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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1907)
Press Paragraphs J. M. Hayes is in Pendleton tbla week. 'fiank Coolidge spent the 4th in Pen dlelou. C. A. Darrott speut yesterday after uoon i'i Peudletou.- , Born, to Mr. nod Mrs. J. W. Adams, . . Jf Walla Walla, a sou. 'jrf Born, July 4th, 1907, to Mr. and 4 Mrs. Dave Bonifer, a girL Miss Katherine Sharp spent Sauday , WHU irwuuo au iiain 11 ana. Mrs. John Uillis has recovered from a very severe illness with tonsilitis. Miss Kezia Clemens and brother, Joseph, were in Pendletou yesterday. Mrs. Homer Watts visited friends in Pendleton Tuesday and Wednes day. . . . V Miss Ethel Brady has returned from r visit to her parents at Cambridge, Idaho. T. M. Taggart was among the nnm 'ber who oelebrated at Bingham springs. jt Mrs. Gen Harris and Miss Gertie s Luna were gnests at Bingham springs this week. 5 : Misses Lela Stamper and Laura Mo lntyre spent yesteiday in Pendleton with friends."" -' ',; J Arthur Douglas and Luke Head drove ' to Bingham Bprings Wednesday to spend t he 4th. Losta square gold stone watch charm. Suitable reward. Return to Walter Judy. Levi Trowbridge is down from Gar field, Wash., spending the week with Athena friends. . - - il auu Mia. uaui uwuu auu iuioi Ernest Bostwiok are spending the week at Bingbam springs. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Campbell were in the oity Tuesday from their home near Warren Station. Walter Myers came over from Helix and is at the home of bis parents on Hunt Avenue this week. y Dale Preston came over from Walla Walla Wednesday in his runabout, re turning in the evening. ; LaBraobe Brothers are furnishing the orohestra mnsio for the celebra tion at Bingham Springs. . Miss Bonnie Micheal is visiting at ; the home of ber aunt, Mrs. J. T. King, from ber borne in Portland. Misses Iiuby Douglas, Elva Gross and Ida Montgomery were guests of Pendleton friends yesterday. , , Miss Ruby Burden, -w bo has been visiting her father at LaCross, Wash., returned to Athena Sunday. fined to bis borne in Weston, with a ' serious attack of neuralgia. Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Henderson of . Milton, parents of Mrs. H. O. Mans field, were in the oity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griss and daughters drove to Biughani Springs Wednesday and will return Saturday. Mrs. H. O. Worthington and Em ery spent the 4th with Pendleton friends and enjoyed the big celebia tion. . . - - C. H. Wbitemau is over this week 11 om bis borne in Walla Walla, visit- ing bis son, Otis, on the farm west of town. "" Haying is requiring the attention ot the farmers hereabouts, and the cliok of the binder is beerd in all di rections. Mrs. Frank Rogers, who has been isiting friends and relatives in this vicinity, returned Sunday to her home iq Pendleton. Mrs. Agnes Ferguson will arrive in Atbena today from Pomeroy, Wash., and will be a guest of Mrs. Wm. MoBride. - Crops are looking fine in the vicin ity of Pilot Bock, and prospects there as elsewhere in Umatilla county are very flattering, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. La Hue and the Misses Bisaengei of Pendleton, were Sunday visitors at the La Hue home in this city. Mrs. Harvey Caton and daughter, Miss Mattie, are visiting at the borne of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Leonard, in Dayton this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Castleman, res idents of Pendleton, well known in this city, are enjoying an outing on Coeur d'Alene lake. Miss Genevieve Dickson who has been visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Kelson left Monday morning for Walla. Walla. Miss Gladys Bush is up from the borne of her grandparents on Biroh creek, where she is making her borne, and is visiting Athena friends. Theodore Russell came down from Spokane several days ago and is spending tbe week at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Bannister in this -city. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley, Misses rene Dudley, Delia Danner, Zelma DePeatt and CecileBoyd spent the 4th on tbe Umatilla river at Thorn Hol low. Mr. and Mis. Henry Dell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willaby and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw and daughter left Wednesday for Bingbam Springs, wbeie they will enjoy a few days' outing. Mrs. J. T. King was taken very ill soon after tbe departure of Mr. King to Lehman springs Tuesday and pneu monia was feared. She is better at present. Senator C. W. Fulton will be in Freewater to deliver an address on "Peach Day." He has written tbe committee that be will be there with out fail. ,Clyde Willaby has taken out a li cense and will Lereafter conduct a general Graying business If be Unas that be is justified, be will purchase a new truck. Dades Little Liver Pills keep the system clean, the stomach sweet. Prompt relief for beadaohe and bil liousness. Good for all tbe family. Pioneer Drug Store. Monday afternoon Mrs. M. L.1 Watts invited a few friends in to meet Mrs. M. M. Johns, and a pleasant, informal afternoon was passed. Ioe cream and cake were served. Mr. Falkenberg and Miss Myrtle Goodman, of Walla Walla, were Sun day guests of Mrs. Fay S. Le Grow. They came over by auto and returned on the evening train. : , .. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mrs. Fanny Mitobell, former ly of this oity, to Mr. John Bryant, of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant will reside at Condon. . The Umatilla Indiaus will hold a two weeks' celebration this year, be ginning today, on tbe old picnio ' and camping grounds of the Indians on tbe reservation above Mission. "Mr! Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBride and s. Wm. MoBride and daughter Edythe spent the day yesterday at the parental home in Weston, taking din ner with tbe "old folks at home." Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers of Ad ams drove to Milton Saturday from their Adams ranch and took tbe inter urban oar for Walla Walla,- wnsre they visited relatives and friends. . Mrs. Carl Boyer, mother of Mrs. C H. Sherman, died at her home in Chatfleld, Minn., June 27. Canoer was tbe cause of death, illness extend ing over a period of several months. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk, Mr. and rs. Ed Koontz, Fred Koontz and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp and daughter were a party who went up on the Walla Walla river Wednesday for tbe expressed purpose of catching loads of dsn. ; v Mr. and Mrs. John Gross nasserl through town Monday from their home in Walla Walla on their way to Leh man Springs, where they will spend the summer. They ordered tbe Press sent, as they cannot get along without news from Athena. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Hoven, who have been enjoying a vaoation for the past two jweekr -andattending the Christian church convention at Tur ner, will return and Mr. Hoven will preaoh to his congregation here Sun day morning and evening. va, the little daughter of Mrs. Aim int Thomas, while playing in tbe yard at her home Sunday, fell and broke ber right arm above tbe .wrist. This is the fourth' time the arm had been fractured. Dr. Plamondon was oalled to attend tbe child. . Man Zan Pile Remedy oomes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where the soreness and inflamation exists. It relieves at once blind bleeding, itching or pro truding piles. Guaranteed. Pioneer Drug Store. Daniel Cartano came down from Spokane Tuesday evening and spent a oouple of days with his brother Bert, of this oity. Mr. Cartano is master of the art preservative, and manipu lates a Lineotype maohine for tbe In land Priuting company of Spokane. Milton Eagle: John McEwen, for merly of this oity, but now of Alber ta, is in the city for a short time vis iting relatives and friends. Mr. Mc Ewen is agent for an Alberta land company, aud while here is talking up land business with prospective buyers. V'""' : " : Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wheeler,"' Pen dleton's well known expert photog raphers, have left for tbe east and . will not return to Pendleton before tbe middle of September. Mr. and' Mrs. Wheeler will study the latest methods used in the photographic art, while in the eastern cities. IV Yesterday while engaged in mauip lmating bis razor. Merle Robey bad the misfortune to drop hia mirror,, thus striking tbe razor in such a man ner as to cause it to cut his thumb, very seriously. A deep gash, withf much loss of blood was the result. Dr. Sharp was called and took twoj stitches in the wonnded digit Mrs. Fay Le Grow entertained a number of ladies Tuesday afternoon '' at her borne on High street Fanoy work was tbe occupation of the hour, and fake and sherbet refreshed tbe busy company. Mrs. Bowles, who thns pleasantly met tbe Atbena ladies, will close ber visit to her daughter, tomorrow, returning to her home in Walla Walla after a two weeks stay. rlr. and Mrs. Howard Mansfield arrived in the oity Sanday from an extended wedding trip to Portland. Astoria, Seattle etc., and will go to housekeeping immediately. Tbey will probably occupy tbe McDonald cottage on High street Mr. MansSeld is tbe capable manager of the Tom-a-lam Lumber yard at this point, and bis bride is tbe daughter of a prominent family in Milton. Mrs. C C Sharp of Pendleton, and children spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp will leave next week for Seat- tie, where they will permanently make their borne. . Mrs. Sharp has sold her land in Alberta at a most satisfactory advance iu prioe, having purchased a half section at $13.50 and sold at S0 per aore. She will invest in a home in the Sound city. Mrs D. G. Curry returned home Sat urday evening from an extended trip through Union, Baker and Grant counties, and Washington county in Idaho, where she traveled in tbe in-tersest- of tbe Oregou aud Idaho Home Finding Society. Mrs. Curry was absent about six weeks and made a thorough canvas of ber district She will make a tour through northern Idaho some time during the summer. Mr. Walter Judy, pyroteobnioal ar- t, parted with a piece of money yes terday as tbe result of a little experi ment with a sizzling skyrocket, load ed at both ends and in the middle. Grasping tbe infernal machine firmly in tbe left hand Mr. Judy proceeded to show tbe boys a trick embalmed in fire and brimstone. He lighted match, applied it to tbe business end of tbo rocket, and under bis breath, mur mured "watch me." With a sizzle and a sputter, it dashed across tbe street, crashed through a window and spent its" force on tbe floor of Charley Norris' harness shop. Yesterday morning, Walter paid for a new win dow pane. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johns and sons, Melville and Flint, arrived in tbe city the first of the week and will spend several weeks with friends here. They have disposed of their interests at Sea side, and will probably looate at some point on tbe California coast in ttii fall, Mr. Johns will remain in Atb ena until after tbe harvesting of bis wheat, as he has two valuable farms in this best part of the best county in Oregon, both being under tbe care of Bern Bannister. Athena friends are pleased to have them with us again and to know that Melville's health has beeu restored, after several years of suffering with asthma. They are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts, and the balance of their stay will be with the Boyd family. George Piper who resides northwest of town evidently has a prononnced fondness for the road that threads its way through sylvan dells, grassy glades and alkali ohuok holes; a road that crosses cool, running brooklets, along the banks of wbioh grows blooming cowslips and fragant dew lips, and where birdlings and cricket lings hop and twitter all day long. And George always goes on a wheel, propelled by gasoline aloue. , And George always returns on ' a wheel, propelled by gasoline alone. Johnny Tompkins suspicions fellow that be is does not hesitate to say that Waits- burg holds au attraction for George;, out tne Press man believes tiiu, to .be tbe enchanting scenery along IbeToad sidfl that lures George away on his frequent trips. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that we will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 27th day of July 1907, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold only in a building situated on the east one-half of lot No. 7, in block h, ot said cily. O. O. Thomas A G. EI. Thomas. Dated June 28, 1807. ?. . Applicants DR. G. W. VAN HALTEREN, Osteopathic Ftiyaician Office in Besidenoe at seoond door east Mr. Hiteman's residence. - Official hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Graduate American School of Oste opathy, Kirksville, Ma For First Class HORSESHOEING And BLAGKSMITHING ; Call at Spencer's Shop P. D. MANN T.'-Rfl. T Coffee You Seal Blend I lb Cans, 45 cents Package Coffee is the best to buy and the best to drink. We have the agency. Sold only by Up-to-date Grocers. T.M. TAGGART & COMPANY, 1 On Savings i We Pay 41 On the Quarterly Balance or 3 On the cTVIonthly Balance J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN- AND SURGEON, 'l Office in Barjrett Building, - Athena, Oregon BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop . West ot King's Barn, Athena TROY LAUNDRY i . For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - Oregon losgroye Mercantile Co. SOUTH SIDE MAIN CDaoo Cfleairamice JUNE 15 Commences Saturday JUNE 15 Astonishingly low prices just at the time you need the goods. We bargains in this Sale are extraordinary. You cannot find their equal anywhere. Come early, while the offerings are largest and most varied. It will pay you well not to miss this opportunity. If you have not received one of our big circulars do not fail to send for one. & & Mosgrove Mercantile Company B. & II. Green Trading Stamps given with every 10c Cash Purchase (SUCCESSORS TO ELY A. SCOTT) Drink Should Chase Sanborn's ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton AMERICA!1.! Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of tbe best selected Blaestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Yonr grooer sells American Beanty for 1.20 Per Sack. Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. pw - ST., 11 t :r 1 11 a v 'i I- C Be the Best Circle Blend I lb Bags, 25 cents Sooth Side Main Street Milling Company and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. A. J. PARKER'S P Everything First Glass - Mo darn and Up-to- d ate SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA ATHENA, OREGON e 0 IBRl u n 1 Mm