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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1914)
AN. INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Iefferson Streets. With several democrats, several lepatHoaos, ods independent and one mooset ia the fleld fot governor, every body can have bis ohoioe. , Entered in the roBtomce at Athena, Oregon as econdClass Man Mailer. Subscription Rates. One cocv. one vear .$1.50 . Vhen paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 3 One coov. three months ............ .50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions ........... ...12 Display regular, per inch . . . . ....... 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c Subsequent insertions, per line. . .'. . . ' 5c Lodge resolutions, per line ........... 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORE.. FEB. 13. .....1914 ' The oew paroels post rates bid fair to push Unole Sam ibto the freighting tosineee I in isolated, districts, or else abaDdoo.some of the star mail routes altogether, Ia eeotiona of the country inaooessible to railway service, the freight, wagon has been the ooly means of transportation, bat the in crease in weight shipments by paroels post which weDt into effeot January 1, makes it possible to handle freight shipments in 60 ponnd lots at obeaper rates than is possible for the freight wagons to handle it. It now appears that the government will either have to oot down servioe on these star route or else inangnrate a eliding schedule, whereby the weights and rates in foroe prior to January 1 would continue to be applicable to districts isolated from railway facilities. Ex Senator Bourne takes the view that the oiiginal 60 mile and 160-mile zones should have been retained with the rates that were self supporting, and that if the depaitment made the mistake of establishing one rate for the two distances, it should not try to avoid the oonseqnenoes by reducing or discontinuing star rente servioe. California led last year in timber sold from national forests, though Montana had the largest number of sale transactions. The groundhog mnssed up many osculations, tut his prinoipal offense whs gi iog in cahoots with nicks. ANGRY WATERS STILLED. "Whether Jonathan Bourne will enter the lists as a oandldate for the republican nomination for United States Senator, is silll au open ques tion and the answer deponds upon the j attitude of the voters of tbo state," - nays a prejode to a letter from Jon- atban Bourne in the Portland Journal of recent date. Sure, The snooesg of any candidate depends upon the action taken by the voters. Nor is Bourne an exception. But from bis letter, it would appear tbat he would like to ij". lie fears that tbe limitations wbioh the corrupt practices act puts npon distributwW-fCW,tbeBonrne s ick makes it an absurd impossibility lot him to muzzle a hostile state press. Two years ago when a candidate, he huts, he made no campaign, npeot less tlian 100 and wrote . less than 800 li'ltets. Had he nogleoted his work i t Washington and returned to Oregon tad gone over' the '.state, be believes .that be would have fceon nominated y n nd elected by a large majority. Well, there's nothing to Keep bim in Wash-i-Rlou now and the tunning is as good dure as it ever was, so with tbe vvoaderful record set foitu in tbe let ter to back bim, we would extend Jonathan an iuvitatiou to make the ruce this year, but for two reasons: lie belongs to tbe republican party, so ii'd their plaoe to extend tbe iovlta tl m; and secondly, we never oould see why Jonathan persisted in slighting NiiSfaohusetts, in favor of Orrgon, for Lis senatorial t attle-ground. But it's duoots to cookies that Mr. Bourne will be b candidate in the Oregon pri maries he oao't keep out of them. The Mayor of Ilostou, Texas, and several Bishops have placed tbe bffn upon tbe tango, However, tbe tango still continues to rage. Fur an un prejudiced view of this terpsiohoieau aooomplishment, we pass it along to Wood; Tbe colonel it a graceful old codger on the ball room floor, so it is reported from Weston and eveiy oue would delight in seeing him gyrate through the intiioaoies of the dauoe tbat started down in Argentine and which has traveled with the spaed of tho ohiuook until it has loaobed the igloo of tbe Esquimaux. Betobee the colonel can tango. County Judge Malouoy will not be a candidate fot reelection, lie has made a good Judge. lie was a stick ler for permanent improvemeuts where improvements were to be mads iu tbe county. In contract work, tbe best bid got the job, aud no favorites weie played. The couutr ia better off tbat Jim Maloney served it. llere'e hoping that hi auocessor will give as good service. Pasco agaluit tbe world, anyway. The tango has caught every niemter of the Clover Leaf Club over there exoept one man, and be proposes to ordinanoe against it beoanse be ia too awkward to follow its steps without stepping on bis partner' coins. Jonathan Bourne's present address ia Washington, D. 0, but anything of political nature would receive Im mediate ttienioo if seut to L'ox 733, Portland, Oregon. Well, ttadator Harry Lane had bis say. anyway. An investigation of the steel trout might disclose lbs fact tbat Senator Lane had something to say, too. When They Reach the Wonderful "Oil Spot" Off Sabine Pass. A freak of nature never fully de scribed Is tbe wonderful "oil spot." sit uated about ten miles south of Sabine pass, into which flows the Sabine river to the gulf of Mexico. The river forms the boundary between the states of Louisiana mid Texas. Tbe "oil spot" extends two miles along shore and sea ward about three-quarters of a mile. A storm from the northeast, by way of east to southeast, has a rate of from 300 to 700 miles across the gulf of Mexico into tbis mystic haven. During a gale this spot is wonder fully defined. Looking seaward the scene is grand. An acre of towering f on in marks the abrupt dissolution of tbe lashing sens ns they thunder to ward the shore. This occurs In about three fathoms, or eighteen feet of water, from which the storm driven craft, creaking and straining In every timber, emerges and suddenly finds herself reposing like a child rocked In Its mother's arms, hemmed in by a wall of wrath, where the weary mariner nn be lulled to rest by tbe roar of the winds. Tho place is termed the "oil spot" not from any known analysis of Its nature, but simply from Its condi tions it has no troubled water. Phila- delpbi ME hlfuJ" er. 4 JlR BR01 R BROKEN CHINA. Use a Cement Made With Plaster of Paris and Gum Arabic I had such a pretty Dresden china comb and brush trny for my dressing table which was broken Into three pieces just tbe other day by some one dropping a heavy pair of curling irons on It I was almost heart broken be cause It was part of a set, and I was afraid I could not replace it, and even if I could I did not feel that I could afford to do so. One of my friends told mo she bad been Buccessful in mending several pieces of old chlnn which were treas ured heirlooms with plaster of pads and gum arable. Make a thick solu tion of gum arable and water and into It put tbo plaster until the mixture be comes a puste. This is applied to the edges of the china, which are pressed firmly together. 1 tried it on my tray, and It worked like magic. The solution is white, so that It does not show like glue, and, bust of all. It innkeM such a strong joint thut they tell me that the urtlele never breaks again the name place. Philadel phia Ledger. Puss and the Owl. Owls make very nmusing pets, but lose tho "happy family" knack ns they grow older. A friend of mine bad one that he wrongly kept tied to n stake by a cord. It was of that "tiger of tho north woods'' species, tbe great honied owl, and, while apparently quiet, not to say Blcepy, in the daytime, blinking with those great yellow eyes In the manner that has niado the coun try people believe they are slgbtleaa In bright light, he bad a surprising way of "coming to life" whenever there was any particular reason for doing so. My friend bad n favorite kitten that usually gave the owl a wide berth, but one duy It strayed within the danger xoue. Tho result was that tbe ap parently somnolent mass of brown feathers suddenly galvanized Itself, a powerful claw shot out, n piteous mew was beard and then finis Fells do mestical Outing. Britain and Consorlptlon. Although few people ore aware of the fact, conscription has been purt of tbe British constitution for 700 or 800 years. The mllltlit law states that ev ery Kngllsliuuin between tbe ages of eighteen and thirty is liable to be called upon for military service and that each county must furnish a con tingent In proportion to Its population. At tho time of the Napoleonic wars this law was actually applied, but since then it him fallen Into disuse, without, however, being repealed. Kvery year since 1820 parliament, has solemnly gone through the form of suspending for one year this ancient conscription by ballot Pearson's Weekly. Infallible. The druggist was becoming wearied by a shopkeeper, who, with no Inten tion to buy, kept asking questions, ex amining various articles, pricing them and demanding the manner of their use. r'linill.v she picked up a bottle, "l this pest exterminator reliable?" she asked. "How Is It applied?" "You take a tablospoonful every half hour, ma'am," tbo dnigglft replied with more than no ounce of satisfac tion, ami the woman asked no more questions St Louis Post Dispatch. Quick Cure. "How anuoylng! My wife Is nlwaya ailing. The hard work fatigue her." "My wife also was always 111, but now she enjoys the best of health." 'How did you enre her?" "I told her that 1 would give her so much n month for her dresses and her doctor. Since thou she is quite well" -I'urU Sourlre. Would Like a Look. "Say. sheriff." "Yes" i voted fer you. Can't you show me n wrlr of halxna corpus? 1 read so much about 'em that I'd kind o' like to have a lk nt one o' the daru things"-Kansas City Journal. Quick Pace. "I ntipH)S)t that your son U develop ing nrHM-. Y "Ye, niid a pace that Is much too f ist for one of hi j eur.w Buffalo Ex prvs. FREAKS OF NATURE. An Uphill Waterfall and a Tree That Squirms Like a Snake. Nature iu the tropics, left. to herself, writes John Hurroughs, th naturalist, is harsh, aggressive, savage: looks as though she wanted io. hang yon with her dangling ropeH or I ; ;! you on her thorns or engulf .voti in Hie rank, of her gigantic ferns. . . Her -mood is never n phicirf and snne as In the north. There is it tree In the Hawaiian woods that nyj-'cKt u tree gone mail. It Is called die l:an tree. It lies down, squirms and wr'in gles all over the ground like a wound ed sun l;e. It ireis up and then takes to enr:!i :i-:in. Now It wants to, be a vine: nun it wants to be a tree. It throws 'i:nrraiiits: It makes Itself into loops ami rings; it rolls: it reaches; It doubles lip-Hi Itself, Altogether it Is the craziest vegetable growth I ever sa w. , It was near Pali that I saw what I had never seen or beard of before a waterfall reversed, going up Instead of down. It suggested Stockton's story of negative gravity. A small brook comes down off the mountain and attempts to make the leap down a high precipice, but the wind catches it and carries It straight up in the air like smoke. It Is trans lated. It becomes a mere wraith hov ering about the beetling crag. Night anil day this goes on. the wind snatching from tbe mountains in this summery way the water it has brought tbem.-Century Magazine. , 8ame Answer. "And so you married a poor man after all. What are you living in?" "A little flat" "And how do you find married life?" "A little finf-Plttsburgb Post SUMMONS. IM Iu tbe Circuit Court of the State' of Oregon, for Umatilla County. P. M. Wilson, Plaintiff vs. ;'' ' " Mabel Wilson,1 Defendant. To Mabel Wilson, the above named. defendant: . In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned aud requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint Hied against you in the, above ootid d suit 'within six week after the date of tbe first publication of this commons, against you, publication to be made in tbe Atbena Press, a news paper published weekly at Athena. Umatilla County, Oregon, and you will take notioe tbat if yon fail to so appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto with said time the plaintiff for want thereof will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for and demanded in the oomplaint filed herein viz: For an absolote deoree of divorce forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony cow existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for snoh other and fur ther relief as tbe court may deem just and equitable. Thia summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the Sixth Judicial Distiiot of tbe State of Oregon, duly made aud entered in tbe above entitled court on tbe 10th day of February. 1914. The . first publication thereof is to be made on the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1914. and the same will be pub lished for six oonseontive weeks there in, the last publication to appear on Friday, the 27th day of March, 1914. Homer I. Watts, Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Cirouit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Count v. George Pambrcu Plaintiff. ! vs. I Mary Pambruo, Defendant. - To Mary Pambron, tbe above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit witbiu six weeks after tbe date of tbe first publication of tbis summons against you, publication to be made in the Atbena Press, a newspaper published wrekly at Ath ena, Umatilla county, Oregon, and you will taken notioe tbat if you fail to so appear and answer tbe said oom plaint or otherwise plead thereto with in said time, tbe plaintiff for want thereof will taki judgment against you for tbe relief piayed for and demanded in the oomplaint filed herein viz: for an absolute deoree of divoroe forever dissolving tbe bonds of matri mony cow existing between tbe plain tiff and defendant, aud for tbo settle ment and adjustment of tbe property rights existing between the nlaiotirf aud defendant and for suob other and further relief as tbe Couit may deem just and equitatle. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of tbe Sixth Judioial Distriot of the State of Oregon, duly made aud entered iu tbe above entitled court on tbe 10th day of February, 1914, The first publication thereof ia to be made on the 13tn day of Feb ruary, 1914, and tbe same will be pub lished for six oonseontive weeks therein, tbe last publication to appear on Fiidny, tbe 27th day of Marob, 1924. Homer I. Watts, Attorney for Plaintiff. OVEFt 63 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4 T, s4. Trade Marks Designs ''ml1 Copyrights Ac. Anvone (lending a sketch nd description may nuloklr asrertntn our opinion froe wlteitier an liiTentlon ia probnblT patent"'-'. Communlra lloniBtrlotljrconlldeiitlal. HANuUOOK onl'utenti out (roe. Oldott agency for securing patent. Fataiit. taken through Muun & Co. receive iprttal notlcs, without chsrgo, In tbe ' Scientific American K handsomely lllnatrated weekly. Largest cir culation ol any scienttflo Journal. Tornia, 13 a ronr ; four months, tl. Sola liyall newsdealers. JVIUNN & Co.36,Brodw'New Yor!i Branch Office. 635 F BU Washington, D. C. MONEY TO LOAN SI PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan 7j money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity of cAthena or elsewhere. Kate 6 1-2 per cent. 3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call or write, Frank R. Atkins, E. O. Building, Pendleton, Or Flal Lens Toric Lens A. D. French Optical Co. Refracting and Manufacturing; OPTOMETRISTS 1 5 East Main, Walla Walla Wash. Phone No. 653 Should you break your glasses mail them to us. We will duplicate them and mail them amj day received. If your eyes are troubling you call at o. r office, we will fit you correctly with glasses if you need them. Our work The Toric Lena is the Best, Notice the is fully guaranteed. Angle of Vision, DR. FRENCH 0. D. in charge mi the LmCunraF the best &c$Csprmmtkthe cost N0rIIM0CraNGVNO BAGGING NOflUMMOCKINj "vm NO DRAGGING NO SAGGING NO PITCHING "See j12fjw&&ed 'Springs at v Professional - S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all callb both night and day. Colli promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor . PETERSON & BISHOP ': Attorneya-at-Law Freewater, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law ' Athena, Oregon. 4l C. W. LESSEN, M. D. V. Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKllllp Vetlnary College, Chicago Phone Main ST, PKNDLETON, OBKOON Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist REINEMAN a BRADLEY Engineers and Surveyers Phone 881 Freewater Oregon THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FBOOME, pbop. W Only First-class Hotel in the City. I THE ST. NICHOLS 4 lithe only one that can accommodate commercial traveleri. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Mimmi BEAUTY mm Is made In Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for , ' J $1.35 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. Can beteoomended for Ui clean and well ventilated roomi. Cob. Maih andThibd, atbena, Or. MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE- C E. RIDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. Phone, 133. In CALIFORNIA Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate. Let us help you Plan a Visit To the land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers. Outdoor Sports Anto Trips among tbe Orange Groves Trips to tbe Beaobes Sorf Bathing- land the hundreds of vaiied amusements for whiob California is famous. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED EARES For handsome booklets descrip tive of California, also for Fares, Tickets and Reservations Call on any Aent of the OrcQon-WashingtonRailroad & Navigation Co. -P if; . . ... .'7r lESrt tA. J. Parker Bin p Everything First Clan - Mo darn and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA & ! 4 ' t it w II zJViy Spring Fabrics and Styles are now on dis plays and if you want a servicable suit of Clothes, made right, Irom good cloth, call NOW and make your selection. - Main Street RUSSEL PIERSOL; Athena Oreg.