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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
VOLUME XVIII. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1906. NUMBER 18. ED. MANASSE S3ew Arrivals Shirtwaists Id white and colored, Linen and Mull with the latest Cuff Sleeves-. Embroideries. Munslin Embroideries. Tbey look like silk but wears better. S UITS FOR MEN and BOYS In Square and Round Corners. Up to date Col ors and guaranteed perfect fit. ED. MANASSE , Agent for Butterick's Patterns. irst National Bant of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. .... . . . . $50,000 SURPLUS,.. ..... 17,500 We do Strictly a Commercial Business. We Solicit" " the Accounts ot Individuals, Firms and Corporations. OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, L M. KEMP, Ass't Cashier, j CONTRACTING T Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. ... S A. M. GILLIS, PROPRIETOR, 5 sTHE GILLIS LUKR YARD I Good Groceries, Coffee .In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The difficulty is not great, but it s exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line Each Article the Acme of Perfection Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion. RE3IEMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality. DELL BROTHERS .very Pay Ribbons. Those you read about for tho neck and for belts. Washgoods. The latest in Washgoods can always be found at this establishment. DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. AND BUILDING I OB !( CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1XG3 TO EAT THE BALL GAMES DANNY SHEA WILL CATCH FOR THE YELLOW KIDS. 8nnday an Excursion Will be Run to Accommodate Visitor! From Walla Walla- The interest of all lovers of tbe national sport centers in tbe two games betweou Walla Walla's crack team, the "Boosters," and the Yellow Kids, on the Athena diamond tomor row afternon aud Sunday. ' Tbe people of Walla Walla like good, clean ball, and the Yellow Kids were always favorites in tho garden city. An excursion train will be run by Walla Walla people for the Suudoy game. The Saturday gamo promises to be well attended also. . Danny Shea, tbe old Yellow Kid catcher, came in this morning from Portland and will wear the big mitt again this year. Since leaving Athena Dan has been playing iu tbe Paciflo Coast League, having - cangbt for San Francisco last season. The lineup for tomorrow's game will be Marquis or Butler, pitcher; Shea, catcher; Al Nordean, 1st base; Lien alien, 2nd base; Millard, 3rd base; Davidson, short; Krietz, Nordean aud Donovan in the outfield. REFORM SLEUTH GUILTY. After Preparing Kvldeace of Breaches of Law He Was Arrested . The case of the state versus Wil liam 0. Day, charged with an offense against decency, was beard before tbe superior court at Walla Walla. Day was found guilty as charged. Tbe case attracted much interest, as be fore Day's arrest he took a prominent part in the reform movement launch ed about three months ago, and which resulted in several saloons losing licenses. " Day aoted as a sort of a stool pigeon for the reformers and for several days frequented the saloons gathering evi dence of gambling and other violations of the law. With this evidenoe, and some additional, the reformers went before the city connoil and after a few "star chamber" sessions the oity fathers revoked several lioenses. Shortly after the council rescinded its action and the saloons were reopened. Day was soon arrested on a war rant charging him with serious offense, and although at tbe time it was thought tbe action was taken in a spirit of revenge, evidence was pre sented and the man was bound over to appear before the superior court. He has been out on bonds. Traveling: Booster. The Umatilla County Development League has plaoed H. C. Willis on tbe road between Pendleton and Cheyenne to induce homeseekers who are now flocking to the coast to stop and look at this country. Mr. Willis is well supplied with descriptive literature and is prepared to direct the emigrant to any section that he thinks may please him. Other agents will be waiting to show the prospective set tlers around the country. Transporta tion is furnished Mr. Willis by the 0, R. & N., while his other expenses are borne by the league. Young Child Drowns. Iola, the .4 year old daughter of George Lane, while attempting to cross Mill creek near her home on East Alder street, Walla Walla, fell from a plank Tuesday afternoon in tbe stream and was drowned. Tbe water flows very rapidly at this point, and no one but a little girl about tbe same age witnessed the aocident. Tbe body was carried down stream about four blocks, where it was found some time afteiward. and Tea Athena, Oregon. PORTLAND HORSE MARKET. JSflTort Will Be Hade to Establish Market ror Sale of Blooded Stock. Anent the locating of a packing plant, with its accessory livestock yards, another effort is to be made to establish a horse market in Portland, says tbe Journal. The venture this time will be uuder the name of the Portlaud Horse Sale oompauy, of which M. D. Wisdom is presideut, and G. A. Westgate manager, it will open with an auotion sale of fluely bred horses, which will take place at Irvington Park May 2, 3 and 4. Tbe entry list closes April 10. Tbe num ber of consignments already received presages a long string of horses for the auctioneer's block. Commenting upon tbe matter Mr. Wisdom said: "Several attempts have been made to establish a horse market in Port land, and with little satisfactory re sults. Tbis time we take the initia tive, and were led to do so because of tbe location of a stock yard ou the east side. We feel that the yards will bring many horsemen to Portland, aud that their iuterest in a market, coupled with a kindred feeling ou the part of local men and women, will make tbe venture tbis time a success. "We do not intend to make these auction sales a regular business. We will make the start, which wo hope will be a sufficient inducement for someone else to take the matter where we left off. We have' secured an auctioneer from Chioago. "For some time there has beeu a feeling that a horse market would pay in Portland, if properly handled. At the present time there is no plaoe to buy or sell." A featuie of the initial sale wlil be tbe disposal of C. X.. Larrabee's cele brated Brook-Nook lanoh horse, which took many prizes at. the Lewis and Clark fair. Dr. A. . Pierce consigus five horses Salem Maid, tbe Del Norte filly with a half mile record of 1:08 and a mile clip of 2:21 with three months training; Maid Marion: the Zombie filly, and three other pros pects. From N. K. West's Commonwealth farm at La Grande will come a con signment of drivers and speed pros pects. Aug. Erickson of the Fruit dale stock farm, Claokamas county, consigns several fillies with enviable track record. R. C. Kiger of Cor- vallis will send some high class drivers, and E. B. Tongue a choice list, including Lovelace 2 :20. PORTAGE ROAD BEHIND- Gasoline Engine Would Save Money and Make More Trips. The La Grande Observer gives the following account of an experiment in Washington gulch: Following the system of dry farm ing introduced in Oregon by the late R. C. Jndson, industrial agent of the O. R. & N., and known as the Camp bell system, George F. Wright, the Washington gulch rauober, a year ago tbis spring sowed a field of alfalfa with the dry seed which Mr. Judson imported from Germany and culti vated it under the dry system. Mr. Wright reports now that this alfalfa is growing and is higher and healthier than tbe other alfalfa which he is raising by irrigation. He is a firm believer in tbe dry farming system as applied to bench lands and looks for splendid results not only in bis immediate neighborhood, on his own ranch, but all through the coun try where others have tried tbe ex periment. The fact that tbis seed sprouted and grew luxuriantly through all tbe dry, wet, cold and snow of the past eight months, fully demonstrates what can be accomplished by scieutiflo meth ods. M. S. Boad and other farmers east of Baker City are also working in these lines and are obtaining good ro sults. Tbe Wright alfalfa experi ment is believed to be tbe first suc cessful effort made in tbis county. Hat No Opposition. At 5 o'clock Wednesday evening tho time for filing nominating peti tions expired and tbe list of democrat io and republican office seekers is now complete. No one Died notice of his candidacy for tbe democratic Domina tion for tbe office of county clerk and it looks like Frank Saling, the present incumbent, was to be tbe unanimous choice of tbe county. This is tbe only office for which there ig no demo cratic aspirant and together with that of commissioner and surveyor is the only one for which tbero aro not more than one republican aspirant. Whitman Beat Walla Walla Whitman college Wednesday after noon defeated tbe Walla Walla town team by the score of 11 to 2 in tbe opening game of the season. Gregory, for tbe town team, was batted out of tbe box in tbe sixth with seven runs against bim. Rigsby for tbe colleg ians proved hard to hit and held tbe locals sate at all times. A large at tendance saw tbe game. Batteries Gregory, Blackbnrn and Lankard; Rigsby and Cox. DIPHTHERIA NOT CATCHING- Chicken' Disease Is Not Trausuiissable to Human Beings. . Dr. Ralph C. Matson, baoteriologist of the state board of health, bus de cided that cbickeua may contract diphtheria aud die ot tbe disease, but it is not tbe sort of diphtheria that people have. He arrived at this de cision after making a thorongh ex amination of a dozen or more chicken heads, from fowls which recently died in Soio, Oregon, under peculiar cir cumstances. He decided that chicken diphtheria was not transmissable to buman beings. Mrs. MoClaiu and her daughter died at Soio of some throat affection and simultaneously'- more, tbpn 20 large fat fowls belonging to tbe fami ly contracted sore throat aud died within a few hours. - The coincidence oreated quite a stir and it was feared that tbediseaso,if common to mau aud chickens, would become widespread. The state board of health, togeth er with tbe local health authorities, is taking active measures iu regard to tbe smallpox cases in Lebauou, Linn county. Alroady two localities have been infected from cases arising iu Lebanon, and it is the belief of tbe board that proper quarantine measures have not beou enforced by the local authorities. Two cases are reported from foster, 20 miles east of Lebanon, besides several oases occurring near Portland. The disease was originally taken to Lebauou by a youug man who exposed a great many people while singing iu one of tbe leading ohuroh choirs there. A member of the preacher's family is said to be one of the first to contract tbe disease from the singer. On account of tbe presence of smallpox iu logging camps at Gray's river aud Deep river, Washington, looal health officers along tbe Colum bia river have beeu notifiedto keep a sharp lookout for the disease aud promptly vaociuate aud quarantine all exposed. Oue of the cases at Gray's river exposed a family of five at North Yamhill, but these have beeu quarantined aud vaociuated by the couuty health officer of Yamhill county. The state board has been working aotiVely in connection with the various couuty and city health officers and it is believed that all foci of infection will be rapidly stamped out. , NOT SO BAD AS FAINTED. Crops In Pendleton Section are Turning Out Well. Investigation of the condition of growing grain in vaious parts of Uma tilla county shows the damage sus tained in tbe March cold spell was slight. Instead of many thousand aores to reseed, as at first reported, not more than 200 acres iu the eu tire county have beeu reseeded. Many farmers secured seed whoat aud vit riol, in many instance) paying fancy prices for bluestem, which was scarce, only to find that their grain was not injured or only slightly. The only section where there was any loss was the northwestern part, where the soil is light and there was comparatively no. snowfall. The scare; was due to tho fact that tho tops of tho grain iu some places was frozen, but this is considered a benefit instead of an in jury by many, as they say it has caused the grain to stool out more than otherwise. The fruit is also coming out nicoly and tbe damage will not be nearly so great as was feared. Tbe peaches suffered most, but there will be a partial crop of all other varieties of fruit. Death of Rev-Boyd. The Paciflo Prosbytorian of San Francisco of a recont date, gives an aocouut of the death of Rev. Thomas M. Boyd, formerly pastor of the Pres byterian church in Pendleton.' Rev. Boyd was founder of the Pendleton academy, having made arrangements for tbe purchase of the old court bouse building, which stood on tbe presout site of tho Peoples Warehouse on Main street, aud moved it to its present location on Web street, where the academy was opened in 1888. He was pastor of tho First Presbyterian cburch of that city for three years, from 1885 to 1888, and left there at that time for San Francisco, where he beoame pastor of Olivet Presbyterian church. Pioneer's Sudden Death Mrs. Sarah Figg Thompson, a pioneer of Umatilla county, and well known iu Walla Walla, was found dead in bed iu the latter city Tuesday morning at tbe residence of her step son, J. C. Thompson, fcbe retired in usual health. Wbeu Mr. Thompson went to her room iu tbe morning he fonud ber cold iu death. She was seventy three years old, and death was caused by. heart disease. Tbe late Mrs. Thompson lived fot about 25 years on a farm north of Pendle ton. Tbe remains were interred in the Pendleton cemetery. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. MUST PAY THE TAX WALLA WALLA ASSESSORS FIND VULNERABLE POINT. Traveling Salesmen for Non-Resident Firms Do Not Escape Liability to Be Taxed. A Walla Walla special says Deputy Couuty Assessor William - Case has uabbed one of tho men who has been peddling buggies in Walla Walla couuty, and Assessor Bei ryman forced tbe foreign salasuian to dig up 125.50 in payment of taxes ou the vehicles be had iu bis possession. - Ibis is one of tbe men who have beeu making their houdnuartarn in Freewator and going over to Walla v mm county selling buggies to farm era in competition with local dealers. Since tbe supreme court decided that the peddling law was unconsti tutional, representatives of eastern buggy factories have been doing a big business iu Walla- Walla couuty, much to the detriment of Wnlln Wnllii implement and vehicle dealers, and tue latter are naturally very much elated over the fact that one of tbe bunch has beeu compelled to pay taxes. A close watch will be kent I iv the deputy assessors iu other portions of me county ana an etrort made to tax every vehicle that can be found iu the possession of the travoliug agents. HIGH PRICES 8T0P BUILDING. Common Rough Lumber Increases Four Dollar l'er Thousand. Lumber prices have gone skyward iu tbe past week throughout the Pa- louse country and building operations are being curtailed in consequcuce. The price of common rough lumber has advanoed $4 per 1000 feet, while tbe better grades of lumber have ad vanced from 25 to 35 per cent. Com mon lumber, which retailed at from $11 to $15 per 1000 feet is now eell iug at from $15 to $17. The highest crudes of fluisbiug lumber has jumped from $35 to $5.1 per 1000 feet and there is a proportionate advance in all grades. As a result, many who planned to erect buildings this year are abandon ing the plans and contractors prediot that building operations will be re duced from 35 to 50 per cont this sea son. Several Colfax citizens who bad plans drawn for building buvo aban doned the idea uud will wait until next year, or later, in hopes that tho prioe will be lower. The lunibor trade of that section ip completely controlled by the Potlatch Lumbor . company, which bus mills at Colfax, Palouse and Potlatch, Idaho, and is a branch of the Weyerhauser syndicate, which is also said to control tbe mills at Bridal Veil, Oregon, from whioh a portion of tho supply for this country has been soonred for several years. Tbe rise in the prioe of lumber is re garded as a serious handicap to build ing. , Merge Phone Company. A union moetiug of the Milton rural pboue patrons and tbe Pacific States Telephone aud Telegraph company, represented by R. J, Bingham, divis ion manager was held in Milton Wednesday. The object was tho amalgamation of tbe two systems established in that city and tho out lying couuty. The rural company will be under the supervision of tho Pacific States company and tbe two system will bo uuitod. The Pacific Stutcs company will install a multi ple switobboard aud employ day and night operators. A small fee will be charged for night conversations to prevent useless talking. The rural dirootors will retain office as before and will keep the phones outside the oity limits iu good repair, while tho Paciflo company will continue to con struct and repair city telephones. Cougar Ate Woman. Mrs. Johnson, wife of City Detec tive Johnson of Minneapolis, who with her husband has beeu spending some weeks visiting relatives in Port Townsend, started from tbe residence a neighbor near Brinuon to return to tbe home of her sister, Sunday after noon, and has not since been seen. The missing woman wore valuable diamonds, and had about tnoo on hr person at the time of her disappear ance, xue settlement where ber rela tives live is located at the edge of a virgin forest, and it is feared Mr Johnson bat beeu attacked and car ried off by a cougar, many of which infest tbe vicinity. For Sale. 820 acros 8 miles from A mile from warehouse, 1W well improved. Ha' time. lir V