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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1907)
ST. HELEN'S HALL PORTLAND, OREGON A Girls' School of the highest elm. Collegi ate department. Musle. Art. Elocution. Gym nasium, Fall term open September U. SEND rOR CATALOGUE BRING YOUR TOOTH TROUBLES TO US Before Going Elsewhere. DR. B. E. WRIGHT. Washington St. Portland, Oregon The Portland Tils and Mantel Co. Will be glad to give you particulars about Ita beautiful Ceramic, Mosaie, Enameled and Encauitlo Tile, wholesale and retail. Write today. JAMES E. BARKER. Prop. 217 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon POLAND CHINA HOGS Pig old enough to wean to bred iowt of up-to-date breeding. Pedigree furnlihed with very pig gold. Write me your want. A. L. SWAGGART, ATHENA. OREGON la a Pittsburg office building system of washing tbe air and removing all dust has been introduced. 'in the LAUNDRY Softens Water Saves Cleans and Whitens Clothes ATI dealers, B-10-150 pkm. Bamrrfe Borer, Boure- tjlr Ilotureln 10 oolorn and booklet ooand dealer'! tTAMJMM MV WAa 0wnA A Oaklaud, Cab MAKE YOUR HOME TIES HAPPIER THE REMEDY t A. B. CHASE PLAYER-PIANO not enlarge tbe Instrument or change style of case; mechanism all below keyboard; operates piano action abatraot direct, and precisely as regular piano keys do, securing tbe same expression as the artist can by hand; can be entirely removed from the piano In Ave minutes's time, and that without the use of a screw driver. Write for Free Booklet SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. SPOKANE, Wash.' SEATTLE. Wash. PORTLAND, Orefoa ' " CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON W0 LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL t j Contagious Blood Poison has brought more suffering, misery and humila tlon into the world than all other diseases combined ; there is hardly any limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being transmitted to innocent offspring, a blighting legacy of suffering and shame. So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it by using the same table ware, toilet articles or clcthing of one in whose blood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison (but a very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience , know by the little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the suffering which is to follow. It comes ia the form of ulcerated mouth. , and throat, unsightly copper colored spots, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on the body, and in severe cases the fintrf r nail9 droo off. the bones become diseased, the nervous 6ystem is shat- " itered and the sufferer becomes an object of pity to his fellow man. Especi ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury and potash. These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles for urrtil and trie victim is deceived into the belief that he is cured. When, however, the treatment is left off he finds that the poison has only been driven deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form two use thrse stroncr minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poi Tt U made of a combination of healinir blood-purifying roots, herbs and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We ffer a reward of for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral PURELY VEGETABLE Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat ment for all sufferersof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, and U you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out physicians will be glad to furnish that, too, without barge, W SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA CA. Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-el" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. " My hair earn eat so badly I nearly lot t It all. I bad heard to much about Ayer's Hair Visor I thought I would glva It a trial. I did so and It eompleUly stopped the falling, and made my halrrrow very rapidly." aLaaT B. Field, fiorthnsld, Mass. A Made by J. O. Aver Co., Lowell, ya AiM msnnfaetarara of lifer's SARSAPAM1XA. PILLS. CHEBBY PECTORAL Siberia a Fertile Land. Siberia, so far from being a country of desolation, Is In some districts as green and fertile a land as Australia. Probably the Russlns themselves have no very definite ideas about the mar velous fertility of this territory, which occupies so large a space on the map of Asia. The soil is of great richness, and the crops, wherever the country Is cultivated, are of almost phenomenal abundance. For the most part it has lain idle so long that its productive power Is almost Illimitable. The forest tracts are luxuriant, and the natural Irrigation system magnificent There Is room In Siberia for millions of colon ists, and an abundant living for them all. CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE The following announcements are frnm learlinir buslneaa men and Arms, and are well worthy your careful reading. The list may contain Just the proposition you are look' ing lor. REAL ESTATE EAST GREEN ACRES The only tracts on the market where you can contract to sell your croo. Ten trains a day. Abundance of water. Price $150.00 per acre- easy payments come in or write tor parucu BEECHER A THOMPSON Spokane, Washington. 110 Stevens SPEND YOUR VACATION AT THE BREAKERS HOTEL North Beach, Washington, the leading resort in the Northwest. Now open. Advantages; Right on the edge of the ocean beach. Electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold salt water in every bath tub, public bath, pri vate bath, and postomce in the building. Private dairy, private livery stable, private vegetable garden, private poultry yards. Amusements: Two tennis courts, four bowl ing alleys, roller skating, golf, horseback riding with private teacher. A beautiful lake in the hotel grounds, boat riding, bil liards, pool, private hotel orches tra, two pianos, pianola, orches trelle, excellent dancing pavil ion. Write for Tree Booklet THE BREAKERS HOTEL Breakers. Washington The Remedy. "You're not in love, Robbie. You only think you are." , "Well, how the dickens am I to find out my mistake If I am mistaken ?" "Oh, marry the woman by all means." Home Notes. in any ionn. o. o. o. goes uown o mc ery bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus and adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thorouehlv does S. S. S. cleanse the circulation that no signs of the disease are ever seen again, and offspring Is protected. STAGE 70S THJ5 PAULO B. Sow to Erect Oae for Frodaetlon ss Horn Theatrical. No pleasanter home entertainment can be prepared than a well conducted. play ; but In order to be this something more is needed than good amateur act ing, Important as this admittedly Is. To have a home play go off" wen. there must be something done In the way of .stage appointments, and toe nearer these can approximate genuine accessories so much the better. The Illustrations show a plan for building a stage at one end or on one side of a room, all the worn Demg or such a nature that no Injury need be done to the woodwork or the furnish ings. A situation should be chosen so that a door may open from one side of the space set apart for the stage. This will give opportunity for the mak ing of "entrances" and "exits," . and FOUNDATION FOB TBI STAGE. for the changing of costumes, if de sired, if there are windows, or an other door, at the back of the stage, these can be utilized as part of tbe scenery" of the stage fittings. The stage must be raised about two feet above the floor. A simple frame work can be laid up as suggested In tbe first Illustration, without using any nails whatever. Three-by-four Joists can be cut to the right lengths and placed as shown, stout blocks or boxes holding tbe joists at tbe proper height above the floor. On these timbers the floor Is laid, the first board being shown In position In the Illustration. Openings cut in this first board give a chance to set ordinary hand lamps upon the, cross-wise timber, to serve. as "foot lights," tin shields being tacked In front of them as suggested. A very simple method, also shown In this same illustration, Is used for hang ing the curtain In front of tbe stage, and for making "wings" at tbe side of the stage. Stout screw-eyes are placed In the walls on either side at proper distances, and from these, wires are stretched tightly across the space above THE STAGE COMPLETE. the stage. On the one In front the cur tain is bung, while upon the others are bung narrow strips of cloth to form the wings. This plan Is plainly shown In the second Illustration, which also shows the footlights in position, and the front of the stage covered with cloth or paper. The floor can be covered with a large "art square" or rug, or with a piece of common carpeting. The curtains in front should be as light as possible, un- less very stout wire and screw eyes are used. If a door Is desired at the back of tbe stage, and no door Is ready at hand In the rear partition, a curtain can be hung clear across the stage on the rear wire, with an opening In tbe cen ter, where a portiere can be hung. The stage furnishings, chairs, tables, couches, etc., will depend, of course, upon the nature of the play; but It should be remembered that a handsome setting" of the stage will add much to the attractiveness of the entertainment Webb Donnell In Ladles World. Planting- Trout. I It was the policy of the officers of a certain railroad line, In all their ad vertising matter, to place great stress on the excellence or the trout-nshlng to be reached by their Hues; and in order to provide the trout, it was neces sary from time to time to plant the advertised streams with fry. On one occaalon an old gardener named Conelly, who had charge of the station grounds, was sent out with the cans of fry, procured from the State hatchery, and a railroad map, marked to show exactly where to plant the tiny nsn. Conelly returned that night, how ever, with pan or tne rry sun un- planted. He needed further instruc tions from the general passenger agent, who bad marked the map. "Say, mister," said Conelly, scratch ing his perplexed bead with one hand and pointing to tbe can with the other, "shall I plant thlm fish wld the' tails up, or downr "Why," shouted the Irascible agent, "you thundering blockhead "Alsy, alayl" murmured Conelly, "Otm no such blockhead aa ye'd think. The shpot on the map where ye towld me to plant thlm trout Is ail biled ! down to mud. If thlm small fish ia to go In that sthream at all, at all, tls wan by wan they'll have to go In. like banes. All I'm askln' is this: Is It beads up yell have thlm, or tailsr We all do "mean little things," think ing people will not catch us at them, bat we are always caught ssCS Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axles ia tbe world long wearing and very ad hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a light one. Saves half the wear oa wagoa and team, and increases tha earning capacity of your outfit Ask your dealer for II tea AxU Qrtau. STANDARD OIL CO. As Chup u Cat Bt Boselit It ft! East DiliYim Mud Qgicttt WitttUiTsdi, I a m II in. Oik INGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon Aa to TJncle Henry. "I tell you, Maria," said Farmer Heck, after the visitor from the city had re tired for the night, "it's doing Uncle Henry a power of good to get away from the city and come out here where ha can breathe the fresh air. He says it's all right to talk about the comforts and con veniences of city life, and all that, but you can't improve on nature." "I'm glad he thinks so," said Mrs. Heck, with a sniff. "He must have changed bis mind since this morning. Johnny says he spent mighty near the whole forenoon In front of the looking glass up in his room, pulling the hairs out of his ears." HOWARD E. BURTON. Assayer arl Cnemlst. Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prlcra: Gold, fill ver. L-ad. tl : Gold, Sliver, tbe i Gold, 60c ; Zlno or Cooi per,fl. Cyanide tests. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on application. kPpttcauon. llelerencal Control and Cm lire wore souc m, tonal Bank. Carbonate fta Western Growth. Apropos of the mushroom growth of new towns on the Western frontier a locomotive engineer relates the follow ing: "One day I was driving my engine across the prairie when suddenly a con siderable town loomed up ahead where nothing had showed up the day before, "'What town's this?' says I to my fireman. "'Blamed If I know,' says Bill. 'It wasn't here when we went over the road yesterday.' "Well, I slowed down, and directly we pulled into the station, where over five hundred people were waiting on the platform to see the first train come in. "The conductor came along up front and says to me: "'Jim, first we know we'll be run nlng by some Important place. Get this town down on your list and I'll put a brakeman out on the rear platform to watch out for towns that spring up after the train gets by.' " Minneapolis Journal. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tight or new shoes leel easy. It is a certain cure tot sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Trial pack age mailed FREE. Address Alien 8. Olmsted, Leaoy, H9W xor. Keeping; TJp Appearanoes. The tall man in the suit of faded black went into the first class restaurant and seated himself at a table in a far corner. Lingering there a minute or two he ,nu stiff! and went rn tha raahier'a deflk. "If a gentleman caa't be waited on promptly in this place," he said, with a frown, "there are plenty of other places," Then he strolled leisurely out, pick ing his teeth, and presently wended his way unobtrusively to the 5-cent lunch counter around the crnr Appreciation. , "What did you think of tha speaker last night?" "Oh, his speech waa simply magnifi cent! It was so exhaustive!" " Twas, eh?" "Yes, he exhausted everybody in hla audience." ' A Distinction. . Mistress Have you had any expert- ... a aa W! J A. ence witn cmiareni enugei i.uyc, but they have had some wld me. C Gee Wo The Weil-Known Reliable . CHINESE Root and Herb 1 nnrmP S5j a a a wliiri-rtM-y Has made a life study of roots and herbs, and lr ithat study discovered and 1 giving to the world hla won- Wtil ramawiiatA. Ne Mercary. Peteeaa er Drags Uf-H Cares Wltaeat operation, or - el a Knife. He goaranteei to Care Catarrh. Asthma. Lang, Throat. Rheumatism. Nsrveoa D u- c.k I ir KMntv Troubles: slso Lost soci Female Weakness and All Private Dieoaaea A SURE CANCER CURE laet Caoaived from Pes, China Safe, Sara asm Kcuamv. IF YOU ARC AFLICTED. DONT DELAY, If you cannot call, write for sympton blank and circu lar. ' inCNH " WIW lit CONSULTATION FREE THE C. CEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. H2 First St.. Cor. Morrison, Peruana, Oregon , please Msatloa Fapesv IbbbWMsMIj L ' Jadlelal Flattery. "Oa what ground, sir," sternly asked the judge, "do you seek to evade your duty as a cltisen?" "Oa the ground, your honor, respond ed the man who had been summoned as a juror, "that I am 65 years old and no longer legally liable to jury service." Too don't look it by twenty years, sir," said the judge, "but your excuse is sufficient, and, of course, I shall not " Still, your honor," Interrupted the other, "inasmuch as your honor puts it before ma in the light of my duty as a citiien, I am willing to waive my claim to exemption and will serve with pleas ure." FITS Bt. Vitas' Dun and all Karroos Diseases permanently eared by Dr. Kline's Una Nerve Restorer. Bend for FBEE ft trial bottu and treatise. Dr. B. H. Kilne, Ld, Ml Area Sb, fUlld Faith Car. 'Tommy," said his Sunday school teacher, "your cold is much better than when I saw you last." "Tes'm," answered Tommy. "I cured it by ptayln'." 'By praying t I am glad to hear you say that" . ' "Tes'm. I asked the Lord to take it away from me and give it to Dick Bingo, and Dick's got it all right" Mothers will Had Mrs. Winslows Soothing lyruD the bst reraedv to use for their colldrea luring the teething period. LlTinsr tip to Hla Name. A teacher in a mission school In Bos ton had among her dudIIs a colored boy named Ralph Waldo Emerson Longfellow. As he was absent one Sunday, she asked the class if any one knew the reason for his absence. "I reckon I do," said one small, serious-looking boy. "What Is the reason, Johnnie?" "I guess he's home writing poetry," responded tbe boy, with a delighted chuckle. A Freach torpedo-boat- has been sent out to engage in battle with the porpoise along the coast of Brittany. -It Is said they are spoiling the' sardine fishing. By a judgment of the Supreme Court of Pretoria, the old Boer law forbidding Datives in the Transvaal to acquire land has been annulled. The Kind You Have Always ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, lias been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g'ood" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric. Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Use For tHTUH OOMNMT. TV Kept Talljr. The Squire I saw you In church on Sunday, George. Do you remember what the sermon waa about? The Keeper Yes, sir ; about an hour an' a Quarter long. Ally Sloper's Half Holi For cool cooking, less 9 In (ftpJh ii flSHifo NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove the ideal stove for summer. Does everything that any other kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our A nearest agency for The RaybLamp throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con structed; absolutely safe; unexcelled ia light-giving power; aa ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) anking by r.lail WE PAY INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It fa lust as easr to open a Savings Account with us by Mail as il yon lived next door. Bend for our free book let, "Banking by Mail," and learn lull particulars. Aaaresa Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sta. Totally- Different Characters. "He must be a good fellow." "Nonsense I Where did you get that j idea? He never goes to a club; and " "But his wife says he's a very good -: . fellow and when a man's wife " ) i v "Oh ! That's another thing. There's I -,v a big difference between a 'very good V ; fellow and a 'good fellow. " Phlla- , delphla Press. . " 1 V : I. N. U. Na. 24- 07 I WHEN writing to advertisers pleas mention this paper. flBniwan 3 Bought has borne the siarna- Signature of Over 30 Years. MURKa STRCCT, MCW VOHK CITT. Tha Good One. "There Is but one good wife In thlq l town," said a clergyman In the course : ! of his sermon the congregation looked expectant "and every married maa1 ; thinks he' got her," added the minis- : ter. - ,.:.;...-!. - work and least fuel-expense us descriptive circular. T ia the best lams for all-round household nse. Hade of brass