The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 25, 1910, Image 5

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    Country Merchants
' Fanners
Ship your good, fat produce to
Smith. He never charges com
mission. Ship by express. He
will pay as follows:
Live hens. 16c.
Dressed hena, 1714.
Dressed Hogs He
Dressed Veal, under 130 lbs 12Ho.
Largo Veal less.
Eggs, market price. -
' Address ' '.' ;
"Fighting the Beef Trust" "
: In New York's Bronx zoological park
there are nearly twice the number of
animals that there are In the London
coological garden. ,
Trial Bottle Free By Mail
ilsf?" 1 I i 1 viUmi atlr 1 1
If yoo suffer from Epilepsy. Fits, Falling Sickness,
Spurns, or bare children that do so, my Mew Dis
covery will relieve them, and all yon are atked to
do Is to send for a Free Trial (2 Bottle of Di.llay'i
: i Eplloptloldtt Ourel
It has cared thousands where everything elt
failed. Guaranteed by May Medical Laboratoiy
Under Pare Fond and D:ugs Act, Jane 80th, 1808
Guaranty Mo. 18V71. Plesee write for BpecialFreo
? Bottle and give AGS and complete address
DR. W. H. MAY, 648 Peart Street, New York.
H Yon can't sow thistles and jt. -
Eg reap tigs. If you plant JTsK -
H Ferry' Seeds you Jf w.
Eg grow exactly what JVV'&J X A
fj you expect andin y&J V Vr X 1
D a profusion vLiZr t '.. , ,
and perfec- CTVj . jra
lion never jXw 1 jf B
I 1
iVfcliaI''e. For sale
r VJ f everyvy'icre. Ferry's !
" XJzXmo Seed Annual
X XSr free on request
X D. M. FEaT o CO..
J 1 f " BetrolL Klch.
At Prices that Defy Competition
painless extraction oc
Out-of-town patient can obtain perfect work
and save money by calling at our office.
All work guaranteed for ten years
323V Washington St.. Cor. Sixth
Established 15 vears ...... Here to stav.
mfftt Uraae Hepanee. -"You
brainless cad!" exclaimed the
man with the lofty dome of thought
"Ha!" retorted the man with the
pale, scholarly cast of countenance, re
garding him with immeasurable scorn;
"you colossal ignoramus. If I am train -less,'
where do my sensory nerves
register their Impressions?" .
"Exclusively In your spinal' cord!"
was the crushing rejoinder.
Trouble of the . Ancients.
Hercules had killed the Eryman
thean bear. "It was a case of neces
sity," he pleaded. "I was absolutely
out of meat."
FoV, even In those days, the cost of
living became sometimes almost pro
hibitive. ' .
Seventeen Tears the Standard.
Prescribed and recommended for women's ail
ments a scientifically prepared remedy of proven
worth. The remit from their m is quick and
permanent. For sale at all drug stores.
7 His Trencberoo Memory. '
"Er may I call you, Miriam, Miss
Montague?" V
"Yes, If you like, Mr. Tompkins, but
my first name is Florence." Chicago
Tribune. .'
"Cascarets are certainly 6ne. I grave friend
one wnen tne doctor was treating him for cancer
ot the stomach. TV? next morning he passed
four pieces of a tape worm. He then got a box
and in three days he passed a tape-worm 45 feet
long. It was Mr. Matt Free it, of Miliersburg,
Dauphin Co., Pa. I am quite a worker for Cases.
rets. I use them my self and find them beneficial
for most any disease caused by impure blood.
Chaa,B. Condon, Lewiatoo, Pa., (Mifflin Co.)
CUT THIS OUT, mail It-wjth your ad- "
dress to the Sterling Remedy Company, -Chicago,
III., and rec ive a handsome sou
venir Gold Bon Bon FREE. . .
Catalogue for
the Asking
Send for It
188 Street front Portland, Oregon
and best for eye) in GOLD SHELL frame
complete (for a limited time only) $1.00.
Write at once for Home Eye Tester equals
a personal visit. Sent you free by return
mail. Our Glasses fully guaranteed one year.
REFERENCES: Northern Bank & Trust ;
Co.; Peoples Savings Bank; Seattle Commer
cial Club.
207 Shafer Building. Seattle, Wash.
is not a Vfood" it is a medicine, and the
only medicine in the world for cows only.
Made for the cow and, as its name indicates,
a Cow Cure. Bai reness. retained after
birth, abortion, scoura, caked udder, and all
similar affections positively and quickly
cured. No one who keeps cows, whether
many or few, can afford to be without KUW
KURE. It is made especially to keep cows
healthy. Our book "Cow Money" sent FREE.
Ask your local dealer for KOW-KURE or send
to the manufacturers.
- Vr -.nif -f rrm t ,n 1 lime fM ni"V lIlL J '
Yoia Meed -Us
If you have Acreage, located anywhere in Oregon,
for sale at fair price and upon favorable terms,
; :K You: Need Us
Or if you want to buy acreage anywhere in Oregon
improved or unimproved at a fair price and upon fa
vorable terms,
You Need Us
Our facilities for serving both buyer and seller are un
excelled. Write us today.
Largest Realty Operators on the Pacific Coast
0 144 Ful SlTeeL Portland
J If V- ft ! ..-.W. --r-Jr--- .VVv: J'
. This country has 900 trade Journals.
At the age of 70 years a man haa
tonsumed ninety-five tons of food.
Soldiers in the Russian army are to
carry compasses with luminous needles.---'
'. '
Two thousand million microbes are
sometimes . injected Into a person's
blood to cure diseases. V
Cavalry officers in Italy undergo c
course of Instruction in pigeon train
ing for military purposes.
The smallest screws are those made
in watch factories. An ordinary thim
ble would hold 100,000 of them.
The Eastern states, from Maine to
Alabama, produced gold worth $259,143
and silver worth $35,070 last year.
Covering an area of 2,40 acreB, the
largest hydraulic gold mine in the
world is in Trinity county, California.
The lighthouse of Helgoland has a
light of 20,000,000-candle power. At
Nuremberg a lamp ten times as pow
erful has been made.
There are about 170,000 oil pro
ducing wells in the United States, rep
resenting directly and indirectly an
outlay of about $700,000,000.
" A young oak grows three feet in
three years. In the same time an elm
grows eight feet, three inches, and a
willow nine feet three inches.,"!
One Scotch casualty' insurance com
pany Is offering policies to aviators,
while another will' extend all future
policies to cover the risks ot aviation
and ballooning.
Consul Isaac A. Manning of La Gual
ra forwards samples of the Jlpljapa
palm used in the manufacture of Pana
ma hats, brought from near Barquisi
meto, and which he la told grows In
many other parts of Venezuela.
Among the important Improvement!
contemplated In Japan' are the quad
rupling of the Tokio-Yokohama rail
way, and the improvement of th
Kioto-Kobe line, so that a very much
higher speed may be developed.
The study of foreign languages ii
making rapid progress In German
schools. Most of the teachers are na
tive born French and English. Thli
work is a powerful factor in Gen
many's progress as a power on inter
national commerce.
Breweries and tanneries and print
ing ink factories - confer exemption
from tuberculosis, and employes in
turpentine factories never have rhea
matism. Copper mining excludes the
possibility of typhoid among the work
ers. Harpers' Weekly. ' "
The wife of a Jerseyman was ad
vertising for a serving maid. Th
Jerseyman is an editor and his wife
has learned the habit of cutting out
unnecessary words. This is the way
the advertisement read: "Wanted
A white, semi-green maid servant"
New York Sun. . '
There is no such thing as a forest
of mahogany. The mahogany tree
lives by and for itself alone. It stands
solitary of its species surrounded by
the smaller trees and dense under
growth of the tropical forest, rearing
its head above its neighbors. Two
trees to the acre are a "liberal esti
mate. In. Berlin the waiters' association is
considering the plan of making tips
obligatory . and according to a fixed
table. In the cheaper places they pro
pose that the customer shall pay to the
waiter 12 per cent of the amount ot
his bill and in the large establish
ments the attentive "Kellner" will be
satisfied with 8 per cent.
This one comes from Missouri,
where one editor "showed" them why:
"An evangelist asked all - the men
present who were honest and paid
their debts to stand up. All rose but
one. He said he was the local editor
and couldn't pay his debts, because
the men standing were his deliquent
subscribers." Atlanta Constitution.
In the Russian campaign the pen
sonal baggage of Napoleon's brother,
Jerome Bonaparte, who married Eliza
beth Patterson of Baltimore, contained
sixty pairs of boots, 200 shirts and 318
pocket handkerchiefs. The transpor
tation of his wardrobe entire required
several heavy wagons, while his whole
campaigning kit stretched over half
a mile,"
Thackeray was six feet two Inches
In height and Sir H. W. Lucy says the
great novelist wore a 7-lnch hat,
beating Dickens and John Bright by
a full half inch. Mr. Gladstone's hat
was 7-inch measurement the same
as Macauley's while Beaconsfleld
needed a full 7-lnch. The hat of Dan
iel CConnell, however, would have
beaten them all, measuring 8 inches
by 10 inches. "
A portrait bust, heroic, in size and
erected ' on an artistic pedestal, of
Marie Wilt In the part of Norma, was
unveiled recently in the foyer of the
Royal Opera House at Vienna Wilt
died in 1891 after a brilliant career,
but the acceptance of the bust by the
management was, nevertheless, a great
! surprise to the patrons of the opera,
because previously no woman bad been
j honored in that way.
Canada's legal gold coinage Is that
' of the United States. If a man goes
' to a Canadian bank to demand gold
for notes or for credit of any kind.
the law says that he shall be paid
irr United Etates gold. Again, If Ca
nadian gold from a Canadian gold
mine is to be sold it must go . to the
United States mints. There : Is no
place In Canada where this can be
assayed and stamped with the official
estimate of Its value.
Terrible Suffering
Eczema All Over Baby's Body.
"When my I aby was four months old
his face broke out with eczema, and at six
teen months of age, h's face, hands and
arms were in a dreadful state. The eczema
spread all over his bod We had to put
a m lsk or cloth over his face and tie up his
hands and arms. Filially we gave him
Hood's Sarsnparilla and in a few months
he was entirely cured, and today he is a
fine healthy boy." A1U3. INEZ LEWIS,
Baring, Maine.
Hood's Sarsanarilla cures all blood diseases.
Get it today in usual liquid torm or chocolated
tablets called Sarcatabs. 100 Doses il.
llnrd Lines.
rI could perfect my machine If I
could get anybody to believe in me."
"Yet you are undoubtedly a genius."
"That's Just the trouble,: Everybody
thinks it isn't safe to trust a genius
with money." " '
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Yen Have Always Bought
" Bears the
Signature of
"Have you" ever noticed any indica
tions, madam, that your husband has
liver complaint?" -
"I think I have, doctor.. Everybody
seems anxious to get away from him
Whenever he begins to talk."
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case
'of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding- Piles in
to 14 days or money refunded. Wo.
This Lawyer Was Tons,
1 Old Lawyer (to young partner) Did
rou draw up old Moneybag's wlHT
Young Partner Yea, sir, and so
tight that all the relatives In the world
cannot break It ,
Old. Lawyer (with some disgust)
The next time there is a will to he
drawn up I'il do It myself. New York
6un.' .' - . ' '
" Unreasonable Womsa,
Wife Now, see 'ere, Jim: It jrer
don't provide for me better I shall
alt so I .warns yer.
Husband Provide better? Well, I
like that.- Why, ain't I got yer three
good Jobs o' work this last month 7
London Sketch. "
, M , i i in in .
One Thing That Will Live Forever,
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, first box sold
in 1807, over 100 years ago, sales in
crease yearly. All druggists or How
ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. ,
How Did He Kiowl
An ancient Egyptian moralist, writ
ing to his son, says: "It thou takest
a wife, try to make her happier, than
any of her women friends; she will
be doubly bound to thee If the tie is
weet to her accord her what pleases
her she will appreciate the effort"
Why H Quit,.' '
"Why did you throw up your Job at
old Spotcash's store?"
"Well, to tell the truth. I didn't like
his position on the labor question." ;
"What was his position?"
"Why er the last time I saw him
he was sitting in his chair looking
sternly at me, and pointing straight
to the door." Chicago Tribune. .
Had Nothing oa Noah.
: Noah was inspecting the animals as
they trooped into the' ark. '
"I doh't claim to be a faunal natural
ist" he said, "but I'm making T. It's
Smithsonian Institution collection look
sick." ';',.. - ,'-v ',
In due time, moreover, ; he sailed
away with the greatest aggregation of
living wild animals ever seen In captivity.
Her Playing;.
Mrs. McDuff This paper says that
mice are attracted by music, but I
don't believe it. ;
McDuff Why not? . - .
Mrs. McDuff Because I never see
any mice around when I play the
McDufirr Well, that's no reason for
doubting the paper's statement ,
Coughs of
Especially nigh? Couehs. Na
ture needs a little helo to auict
the irritation, control the in
flammation, check the progress
of the disease. Our advice is
give the children Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
doctor if this is his advice also.
He knows best. Do as he says.
Ws publish our formulas
Vf b il,h aleohol
from ouruisdieines
We urn you to
eominil your
If you think constipation is of trifling '
consequence, just ask your doctor. He
will disabuse you of that notion in short
order. "Correct it, at once I " he will
say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills.
A mild liver pill, all vegetable.
Usdsby thx.T. o. r irn. irss
' Ttfbb--Old boy I want to congratu
late you on your speech at the banquet
last night ".
O'Sudds (after waiting a moment) I
know you do, pard, and you're awfully
sorry you can't do It truthfully. I ap
preciate the effort, Just the same. Nas
ty weather, isn't HT
? ,.' ' Only On "BROMO QUININE"
for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in On Day. 240
' ' ' Pinches All 'Hound. . .
' She My new gown is Just lovely;
It's a perfect fit." ,
He Satisfied on that point, ehf
' She Yes, I know It's a good fit, be
eause it pinches me so "
I He Weil, It doesn't pinch you halt
as much as It does my ponketbook."
Catholic Standard and Times.
and Other
We Sell Pianos and Player-Pianos
of Unquestioned Reputation
In addition to our regular line of
beautiful new Pianos, we have many
very desirable used Pianos which we
are offering for a mere fraction of
their original cost ' Though you may
not have contemplated an immediate
purchase. It will pay you to take ad
vantage of this opportunity to secure
a fine Piano much below the cost of a
new one. Our Rental Purchase plan
makes piano buying easy. .
J Fill Out and Mail Today.
Please mail me catalogue, bargain list and Rental
Purchase plan.
: Address
Name of friend who expects to buy a piano:
Please sand free copy of Musical Celebritii
Ilia AUinlrUitc Spouse.
"Pardon my temporary lapse of
bemory, madam," the professor said.
but your husband is a man of dls-
notion, Is he not?" ..
"The only thing I can think of," an
swered-Mrs. Vlck-Senn, "for which he
distinguished is that there are more
eople in this town who don't look like
ilm than any man I know ot."
All Who
Would Etyoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the
question of right living with all the term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation and of effort may
be mado to contribute to living aright
Then the use of medicines may be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under on
dinary. conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike , important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by all leading druggists.
Don't waste time and money plant
ing poor seeds. Our Beeds won First
Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi
tion. Our pi ices are reasonable.
Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy.
Vogeler Seed Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Painless Dentistry
I t -j. 4 Out of town people
can nave tneir pmu
,nd bridge work tin
1 lnhod la one duj
, it neceturr.
.- i Ws will ilvt yo tooi
!22k (old or vorcelti:
crown (or $3.51
Moltr Crowns 5.01
22k8rldgToeth 3.5C
1 Gold Fillings 1.0C
Enamsl Filling! 1.GG
J Silver Fillings .80
$ Intay Filllngi 2.5C
Good Rubber An
f Plites 5. CO
n..t BmA avk.
(AW.a.imt,rMiiirniMWse, ' "JJ S
n run aruunn nanus rimmo imr hob . w w
Milw extraction ree when elates or bridge won
Is ordered. Consultation Free, yon cannot cat betles
pslnlens work done snywhere. All work fully a-uur-
Wise Dental Co.
emoa BOU&Si A. H. so W . K. sansays, w a.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondoful man has
made a life study of the
properties of Roots,
Herbs and Barks, and
is giving the world the
benefit of bis services.
No Mercury. Poisons
OJiSU&J upenwions or lulling
Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Diseases of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekln, China safe, sure
and reliable. Unfailing in Its works.
If you cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps,
The G. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1 fi?U Pirn, C, rnr Unrrl.nn Pnrtl-iuf (V.
No. 7-no
fJKIV writing to advertiser please
mention this paper.
m ills
A Bsvorlntr used the same as lemon or vanilla.
By dissolving granulated sugar in water and
adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and
a syrup better thsn maple. Mapleine is sold by
grocers. If not send 35c for 2 os. bottle ana
recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wa
0a be handled vary ensllr. The alok nreeured, and all ethers la
sniue ntsblo, no wu' tor bow "einow-!," kept from having the die.
eiw). bj wring NtUIIM'S LIQUID Ul.iTKMI'KH OUHK. Oiveee
tii toiisoe or in feed. Ants on the blood and einel. srms of all
forum of diiteniper. Bent reme'lr ever known for mure In touL
One bottle stinranteed to core one rum. 0O0 and 11 a Ixrti lei IS sa
110 doxen, of drugglats snd hsnteHsdoolerv. ornent eiprens paid bf
uisiiiiifMjiurer. vni miowi low 10 pomiM-e in rati ui. uor wr
Booklet (fives everything. 1.och1 stronts wanted. Largest eellij
Done retuea m exuiienoetweive rears.
Children's Coughs .J
SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chemists and Bacteriologlstg, C.OSHEN, IND, U. S. A.
One Much Llnnsrsssary
Cms laiUat nsf-oothei sad Kmk the Ittls
lhioaasadpnvsnasmi(matlBeis. Ch2m
Eke k loo pleajti lo fsse and ooss aot apssl
On aonack.
All Draggists, 21
- ffiLUip " M
v. imm:
The Place You've Been Reading About
Write for Information
COOPER & TAYLOR, Setting Agts.
206-7-8-9 rknry Bldg., Portland, Oregon
The farmers' I I Hl I Erer
friend end I ilLI. Builder
Color more goods brlrhtOT and f aater colors than any other dye. One 100 package colors aUk, wool and cotton equally wen
and is guaranteed, to irtve perlect reeul&a, AX doaioi, cx we will aoad popatd at lOc a package. Write for tree bookies
feoCytlcnaiBiIaooioa UoUiiOZ DKUQ COMPANY, Ouiiicy, Iilmoia.