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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
f . ' - :- LfPress Paragraphs McBride keeps a fall stock of school books a ad supplies. . Ira Kemp visited bis parents at Milton Wednesday. Dan Shea came ia oo this morning's train from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill were in Pendleton yesterday. Mrs. S. P. Sharp visited relatives in Pendleton yesterday. ' The latest novels are to be f ouud at McBride's Palace drugstore. . For your laundry, call -up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 81. .' Mr. and Mrs. LeQrow returned Wednesday from Walla Walla. A cabinet photo of your baby free at Danner's photograph gallery, Athe na. : ' Jerry Swart, the affable O. E. &N. agent at Adams, was in town last night i a in the case of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. The little one is very ill with membran eous croup, and while in a critical condition, this morning there is said to be some hope for ber recovery. The reception held in the Christian church Tuesday eveuing in honor of Kev. J. W. Jenkins and family was one long to be remembered. The spacious auditorium was filled to its capacity with friends of this estimable family. A short literary and musical program was enjoyed acd addressei were made by a number of gentlemen in commendation of the exoclleut work done in this community by the retiring pastor. Rev. Win. Cowdon,. of Seattle was present and favored the congregation, as was also Rev. Geo. T. Ellis of the Baptist church. All ex pressed regret that Mr. Jenkins feols it encumbent upon himself to resign his work here and return to his home in Hood River, where he feels bis presence is needed. Mrs. Jenkins and family left Wednesday afternoon, and Mr. Jenkins went over to Milton where he delivered a lecture, follow ing the next day. They are attended by the best wishes of all Athena peo- Mrs. J. B Boyd and Miss Ceoile pie. - - Pendleton Wednes- LJHT. rS n j .., I Wea'uesfoy.wtn a oouple of strings One of the teams was visited friends In day. " Lost A cameo pin. Finder please I or mules. leave at this office and receive a suit able reward.' f Just reoeived, latest styles in belts, shirtwaist sets, back and sido combs, at Manasae's. Mrs. Heury Schmitt, who has been visiting friends in Pendleton, returned home last evening. H. W. Kemp and family have left Milton for Prosser, Wash., where they will hereafter reside. Remember the Yellow Kid dance tomorrow night, and be on band whether yon dance or not. - An elegant assortment of children's Easter hats at Mrs. Lillie Millers. Don't wait until tbev are picked over. R. Burns, the genial O. R. & N. superintendent, was in town yesterday, in company with another O. R. & JN. official. Mrs. Lillie Miller announces that a fine new line of the latest style trim med sailor bats arrived today. Call and see them. ' , ' Li. Thuot is "prepared to do conorete work and well digging. Orders left at Ed. Manasse's store will receive prompt attention. Jay Millard arrived in town last nigh f romRearda.nT - Wash. - Mir miiiara-win worK in me miu nere anu play 8rd base for the Yellow Kids. D. C. Mclntyre will return to the Walla Walla hospital next week for treatment again. He was called over ou business matters, some days ago. TiMT. and Mrs. Abe Jones, who were reoently married in Pendleton, were visiting relatives in Athena yesterday. They bad been in Elgin before coming "' here. .. . . ,- , . , ; " The first issue of the Helix Herald is on the Press. exohange table. Fer ' guson has a good field at Helix, and is in a position to get out a newsy paper. ; W. H. James and wife of Battle , Creek, Iowa, were in the city this week. Mr. James until recently was engaged in the mercantile business in Iowa. ' , ... Eetts for Setting. Mrs. Charles Norris has a limited number of eggs for hatching, from a pen of standard bred Rhode Island Reds, at $1 per setting. Ed. Foster is home from the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis. Ed. finished all bnt one study of the course f (i Ir tin Vt. li i -n and! will iaf"nrn tn go ua plot e it. Hill J. V II UtlB) UUW TV U uvui in Tuesday's Press as being critically ill, has revived and while not by any means being.out of danger, is consid erably better. Wanted A young man as traveling Good proposition. Apply to A. M. Baltiau, Athena Hotel, Saturday p. m. betweeu 4 and 8. Chas. Dupuis, Weston's popular boniface. was over yesterday sizing up the Yellow Kids. "Dupie" is a confirmed fau and likes the game for the sport there is in it . . """SCarpentera are rushing to comple tion the fine new residence to be oc- . cupiod by Mr and Mrs. D. H. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Preston went up to Waitsburg yesterday for a few days visit with relatives. worked with a "jerk line" with Laur ance at the other end of the line. The mules were from Missouri and had never been in town before and of course there was something doing. Laurance, however, was equal to the oooasion and pulled "haw" and "gee" applying a liberal use of the black snake, finally persuaded the mnletts to pass along Main street. Sometime ago Eilers Piano house of Portland, originated a word contest, giving prizes for the greatest number of words to be assembled from the letters contained in "Eilers Pianos." The first prize, a beautiful piano, was awarded to a gentleman in Portland, who made the record of 1000 words. Mrs. D. B. Jarman of this city had 600 words to ber credit, and yesterday received a certificate for $60,, which sum is stipulated to be used iu the purchase of a piano. Water snperintendent Gholson and a foroe of men have been working at the head of the new water system this week. Water that is now in use for domestio purposes is pumped into the mains from the city well. This water will be used until the damage result ing from the heavy rains to the grav ity system has been repaired. .Misses Francis and MinuHTBrunuier of Manning, Iowa, sisters of Mrs. Al bert Swaney, arrived in the city yes terday. . . : . ' ' ; Mrs. Robt. Tharp and daughter, Miss Lula, were Pendleton visitors yesterday. ., ' :72 Mrs. Henry Dell " andlMrs.xGen Harris were'in Pendleton yesterday. KILLED ON THE RAILROADS For Sale--Seven quarter sections. six miles from Helix, half mile from warehouse: Eood house, big barn. machine shed, spring water; $37.50 per acre, two-fifths cash; long terms. Lock box 9, Helix, Oregon. Mr. L. J. Foss informs that all members of the Christian church are desired to meet at 4ne chnrch Sunday at 11 a. ni.,. Tere ia of imtiortanCe to attend to and all are requested to be present Tb Navlor estate was appraised Wednesday by T. J. Kirk, D. A. Pin kerton and James Zerba. ihe ap Tiraisd valuation of the estate amount ed to ti.615. In addition to this there is 100 acres of growing grain, land leases, eta. which was not appraised and which will brine the valuation ' nn to abonfc ?6.000. Dr. Cropp of Walla Walla, was in town Wednesday evening. He was - called here to consult with Dr. Sharp Hen, Women and Children Stricken Down by Thousands as a Ba salt of Carelessness. Torture By Savages,. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the inteuse suffering I endured for three mootbs from inflammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Gushing, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three Dottles of which completely cnred me." Cures liver complaint, dyspep sia, blood disorders and Malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to ro bust health. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride, druggist. .Price 50c. Keep the littlfr one - healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 35c Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. J,-'..- N. A Uvely Tussle with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, ofton ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort 25c at McBride 'a It Is hard to understand the compla cency with which the American people tolerate' the reckless disregard of Ufa that may fairly be said to characterize the railroads of this country, says Les lie's Monthly. ; Each year the collected statistics of the dead and wounded rival the harvest of a war between great na tions. In 19(2 the injured numbered 64, C62, and the killed 8,500. Think of it. Men, women and children, enough to people such a city as Wilmington, strick en down because somebody makes a mis take. In 1895 passenger travel was only five-sixths as heavy as it ;is to-day, but the list of killed and wounded was little more than half so great as the holocaust of last year. With each accident the neighboring community Is aroused. When an attempt Is made to indict di rectors era president, the tublic smiles, and the cynicism Is Justified. Yet In nine cases out of ten the fault is due to Incompetency tolerated, if not coun tenanced, by those in authority. When an army meets with disaster the general may blame his subordinates, but the nation holds him to account. In railroading, as In war, inefficiency is a crime, and as the general is absolutely responsible for his command, the presi dent and directors must be made to an swer to the public. The conviction of a single 2r,ono-a-year man might send a shudder round every directors' table In the country, hut also it might cut down railroad accidents by a third, , Items in Brief. Certificates of Deposit Are the best form of short-time investments. These certificates . such as are issued by J. L. ELAM'S BANK " ,j are made payable ou demand with interest at 8 per cent aud will be cashed any time without notice, or we will issue you a time certi ficate bearing 4 per cent iuterest payable any desired date. THE DIFFERENCE When you put a man to work . : You pay the man. When you put your money to work i Your money pays you. I Make ALL your money ' ' . Work ALL the time. J, L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH. If there Is no Piano in the house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled for sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash. . J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Water Kegnlations. - The following resolution, relative to water regulatious was passed and ordered published by the water com missioners : ' t Resolved: That from 'and after this date, all purchasers of city water shall pay their water lent at the office of the water commission. Water rent, where meters are not nsed, shall be the PresarfSyyin the first day of each month and where meters are used, on toe fifth day of each month, and all bills, if not paid on or before the 1 Oth day of the mouth, become delinquent and a nenaltv of 25 centj added to each and every bill to pay the costs of col lection. And as an inducement to get water consumers to promptly install meters, be it farther . Resolved : That all persons install ing meters nrior to July 1. 1906, will be rebated the cost of the meter; said mersona to be rebated one-half their monthly water rate, until the price of the meter is refunded, the meter to remain the crorerty of the City of Atbena. ---,..;!. . "Dated, April 6, 1306. S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street. Athena, Oregor BANNER 8ALVE the most haallna salve in the world. To Core Constipation Forever. fake discards Cundy Cathartic. 10c or 25a C. C. C. fall to cure, druireiKls refund mooe OREGON SHOip LINE Buy Samson at Cox & McE wen's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. See the fine cut glass for sale by O. A. Barrett & Co.'s. Try a" Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Cragfiead & Hays have some bar gains in: business chances. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is Rue. At Worthington & Thompson's. A delij pious dessert Washington Pio. Get it at the Preudergast Bakery. We s&U have the famous Coles air tight beaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. . ' t "Autocrat" stationery, the best kind at MoBride's. Can'ti we you some of our C. A. Barrett & show Rogers silverware? Co. - -. - You should see the fine line of buggies aud hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co.s. : the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives put impurities, cleanses and euricbes the blood and purifies the entiie sys tem. 85c. Pioneer drug store. Say Ma. Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a Sample line, no two alike, at one-half price. Call at Manasse's. . Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. . Pioneer drug store. iimmntmf w w mmwttmn!? wmwwm mm mww vl CONSUMERS c A simple rule to make life a joy is to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee When shopping do not forget that "99" is tho best Coflbo that can he obtained. For sale only at the WHITE HO Cash Grocery cTI Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZSt iiuuiuiiiiaiitmaiii.iuiuii.iuiiui.iurt.iiiiuiuiuiiui.iuii ESTABLISHED 1865 ABBIVB Dally. 9:12 a. m. Walla Walla. Day- ton, Forneroy, Lw ioton. Colfax. Full- man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict. Bpokane aud an points norm. 12:.10 p n 4:53 p m. TIMS SCHEDULES ATHENA, OKE. Mixed, Walla Wal to Pendleton. Fast Mall for Pen- t w A r. Baker City, and all pol nts eurt vl H un tlnrton. Ore., Also forUmatilla, Hepp ner. Th Dalles, Portland, Astoria. Willamette Valley Points, raliforoia. (Tacoma. Beat! le, all Hound points. Mixed, Pendleton to Walla Walla DBPABT Dally. a.m. 4:53 p. m 7:05 p m Doctors are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kouneth Mclver, of Vauceboro, Me., is the subject of much iuterost to the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his caso: "Ow ing to severe inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up to die; when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's JJew Discovery and I am happy to sas it saved my life." Cures the worst coughs and colds, bron chitis, tonsilitis, weak lungs, hoars uess and la1 grippe. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store. 50o and $1. Trial bottle free. Pi eston-Parton Milling Go. I Our Barley li Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its credit make Buoklen's Arnioa Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the patrons of husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst burns, gores, boils, ulcres, - cuts, wounds, chilblains, and salt rheum. Only 25o at the Palace drug store. I Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers 5 Waitsburg, Wash. - - Athena, .Oregon. 5 J 1 jpZ-" : W-- v-y.,- - . iDOisr t siErr this I Unless you are interested in wearing! fc-l.V.Alft PROPERLY FITTED GLASSES. vaufc.uuftyuiOhumuttWMiw If your glapstfl are too young Tor you bring them in and I will put proper lens in your frames very reasonable. All work guaranteed. Children's work a specialty. fairln tiaml vifln vlll t kbit to tud tMl trtll AlfattM Of 14 won from ttxi ty M With tad wmtorli ftlM iu bt 11 to read If ihonld km ImDMllM Kttntwo. Wh th bsxscra th4 fas mdiaf pmwinf.orlf thttatwrs look Unmd and nn togthr,ttlitaiinlBdM lint that clkWH an bmiML Tha Udmi Mid In ttia hp foods ara of ml dfiuiity and ut Imotrtmty fonnad urfaoaa. Continued um of Ifant ijixwrr Uniei will rniult ia poDiitr lnurj from th onatuil lUto Bp K. Iv. H I T KM A N Graduate and Ktate UcenHt?it Optician. Of Uce. next door lo Ht. Nichols t-aniplo Uooiiih. 22331 BBSS dUNIOMPACUFIC TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dully to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east dally irom Pendleton. If. VI. Smith Agent, Athena lossrove Mercantile Co. We wish to say . to the people of Umatilla county that the new firm the oMosgrove o7VIercantile Co., successors to the Athena Mercantile Co., are now doing business at the old stand. We have new goods in every depart ment; the best the market affords. We have made our selections with the greatest care and attention. We are now showing all the latest styles in spring and summer Dress Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Ladies' Neckwear. New Spring and Summer Dress Goods. 'Our -Hijack Dress Goods are specially worthy of notice. We have all the new weaves in high grade Fabrics. In Colored Dress Goods wa are now show ing all the latest ehades in the new pring gooils. Silver Grays, Blue Grays, Quaker Grays, TariB and Alice Roosevelt Blues, nn well as many other colorings. "WA.SH DRESS GOODS In Wash Dress Goods we have all the latest, up to date spring designs in an endless variety of new fabrics, Organdies, Embroidered Voiles Silk Warped Eolines, Mouslin deSoie, Lawns, Dimities. All the latest patterns in fine Ginghams, Foulards, Percales and Calicos. SHOES We call special attention to our Shob depart ment. We carry the very best makes in all grades. Men's and boys' Shoes in Box Calf, Valour Calf, Vici Kid or Enamel,in all the new lasts, and at prieee to suit all comere. Ladies' Shews in high r low cut. Just re reived tho most tip to date stock ever shown in Umatilla county. Call and give the new shapes your careful inspection. LADIES' CORSETS We have also put in' a new line of Ladies' Corsets. The celebrated Royal Worcester. This corset needs no commentary from us. It is a well known fact that this is one of the most perfect fitting and best made corsets in the United States. We have them in all sizes and grades in either Black White or Drab. PATTERNS We are also agents for the Ladiea' Homo Journal Patterns, oi which we have a large assortment 'on hand. Our investigation con vinced us tht the patterns are us high grado as the magazine. We are convinced that their 10c and 15c patterns are in every way a3 good as any patterns in the world at any price. Furthermore they furnish a guide chart Free with each pattern. This shows exactly how the pattern is to be put together, and saves a great amount of time and trouble for the user