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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1907)
A. V--' ) . t Press Paragraphs A warm, sultry day with judica tions of rain. r " Walter Judy was a visitor in the country Sunday. G. M. Morrison was up from Adams Friday evening. Elmer Taylor is employed at Sher man's meat market. .Marion Jack iin town today from hi-i reservation ranch. . fit. and Mrs. Anson Wood, of Wes $ouf wera in the city Sunday. H. A. Ferguson editor of the Helix Herald, was in town Friday evening. i. i Jioss Malonoy has returned from Thornton, Wash., where he attended Holiool. . . -..-. .., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Saling have gone 4 to the mountains to reside during. the - Hummer. ; - . i 'r W. S. Buel, who has been confined to his home with illness for some time, fa recovering.. r. Harry MoBride will run several - rhaoks to Weston daring the picnic, - Friday and Saturday. Miss Nellie Fobs visited at the home ' of Mr.' and Mrs. Claud Hanscom, near Pendleton Sunday. , C Leon Cohen, proprietor of the Peo ples Warehouse, Pendleton, was iuthe city yesterday on business. Will M. Peterson offers his household Koods at one-half ooHt price. All fur ' niture etc., is iu first class condition. '," Mrs. Manasae and daughter Jean , ette. spent Sunday in the coun'ry at '' tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk. . Ryan grade and the river road to tbe springs are in better condition for travel than they have been for many years. Mrs. P. E. Colburn has been con fined to her bed the past -week with illness, but is thought to be improv ing at present. ; Mr. and Mrs Donald McDonald are in tbe city from Walla Walla, visit ing their daughters Mrs. Dudley and Mrs. Peterson. , In' the Portland city election yester day, s Dr. Harry Lane was re-elected J' Mayor, over Thos. O. Devlin, the re publican candidate. Fred Flint, sheep shearer, is iu town for a f ow days before entering upon tbe last stanza of his professional "trick," for the season. W. S. Mayberry has just completed ' . flueoessatuU term-oiS school - near Boise City, and will spend the summer vacation at his home in Milton. i A .motion asking for judgment by Default will be made today iu the case of S. F. Sharp vs. Paul Bushman. Tbe amount sued for is $53 and costs. A Mr. Thomas of Waitsburg will suoooed Fred Kershaw as looal ngeut of tbe W. & C. K. at this point. The J new agent will arrive tomorrow. t ' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. R. McGrew, of Weston, were guests Sunday at tbe borne of Mr. aud Mrs. Ad. Pinkertou, and attended church services in the city. Mrs. Jane Watts bus rocoived hows of tbe death of her mother, Mrs. Mar tha Brook, at Strasburg, Missouri. Hhewas 04 years old at tbe time of her death. Missos Grace aud Lulu Bay, of Weston, were iu the oity Saturday. The Juttor has iust returned from the Hound, wheie she has taught school for the past several years. Our "Slimmer Goods" Catalog If you did not get ouo of our new "Sumnior Goods" catalcgs, kindly write us aud we will seud you one. It will bo u great help to you iii niakiug your summer purchases as it is well illustrated and priced. Seud for one whether you are iuteuding to buy auythiug or not. Use Our Rest v Rooms THE DAV1S Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-1G-18 20-22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, : WASH ' C, II. SHERMAN. Proprietor Nothing too good for our patrons. We out the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. Mowing of tbe rank growth of grass and weeds along the streets should be the order of tbe day. The man with the strong arm and a scythe is in de- mand. S. A. Barnes, David Lavender andj B. B. Hall, were among tbe Weston Masons who atteuded tbe banquet I given by Dolph Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Friday night Mrs. P. A. Worthington. of Port land, who is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Emery Saling, in Weston, is spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Worthington. H. E. Collier, of tbe firm of Collier & Winter. Pendleton, is said to have disposed of his law practice to partner, and exDects to oin tbe rln dleton colony in Poitland. Jerry St. Dennis settled the case wherein action was brought against him by Joe Gay for the recovery of money, by paying the sum sued for. and the team which bad been attaohed was released. , Link" Swaggart came up from Fend endleton the other evening, and had in his possession a new dog. The ca nine is of royal purple lineage, is Rhode Island Bed in color, all the rest being just plain dog. Mrs. Mary Dudley of Seattle, Wash., arrived in the oity last evening, and will visit at tbe La Bracbe'home south of town. Mrs. Dudley and Mr. La Bracbe are sister and brother and have not met before in 17 years. Mrs. L. II. Howell, who formerly resided at Fairfield. Wash., with her family is visiting at the homo of her sister, Mrs. Charles Norris. Mr. How ell has gone ou to the Willamette val ley, where they expoot to make their home. Today is "Strawberry day" at Mil ton, and a number of Athena people are attending the big picnic. Milton peopl e are noted for their hospitality and the people of tbe county take plea sure in visiting their town, whenever possible. X Three Holt combined harvesters were unloaded here Saturday. One machine each was consigned to E. A. Dudley, Henry Sohmitt and Joe For rest. The harvesters were purchased from E. L. Smith, salesman for tbe Holt Manufacturing company. Mountain potato raisers are just planting "spuds" for this season's crop. A vast difference exists between the production of potatoes on valley land and mountain soil. Down here the potato plant is six to eight inch es high, but when potato harvest ar rives, the mountain product will have its inning. r-.Bov. Geo. T. Ellis came down from Baker City Saturday. Rev. Ellis ocoupied his pulpit in tbe Bap tist churoh Sunday morning and even ing, and yesterday returned to Baker where he is taking medical treatment. He is very much improved, and re ports that bis son, who! recently un derwent a surgical operation, is doing nicely. Tbe Children's day exercises at the Christian churoh Sunday evening were largely atteuded, tho big aud itoriara aud gallery being well filled. The churoh was profusely decorated with vines, asparagus plumes and ros es, with boquets of out flowers and greenery bauked in the background. The recitntious, drills and songs were well rendered and showed the result of hard work on tbe part of those iu charge of the program. A special featnre was the choir, composed of 16 girls iu white, whose rich young voic- ! es rang out sweetly in che beautiful new sougs arranged specially ior tne day. A solo by little Luoiile Taylor ) wus leoeived with marked favor, but - KASER CO. Make Your appointments Here repeated recalls could not induce tbe little singer to return. All tbe little folks did exeptionally well, as did tbe older pupils. The collection for for- eien missions, for which tne occasion V9 arraDged amonnted to 23' lf. Yesterday there was a big trip hammer shipped from Portland, con sign id to Tharp Bros., of this oity. The machine is capable of striking 200 ninety-pound blows per minute. From this t will be seen that the hammer will greatly facilitate tbe output from Athena's leading black smith and machine shop. The trip hammer will rest on a concrete base d electric power, will be used. Beginning Friday morning the an al reunion of - the pioneers takes place at Weston, extending to Satur day night. Weston is generous in ber entertainment of guests and her residents have given notice that they will throw open their lawns for-the convenience of visitors. Tbe program for general entertainment is more complete this year than usual. Hun dreds of Athena people will attend tbe pionic, and besides the trains a num ber of hacks will make regular trips to facilitate transportation. Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy: Eleotrio Bitters; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. C, says: "They re stored my wife to perfect heath after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver." Eleotrio Bitters oure ohills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guar antee by Wm. MoBride druggist. Price 50c. The safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head- aohes, billiousuess and lazy livers. Pioneer Drng Store. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injury dressed with Buoklen's Arnica Save. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of Reusselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It oured Seth Burcb, of this place, of tbe ugliest sore on bis neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at Palaoe drug store. Gently moves the bowels and at the same time stops the cough. Bee's Lax ative Coach Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs colds, croup and whooping cough. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers iudorse it. Pioneer Drug Store. American Beauty" Best Flour, $1.20 per Sack. All Grocers Sell it; Everybody Uses it. All the World is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Lini ment plays a most prominent part. It has no superior for Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will always use it. Anybody who has used Ballard's - Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. Buy a trial bottle. 25o, 60o and $1.00. Sold ty W. MoBride. DR. G. W. VAN HALTEREN, Osteopathic Physician Office in Residence at seoond door east Mr. Hiteman's residence. Official hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ex cept Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Graduate American School of Oste opathy, Kirksville, Mo. D j'S, r-; ffi." MISTAKES sui.l iit"h to bo :n:ried six feet under ground. But. many times women call on their f;,m;ly physieia,, nutTering, as they imngli.e., oj o from dysju-psla, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros, tratlon, another with pain here and there, and in this wav they present alike to themselves and their ensy-going or over busy doctor, separate diseases, for wbictt he. assuming them to lie such, prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. TheTrtvtcian.Xjiorant of the came of sufTermp,veps up hvUreatment until larso bills are nfade. JVhejmJTering patient eets no beUerNjjJrrraSbaJKtbo wrons treatment, but probably worse; 4 rjtcner Hkft T)T, T'lerre't Favnrlte grnptloii. directed to the cnuxe would have elinTeiv removed the dlseast there by" "UiSpcUiiu; alT those uisCTt'Ssintr syrap toms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery, it has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured. . Dr. i'ierco's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, nuu vuuiiwi 'J . in ... . . . ........ It is made of native American medicinal roots ana 1 perfectly harmless in its efforts in 7? Tim ynunt ifti i,t inr. rcmg As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription " imparts strength to tho whole svstem and to tho orcans dis tinotlv feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out." run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses. "shorHrirls," house-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being un eqtmled as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorite Prescription is uneoualed and is invaluablo in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms. (St. Vltus's dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the Dterus. It induces refreshing sloop and relieves mental anxietv and despondency. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate tho stomach, liver and lxvela. One to three a dose. Easy to take as candy, rV.iicHte Vouf Itxwel V. IUi 1'Msaaret. Candy Cntlimt!-, re constipation forovor. JGc.3c. It C C. O. ctrugs'sw rorumt Qiooe ftiew It carries on its books dead beats In debt up to the chin; And to protect itself, must soak The people who cash in. T. M. TAGGART & COMPANY, On Savings We Pay 4' o On the Quarterly Balance or 3 On the cTWonthly Balance J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon BLACKSMITH AND I REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's 'Barn, Athena TROY-LAUNDRY V For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Athena. - - Oregon GREA' tWe have hundreds of yards of short lengths of Mill ends and Manufacturer's Remnants of which we do not intend to keep until the cold weather comes, and on Saturday morning, June l,at9 o'clock, we will commence the most phenomonal Sale of the season A Few Remnant Prices Remnants of 8 l-3c Lawns at 4 l-4c Remnants of 12 l-2c Lawns at 6 l-4c Remnants of 15c Lawns at 7 l-2c And many other Odd Lengths of Summer Goods at equally low prices. This is no old stock, but short lengths of new, seasonable goods, at money-saving prices, and just at the time of the year when you Mosgrove Mercantile Company B. & II. Green Trading Stamps given with every 10c Cash Purchase (SUCCESSORS TO ELY CS. SCOTT) Caslf The store that does the credit biz, If it does not go to smash, Must greatly over charge the folks Who deal there, but pay cash. We pay cash, and we want cash; And therefore we sell low. Here you deal, if you would make Your money farthest go. if First National of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS 20,000 4 MODERN OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier. JOB PRINTING INTEREST B. C. KIDDER HOUSE CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING Skillful Workmen and first-class Material mean satis faction in Paiting and Decorating. I have both SHOP ON 3RD STREET, - - - ATHENA, OREGON m 3mm Remnants Remnants Remnants need them. Si CO. Store South Side Main Street Bank PI IS BANKING FACILITIES DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. " Neat Workmen Fast, Moderii Presses High Grade Stock 1 of 15c Batistes at 7 l-2c of 20c Batistes at 10c of 25c Embr'd Swiss at 12 1-2