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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1904)
ATHENA PRESS Twice-a-Wekk Tuesday and Fbidav . B. Botd, Publishes. Entered second-class matter, March 1, VMi, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Kt: i'er year, in advance 12.00 Single oopiei In wrappers, 6c. Advertising Ktss Local reading notices, nrst'lnsenion.lOcper me. Each sabsequent Insertion, 6c. All communications should be addressed to me PRK88 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JUNE 28, 1904 ROCKEFELLER'S "FILE." The case of Captain Richmond Pear Bon Hobson shows that the war hero does not always have the open Besame to the prize of politics. Young Hobson resigned from the navy a year or two ago, and announced that be intended to seek an election to congress. One of bis objects in congress, as he recently de clared, would have been to work for the construction of a bigger navy for the United Stated than England has. He would give this country the same pre- emjnence on the sea tbat (ireat critian has had foHbe past third of a century, even if this necitated the expenditure, within the next 20 yeatMjfJvi'O ofthree billion dollars. But , Hobson 's war record did not prove to be so powerful an asset as he and some others supposed it would be. He has been beaten by John H. Bankhead, of the Sixth Ala bama district, a very much less pictur esque person, but a person who has had au experience of eighteen years in con gress, and who served in the legislature of his state many years before going to Washington, while Hobson has never had any political service of any sort. Like his companion in arms, Dewey, the hero of the Merrimac has bad bad luck in politics. The sailors in this country have been less fortunate than soldiers. Moreover, the war in which Ilobeon figured was given no political prize to anybody except President Roosevelt. It furnished him thtf governorship of New York, and this led to the presidency. The chances are that it has no more political posts for anybody. The word "yellow" is passing through a transformation. It describes the color of sunshine or of beaten gold, of the buttercup or of the dandelion. But not many years ago one of the sensational newspapers printed a series of colored pictures illustrating the adventures of a "kid" that is what the child was call edwearing a long yellow, garment. The yellow . pictures appeared till Not a big-selling novel in two years, say the publishers. The searchlight is applied in every direction for a possible hidden genius. The typewriters of the land creak and got wheezy with the rapid production of rapid literature. Litterateurs who erstwhile scrapped for existence in Grub street now employ high-priced architects to build them mansions in Easy street. Never was the apparatus for getting literature produc tions before the public so well develop ed. But the books. Walter Wellman wants to kuow what has become ot the writers ot great American novels. They have probably found out that it pays better to write the kind of novels that the groat American public seems to want. ; . . meu began to use the term "yellow journalism" when they desired to de scribe the journalism that was sensation- al, coarse and vulgar. Now we have yellow politics and yellow preaching, yellow base ball and yellow warfare, and it litis got so that when one is told that a woman wore a yellow gown to a party one does not know whether the gown is meant or its extreme vulgarity. Never was there a better illustration of the truth of the saying that a word is known by the company it keeps. "Our administration of the great de partments of the government has been honest and efficient, and wherever wrong has been discovered the republican ad ministration has not hesitated to probe the evil and bring the offender to justice without regard to party or political tioa." This is an extract from the plat form adopted by the republican mitioual convention at Chicago. It is excellent so far as it goes, but would hare been more to the point if it had gone more into det il and shown how many dis honest officials had been "brought into justice." Perhaps the formers of the platform compared the list of convict ions with the list of indictments, and found so few of the former tbat they thought details would be dangerous. While we are living under the protec tion of the most liberal and enlightened government on the globe, the violation and disrespect of law are on the in crease. Obnoxious laws remain on the statute books and their violation is not punished. To inculcate reverence for laws only such statutes should be en acted that tend for righteous govern ment. On the left band corner of invitations to an aristocratic wedding in New York there was printed, "No Children Ex pected." Should be referred to the anti-race suicide society. Exchange. Be patient; it is the unexpected that happens. The emperor of Austria has" been chided by his physicians for working too hard. Pity the case of a poor old, tired emperor who can't put a substitute on, the throne for even a day or two for fear the sub won't give it back. Foley's Honey and Tar forchlIdren,sate,sure. No opiates. A $2500 Blow-Out Grand 4-th ot July Celebration WALLA WALLA Grand parade, music by three Bands, Athletic sports, daylight Fireworks, ed ucated pig Ballonist, Hose racing, dan cing, orations and amusements of all kinds, ending with a $1000 display of fireworks in the evening. . ' Excursions on all Railroads. COME, MAKE IT A ROUSING 4TH t THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate -commercial travelers. Iff Can beteoomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. i Cob. Main and Tbibd, ATBSNA.Or. i Pianos of Worth. We sell the kind of Pianos that those who are critics, buy. They are Reed & Sons, noted tor strength and volume of tone. The Henry F. Miller, Boston's oldest and sweetest toned make. The Steger, musically equal to the best, and the popular Singer. Whitman College purchasd pianos of us last year valued at $4,000, and all were of the above makes The College buys only the highest grade pianoa. We buy direct from factory and can save you money. Pianos delivered on ten days trial free. It will pay you to get our prices and easy terms. Dwelley Merrick; Music Co., 51 East Main Street i Doors Above Bridge, Walla Walla. Washington Minting .. L. J. Robinson does painting as it should be done. Material used by him is first-class. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Shop, corner 3rd and Jefferson, Athena, Oregon. - Cures Old Sores. . , Westmoreland, Kansas, May 5, 1902. Ballard Snow Liniment Co.: Your Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin tbat was supposed to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn and would n"t yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment which did the work ia short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophi.i J. Carson, Allensville, Pa., has a sore and mistrusts tbat it is a cancer. Please send her a bottle. Sold by Wm. McBride. ; . Acute Ehenmatism. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc casioned by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first moving .the limbs and in cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City, 111., writes Feb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 25j, 50c and $1 at McBride's. v Try Our COMPOUND SYRUP of " WHITE PINE and SPRUCE By soothing Mucoub Mem branes, it cures cough and the most severe colds. . . . PALACE DRUG STORE WM. McBRIDE, Leading Druggist COMMERCIAL1 LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month h KING BROTHERS Prop fO seasonable j I reasonable Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds prevents pneumonia. mi PURE RYE WHISKY 23 YEARS OLD. The best ever sold in the city of Athena. Once drank, always . drank. For sale at THE EAGLE BAR, - - - Pine Lunch Countei North Side Main Street, P. H. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor k. yj Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars BETZ BEER A ' Choice Bottled Goods oatX Club 'Room- SALUQIN SAM BOOHER, - Proprietor. FIRSLNETMHL i H.C A dims. President. T.J Kirk, VkvPretdent. I CAPITAL STOCK, k 8ntLua, . . 8 Propr tlniioii given to and domestic F.f. .a GROW, Casmer, low, Ghicago Steel Ranges Chicago Ranges are quick heaters and fine bakers. They have duplex grates for coal and wood, large warming closet, large end draft, are fully asbestos lined, are neatly nickle trimmed and are guaranteed by makers for 10 years. For tne Week Only, From Monday, June 27th to Saturday", July 2nd, we Offer the 1 i Following Special Prices-Rjemember, for One Week Only dp A 4 1 No. 816 Chicago Steel Range, with high closet, duplex grates, full nickle trim, asbestos lining and key plate top containing four 8-inch and two 7-inch covers. Size of oven is 16x18x13 inches. Weighs 315 pounds and is the best that can Se made at the price for durability and baking qualities. Regular price is $36; Special for the week, only $30. No. 818 Chicago Steel Range, same as above except size of oven is 18x18x13 inches and has six 8-inch covers. Regular price is $39; Special for the week, only $33. and inquiries receive prompt and caieful attention don't hesitate about writing in. When in town, make this store your headquarters feel at home here you Next Door to the Post Office Athena Fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CH4MBERLAIN, Agent Notary Public and Conveyancer. BANK OF-ATHENE ' P. E. lburn, J. Directors , F.8. LeUrow,) ,i - - $60,000 - . 12.500 collections. DJs In foreign ezchtnga. i.a.Mir, Assistant wmni ktiSI About Still another carload of the celebrated Buck's Steel Ranges is now here ... Seems unnecessary to tell of the many merits of the Buck's Ranges again, but we just can't help it. If you knew as much about the good qualities of Buck's Ranges as we do, you'd be enthusiastic over them too. Just everything good that can be truthfully said of any range can be said of. Buck's, and more besides, for they have many important features not to be found in other ranges. A booklet, which is free for the asking, will tell you of some of these points, or we'd be glad to show you at any time. . .Of course, like all really fine things, they cost more than ordinary ranges, so for folks, who wish to invest less in a range, we have secured a line of most satisfactory medium priced ranges. Harvest Range MAIL OKjDERjS THE DAVIS-KASER CO. EVERYTHING TO FURNISH THE HOME Walla Walla, Wash, Oqa p QVlQltT) Paint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing ODD Ut OMip PENDLETON, OREGON. HTTAPTS flAY , ...Dealers in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. NARKAUS BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats, Only the Best is Good. 1I1BIIIII BBB9EBltCBBeBI ! ROGEC SPRINGS & GOLIBERLAND COAL f SPECIAL RATES ON GAR LOTS I g A. Mt GIL LIS, Range Specials No. 815 Favorite Steel Range, with high shelf, four 8-inch covers and oven 15x22x12 inches, duplex grates -,for coal or wood and warranted to be a first class baker. Regular price $27.50; Special for the week, $23 95. t -No. 818 Leader Jewel Steel Range, with high closet, pouch feed, duplex grates, six 8-inch holes and oven 18x18x12, inches. It is neatly trimmed in aluminum with nickle panels on warming closet and oven doors. Special price for the week, $27.50. us about anything you are interested are always welcome, buying or not. 2nd Hand Department One Block - East rng For House Keeping Purposes See our stock before you buy. Baker & Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postofflce, Pendleton. ED. BARRETT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Estimates furnished on all kinds of buildings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office at New Lumber Yard, Athena. Atliena, Oregon. J Everyth