plamondon vs. Will Soott; Adams vs. Matthews; Koepke vs. Vin ent; LeGrow (owe 15) vs. Hawks; Mrs. Plamondon (owe 15) vs. Mrs. H. I. Watt; Mrs. Hawks vs. Mrs. Fer guson (owe 15.) Doubles, 2 sets out of 8: H. Harmon and Adams vs. Cannon and Plamon don (owb 15;) J. Harmon and A. Koep ke vs. Hawks and Oatorn; Gerkiug and Woodward (one 16) vs. Vinoeut agd (iuerne; Bcott and" Lttirow is. Brooks and Matthews: Mia. Fern nam and Mrs, Plamondon (owe 80) vs. Mrs. Watts and Mis. Hawks. Some excellent ma to ties ate being played and all ,the members show a marked improvement over previous years. Call for Warrants Notice is hereby given tbat all out standing warrants against tbe City of Athena will bs redeemed open presen tation to the City Treasurer, and tbat interest will cease oo same on and after this dute. Dated at Athens, Or egon, this 7tli day of May, 11)15 V, 0. Barks, City TieaHUter. Notice To Whom it may concern: Notice is beteby given tbst I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted ty Floyd Corppon, J. U. Swagger!, KSrfeMM Prices . ruitic Just Fit wftHM Right Whether your fancy leads you to high or low Shoes you will find the season's very latest styles here, in footwear that will prove their superior worth in wear. Shoes that will fit the foot, and be comfortable from the moment you first put them on. cTHadej of the best leathers and constructed so as to conform with the lines of the foot without "pinching." Every fashionable leather is shown in various styles black, white or tan shoes in all the latest creations in lace, button and buckle effects. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON Kirk Implement House In New Quarters ' 1 Hardware Stock Has been added to our Agricultural Implement, Ve hicle and Machinery Lines. Smalley Feed Cutters, the Best Made Hog Wire Fencing 24c Nails,. Staples, Bolts, Chains. Zerolene Oil a Specialty S3M 3rd &nd Main . CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 5.10 F. O. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Paojfic Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS. Postoffice, Edge water, Washington. DALE ROTH WELL EXCLUSIVE OPTI AN Glasses Are Scientifically Ground and Fitted. Lenses duplicated in a few mom ents. All work guaranteed cAmerican National Bank Building, (Upa:airs) Pendltton, Oregon. a f'fl, irijr son (,,-:iio tw sua 'anmjrti,n rtar THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL t Only First-class Hotel in the City. ; THE ST. NICHOLS In in-! mly oue I but can Rf&omjlL0 I'm biMomnld iur if and wM vantllr.tftd rooms. t f l OB. Mil A.DTU1HD, ATBKA,Lr. We ore for GOODRICH Fair-Listed Tires ISecuse (hey set tho pece dealing W0i Compare these Good- rick "Fair-List" prices, howine tremendous ductions with prices you have previously paid. UFM A IM7 i SIZE PLAIN TREAD 30x3 $9.00 30x3X 11,60 32x3 ' .13.35 33x4 19.05 34x4 19.40 36x4X 27.35 37x5 32.30 38x5 43.80 BIZZ SAFETY TREAD 30x3 $9.45 30x3 12.20 32 x1 14.00 33x4 20.00 34x4 20.35 36x4 28.70 37x5 33.90 38x5 46.00 you are charged less tor some otker make, they're taking it out of the tire. LIf you are charged more, they're taking it out of you. We Cary All Sizes - In Stock 0. A. BARRETT & CO. ATHENA. t