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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1913)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered in the rnstofflee at Athena, Oregon, aa ecoodOlass Mail Matter. Subscription Rates. , One copy, one year. $1-50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months .' "'-73 One copy, three months .50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions...... 12 'A Display regular per inch 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, perline. ... 5c Lodge resolutions, per line .......... 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORE.. SEP. 19 1913 Athena ia now Retting pure spring water in plenty, through its gravity water system, do pumping whatever being resorted to at tbia time. Every morning tbe reservoir ia found to be Bending fortb a surplus tbrongb tbe overflow pipe, all from tbe supply f ar niahed from tbe springs. This is indeed a gratifying condition a con dition in very marked contrast to what stared os ia tbe face a year ago. Tbe fact Is, tbe pipe system has teen effectively repaired so that tbe entire water supply is safely contained in reservoir and pipe leads, to be need as waoted. Once repaired, tbe mainten ance of tbe system will be nominal for tbe reason that tbe exoessive pres sure on the maius under tbe former method employe! at the old pumping plant baa beeu relieved. Xnu system ia loaded only with a "down bill pull," as it were, where formerly tbe mains buret nnder tbe weight of tbe reservoir water bead, with tbe foioe of pumping added. . The change has been for tbe best, and tbe Press is mora than pleased to offer congratula tions to tbe Mayor and oity council for making tbe change made in tbe faoe of considerable criticism. And while congratulations are iu order, the Press is not overlooking tbe effi cient work of I. John Dobson either. LONDON BOOTBLACKS. Here it is "it baa camel" A little Uii atandpat republioHii paper in Minnesota says that "a textile factory at Chester, Pa., has dosed -its doors on account of tbe democratic tail J bill, "nd tbrowo thousands of men and women out of employment. Tbe ron- kou given is that the wholesale cloth lis refuse to place orders, holding off outil the tariff bill goes into effect so they can boy ibeobeaper foreign-made goods'' But the trntb of the matter in not as above stated, tbe statement of l he Minnesota paper to tbe contrary notwithstanding. Tbo Chester factory t losed as the result of (be textile workers' wage troubles that originat ed atLawrence, Mass, and elsewhere, i;vtr a year ago under Tuft's admin istration and tbe standpat protective rolioy and has exteuded to other b otorles from time to time. Seriate bill 330, which became a law I t week, makes it unlawful for any r-Tfon, firm or corporation, to sell, i .titer or give away any revolver or paket pistol, unless tbe purchaser is p-r.vided with a permit from tba r ipnr offioei. It is also unlawful ic: any letail dealer to even display sucb a weapon for sale. An excep tion ia made ia favor of polioemen, maintain of the militia aud peace offioera of the state. Under the terms of the measure the munioipal judge or city recorder or county judge or jus tice of the peace of the county io whioh the prospective purchaser re sides amy issue tbe permit wbeu he shall furnish en allidavlt from at least two reputable freeholders as to bis good moral character. New faoes in tbe Kouodup arena breaks tbe monotony of tba exhibition and inaurea tbe perpetuation, of tbe world's greatest outdoor show. Dob Gavin of Idaho and the bova and girls from Cbeyenue enacted their thrilling stunts no better perhaps than others before them, but the fact that new performers were striving for championship added rest and "pep" to the great slow. The basis of tbe Iloundup ia cowboy life and frontier frolic and the only criticism one can offer Is that the management advance tho magnitude of prizes, so that even South America could atford to enter the lists. Mionesota banks Lava arranged to loan Mionesota farmers money with wLlah to buy and ship cattle trow the drought stricken portioua of Kansas and Oklahoma. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. The hot winds of those states belp .Minnesota. The bankers ate patriotlo la helping farm era io this cattle-feeding enterprise. New Yorkers don't appear to get along well iu Canada. Thaw, was ma oat as an DtidMltabla citizen, aud District Attorney Jerome was trusted for gambling. Doth ara piomiueut citixaoaof New Vork City. "Bifger and better," is the bubo imor.s verdiot, after the Rooodop. Kow conn's 'Frontier Days," at l a '.In test wett. Street Corner Knew .Them Early In ' the Eighteenth Century. 1 Liquid blacking, such as is now used, wns Invented early la the nineteenth century. Previously various mixtures were used. There are many allusions in eight eenth century literature to shoeblacks and blacking. In the London World of Jan. 31, 1754, Edward Moore, describ ing the mixer-lea of an author, says that be would rather have started in life as a s'lioelriack bad he but bad tbe money to buy or credit to procure "a stool, brush and blackball." An old kind of blacking consisted of ivory black, very coarse moist sugar and water, with a little vinegar. A mixture of whale oil and soot was used In Gray's time. Tbe author of "Tri via" him several allusions to tbe "black youth" who stood at street corners then as now; Hark! The boy calls thee to his deatln'd stand. And the shoe shines beneath his oily hand. Defoe makes bis Colonel Jack de scribe himself when a boy as a dirty vngabond, "like a 'Black your shoes, your honor?' a beggar boy, a black guard boy or what you please, despica ble aud miserable to tbe last degree." Here Is another quotation from "Tri via" (1715?): His treble voice resounds along the mews, And Whitehall echoes, "Clean your hon . or'i shoesl" London Notes and Queries. FIRST SLOT MACHINE. It Was Invented by Hero of Alexandria About 125 B. C. Hero of Alexandria (about 125 B. 0.) was on Ingenious inventor of mechan ical toys. In bis works, "Pneumatics" and "Automata," he describes some hundred small machines that be prob ably never carried beyond the "model" stage. These included a steam engine and a double forcing pump to be nsed as a Are engine. Hero wns also the inventor of the automatic delivery, or penny in the slot machine. He describes "a sacrificial vessel which flows only when money Is Introduced." When tbe coin is dropped through the slit It falls on one end of a bal anced horizontal lever, which being depressed opens a valve suspended from a chain at the other end, and tbe water begins to (low. When the lever has been depressed to a certain angle the coin falls off and the valve, being weighted, returns to Its sent nnd cuts off the supply. Tbe meruit tilHin In practically Identical with tbe present system. Baltimore Sun. A Peer and His Patent. After It Is once Issued the patent for the creation of u new peerage cannot lie altered. Otherwise Lord (Jlernwly would be written Lord Uleuawley, as C crawly was written by a clerk In mistake for this word. Another in teresting case of a similar nature Is tliut or Charles Pawlet, afterward third Duke of Bolton, who died in 1754. In 1717. while his father, tbe second duke, was still alive, Pawlet was made a peer as Lord Pawlet of Basing, although the Intention of the king and his advisers was to summon hi in to the house of lords under one of his father's junior tltles-that of Baron St. John of Basing. However, the writ of summons bad beeu out to Lord Pawlet of Busing, and Pawlet bore this title until he became Duke of Bolton In 1722.-Westminster Gazette. Maiden Insurance. The Maiden Insurance company is a singular Denmark Institution. It is confined to the nobility, nnd the noble man, ns soon us a female child is born to him, enrolls her name on the com pany's books and pays in a certain sum and thereafter a fixed annual amount to the treasury. When tho young girl bus reached the age of twenty-one she Is entitled to a fixed Income and to an elegant suit of apart ments, and this Income and this resi dence,,, both almost princely, are hers until she either marries or dies. Tbo society bus existed for generations. It bus always prospered. Thanks to It, poverty stricken old maids are un known among the Denmark nobility, but every maiden lady is rich and happy. Nicely Arranged. It Is related thnt the negroes were once crentlv excited In Johannesburg over a rumor of a Kutllr uprising. One white wouiiiu said to hor black boy; "You wouldn t kill your missus, would you?" "Oh. no." the boy replied; "boy next door kill you, and I kill his missus." The affair. It seemed, had all been arranged, and very delicately at that. This boy's name was "Machinery." The blacks take any name they bear used among the whites, nnd "Machin ery" Is a very common name In Johan nesburg.- R. W. Howe's Monthly. 8ound Advice. "These shoes you sold me Inst week squeak so that they actually keep me awake nights" said the customer, en tering the shoe store. 'My dear sir," replied the shoe deal- er reassuringly, "you shouldn't sleep In t hem." -Youkers Statesman, Human Nature. Tell a man that there are 270.1C0.32.V 4St stars and he will believe you. But If n sign says fresh Paint, be has to moke a personal lnvestlgatlon.-Clne clunatl Enquirer fit. ....... I. ....... I. . . ..4 uuw iiiiru u in v tiiw nuu uv nlite to leav the world any bettor for one's little life In It 1 Abraham Lin coln New Land Scrip. By special aot of Congress, neatly 8000 aores of approved Land Sorlp is now available for use in Oregon. It is tbe best and cheapest scrip pat on the market in soveral years. Will go qnicklr to patent. Take aoy land subject to homestead entry. Can furnish ia applications from forty acres up, as long as it lasts. We guar antee validity, Tba ptioa will attract you. If yon need some of tt, prompt action Is necessary. Write or wire oa. 1 be Collins Land Company. . Helena, Montana. !-!!9 SCOTT. ' V a zfii the Other Didn't v.s i.dureate'hip, Vw . !i VJteV;. tfitkt-waH 'offered ,S- Vs. !!.'! I't 1K1X lie declined ;- iiiT.nix., t: lie wrote to Lady A!er. i . ii "tin' Dc essit v of writing wk: t,vi-v a ywr is a iliiik-ulty which u one .ti.lit to encounter who has u:i i oi tiii.1 i l:a;:i.ti; lose; at least I am sure 1 should And it insurmount able. The rhing mightbe easily done In a i!i r lit sort of way as old Wblte-lu-ud liinisoir describes It: 'WIkwc inuau obliged by sack or pension. Without a subject or Invention, Aluist oprtnin words In order set As l:i:i oil u Oasette, Muft H ni- half meaning half disguise And ut'.n neither truth nor lies." Tetin.v.;:i revived the letter offering him the hiiiieiilesliip one morning be fore he was out of bed. On rising he immediately wrote two replies, one ac eepting. the other declining" the offer, and determined to consult with his friends at dinner which to tend. Ever afterward lie would Jokingly declare that he accepted the honor because Vena bleu assured : him that if he be came laureate he "would always, when dining out, be offered the liver wing of a fowl."-Loudon Chronicle. . A Haunted Library. do of the most curious "bauntings" occurs in a northern castle of great antiquity where Mary, queen of Scots, rested when she was being conveyed a prisoner through England. :lt is mani fested In the library nnd takes the form that the books cannot be kept in order. They move about or are moved about from shelf to shelf. If you or ratige the works of Shakespeare in correct order on one shelf, by next morning the volumes nro scattered any how on different shelves'; ,. This has gone on for years. At different times the library has been searched and lock ed, watches have been set all night, servants have come and gone, , but the mysterious occurrence goes on and is vouched for not only by the family, but by the guests who have stayed in tbe house. There Is no legend to ac count for it London Mall. China Decoration at Limoges. Decoration of chlntt has been re duced to nn art In Limoges. The proc esses of lithographing and decalco mania have replaced all hand painting, except for rich decorations and special orders. Another process Is that of ap plying soft uudergliizo colors so as to produce Ono effects, and It Is probable that very soon the leading styles of the best classes of goods will be deco rated In this manner. The large man ufacturers make their own decalcoma nla sheets, work out their designs and control their decorations. They em ploy girls to apply tbe decalcomanla lithographs on the china. After the paper has been removed therefrom the articles are fired In the "moufles" to set the colors. Professional S. F. Sharp " PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Calls promptly nawered. Office on Third street, Athena Oregor PETERSON & BISHOP;-,.'. Attorneys-at-Law ;v. Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stoek Inspsctor. Graduate McKUlip Vetlnary college, Chicago Phone Main 87, PENDLETON, OREGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist DR. E. J. M,OCUM Suggestive Therapeutist Office in Barrett Building Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami : nation and Consultation Free. AAAAjAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAiAi T www ww Www v wwwwwv THE - ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. . FKOOMK, pbop. w ' : . Only First-class Hotel in the City. ' t Iff t I THE ST. NICHOLS ii in oniy one mat can accommodate : oommerclal travelers. Can betecomended tor lie clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Ma m andThi&d, Athw A,Or. ELI I I Pendleton and Athena General Photography and Photographic Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and Kodak Finishing. She Knew. "Miss Janet is a long time coming down," he said to the pretty parlor maid. "Ferhaps she is ha, ha per haps she is making up her mind wheth er to see me or not." Tbe maid smiled coldly. "No," she said; "it is not her mind she is making up." Philadelphia Ledger. Face a situation and yon are three quarters master of It OREGON AGRfCULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty-fifth school year SEPTEMBER 10, 1913. DEGREE COURSES in manyphasesof AGRICULTURE, . ENGINEERING, :, HOME ECONOMICS, MINING, FORESTRY, COM MERCE. PHARMACY. Two-year Courses in agricul. TURE. HOME ECONOMICS, MECHANIC ARTS. FORESTRY. COMMERCE. PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. ; MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. . A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "The Enrichment of Rdrai, Life" and a Catalogue will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. TennaNT, Registrar. tw-7-i5 to 9 9) Corvallis, Oregon. ATHENA, One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel, 1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month. PENDLETON, r Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building. 1444. OVER 65 YEARS' . EXPERIENCE - Al.. 1 v JT , . 1 kadi. nHH( -a-o Designs 7'rftfV1 Copyrights Ac. Anyone lending a sketch and description ma; quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentr'-'e. Communica tions strictly eoiiBdentlRl. HANudOOK on Patent cut free. Oldest apency for securing patents. . Patents taken throueh Munn A Co, receive special notice, without charge. In the Scientific flftiericati A handsomely lllnstTatea weekly. T.arrest cir culation ot any sclen title journal. Terms, 13 a vciir : four months, II. Bold by all newsdealers. Branch Office, 626 F St, Washington, D. C, id Receiving Station is at Ask For Prices. Cash Paid for Cream. life1'-,::: 1 ART SQUARES MILLER, "The Furniture Man," has added this line to his already large, varied stock rt Square Bargains JX. We bave tbo finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena, All are of modern designs and np-to-tbe minnte patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of, olass of goods oonsideted. Oor line of Farnitnre is complete. It includes late styles in Corsioan Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. Tbe very latest uovelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses, f 3? s. H, F. E. OFFIOEE3 F. WILSON, President, KOEPKE Vice-President, & Le GROW, Cashier. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier. , DIRECTORS S. F. WILSON. " H. KOEPKE. W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. S. Le GROW. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA : CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every oAccornmdation consistent with sound Banking. Athena H Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor;- White Help Only, Employed Good Clean Rooms, Table served with the best the market affords A Home For the Traveling Public Reasonable Rates Courteous Treatment PAINTING In All Branches PAPERING And Decorating Complete Stock of Wall Paper, Paint Oil, Glass etc G.D.KIDDER, Miiin Street, Athena, Ore. Get Butter Wrappers Here BUTTER WRAPS . At the lrcs Office Benne aHMUklaW tt s rami V. House, Carriage and Automobile Painting, Paper Hanging Kalsomining, Etc Manufacturer of Bennett's MImpeishable,, Paints and dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper. E. A, BENNETT, - Athena, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. IGEAUTV Is trade in Athena, by Athena laborv in one ot the very" best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for- 1.4 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. LATEST PAINLESS OPERATING METHODS MODERN DENTISTS rJL A X JLUKliAKIJ W AKK BUILDING, PFNDLETON Mil V Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovt MKiwa rmmro bo., wtw voiw. s Hardware & Implements 6. W. Proebstel, Weston Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware, Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line to meet all demands. See us before buying. Pair treat ment in quality and price. All Sold at Reduced Prices ior Cash McConnon Eemedies Known on their merits, as pure and reliable We call special attention to our ctfacco!ax Table; s and JMentholatum Salve. All who have used them find same indispensable for the home Our Stock Tonic is made from vegetable products and is (piarranteed from any poison matter. Same can be had from McConnon Wanoa or Wright Livery Athena Oregon