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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1915)
tub WESCO SYSTEM of PENMANSHIP teaches you HOW TO WRITE. IT IS THK BEST. OnrtK BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED BUUA 282 PACES. BY MAIL, 75c NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Din Houston. Prop. H. & ThotBiM. Mgr. Thorouffhl modern. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod- -'szTk aft es WEEKS' BREAK -DP-A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGT Teaches the Trad S Weeks. Scalp. XJ Pec Msssat Specialty. Tools Free. Position! Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING. tt Jtadlsea 8t Portland, Oregon. r-8AVE YOUR TEETH , rtnA In and have your mouth examined. WU1C XII w th1 Yery )atelt scientiso painless methods. DR. A. W. KEENE, J61V4 Washington St. Portland. RUBBER STAMPS ffi&SS. Bobber Stamps (or Fruit Boxes. Hade on short- Write, whiti mar stai so., lEOom m aura, ronura, okgo Slavery Originated lit the East.. ... -' Absolute slavery seems to have ap peared in the eastern colonies some what earlier than in the southern, for slavery existed in New York in 1628, In New Jersey in 1628, in Massachu setts in 1630, in Connecticut in 1631 and in Delaware in 1636. There was a statutory recognition of slavery in Massachusetts in 1641, which was con siderably ahead ot such recognition of slavery in Virginia or Maryland. Bayberry Shrub. - The plant from which the bayberry candle is made is the shrub Myrcla cerlfera, a plant which is common in New England, and especially along the ooast of Maine. The bayberry shrub Is not closely related to the Myrcla acrls, or West India bay, from the leaves of which bay rum is obtained by distillation. ) , ,;j Sailer's White Bonanza Oats. Made C. J. Johnson of Lincoln Co, Him., famous in growing 243 bushels from bushels sown Inst spring. Can yon beat that in WIS! Wont you try? This great Oat has tak en more prizes and ttiven bigger and larger yields IN throughout the United i States than I Oat Known, its e n o rmously nrolifie. Just the Uat tor Iowa, Minn., Wis., in. Ind.. Mich. Ohio. Neb. Fa., N. Y., Kansas " and Missouri. We are America's headquarters for Alfalfa and Potatoes - Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds. 1 For 10o In Postage We gladly mail our Catalog and sample package of Ten Fa mous Farm Heeds, including Spelts, "The Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated White Bonanza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil lion Dollar Urass; Teoiinte, the Silo Filler, etc., etc. . Or 8end 12o And we will mail yon our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish. Onion furnishing lots and lots of juioy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring and Summer. Or sand to John A. Salter Seed Co., Box 720, La Croaaa, Wis., twenty cents and receive both above oollec ttoni and their big catalog. The Fishing Banks. Newfoundland would be nothing without the great submarine plateau known as the "banks" on which all the fishing is done. At a small sta tion within the edges of the great bank that the cod loves so well the sea is quite Smooth. It is usual for vessels fishing on the banks to in quire from those that have arrived from the open sea as to what sort of weather it is. Exchange. Rheumatic Throat Is Common Trouble Should Be Treated in Blood To Prevent Recurrence. Germany Is Closed to All lraffie by Allies Washington, D. C. By the "un limited blockade", of their enemies, the allies hope to cut off their trade with the, world, which prior to the war was valued as follows: Germany, $4,800,000,000. Austria-Hungary, $1,200,000,000. Turkey, $276,000,000. The trade of these countries with the United States during the last year of peace was valued at : Germany, $635,000,000. Austria-Hungary, $51,000,000. Turkey,t$12,263,000. London If the combined fleets of Great Britain and France can prevent it no commodities of any kind except those now on the seas shall henceforth, until the conclusion of the war, reach or leave the shores of Germany. This is England's answer to Ger many's submarine blockade and it is to be effective forthwith. Premier Asquith, reading ' from a prepared statement, made this an nouncement in the house of commons Tuesday afternoon at a session which will be historic, studiously avoiding the terms "blockade and. "contra band" for these words occur nowhere in the prepared statement the pre-1 mier explained that after this day the allies considered themselves justified in attempting, and would attempt, to detain and take into port ships car rying goods of presumed enemy destin ation, ownership or origin." The premier emphasized, however, that vessels and cargoes so seized were not necessarily liable to confiscation and begged the patience of neutral countries in the face of a step through which they were likely to suffer. He added that in making such a step the allies had done so in self defense. 'We are quite prepared," he went on, 'to submit to the arbitrament of neu tral opinion and still more to the ver dict of impartial history, that in the circumstances in which we have been placed we have been moderate; we have been restrained; ., we have ab stained from things that we were pro voked and attempted to do, and we have adopted a policy which .commends itself to reason, to common sense and to justice." Every member of the house not at the front in khaki or unavoidably detained was in his seat to hear the prime minister's speech and there was frequent cheering. The galleries were packed. When the premier concluded his set statements and, turning to the speaker, said, "That, sir, is our re ply, there was a tremendous outburst. Curiously, the German reply to the American note seeming to solve the situation growing out of Germany's declaration of a naval war zone, was handed to Ambassador Gerard at Ber lin and Premier Asquith, in his speech said that Great Britain and her allies were carefully considering the Amer lean note to them on the same subject. That the British government had re jected the proposal, he declared, was "quite untrue. Protestants, Catholics and Jews Sign Peace Letter New York The Church Peace Un ion, founded a year ago by Andrew Carnegie, through its secretary, the Rev. Frederick Lynch, made public here a message which the union has addressed to "the churches and clergy of America," cautioning ministers and church people against partisanship in discussing the European war, and protesting against the present agita tion for increased armaments. This is be the first time in church history that Catholics and Protestants have joined in signing a common letter addressed to the churches. The Feace Union's letter is signed, by Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, and Archbishop Glennon, of St. Louis. The president of the union is the Right Rev. David H. Greer, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New York. At the first meeting of the Church Peace Union on February 10, 1914, it was announced that Mr. Carnegie had made it an endowment of $2,000,000, its aim being the furtherance of the cause of international peace through the united efforts of all religious bod ies. Twenty-nine prominent clergy men and churchmen, representing all denominations, includnig Jewish or ganizations, were appointed trustees. It is these men who have signed the message in question. Following is one of the Btriking paragraphs in the let ter: 'Partisanship is adding fuel to Area of passion which already are too hot. Clergymen should allay prejudice, not intensify it. Each of the waning na tions believes in the justice of its CHUBB World's Oldest University. Founded in the year 972 A. D., the Mohammedan university of El-Azhar ("the Luminous"), is the oldest exist ing university in the world, ft is the Oxford of the Moslem world, and is at present attended by upward of 10,000 students of all ages, and from every eastern country, from the Caucasus to Somaliland. Board and lodging is free. The teaching consists chiefly of Mohammedan dogma, which is labori ously committed to memory from sacred books. Mealtime Should always find yon waiting with a hearty appetite And your condition should en- ' able you to enjoy your food. ; A "don't care" or a "no thank ; you" disposition indicates A lazy liver, clogged bowels or ; impaired digestion. HOSTETTER'S j STOMACH BITTERS Will tone and sweeten stomach and bowels ; the Regulate the appetite, assist the digestion - Help Nature in every way to-5 wards improving your general health. ' ; , ': , Try a bottle today, but be sure you get Hostetter's 1 F YOUR CHILD IS CROS8, FEVERISH, CON8TIPATED Look Mother! If tongue la coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a BO-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups. Nature Supreme. Not all the product of artificial greeneries are so lovely as that of the fields, the country garden, the fence rows, the first roses, the daffo dils, the arbutus which hides under the hillside leaves, the tirst Duas or the rhododendrons and the other forms telling of the life blood drawn direct from the earth, while poor man kind has to take all second hand. 10 CENT "CA8CARET8" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, sour Stomach, Bad BreathCandy Cathartic There are successful (rarities that atoi soreness In the throat, but to prereut their Incessant return, the blood must be put In order. The best remedy is S. S. 8., ae it . Influences all the functions of the body to nsutrsllse the Irritants or wsste products and to stimulate their excretion through the proper channels, Rheumatic sore throat Is a dangerous Indication, as It means that tha blood Is loaded with more uric add than the kid. nejre can excrete, and mar thus lead to serloiia sreneral disturbance. The action of 8. 8. 8. stimulates cellular activity. It prevents the accumulation of Irritants ta local spots. - It enable the arteries to supply quickly tha new red blood to reolaca worn-out tissue. Kor this res son uric acid that finds tha . throat aa easy prey to Its breaklnr-dowu Influence, la acattered and eliminated. In other words, 8. 8. 8. prerenta chronic eon dltlons by enabling all the mucoue lialnira of the body to secrete healthy murae. Its Influence Is shown in a marked Improve ment of tha bronchial tubes, whereby the husklnesa ot vole with thick, gravlsa, ex pectorations Is overcome. fa 8. ., well iMititMt with water, means a h nod bath. since It la welcome to sny stomach and at enc sets i ids piooo. a fi. a. is free at all minerals and eon talne Ingredients wonderfully eoaduclv M well-balanced health. You can it it at any dm it store, bat do ' not accept anything else. There is danger In substitutes. B, 8. 8. Is preps red only by The Swift Hnei-lOo Co.. B2H thrift Bldg.. Atlanta, Oa. Our lledlcal Dept. will zlvs you free Instrnctlas by mall on any subject ax aiQua tuattnutn. , wrua wuej. P. H. U. No. ID, U1S Neutral Rams Submarine. t London The destruction of a Ger- Ttfmri submarine when it was rammed bv the .atearrW Thtirdls .fift Beachv Head is reported by the captain, of the steamer, which has just arrived at Weymouth. "We sighted the submarine when it was 40 yards away, the captain ae- clared. "It fired a torpedo, which missed us by a few feet Then we put the helm' hard to starboard and rammed the periscope. There was a crash and we saw nothing more of the submarine. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief with Cascarets. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases: take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- tipated waste matter and poison from the Intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. Trouble, ' "Are you coming when I call you, or is there going to be trouble?" Bald papa to his four-year-old daughter. "I t'ink dere's goln' to be trouble, papa," replied the tot, keeping out ot reach. LIKE THE "DIDi" Sharp-Pointed Bullet May. Make Fearful Wound, f : Range at Which Projectile la Fired and Age of the Man Hit Are Factors , - In Amount of Damage Done. American army surgeons are con vinced that under normal conditions all modern bullets are more humane than those formerly used. In spite of the fact that they travel at higher speed and have a far wider range. They are so sharp pointed that when they strike the soft tissues alone they make clean-cut, narrow wounds which heal very quickly. When, however, they take a side- wise twist, or develop Irregular, jagged edges through previously striking or glancing oS some hard object, they have an explosive effect which pro duces Just such terrible wounds as the "dumdum." TheBe effects are most liable to occur in vital organB inclosed In resisting bony walls, like the brain or heart, and are nearly always fatal. The range at which bullets are flred and the ages of the men they hit have been found to have a marked influence I ' tw .''-wMwMwaia'i - J The Diagram Shows How the Base of a Bullet Spins Like a Top In a Con stantly Increasing Circumference. This Is Why It Often Strikes Side wise and Mutilates Like a Dumdum. on the character of the wounds they make. The bones of younger men usually have a great amount of animal mat ter, consequently are less brittle than those of older men. The less resist ance met by the bullet in the compar atively softer bones, at short ranges. permits the paBBage of the bullet with out explosive effect. In the caBes of the older and more brittle bones the bullet at long ranges causes great dam age, especially as the bullet at these long ranges has become Unsteady from loss ot velocity and strikes the bone sidewlse, thus transferring its energy over a greater area than it it had struck point on. Owing to the change in the position of bullets flred at long ranges, the ef fect produced In the bony tissues is at first in the short ranges very severe from the high velocity, but in the mldranges the effects are less se vere because of loss In velocity, and at long ranges the effects became se vere again because of the Impact be ing made with the side of the bullet Aluminum. Aluminum cooking utensils are a delight until they turn dark inside then they are abomination. It is easy, however, to keep them bright Either wash them in soda and water or boll tomato parings in them ; cuttings from rhubarb and the water it was washed in alone will often do the work. So will lemon and table salt. Bad Taste as Seen In Japan. Roctor Aston, the scholarly Japan ese secretary to the British legation in Tokyo, summarized what Kenko, the fourteenth century writer of "Tsure sure Ousa," considered to be "bad taste," thus: Too much furniture in one's living room. . Too many pens In a stand. Too many Budtlhas In a private shrine. ' Too many rocks, trees and herbs in garden. Too many children in a house. Too many words when men meet Too many books in a bookcase there can never be, nor too much litter in dust heap. London Saturday Re view. WHEN wrlttac s " Mo this laser. Milk in National Tett Portland. Or., is going to prove ita right to the oft-made assertion that it has the purest milk supply of any city in the United States. Dr. mack, neaa of the city's milk inspection bureau, announced that Portland milk will De entered in a national contest at the Panama Fair. According to govern ment records Portland has had the best milk supply for about a year. In a contest of cities of the Northwest last fall first place was accorded Portland. Competition will be for certified, pas teurized and market milk. Utah House Vote Dry. Salt Lake City The Wooten state wide prohibition bill passed the house by a vote of 40 to 6. It passed the senate about two weeks ago.. The senate bill was amended by the house to prohibit the manufacture of wine for sacramental or personal use, and to make it effective July 1. 1916, in stead of June 1, 1916. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN ThousandsHaveBeenHelped r---v. ByxCommon Sense "fa Women suffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private correspondence de WtaBtthe Ly- ttaftskham Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by woman and held In strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to woman ; thus haa been established a confidential correspondence which haa extended over many yean and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consentof the writer.and never has the Company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their pos session, as the hundreds of thousand. of them in their Dies win attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed In your ease. Noth ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, ncn or poor, should he glad to take advantage of this seneroua offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (coo- Sdential) Lynn, Mass, Every woman ought to have tydla E. Pinkham'a 80-pafra Text Book. It la not a book for areneral distribution, as It U too expensive. It Is free and only obtainable by mail. Write) fur It today. Parasite Destroys San Jose Scale. A parasite which destroys the dread ed San Jose scale has been discovered, and is now being used In Pennsyl vania, where it has been highly suc cessful In combating the ravages of the pest which has done such damage to American fruit and nut trees. The parasite is the Chalcld fly, which comes from the same part ot China from which the San Jose scale first came. There the Chalcld fly has ef fectually checked the scale. ,; ' . Patterns by Kaleidoscope. ' ttoctor Pulfrich, one of the experts ot the Carl Zeiss Optical company in Qermany, has constructed a kaleido scope on scientific principles and of mathematical accuracy. Its use is tor making kaleidoscopic patterns for tex tiles, linoleums, decorations, etc., some of those tt has produced being ot ex traordinary beauty. He calls it the photokaleldograph, because it Is part ot a camera that photographs the pat terns it Jorms. Horse Chestnut Tree In Bottle. Horse chestnuts can be grown in a bottle of water. Use a bottle with a neck wide enough to hold the chest nut, adding water to just touch the nut and stand it in a window. Roots will form, followed by a stem and leaves. It the water la constantly supplied the tree can grow tor years in the bottle. Spreading Tuberculosis Infection. Dr. Ouy Hinsdale ot Hot Springs, Va., points out that it is not the ex. pired air ot consumptives that car ries infection, but the sputum and tiny drops ot moisture coughed up by the patient that carry the bacilli and com municate the disease to others. 8acrsd Cattle Turned Into Beef. The sacred cattle of Madagascar, where these animals roam In Immense herds, are being slaughtered and shipped to Paris to help out the scar city o( beef. And There Are Others. The only actress who is willing to admit that she does not know all about acting Is she who has been at It all her life Margaret Njbloc. ' Jr'm " r I" tlODWa, v-l ' -it sal-sis- saw. J :. J""- """fr"1 '"I" "'""- I Nil I i a .m. - I .-ill Ulinil wvi i i-a. '"-J With a Graf onola you have always at your command "all the music of all the world and most of the fun of it, too." Whatever model Graf onola you buy you can be sure that it is a real Columbia in tone-quality and tone volume whether it's the Jewel at $35 illustrated, or one of the handsome upright Grafo nolas. . , We will gladly send to your home on approval any Grafonola you select, with an outfit of records. You can decide fAere whether you want it or not And we think we con meet your idea of easy terms also. The "Colombia Jewel" Grafonola. $35 Easy Terms. . The Leader With thirty selections and a liberal supply of needles $91.75, on the essiest payments. .E FRENCH &CHA&MC.KINNI5 E iters Duilding; Droad way at Alder 5t. PORTLAND, OREGON. Mail' Orders Given Special Attention Send for Catalogues they Are FREE Sprams.Bruises Stiff Muscles Sloan's Liniment will save hours of suffering. For bruise or sprain it gives instant relief. It arrests inflammation and thus prevents more serious troubles developing. No need to rub it in it acts at once, instantly relieving the pain, however severe it may be. Hare's Proof Charles Johnson, P. O. Box 108, Zaw ton's Station, N. Y., writes: "I sprained my ankle and dislocated my left hip by falling out of a third story window t&t months ago. I went on crutches for four months, then I started to ubo came of your Liniment, according to your direc tions, and I must say that it is helping me wonderfully, I threw my crutches away. Only used two bottles of your Liniment and now I am walking Quite well with one cane. I never will be with out Sloaa'e Liniment.'! All Dealers. 25 Send four cents in stamp for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Good and Evil. We often try in vain to cut up our errors by the roots, to fight evil hand to hand on its own ground, where it has ua at a disadvantage, whereas our most sure way to victory is by devel oping and fortifying the good that is in us. We have but a certain measure of strength and activity; as much of this as is added to the good is taken from the evil. Mme. Swetchine. Bladder Trouble Causes ' Terrible Pains. Constipation causes and aggravates many Berious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. Onlon'i Good Properties. From the best authorities we learn that colds are caused by three things a chill, a germ and a uric acid ten dency which provides a soil for the germ's growth. The pungent oil of the onion neutralizes and destroys the germs that infest the mouths of us all, even of those In good health. iiaffmwnnminr'TnffleCTsTM YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Kemedy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting JusUKye Comfort. Write for Book of Ihe Eye by mail Frae. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Wreaths for the Victors. ' In classic timeB successful warriors, athletes, poets and singers were some times crowned with bay. It is some times written that they were crowned with myrtle wreaths. These leaves came from a tree which botanists call "laurus nobilis." Quiet Shoes. To make nice sick-room shoes in which you can step about softly cut from old felt hats sole and heel pieces. Glue these on and you have a quieter shoe than those sold as nurses' shoes. The patter of little feet, so hard on some people's nerves, Is easily deadened by the same meth od, also helping to keep the little feet warm when playing on a cold floor. Miniature Cattle. The smallest cows in the world are found in the Samoan islands. The average weight does not exceed 150 pounds, while the nuns wetgn bdoui 200 pounds. They are about the sue ot a Merino sheep. END 8TOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Dlapepaln" makes Sick, Sour, ; Gassy stomacna aureiy reel nn. In flv. minutes. -. If what you Just ate Is souring on roiir stomach or lies like a lump ot lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas, and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste In mouth and atomach-headache, you pan cet blessed relief ir five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug atore. You realize in five minutes how need less It Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disordur. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor In the world. .It's wonderful. WARD K BURTOK - Aenayer am! rnemtflt, LrimIviHa. Colorado. Sowuiuau Driceat Uold, Silver. iild. CI. Uold. Silver. 75o; Gold. 0O0: Zino or Copper II. Mailing envelope, a id full price IM Ent oa sjipllentlon. Control and Umpire worked iited. iUuerenoet Oaxborttsilonid Book. RESINOL STOPS DANDRUFF AND LOSS OF HAIR If you are troubled with dandruff, eczema or other scaly, itching scalp affection, try shampoos with resinol soap and an occasional treatment with resinol ointment You will be sur prised how quickly the trouble disap pears and the health and beauty of the hair improves. Resinol soap and ointment also heal skin-eruptions, clear away pimples and blackheads, and form a most valuable household treatment for sores, burns, scalds, etc. Sold by all druggists. Pre scribed by doctors for 20 years. Adv. After taking a trial bottle of Dr. Kilmer'B Swamp-Root which you for warded to me, I purchased some from, a local drug store and after using three dollar bottles I can truthfully say that I was cured of all the terrible pains I had in my back, side and head, caused by bladder trouble. I had the worst kind of kidney trouble and suf fered so that I could not even Btay in bed with the pain. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root made me feel just like a new person and I am glad to recom mend it to anyone suffering as I did. Very truly yours, . MISS MARY ARDNER, ' 807 Washington St. Defiance, Ohio. Sworn to before me and in my pres ence subscribed by the said Miss Mary Ardner, this 16th day of July, 1909. F. L. RAY, Notary Public. Letter 'jo , Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.r. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Loyal to Aunt May. Aunt May was the favorite aunt of little Ellen. One day the former said to her, naming three other aunts, "Which do you like best, Aunt Anna, Aunt Emily or Aunt Palmer?" Little Ellen looked thoughtful a moment and then said, "Why, I like Aunt Anna bet ter than Aunt Palmer, but I don't like anybody best what isn't you." Guide for Dally Life. "Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sun set will see you, that much nearer the goal." ' ' : Will Not Stick. To prevent postage stamps from sticking together, rub them over the hair before putting them away. Nature Never Intended As a matter of fact It b her right and her duty to enjoy penect neaitn ana just as man Woman to be Sickly llLZit Derhaps more soin view of the fact that it is she who brings into the world the offspring. Every woman can be strong and healthy. Don't resign yourself to a delicate life. - If you suffer from headaches, backaches, nervousness, low spirits, lack of ambition, or have lost ail hope of being veil again it's more than an even chance that you will speedily regain your health if you will try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription (In Tablet or liquid Form) This famous remedy is the result of years of patient research by a physician wbo haa made women's peculiar ailments a life study. Btnrelts introduction more than frrty ywan ao thoo- sande of women in every part of the globe have testified to ita wonderful merit. You. too, wiU Bnd it beneficial. Try It now. Your dealer In medicinea wiU euppiy you of you ean send 60 one-cent stamps fur a trial box. Addisas V.M. Pierce, It. IX, Buffalo, K. Y. Dr. Marcarl Pteeuaatf Pallets rccmlat staaaavck.Itrax, Watch Your Colts For Coughs, Colds and Distemper, and at the first symptoms of any such ailment, ffive small doses of that wonderful remedy, now the most used In existence SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND to cents and fl a bottle; 15 and 10 tha dozen, of any druc giat, harness dealer, or delivered hy SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goahen, Ind, U. . A