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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1895)
FELL FROM A BARN LOFT. Pete Beeler, a Pioneer, Expire at ' . Weston. Pete Beeler, for twenty years a resident of Weston, and well-known to all the "old-timers" of Umatilla county, and Eastern Oregon is no more. . Of late years Mr. Beeler has been addicted to the use of alcholic drink, and like many others, the habit had made of him a slave. He had recently been on a protracted spree and it was this that incidentially led to his demise. Saturday morning the old man was found in his feed stable at Weston, lying on his face in an un concious condition, by Geo. Ham ilton who had rose early - to take j the morning train. Hamilton sent for Dr. Stiles, but could do nothing for the aged suffer, who In a short time passed beyond the reach of all human aid. He was found lying on the barn floor directly underneath a hole in the loft, 12 feet from the floor, and the supposition is that some time during the night he fell through. Nn ininripsi wprn dincovered on the body except a slight Bcalp wound, not sufficient to cause death, which undoubtedly resulted from concus sion of the brain. There was no fracture of the skull. The deceased leaves several sons and daughters, all of whom are much respected, and have the deep sympathy of friends in their be freavment. The funeral occurred in Weston Sunday last at 1 o'clock. yw 1 " Lack Confirmation. . ino report mat wnse voyie uuu Vioon rinnoTArmial v irmirArl isr If illftfl mi.. l jl . l nr:l- r 1- 1 1 j j in a brawl in south-eastern Oregon recently lacks confirmation. The m , . v . . 1 ji . - 1 l jcagie nas encieavorea to arrive at the facts in the case, but finds no evidence that leads, us to think the 'report authentic. Mr. Coyle was seriously injured some months ago by a caving mine in southern Cali fornia and at last reports was con sidered out of danger although at one time his life was almost des paired of. by his friends, but for about a month nothing has been heard from him by relatives in this county. Nobody seems to know just where the report of his being injured of killed in a brawl originated and every presumption leads us to think that the itory was fabricated out of whole cloth. Milton Eagle. Shot In the Thigh. William Dunsett, whose home is south of Weston, had a serious mis hap short time ago, and lies at his home nursing an ugly wound. Dunsett had been hunting in ' Lost valley in the Grand Ronde coun try, and was coming back to his home on horseback and leading a packhorse. At the ford of the Um atilla the pack horse pulled back, the rope caught the hammer of his pistol and the weapon discharged a hjillet into Dunsett's thigh. There was vet 10 miles to go before reach ing home, and sorely wounded, he urged on his horses, making the painful ride alone and with great difficulty Strength of the Association. Statistican Youne. of the East em Oregon and Washington Fire- man's Association, in his annual report read in Walla Walla saidi "From eight towns I find there are 70 fire alarms with a total loss of $G9,000, and insurance of $85,000. The towns have five endues, 28 hose carts and wagons, 10 hook and ladder trucks, and 17,000 feet of hose." The association ammended the rules governing tournaments, and hereafter no officer or director shall be allowed to compete as a mem ber of a team in the races. New Dryer to be Erected, Berry Gholson,' who has one of the most extensive orchards in the valley, is contemplating tho erec tion of an extensive fruit dryer of a capacity of five tons a day. This has become necccssary because of the immenso quality of fruit Mr. Gholson proiuces annually, for he has forty acres of prunes alone, every tree which is loadod with fruit. Mr. McMinn, who found his , dryer too Btnall, has enlarged it to a soven-ton per day capacity, and between these two dryers they will have all they can do to take care of this season s fruit. Walla Walla Statesman. "S-i . ' llllWMlll'0"l Illll'l 'W '' Squirrels In Swarms. Heretofore the Snake river has been a barrier between the squirrel swarming country to the north and Walla Walla county, out it is so no more. The ferrymen and farm ers in the vicinity of Lyons' ferry report that the pesky little rodents are swimming the Snake river by thousands and as soon as they get across immediately attack the grow ing grain. Something must be done at once or the entire country will be captured by them . There is no doubt that they swim across the river, for the ferrymen gay they see them. The Branch Asylum. The Elgin Recorder Bays: "Tho Eastern Oregon branch asylum case is sleeping quietly in the state courts while insane peisons in this section of the state are being con veyed to the already over-crowded institution at Salem, at consider- able more expense than what it would be were the branch asylum In running order, aa it should long since been. But this fact isn't opt to cause much worry or loss of sleep to the party who bandies the $140,000 that wa appropriated for the construction ot the branch asy lum, and if the matter can be kept dragging along in the courts until the next regular session of the leg islature the interest on the appro priatsons for the four years would make some one " independently rich. Brevities. Mrs. F. B. Boyd visited in Wal- la Walla Monday. ' Several Athenaites are fishing on the Umatilla this week. Miners are reporting big clean ups in all portions of h'astern Ore gon. Farmers say that no better weather could be desired for grow ing wheat. M. M. Johhs and J. W. Smith have been appointed to act as no tary publics. ...' C. B. Leatherman has closed his Dry Hollow school, after a three months' term. Milton people'will pull the tail feathers of the eagle not the "buz zard" on July 4th. - John Ridenour, Willis Marsh and Henry Durrand, Weston boys, were in the city Saturday. Prof. W. L. German has gone to Boise Jity on a few days visit ac companying Marion Kees. The death of Peter Walden, a pioneer of '59, occured at the home of his daughter, near Weston, June 3rd. ; ? C.Fischer, Jas. Maloney, John Foss and Wra. Gholson, left Tues day for a fishing trip of two weeks duration. When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and elegant fare. Free bus to and from all rains. " Four big wagon loads of Wash ington wool passed through Ath ena Sunday, consigned to the Pend leton scouring mill. y- Willis Marsh, of Weston, who is now hailed as "Prof." by his chums, is back irom uiaiock, where be has just closed a successful school. Go to Osbuiins' Palace Drug Store and get a bottle of LIVER- INE for Kidney and Liver troub les, headache and constipation. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 cts., 50 cts., The Milton Eagle is tired of see ing tho Main streetW Milton used as a etock corral, and wants the town council to make a cow ordin ance. The Montana jack rabbit has taken the place of the large white tail rabbits at Wallula and is do ing great damage to gardens and fruit trees. Fx Pendleton is the largest wool shipping point in the United States. The shipmments of wool from that city this year as estimated, will be 6,000,000 pounds. , Owen Russie, who purloined a cornet belonging to the Athena Band, was convicted of petty lar ceny, ana sentenced to six months in the county Jail. feeling the effect of approaching prosperity. Wheat sells for 42 cents and the farmers are buoyed up with hopes of a good harvest and high prices. . Shiloh's Cure, the great Cough arid Croup Cure, is in great demand Pocket sue contains twenty-five doses, only 25c, Children love it. Sold by all Drugists. The annual meeting of the East Columbia Conference of the M. E. church, south, will convene in Mil ton on August 15, next and will continue several days. II. II, Hill, the jeweller, who has had 13 years experience at the trade and one year in the horologi cal school in Cincinatti, will do wotk cneaper mis year than ever before. All work guaranteed . K A total attendance of 188 pupils has been recorded during the past year at the Eastern Oregon State Normal School at Weston. This includes student in nil departments and it is believed that this nidi Oft caies a successful year, so tar as numbers can-bring success. X Under the new management of the W aahington x Columbia River railroad, whereby it passes from the hands of a receiver and W. D, Tyler becomes president and man- agir, a traveling freight and passen ger agent has been appointed to look alter the interest of the road Some time' ago I was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlain' Pain Balm and wis completely cured. I have since advised mauy of ray friends and customers to try the remedy and all apeak highly of it. Simoi Goldbaurn, San Luis Rey, Cal. For sole by Osburn.' Shiloh's Cure Ss feold on a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consum ption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., and $1.00. A lady in Tooleys La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent menhant'of the town gave her a bottle -of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale by Osburn. Your Physical Condition. Needs attention at this time. If you are tired, weak and nervous, it is clear that vour blood is im- Eure, and without doubt there has sen too much over-work or strain on brain or body. The course of treatment for such a condition is plain and simple. The blood must first be punned so that tne nervous system, and in fact all the organs will be fed upon pure blood. In telligent people without number have testified that the best blood purifier and nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla. DON'T STOP TOBACCO. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously affected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an invet erate user becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves, Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin phy sician who has used it in his pri vate practice since 1872, without a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco Curo, it will no tify you when to stop. We " give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxee,or re fund the money with 10 per cent, interest. Baco-Curo is not a sub stitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of the will Dower and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure, free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggist, with our ironclad guan tee, at $1.00 per box, three boxes, Daylight Dull Times or not, We are ready for you. 1!M!M?f OUR NEW ARRIVALS In Dress Goods, Calico and Ginghams Are just what you want. AND WE DOTE On giving our Customers the benefit of prevailing Low Prices. Some . Choice. Bargains . Take, Advantage Of Them; Corner Main and MOSGROVE'S 3rd. thirty days treatment, $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sam ple box, booklet and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Company, Manufacturing Chemists La Crosse, Wisconsin. If King Solomon was alive he would now say: "Go to the travel ing man, learn his ways, and be wise." Mr. C. W. Battell, Cincin nati traveling man representing the Queen City Printing Ink Co., after suffering intensely for two or three days with lameness of the should er, resulting from rheumatism, completely cured it with two ap- Elications of Uhamberlain's ram aim. . This remedy is gaining a wide reputation for its prompt cures ot rheumatism, lame oacs, sprains, swellings, and lameness. 50 cent bottles for sale by Os burn. BA 000000006 BEFORE BUYING . . . HARNESS . . It will pay you to call and ex amine stock and get my prices at my shop on Court Street, Pendleton Oregon. F. H. WESTON, ProprietSr. Ahead e e e e Is the place to find Bargains r at i COMBS RESTAURANT S Main Street, ? MEALS, 25c. BEDS, 25c. ( i i j Meals I V . At all Hours ( V Day or Night. WHITE HELP EpjJ ly envoys People should realise that the only true and permanent enre for their condition It to be found la having Pure Blood Became the health ot every organ and tisane of the body depends npon the purity of the blood. The whole world know the standard blood purifier la sru(0SKyj Sarsaparilla And therefore It is the only true and reliable medicine for nervous people. It makes the blood pore and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Bheum and all other blood diseases, because It Makes III' Besnlts prove every word - we hsva id. Thousands of voluntary test! monlals lully establish the (set tfcst l-food'! g Sara - Be5ure ureS to Get Hood's eebsV " Hood's Sarsaparilla cured our boy ot eczema whloh physicians treated In vein." Fbaitk W. BbaDBtjxy, 826. Johnson Avenue, Trinidad, Colorado. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, comflpv Hon, biliousness, lick headache, Indigestion. 2Se, Notice. , The. undersigned having been ap pointed by the court Receiver for the C. A. Barrett Co., all parties owing said firm are ; requested to call and settle their accounts. - C. A. Barrett, Receiver. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'! Fair Highest Award. Its 9T TOP. HnOvTTT-. A T will be sent by mail upos receipt Of price. Box. Booklets and proofs free. Y 4 Office of Th ' ESood We Bo Job work "Way Down Rates DON Eureka Chemical and M'fg Co., LaCrosse. wis. . Dear Sirs I have been a tobacco fiend Tor many years, and during the past two years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system oecame ai fected, until mv physician told niel must give up the use of tobacco for the time being, at leastT I tried the so-called "Keely Cure," "No-ToBac," and various other remedies, but wl.h- . ,,-., r iiaraui nf mnr "KnnU'iim'" Three weeks aeo to-day I com menced using your preparation, and to-day I consider myself completely cured: I am In perfect health, and the horrible craving for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I consider your "Baco-Curo" sinipiy wonderful, and can fully reeora n.nnrl It- ... Yoarsvervtorulv. C. W.HoBSICK. n ilfcsi u St It fi f i it Jin paCK Costs no oors thin Inferior i never spoils the flour, keeps soft, I vsmlfr ccKrdeded purest It SsJity fToctrsmrywltar. dttijsssartFisimwVfcieales8stpae-SZS FREE. The Northern Pacific Farmer, Published. at Portland Oregon, now in its twenty-first year, is the beBt and in fact the only truly weekly agricultural paper published in the Northwest. It is edited by Frank Lee, the granger editor, assisted by scores of correspondents, and con tains from 16 to 32 pages weekly, of agricultural, horticultural, stock, poultry, Western market reports, childrens, household, and other terns of interest that no one who has any interest in the farm or the Northwest can" afford to be with out. At $1 cash in advance per year for this large weekly makes it the best and cheapest paper in the United States. To all new sub scribers who will pay one years subcription to Thb Press in ad. vance.-and all old subscribers who will pay their back subscription and one years subscription in ad vance to The Press will receive this great Northwest journal free for one year. No one can afford to be without it. The thumb Is an nnfalllne Index Of character. The Square Type In. dicate a strong will, great energy ana Drawees, i laeoiy amea is me Spatnlated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideas and business ability. Both of these types belong to the bnsy man or woman; ana Demorest's Family ilauanine pre pares eeclally for such persons a whole vol Dine of new ideas, con densed in a small space, so that the record of the wholo world's work for a month may be read in half an honr. The Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a love of music, povtrr, and fiction. A person with this typo of tbnmb will thor oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Semoreiit's Mugnzine. The Ar tistic Type 1niiictes a love of beauty and art, which will find rare nleasure in the magnificent oil-plct- m lire of roses, 10 x 24 inches, repro. duced from the original painting by De Longpre, the most celebrated of living nowcr-psiniere, wuicn win be given to evory subscriber to Demorest's Magazine for 1806. Tho cost of this superb work or art was S350.00: and tho reproduction cannot be diftiiiguiehed from the original, llesuiea l, an cxquieue oil or water-color pictnre is pub lished in each number or the Mag, line, and the articles are so pro. f usely anil superbly illustrated that the Magazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the higheet order. The riiilosophloType is the thumb of the thinker and inventor . tit Irinaa. who will be rteeolv Inter to ested in those developed monthly la Demorest's Magazine, In every one of Its numerous departments, which cover the euliro artistic ana scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancv. and fad of the day. Demorest's is simply a perfect family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in yonr suWcription; it will cost only $2.00, and you will have : a dozen Magazines in one. Address W. Jknminos Df xoiihbt, Pnbllr-ber, is East 14ih Street. New York. Though not a fashion magazine, Its perfect fashion pagc-8,and itsartlcles on family ami domestic matters, will be of superlative Interest to those possessing tho Feminine Type of : Thumb, which im.lnitei in its small size, slendeniei, soft nail, and ' smooth, sounded tin. those traits Is aihirh hfllnllir c$eiltia)lv to the Btler sex, erery one of whom should subscribe to fOB will admit that seeing these THUMBS has pot ton in the way of saving money by finding in one Itagazina everything to satisfy th literary wants of tm m.rit. aand for a anecimen conv (free), ana emorest'a jnarrazine. nyou are ui.-Hunii,i fc whole raiaiij. CfttsV. EOcta-and jc-'timsfH 81.00 Bottle. One cent a dosa. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 25th. dav of Mav vm. lor license to sell snl-ltuous. malt and vinous llo uors in less quantities than one quart, said liq uorg to oe goia omy in a ouuuing siumiea on lot 7 in diock o, or saia city am mchai Dated May 1st, 1895. Applicant Iniurious to stoD Suddenly and iAliB It Is sold on ft fftuwaiitee by ell dru (Hut. I cures Innipien Consumption SAdis the teas Cougb end Croup Cure. . don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that re quires you to do so, aa it is nothing more than a sub stitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and In mos all cases, the effect of the stimulant, be opium, morphine, or other opi ates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BAeO-eUHO. His purely vege table. You do not have to slop using tobacco with VACO-eURO. It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system win he as rreerrom nicotine as me uay T before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron-clad written guar antee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all Its forms, or money refund ed. Price Jl.00 per box or 8 boxs (80 days treatment and guaranteea cure; $2.50. For sale ky oil druggist or will Send six two-eent stamps for Ssrnpl Eureka Chemical & MTg Co., La Crosse, W is. Fioneek Press Co., CW. Hoplck, Supt. Qt. Paul ftim.. Rent. 7 1894 -" - trado muks package soda and is uni. the worlS, OH! Y Y " ' ' SQPA u For $1.50 in advance you get the PRESS and NORTHWEST PACIFIC FARMER for one . ' ' ' year. For $2.00 the RESS and he WEEKLY SUN. , i) p.ra it 1 W E. MoNEILL, Receiver. TO THE EAST Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION tlORTHERII RY.PAGIFIC RY VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS AND AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. ..:y ': Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 days for , SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on 0. R. & N. Agent, Athena. . Or address! V. H. HTJRLBUT, Gen. Pass Agt. Portland. Oregon. ' ' s Theiuas F. Onkrs, Heory V. Payne, II. !. Basse, Receiver. S PULLMAN - . SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT ! DINING CARS TOURIST , .i.rn ? SLEEPING CARS 1st Paul Hliineapolis llsith Fare tVrand Forks Traakstosi . WlkBlites; Helena and Butte, THROUGH TICKETS. TO rhlcase Wasbmgtoa , PblladelphU New lark Hostoa Aid All Points East aad Bentk TIME SCHEDULE. i DOLTTHERQ U . ::: N Trains arrive every Wednesday at 11 a. m and depart at 11:15 a. m. For time cards, cards, maps and tickest, call on or write J. A. Muetrhead, Agent, Athena. Oregon. Or A. D. Charlton, AssiKt&ot General Passenger A gent , 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portland, Or. COPYRIGHTS. CAjy i out aik a patent f T??tiri"7?r n hon opinion, writ t MtSH ett., m Have hi ttmiljtttj years' iprtM In tii a patmt huiQss. CcMsmiinica . tlow stnctiy etrnfldeatioJ. A Hss iboak c SZ II'1"0 e"u Palest and how to oo. leal and attentate book, aeut fre7 i-tnta taken throng a Mnnn ft Co. neetwm i?2 jT'f hd,,i' tfrth pnMtoilui cot mt to th invustor. This ssilmxlld miw. jf"' figmiatloa of nr scw-lBe work totie Jfal iMsm, In color, mid pkotOCTaph ofniw bouses, with i. - . r ... wwuei o .now toa pmw, niinf buikiors to show tha MuitM A CO. xw You. 3A1 Aiuuimt. Rl I wk. hiMli wrrturr. ru l'aaii U n. Vnr.. S.H.iM4 lUu, MWIftWiitt tr. p. mgim a oe, o- ts. twfcM,