The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 19, 1915, Image 4

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Dave Houston. Prop. H. B. Tturranee. Mir.
Thoroughly modorn. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod
nte Prices. Three minutes' walls from Union
D?p1 " Writ, for retae. 72Ha.N.IUnO.M.
Teaches the Tnda 8 Weak. Sculp, J-J
Face Masaaa-e . Specialty. Toola Free.
Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING.
i Mssison 8U- Portland, Otssoa.
Prttn A In e11" have your mouth examined.
an I uaa the very latest scientific
sslnlsss methods. DR. A. W. KEENK,
' 151)4 Waahliufton St.. Portland.
Immediate Settlement for Sink
ing Trye Looked For.
Rubber Stamps for Fruit Boxes. Made on short
est notice. Write. H.ITI ITlSr tUl SO.,
Homo tin auk, "onruHO, turn
National Viewi in Accord as U.S.
and Berlin Agree on Ques
tion of Food Shipments.
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist.
It's good. ' Take nothing else. Adv.
Keep KidsKleen
The moit practical, kctltbfut, playtime
(roicntt ever Invented for children 1
lo 9 yean of if e Made in one piece
wits HOf wen. mtmf suppes on or
oit. uiiif waioea. no ucai
elastic bind to nop drcutiiion.
Made In blue denial, and blue and
white hickory atrlpei (or all Ibe
year round. Alio lighter weight
material for aunmer wear. All
f menu trimmed with fm red or
blue ralatea. Made in Dutch neck
with elbow ateevei and bigb
neck aod lone titertu
75c the suit
I your dealer cannot aupply you.
we will icnd them, cbariei prepaid
on receipt of price, 7Jc cacti.
Suit 1 1U14 .
I Mad, By
Strauss tie Co., 3 an Francisco
1 M
Cheap Witticism.
It were welLK the so-called "cleror
tnfv wrltAr " who. tno often. 1b the
chief nuisance of the manuscript edi
tor of all magazines, could be brought
to a realization that mere exaggera
tion and disgusting Incidents are not
"fun;" It would save postage and les
sen the certainty of rejections. Na
tional Magazine.
Remembered That
Jock Robinson, having been making
merry with some boon companions,
finally took his leave and got aboard
a street car. Soon he was fast asleep,
but was finally aroused by the con
ductor calling "Robinson street!"
Sleepy and befuddled, Jock made an
swer, "It's no. I treated last time."
Politeness III Rewarded.
"A man kin be too polite an' obllg-
In'," said Uncle Eben. "I know a man
dat stood wlfout klckln' while his wife
dressed him up In a fancy loungln'
coat an' a gorgeous necktie an' a smok
ln' cap. Den she Inspected him an'
decided dat she couldn't live wlf such
' a lookln' man, nohow."
Heirs Got Three Cents More.
Once a tightwad went to the store
to get a piece of rope. The store
keeper sold his rope at eight cents per
pound. Mr. Tightwad said as he only
wanted to tie up a calf he would take
Ave cents worth. He got the rope.
That evening bis folks found him hang
ing In the barn dead.
Compliment for Grandpa.
Grandpa was visiting- In a family
where there was a little girl named
Lucille. After he had gone someone
said, "Well, Lucille, what do you think
of grandpaT" "Oh," she said, "I think
bs is Just awful cute."
Horticultural Crime.
- They say that the chief trouble lh
raising grapefruit Is to keep It from
being as large as a pumpkin; and
to have to sell all that for 10 cents
would provoke lo tears. St. Louis
Globe-Democrat -
Use for Damaged Diamonds,
Diamonds that cannot be worked are
sold under the name of "bort" and
used tor various purposes. Splinters
of bort are made Into delicate drills
' for drilling artltlclal teeth and other
exceedingly hard substances, gems, etc
Quick Relief When
Utterly Worn Out
Getting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most
Washington, D. C Germany prob
ably will repudiate the action of the
captain of the Prim Eitel Friedrich in
sinking the American ship, William P.
Frye, and make reparation for the loss
of the vessel and cargo, in the opinion
of German officials here.
Inasmuch as the United States and
Germany are in accordance on the
question of shipping foodstuffs from a
neutral country to civilians in belliger
ent territory, no issue is expected to
be raised by Germany over the right
of the cargo to be sent to its destina
tion without interruption.
Count von Bemstorff, the German
ambassador, after a visit to the State
department, indicated that he believed
the case would be settled witnout
much difficulty. He told Counsellor
Lansing what the captain of the Print
Eitel had told Captain Boy-Ed, the
naval attache of the German embassy,
as to the sinking of the American ship,
but the ambassador reserved his opin
ion on the action of the commander,
saying he had no instructions from his
Captain Tbiericnens, or tne rnnz
Eitel, informed Captain Boy-Ed that
his only guide while . at sea and for
months out of communication with his
government was the declaration of
London. This would permit the
destruction of a neutral prize if car
rying a cargo more than half of
which could be proved to be contra
band, provided it was impossible to
take the vessel to a home port without
endangering the captor warship. -
Aviator Lincoln Beachey
Plunges to Death in Bay
San Francisco The spectacular ca
reer of Lincoln ueacney, one oi me
most daring of American aviators, was
ended Sunday when he fell to his
death at the Panama-Pacific exposition
in plain sight of thousands of spectators.
Beachey, was attempting his second
flight of the day at 8 :45 p. m. when
the fatal accident occurred. Having
previously electrified the crowd with a
series of aerial somersaults, tne in
trepid airman sought to add an addi
tional thrill by making one or. the sen'
sational perpendicular dropa which
featured his. flights.. The accident was
attributed to the fact that Beachey
entrusted his life for the first time to
a new monoplane and an exceptionally
large crowd was attracted to see
whether he would attempt the same
breath-taking stunts in the new ma
chine that had made him and his trim
little biplane famous.
On the first flight of the day every
thing worked properly and all the
familiar evolutions were Indulged in
with the exception of the perpendicu
lar drop. This Beachey had saved for
the final climax and this, too, proved
too much for the fabric of the monoplane.
The machine was at an altitude oi
about 8000 feet when Beachey shut off
his power. For several hundred feet
the machine dropped head on for the
earth and then the aviator graBped his
control levers to adjust the planes for
the graceful descent which character
ised his previous nights.
At this Instant the wings crumpled
like a collapsed umbrella and the aero
plane, turning over and over In Its
fall, plunged Into San Francisco bay,
narrowly missing a vessel lying at the
government transport docks.
Relief Sent to Palestine.
Philadelphia Loaded with food and
clothing contributed toward the relief
of the needy of the Holy Land and sup
plies for the United States battleships
North Carolina and Tennessee, now In
the Mediterranean, the United States
collier Vulcan sailed from this port
Monday for Jaffa, Palestine. The re
lief cargo represents an expenditure
of 1150,000 by the American Jewish
relief committee and its principal con
stituent is flour. L. H. Levin, of
Baltimore, and E. W. L. Epstein, of
New York, sailed on the vessel and
will direct the distribution of the food
at Jaffa.
If you suffer from poor Ap
petite, Sick Headache, Bloat
ing, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Cramps or Constipation, you
will be greatly benefited by
a fair trial of
Stomach Bitters
The digef tive system has be
come weak and Nature needs
assistance right away. The
Bitters has for over 60 years
been recognized as the real
"first-aid." Try a bottle.
The genuine has our pri
vate stamp over neck.
ana vwarmai jtvuums
Cured by Pe-ru-na
A cold la acute catarrh.
Peran. Is a reoognlzed standard
remedy for catarrh.
Copy "111. of Life" Free.
Various Companionships.
' If one's Intimate In love or friend
ship cannot, or does not, share all
one's Intellectual tastes or pursuits,
that Is a small matter. Intellectual
companions can be found easily In
men and books. After all, if we
think of it, most- of the world's loves
and friendships have been between
people that could not read nor spelL
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
HOWARD & BUHTON - AMaver ana OSemlffi,
Leudvllle, Colorado. Bpuaiinea price). Gold,
Silver, lid, II. Gold. Silver, ffioi Gold. Ktoj Zlno
orUoppor. SI. Mailing envelopes e M foil price list
int on application, uontroi ana umpire wwnaw
cited, ilefsranoet Oarboiiate National Beak.
8ome Results of Fatigue.
It is known that fatigue shows
Itself by certain chemical changes in
the body, all of the sustaining ele
ments being consumed rapidly, and a
kind of Intoxication of the cells tak
ing place, because they cannot carry
off the waste products rapidly enough.
The battery has become clogged and
does not reverse properly.
Sound Advice.
"Don't ax de good Lawd ter send
prosperity. Let him Bee you wid yo'
coat oft an yo' sleeves rolled high,
tryln' ter pitch hard times over de
fence, an prosperity will De settin
at yo' breakfas' table nex' mawnln',
and yo' needn't wonder how he got
darl Atlanta Constitution.
Ancient Writing Implements.
When writing, Confucius used a
small brUBh, like a camel's-halr brush,
for a pen, and so did bis ancestors for
centuries before his time. The reed
came Into use for writing In the
marshy countries of the Orient It
was hollow and cut In short lengths.
If yoo think joa bars toes to smash and
Bt only 'or the discard, try 8. g. B. tor the
blood. It will surprlae you to know what
can be done for health once the blood Is
released of the excess of body wastes that
keep It from exercising Its full measure (
bodily repair.
If you feel played out, go to sny drag
store and ask for a bottle of Si ft, 8. Hers
Is a remedy that fats at work la a twin a
llns; It just naturally rushes rlsbt Int
yoar blood, scatters germs right and left,
up and down and sideways.
leu feel better st once, not from a Stim
ulant, sot from the action of drags, but
from the rational effect at a natural mi
cine. .
The Ingredients In 8. S. 8. serve the
active purpose of so stimulating the cellular
tissues of the body that they nick out from
the bloed their own eaaentlal nutriment and
thus repair work begins at once. The relict
is eeneral all ever the ayatem.
Do not nealect to set a bottle of I I I
today. It will make you feel better la Just
a few minutes. It Is prepared only la tha
laboratory ef The Swift SDeclSO Co., MO
Rwlft Ilidg., Atlanta, Oa. Bend for their
free book telling of the many Strang con
ditions that afflict the human family by
reaeoa c tmpoverisaea blooa.
r n. u.
No. I J. 111
I WHIN wrltuw ee advertiser. eleaea men-1
" Hen tkle aeeer.
250,000 Irish at Front
Manchester, England John E. Red
mond, leader of the Irish Nationalist
party, In a speech to 6000 persons
here, pointed out that he had often ad
dressed meetings of Irishmen in Man-
cheater, but never before an assem
blage of Irishmen and Englishmen
"firmly united In a common purpose.
Figures to February 16, he said, show
that 99,700 Irishmen from Ireland have
joined the colors, 116,000 from other
parts of the United Kingdom and
enough more from tha dominions to
bring the total up to 250,000.
Battle Won Underground.
Pain A subterranean struggle has
been in progress for several months
near the Alger farm, east of Rheims,
says an official note which describes
the mining and countermining.
In one instance the French and Ger
man sappers raced for an advan
tageous position, hearing the blows
of each others' picks. The French
arrived where they wanted to be
and exploded 1400 pounds of lyddite,
wrecking the enemy's gallery and
asphyxiating the Germans working
in it
General Pan Praises Foe.
Berlin The following Was given
out by the Overseas News agency
"At a reception in Bucharest to Gen
eral Pau, the French commander, dur
ing his recent visit to Roumania, the
general said: 'He who baa not seen a
German army cannot Imagine it It
is a hoat of heroes, unique in his
tory.' "
In spite of attempts to Introduce the
alpaca Into countries away from Its na
tive habitat, failure has attended
them. It is rarely found below an
altitude ot 5,000 feet. Its wool Is
of an exceedingly fine luster and qual
ity, and occasionally attains a length
of six Inches.
Our Work.
It's as simple as the rule ot three.
It we make light of our work by using
it for our own ends, our work will
make light of us, and aa we are the
weaker, we shall suffer. Kipling.
When a man starts oft by announc
ing that he vlewa something more In
sorrow than in anger we always sus
pect that he Is really pretty mad
about It.
How to Drive a Nail.
Drive a nail home and clinch It so
faithfully that you can wake up at
night and think ot your work with
satisfaction. Thoreau.
Giant Leaves.
The leaf ot the cocoanut tree Is
nearly thirty feet long; while a single
leaf ot the parasol magnolia ot Ceylon
will shelter fifteen to twenty persons.
I feel It my duty to furalBh you with
my testimonial as to what your rem
edy Swamp-ltoot did for me when I
was a physical wreck from kidney and
bladder trouble.
Some years ago I was not able to
do any work and could only jUBt oreep
around and am satisfied that had It
not been for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
I would not have lived. After using
the preparation for one month 1 waa
able to work some and when I had
used S8.00 worth of Swamp-Root I
could do a good day's work. 1 used
about $10.00 worth altogether and
would not take $10,000 for the good
that It did me. I consider It a God
seud to suffering humanity for the
diseases for which you recommend it
and have recommended it to many
Sobol, Okla.
Porsonally appeared before me this
20lh of September, 1909, N. L. Hug-
gins, who subscribed the above state-
ment and made oath that the same Is
true In eubstance and In fact
W. A. PAQET. J. P. -
Letter to
ttt. Kilmer Co.,
Blnajhamton, N.V.
Prove What Swamp-Moot Wll De ror Yo,
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer It Co ,
Blnghamton, N. Y., for a sample slse
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
Information, telling about the kidneys
and bladder. When writing, be sure
and mention this paper. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottles
tor sale at all diug stores.
Portland The local wheat market,
for the first time in several weeks, is
entirely independent of Chicago.
Prices hero were firm and higher,
whereas in the Eastern market the
close found May wheat lie lower. The
Chicago decline followed a renewal of
peace talk and consequent fears of a
cessation of export demand, but in the
Portland market local conditions alto
gether governed prices.
There was buying lor jouropean ac
count here, as well as inquiry from
Japan, and also evidence of support
from miller. Wheat in the North
west is believed to be now generally
in stronar hands. '
Considerable stress is laid by the
wool trade upon the possibility that
the exportation of wool from Australia
to this country is about to be facili
tated. The fact that purchases have
been made In the commonwealth this
season by Boston houses at figures
which make the scoured cost laid down
here ridiculously low, compared with
quotations in the American market, is
considered important. It is believed
that the ability to get the wools com
ing hero would have considerable bear
ing on the primary domestic markets,
in view of the fact that the Australian
wools have been secured so cheaply.
Some defective wools have been bought
at figures which mean' less than half a
dollar laid down in Boston, the scoured
pound. Such wools are very cheap,
even should they have to be carbon
ized. On this basis, therefore, it is not
strange that developments in Mel
bourne, Sydney and London have been
watched carefully by wool men, with
an eye towards ascertaining the possi
bilities in regard to shipment of me
rinos. The latest reports, in connec
tion with the arrangement involving
the Textile Alliance, is that "the
British board of trade, Insofar a the
requirements of Great Britain and
allied countries will allow, will grant
licenses to export merino wool, tops,
noils and black face wool to the United
States, if consignment is made in ac
cordance with an agreement entered
into with the alliance..
The assortment of early vegetables,
mostly from California, is steadily in
creasing. Green peas are now being
offerd at 1820c. Asparagus was
firmer at 1820c, owing to cold
weather in the South. Sweet potatoes
have advanced steadily and are now
quoted at Sic Local hothouse rhu
barb was in fair supply at ll12c
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $27.60
28.60 ton; shorts, $29.60; roiled
barlev. (83(3184.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
16; valley timothy, $12.60; grain
hay, $1012; alfalfa, $1213.
Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1.26(31.60 dozen; peppers, 8086c
Dound: artichokes. 76c dozen; toma
toes, $4.60 crate; cabbage, He pound;
celery. $3.76 crate; cauliflower, ft;
sprouts, 89e pound; head lettuce, $2
crate: hothouse lettuce, Ibe box;
squash, lie pound; spinach, $1.26 box;
hothouse rhubarb. 10fi)12c pound; as
paragus, 1822c; eggplant, 80c; peas,
18S)20c; carrots, $1.26 sack; beets,
$1.26: parsnips. $1.26.
Green Fruits AppleB, 76c$1.60
box; cranberries, $11(3)12 barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, $11.10 sack;
Yakima, $11.26; Idaho, $1.10;
potatoes, 10c pound; sweet potatoes,
81c pound.
Onions Oregon, selling price, $1
sack, country polntB.
Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 1819c, according to quantity;
candled. 20c.
Poultry Hens, 18i14c pound;
broilers, 1820c; turkeys, dressed,
20c; live, 16c; ducks, ll16c; geese,
Butter Creamery, prints, extras,
34 Je pound In case lots; Jc more in
less than case lots; cubes, 2829c.
Veal Fancy, llj12c pound.
Pork Block, 99ic pound.
Hops 1914 crop, 1316c; 1913
crop. 1314c.
Hides Salted hides, 16c; salted
bulls, 10c; salted kip, 16c; salted calf,
19c; green hides, 181c; green bulls,
9c; green kip, 16c; green calf, 19c;
dry hides, 26c; dry calf, 28c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, coarse, 22
26c; Eastern Oregon, fine, 1820c;
valley, 26c, nominal; mohair, new
clip. 26(ffi27c
Cascara bark Old and new, 41c
Cattle Prime steers, $7.607.80;
choice $7.267.60; medium, $6.76
7.26; choice cows, $66.60; medium,
$66.26; heifers, $66.26; bulls,
$3.606; stags, $4.60(3)6.
Hogs Light, $6.Z67.Z0; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, ewes,
$6(3)6.60: lambs. $7(3)8.60.
Tacoma Hay Clover, 16)17;
wheat, $1416; Ellensburg. $1719;
mixed, $1718; alfalfa, $1416.
Feed Corn, $37; wheat, $48; whole
barley, $3636; rolled, $37; shorts,
$88; bran, $31; oats, $89; rolled oats,
Cabbage Baldhead, 2c; Winlng-
stedt, 21c; flat Dutch, 2c.
Potatoes Yakima, $20 ton; White
River, $1718; sweets, $8.60 cwt;
Early Rose seed, $60.
Carrot Local, $1.
Beets Home-grown, $11.25.
Turnip Per tack, $1.86.
Onions Green, 20c dozen; Walla
Walla, $1.76 box; Yakima, $1.60.
Radishes Local, 20c dozen bunches.
Lettuce Head, $2.26 crate.
Spinach Local, 6c pound; Walla
Walla, $1.10 a box.
Celery $463)4.60.
Rutabagas $1.76 sack.
Cauliflower $2.26 crate.
Artichokes 76c dozen.
Brussels sprouts 8o pound.
Rhubarb Hothouse, 1012c
Asparagus 20c pound.
Fresh Meat Steers, 121c; cows,
12c; heifer. 1212ie; wethers, 121c;
dressed hogs, 111c; trimmed aides,
161c; combinations, 16c; lambs, 16c;
Diamond T. C., 161c; yearlings, 14c;
ewes, 111.
Poultry Ducks, live. 1012c; hens,
dressed, 16 18c; live, 10 14c;
springs, dressed, 22c; live, 1416e;
squabs, live, $2.60 dozen; dressed, $6;
turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 28S0c;
geese, 20c
Butter Washington creamery, S3
Eggs Fresh ranch, 20 22c.
$5 Sends a Splendid Grafonola to Your Home
With Individual Record Ejector $85 s
Or with 23 double disc records 46 selections) all for $100.
Can be had on new easy payment plan of $8 a month
A small first payment secures im
mediate possession of this incom
parable instrument of music and
j, a fine set of 46 selections (23
J double-disc records). Buyers
, may order them by title or
VV number or we will supply
v a lot on free trial and
subject to exchange.
If you have been waiting for the opportunity
to buy a specially good instrument some time
at a price within reach, and on your terms,
here it is. This new "Leader" is equipped
with the .many exclusive Grafonola feature,
and will most certainly come up to your ex
pectations for tone, tone volume and conven
ience. We will be glad to send it to your
home on approval. Write for our catalogs
they are free.
month or as
suLrwiKN ftCHA&rUcrMas
eilnt OviHtlng
Oroaxlwar tAkWr
Finest Talking Machine Dem
onstration Rooms in Town.
Only wlaee In. Portland where all aaakee
of phenesrephs are to be compared lee
partlaily aid by aide.
The Nation's Largest Talking Machine Headquarters, Broadway at Alder St., Portland, Ore.
Mystery About .Precious 8tones.
That the diamond and other pre
cious stones were made In the un
fathomed and fiery caves of earth and
brought to.JJie surface by volcanic or
other upheaval, la well established,
especially In regard to those of the
South African fields; but more myste
rious than this is that they have been
Hound In the paths of the ancient gla
cial drifts of North America. They
ire held to be very vaguely related to
all crystalline forms which are others
of the mysteries.
Cause for Complaint .
A quiet little Chicago lad serves as
altar boy at the family church on cer
tain days of the week. He has been
attending rather oftener than usual of
late, and his mother recently inquired
the reason, adding that he seemed to
her to be doing the work ot himself
and his comrade. "So I am, grum
bled the boy sharply, "but I can't help
It. That darned kid always' ditches
his datesT .'
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
Easy to take as candy.
Useful Cement
To make cement for stoppidg leaks
and holes In iron pipe, etc., secure
about two pounds of Iron shavings or
borings from a foundry; add one
ounce of powdered ealammohlao and
one ounce of sulphur. Mix with water
to a paste and use at once, aa it hard
ens very fast. This will resist heat
and water and will be found useful
for many purposes. Steel wool or
shavings may be secured from any
paint or drug store.
Unpopular Listeners.
1 really dislike to talk to her; she
has such a habit of finishing oneB
sentences for one. You know the
kind?" "Yes; they listen faster than
you can talk to them."
Nature' Justice.
Nature Is just toward men. It rec
ompenses them for their sufferings; It
renders them laborious, because to
the greatest tolls it attaches the great
est rewards. Montesquieu.
Daughters !)
A woman's organism is a very delicate thing It very easily
gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery, it
requires more than ordinary care and attention.
There are many signa which pointtodisorder,fluchnaheadaches,ucaccount
abie pnlns in various parts of the body, liatleaaness, nervousness, irritablenees,
dnuiness, faintness, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has been the means of restoring thousands of Buffering women to natural health
and strength. For more than forty years it has been successfully carrying on
this great work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every
land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you.
Sold In liquid or taBtml form by drurriit, or trial Box mailed
you for SO cants from Dr. PUrco't Dipnary, Buffalo, A. Y,
Dr. PIareea Pleasant Pellets resulate Stomach. Liver and Bowels
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydia E. Pinkham
Vegetable Compound.
Bellevne. Ohio. "I was In a terrible
state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. My back
acheduntll I thought
it would break, I had
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. I
wag very weak and
run down and was
losing hope of ever
being well and
strong. After tak
ing Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound I improved
rapidly and today am a well woman. I
cannot tell yon bow happy X reel and I
cannot say too much for your Compound.
Would not be without it in the house if
it cost three times the amount" Mrs.
Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Belle
vne, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift,
The one which she should most zeal
ously guard, is her health, but it i
the one most often neglected, until
some allmert peculiar to her sex has
fastened itself upon her. When so af
fected such women may rely upon Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a
remedy that has been wonderfully suc
cessful in restoring health to suffering
women. .
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia E.Pinkliam MedlcIneCo.
(confidential) Lynn.Mass for ad
vice. Tour letter will be opened,
read and answered by a womsm,
and held In strict confidence.
If vou have eczema, ringworm or
other Itching, burning, unsightly skin
eruption, try reslnol ointment and rea-
Inol soap and see now quicKiy me
itching stops and the trouble disap
pears, even In a severe, stubborn case.
Reslnol ointment is also an excellent
household remedy for pimples, dan
druff, sores, burns, wounds, chafhigs,
and for a score of other uses where
a soothing, healing application Is need
ed. Every druggist sells reslnol oint
ment and reslnol soap. Adv.
Old Valenclan Industry.
The making of glazed tiles or "azut
lejos" Is the only ancient Valenclan
Industry which has retained it Im
portance through the centuries up to
the present day. These wall and floor
tiles enter Into the construction of
nearly every modern building through
out the region, and the local consump
tion alone Is sufficient to keep the
factories running.
To Remove Mildew Stains.
Mix a small quantity of soft soap
with the same proportion of powdered
starch and salt and the juice of a
lemon. Apply this mixture to both
sides of the stain with a small brush,
and, if possible, let the article He on
the grass all day and night until the
stains have quite disappeared. Then
wash in the usual way.
Try Muntue Eye Kemetly for Red, Weak, Watery
Byee sod Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting
JusV-Kye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
by mail free. MurlneEyeRemedyCo.,Chicago.
Attacked In Front and Rear.
A youngster of our acquaintance
who has a faculty for getting into
scrapes recently expressed the wish
that he was a postage stamp. When
asked why, he answered; "Because a
postage stamp can only be licked
once." Whereupon we pointed out that
the stamp received, besides the lick
ing, a severe punch in the face.
The Word "British."
"The United Kingdom of Great Brit
ain and Ireland" has, since January 1,
1801, been the official title of the po
litical unity composed of England,
Scotland and Ireland. In this sense
the word "British" applies to Ireland,
but in no other. Politically the "Brit
ish Isles" Include England, Scotland
and Ireland.
Crltlo Seldom Wins Love,
It you would be loved as a compan
ion, avoid unnecessary criticism upon
those with whom you live. Arthur
Helps. -
Came Together.
George and Robert are twins. On
day when they were about eight a .
little playmate neighbor boy of about
the same ago came running up to
where they were playing In the yard
with this startling exclamation: "Oh,
say, I got a little brother at my
bouse; he came last night." "Huh,
that's nothing," . said George, "I
brought my brother with me when I
Just put a few drops of Sloan's
on the painful spot and the pain
stops. It is really wonderful
how quickly Sloan's acts. No
need to rub it in laid on lightly
it penetrates to the bone and
brings relief at once. Kills
rheumatic pain instantly.
Mr. Jamtt) 8. AUxanler, of North
BarptwtU, lit., wriUt: "Many strains
in my back and nips brought oa rhsu
matism in the selatio nerva. I had it so
bud on nieht when sitting hi my ehair,
that I had to Jump on mj feet to get
relief. I at once applied your liniment
to tbe affected part and in less then ten
minutes it waa perfectly easy. I think
it is the best of ail Liniments I have
ever assd.'! .-.
Kills Pain
Send four cuts in stamps for a
, Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dtrpt. B. PriilarUlphia,Pa.
' )
'mtewta C
9 end erlt . : '
sMSatSkl IsltsailSilSBl SW ISLa.
Wneti OMeee nsfttalM bu boat at KMrotv h MrMtad btrtiMflniTifv.
bis sTt-eat riCtosTT. So Salter fur Ittrtv-ana) MPa has hn tauyein. I J
BAUtiji new blsi Tmrielk't, until to-dx hta ltd costal i otiiy tn creasl thsi J ". ,
yoa. toe I ?, mr bin sd Ciialogi.a trea. with ocv smrrv,. rvT-.E.'" 23
Ail RviamaMr Lewf lesMsMs) ; A Mlxtr at? oisu ; lcv jU4ia1v. 1
All ets pbuitm for but tie, raatants to-h ad to mxvolr ro vitk rick. Issfm - -
- AM!, aaa toa im iou of tatwa, doriBg tne mist ifBrtng aasj annuoer. -m-