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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
7 e We have added the following items to our Great Clearance Sale ; j . . . . . I . . ' . I - . .. , .. .. ..: -, : . : . t . . 1 FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY ILL COMPANY FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY . . n 00( ooooxo " ill II RJIMH IA ft 9 u All our best quality new Patterns, this sea son's Flannelettes, bfest ever sold for IS l-2c per yard, Now 8 1-3 Wool Eiderdowns, all colors, same goods ; ' sold for 45c How 25c per yd. J An odd lot heavy weight, all wool Ladies' Jackets, easily ; worth from $3.50 to $5.00 each, Tamoshanter's in a great variety of colors now going at 15c each Special Remnant Day, for Saturday only, and all Remnants to be sold on ' this 'day at At Half Price Our entire stock of Furs, Boas and Collar ettes going at At Half Price Annual Clearance Sale ATIEM C AITEE C01PMI Annual Clearance Sale as: ATHENA PRESS F. B. Boyd, Pcbmsheb. Entered at Athena postoffloe as second-class nail matter. Subscription 'Ratss: Pr year, In advanot , , M.60 Single eoplei kn wrappers, 5c, Advertising Kt: Loral reading notices, 0 rat Insertion, lOo per ane. Eaeb subsequent Insertion, 60. A ll communications should be addressed' to 1 he PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JANUARY 23, 190! MISF.llY'S TKSTI1WONV. There muy come a time when the ago nios of tho freezing thousands in the East will he testimony of reward for fu ture generations. When the time comes a fow multi-millionaire anarchists will be dispossesed of the power to control the fuel product of the United States. The signs of the times may be read in the action of the Treasury Department placing coal on the free list, and last but not least, a Chicago grand jury has in dicted 40 of these robbers who take un due advantage of the people made help less through conditions and circumstan ces forced on thetu by these same men, for the sole and only purpose of greedily exacting more millions. The tribute paying masses have been coerced and floeced until patience has becouia ex hausted to that extent when even men who have helped frame laws that make those conditions possible, halt and trem ble at the spectacle before them the spectacle of grim misery, want and suf fering; pause long enough to place coal on the free list in the hope that by so do ing, misery and want to some extent will be alleviated. With what eagerness the eyes of millions must have gloated over the press announcement made the other day which read: "Blithe, Eng landFour steamers sailed from here this morning laden with coal for Amer ica." And this in these great United States, which have become the money center of the world because of its nation al resources and unbounded produc tions. Coal on the free list! Importa vion of a commodity that the country is better supplied with than all else and of which it is possible of exporting untold billions of tons. Coal on the free list! 'Lest we forget" let us add that the Treasury Department has decided that coal is now upon the free list, and that therefore there need bo no payment of the 5(5 cents duty with a rebate after wards given back, and to use the words of a co-temporary: "Now thatthocon gress has made a good start, why not carry the anti-trust program to its logi cal conclusion, and make the legislative record appear more consistent?" Can you expect it? Can you reasonably ask so much of a policy-driven body? Yes. Qaunt horrifying misery and suffering tor warmth will even turn the Dingley tariff Bcale until it becomes in favor of the needy, and becomes of itself a defender against the robber barons striking it self with its own fangs, as it were. Baker county had the tax levy for the past ten years been 50 mills, and kept the county out of debt, than that a lower milluge be levied and the property owners of today be compelled to pay 84 per cent on past debts. It is the worst kind of financiering for county courts, in order to make themselves popular with the people of the present to levy a tax that does not meet current expenses, and thus heap unjust burdens upon the property of the future. . sable coat had been stolen. Well and good. Any one the possessor of a $10,000 garment of wearing apparel, should have it stolen. This in view of the fact that thousands are shivering with cold in the East, with scarcely garments enough to cover their bodies. Everything I'OOR FINANCIERING. The question of changing the name of the state reform school to training school is being somewhat agitated throughout the state. The idea of the change is well, concieved. "Reform school" sounds something like a "penitentiary" and has a tendency of reflecting discredit upon the inmates. The youths confined in the reformatory should be given every advantage possible, even a change of the name of the institution if it will do good, for it is the purpose of the state to make good men out of the boys committed thereto. Though they are wayward they should bo given a chance. Baker county's treasurer is advertis ing that he will pay all warrants of the county registered prior to July 11, 1892, and in the call for warrants he states that he has $15,060.86 to apply on their redemption. Of this amount $8156.86 will be applied on the principal and 86003.98 on interest. This statement of the treasurer would indicate that there has been some bad management on the part of Baker county officials, observes The Dallea Times Mountaiueer. Either the county court has been unduly extravagant or it has failed to levy a sufficient tax to meet its running expenses, whichever the fault, it is inexcusable. No county in Oregon, much less the one that boasts of Doing the most prosperous, should be ton and one-halt years lchind in paying its bills. It is an injustice to the taxpayers to call upon them to pay $6903.98 in interest on a debt of $8156.86 that has been increased to pay the expenses of running the county ten years ago. This injustice is heaped upon them through the mismanagement, of past county courts who have failed to levy a suffi cient tax to meet current expenses. It would have been better for the peoplo of W. D. Fenton, chairman of the ways and means committee of the Lewis and Clark exposition, has submitted a report estimating the probable levy that will be required to meet tho $500,000 appropri ation asked for by the association. Provided the sum is created by two assessments .levied upon the taxable property of the state as shown by the 1902 tax rolls. Mr. Fenton estimates that it will require a levy of $1.66 on the thousand for 1904-5, or $3.32 per thousand for two years. For the benefit of those reading ac counts of the senatorial contest now on at Salem, the Tress will say that II. L. Pittock,.who is receiving votes daily, is a partner of Harvey W. Scott, in the publication of the Portland Oregonian. Mr. Pittock's senatorial star has from three to five points, and gleams with lustre accordingly. At least, that is the number of votes he receives from day to day in the legislature. The dispatches tell us that when the administrators who are to settle the es tate of Mr. and Mrs. Cttas. Fair, opened the box of personal effects sent home from Paris, it was found that a $10,000 L. J. McAtee, Painting, Paper Hanging and ....Graining.,.. ' For House Keeping Purposes A Specialty of Inside Finish that is good at all times is what the Customer wants pet it at the C1IY11W ROBERT WATT Proprietor Platzoeder & Miuger's old stand See our stock before you buy. Baker & folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. Foley's Honey and Tar for chUdrea,safe,sure. No opiates. - Hasal CATARRH In all its stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drircs away a cold in the bead aulcklv. Cream Balm 1 placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is im mediate and a core follows. It la not drying does not produce sneering. Large SUe, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York CITY BAKERY tIlllt ai 1 Rock Springs & Cumberland ! GOAL 1mm Special Rates on Car Lotsr vlnn VUlUi It costs no more to raise a mule " than it does to raise a horse, and the mule is worth more. '"BLACKSNAKE" Mark Pat ton's famous Kentucky Jack, will make the season in Athena. He is a sure foal get ter, showing over 80 per cent of of colts last season. Will call at farm for sis or more mares. Terms, $15.00 to Insert fcsl Q) )) Q) Q) Q) Q) ) Si) Q) Q FRESH BREAD, ROLLS PIES, CAKES, ETC DAILY '' ALHEIT B "STRESS PRSPRIETOSS tW NORTH SICE KIAIX STREET - fflJSlje (6jt 6J t j&fe CITY BAKERY Going to Build? SaT Money ann Time by Hav ing C. E. TROUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Plans and S Deifications. KOOM i, ASSOCIATION Bril-DIXG, PENDLETON, . ORE. : A. M GILLJS, Athena, Oregon. 5 a ! lie n .3 LI I 1 1 M hj3si U is the place you augnt to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys-so many kind. ? Bar is always shinning, neat and clean, and a Marble-top . Bartender there can be seen. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT North Side Main Street, P, n. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor ...ATHENA LUMBER COMPANY ... H. H.CURTIS, Manager. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of your patronage. We will give you entire Satisfaction. YE KEEP ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF ROSLYN COAL OFFICE AND YARD, MAIOTREET, WEST GF RAILROAD. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY S0L1CITF UP-TO-DATE DRUGGISTS '.",' '"" AGAINST- Deadly IN"ao?col3ios j Beginning in the Dark Ages Mercury and Narcotic poisons (opium, beUadona or deadly mghtf&ade, hyoscyamua and later cocaine) were and cow are used in all (except ERUS) pile medicines, but in the light of tha Twentieth Century any in to hgent physician or druggist will admit that narcotics or mercury do net cure piles. It amply fgves momentaryreliei and perpetuates the trouble or piles, f 5,3 S!Sr2 Y1178 PILE CUEE contains roercorr or narcotics. & raward if VLRUb fails to cure any case of piles. UP-TO-DATE DRUGGISTS ONT,Y SELL VERUS, vis: . G. a OSBCKN, The Pioneer Drug Store