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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1895)
t FOR TIIE : : : : mi 8 FOR THE t Price of one (31 Join advance) you can . Benefit of our Republican readers and get the Put- and the raclfic Farmer, j others, the Pbehs and Oregon Ian for $2. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1895. VOLUME 8. NUMBER 24. PRESS, ATHENA LOBCK DIKECTOKT P. & A. M. NO. 80 MEETS THE First and Third Saturday Evening! jf each month. Visiting bretheren cor- iially invited to visit the lodge. A. O. 0. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY Friday night. Visiting Odd Fellow n good standing always welcome. I. A 0. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS THE Second and Fourth Saturday of month. Fred Rozcnswieg, Recorder. m topk 4 camp rrv 171. Woodmen of the World, meet 1st and Srd Wednesdays of each month, come. Visiting Choppers always wel G. . Osbubn, Clerk. 29, ; Thursday Night. MEETS EVERY P. 8. SHARP, Physician and Surgeon Office on Third Calls promptly answered, Btreet, Athena, Oregon. 1) R. I. N. RICHARuSON, IMPERATIVE PKOATHETI1 DENTIST. ATHENA, OREGON. E.DePeatt, 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I , . Athena, Ore. ) 1 THE ATHENA RESTAURANT MRS. HARDIN, Proprietress. : : : H. P. MILLEN, Manager. l w ' . Can be recommended to the public as I being first-clam In every particular. i '. We j Employ I I White help only. i jVlEALS AT ALL HOURS pi THE . s GOii ERGIAL I LIVERY FEED I and f SALE j STABLE The Best Turnouts In Umatilla County Stock boarded by the day, . , i ... week or month. - , ' 'i. I Main Street, : Athena'. 8 1 I I a 5 . THE i . 'sf... NICHOLS. HOTEL J. W. Frooma & Son, Props Only First-lass Hotel in j the City Iff THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate 1 commercial travelers. r i?r Can be recommended for Its clean and I well yentelated rooms. ? . v v leorMrind Third, Athena. LOWPRICESK "W. : ' ARGE BUSINESS CONSEQUENTLY BIG STOCK AT in rsa HflSTBKI ST0BE eOiSSTIPATIOil Is called the "Father of Diseasea." It is caused by a Torpid liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS DF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD EF.EATH, Els. To treat constipation, successfully Pendleton, Oregon. yy- y Lr coo Men's . Suits. Shoes-For Boy's Knee Suits $125 c I Itls a mild laxative and a tonio to I 20 20 in Colored China Silk 35c 24 in " Japan " 50c CALICO MUSLIN p ' CANTON FLANNEL GINGHAM 25 TDS'Sl. $1.00 the digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. My wife t torcl dUtrtwd with Cassa tion and coughing, followed with Bleeding PiM. After tour m on tin uh oi atnunon. uw jickuimw ii u almmr entirelv relieved, ffaioiiiff itrsnata aad fleh."-W. B. Laws, Delaware, Ohio. , REVERT PACKAGE- ? Ha oar Z Stamp In red on wrapp INDIANS AS HORSE-RACERS, How Old Winnomsnoot Beat the Citi- " We Want Your Cash "Biz." MAX LEWIN'S CASH GROCERY. LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Green Plantation Costa Rica Coffee 44 lbs... Bora Soap, per box ........ . . I Favorite Savon Soap, per box. . i . f . .? . . . Small White Beans 20 lbs. . Celebrated Antelope Tea per lb. , Mapel Syrup per gallon can. . . . i . U hilt! tf't $100 125. 100. 100. 35. 125. A fresh line of Candies. Nuts. Dates. Fies. Oranges and Lem ons constantly on hand. - Main Street. FOR SPOETOJG GOODS ! SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS ' 1 : AMMUNITION, SHOT, POWDER, FISniNG TACKLE. DO YOU KlIOW !4 You can buy the best 3-ply Carpet for 80c; good Brussells for 50c ' Rugs, Lace and Silk " Curtains and House Furnishing Goods con ' siderably cheaper than any place in the State of Oregon, of Jessee Failing at Pen dleton? :: : : '" Sewing Machines ? Warrented 10 Year For $25. jEssi: Failing, Pendleton, Or Do You Believe in Silver? i Table and Pocket Cutlery, j l-h n Barb Wire, Coal Lime Cement TAYLOO, ' Tents and Wagon Covers. "TnE HARDWARE MAN," : : . : : Pendleton, Oregon. FimmswoNH, BENE 0 OF'RTHEM T jj South side Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, $ 50000 $21,000 Pays Interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals fn foreign and .. domestic exchange, i L. D. LlVBtY. Caabler, Atbeaa, Oregon THE ATE '-if MA MARKET L FRANK BEAL, proprietor. .FRfSH MEAT ALWAYS 0 DH HAfHH Highest Cash Price paid We buy for Cash and sell for for Butcher's Stock. . . . Cash strictly YOU GET TnE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH BEALE Athena, Okeoon zens of Pendleton. . Indians are, as a rule, ' expert iudaies of horse flesh. On his judg. ment ot a racer an xnaian. wu stake every possession he has on earth and indeed the instances are rare where his confidence in his horse has been misplaced. In the present age on our home resevva tionthe siwashes' love for racing horses is only eclipsed by his ar dent cravings for liquor. Every summer bands of horses pass through Athena driven by Indians from the North. They belong to the tribes of Nez Perce, Yakimas and Snakes and represent their strings of fivers and betting stock on the wav to the famous tracK ot the Umatilla's which is laid out near the agency. Their feats and horseracinir are indulged in for days, the dusky denizens of the North . piling their blankets and holding white-eyed '. ; cayuses-the property they wager on some lav orite-on one side of the track, and their J opponents, the .Umatillas, Cavuses and Wallas on the . other All faces are as solid. and void of expression as the Drown rocus on the ' surrounding bill-sides. The horses RDDear on the lowei , end ot the track, the word is ' given and like an arrow shot frorn an Indian bow, the flying steeds come speeding down the well-beaten tract, ihe riders with their long black hair streaming in the wind, have a weird and demonic appearance, All is excitement now. Ihe In dians.who form the inner lines are provided with "quirts";and throngs As the horses pass they are struck stinging blows, which are laid on thick and fast to the accompani ment of glutteral shouts." An In dian alwavs strikes his favorite horse, and it is done to force him to his utmost capacities. Perhaps there was never a more successful Indian with race horses than Winnomsnoot, the old chief ol the Umatillas, and father of Peo, their present chief. , . Bishop Wells, who held the nrst church services ever held in rena leton, was present at the exercises of the anniversary of laying the corner 3tone of the church of the Redeemer in that city last Friday, and among the many incidents which the Bishoo related was the following, and it was told only as a the Bishop could tell it. 4 . In 1871. he came to rendieton and found that there had never beed held a religious service in the place, then of 100 or 200 inhabit ants. He found one lady who was a communicant, and when the Sunday school had been organized not a man was discovered who would connect himself with it as superintendent. Consequently a lady was placed at the head ot the school. "The first service was held," re lated the bishop in the evening at the reception at the rectory, ''oh Sunday, the court house being used, I arrived from WalU Walla on Saturday afternoon. The notice had been general, and so a depu tation of citizens waited on me and said that, though not churchmen, thev were interested in the first service that was to be held in the town. The gentlemen explained that all the men bad to go to the reservation the next day-Sunday- and see the great annual horseraces, Thav had great expectations of winning large amounts of money on the races and on alonday evening could do something handsome by wav of offerings. "I held the service on Sunday, however, and 13 women and chikl ren attended. Another service was announced for Monday evening, but the service was a failure. I may as well tell vou the reason. ' For three years, Winnomsnoot, father of chief Peo, of the Umatil las, had won the annual horse races with his fast lunner, and this year the white men determined to beat him. Sending to Portland they procured a very fast running horse, supposed to be able to beat any horse in Eastern Oregon. The Portland horse was smuggled into Pendleton and nothing said. The Sundav came for the races. The white men bet every dollar they could find on their important run ner, and someone stole to Wmnour snoot's tepee and, gave the run ning, horse, which, was standing tied behind it, an opium pill. Then they , bet their coats and saddle- horses and saddles and rules and pistols against the Indians' person al effects and the time came for the race. At the appointed hour, Win nomsnoot threw back the flap of bis tepee, and there was brought out a superb specimen of running 6tock which all the time had been safely hid ; from view. The horse won every race, and when the whites came home they had , no money and not even coats to wear to church. ' ., "I learned all these facts in due time and understood why my Mon day evening service was so sliraly attended by the men. ihey hud tried to outwit old Winnomsnoot and had themselves been out wit ted. ;; -iv !, ' ' ' ''Those men were not churchmen, but." said Bishop Wells, "they were generous hearted and kind to me and gave liberally to the sup port of the young parish and the building of the church building. "In this connection I will relate a strange coincidence. , Many years afterwards, 1 attended a banquet at the Windsor hotel in New York city and related the story of the Sunday horserace. - .As I took my seat, a gentlemflfn arose from a seat at a table on the opposite side of the room arid exclaimed: "I was at that horserace and I have now on my stock farm in Kentucky a horse bread from that mare with which Winnomsnoot won the race. Mv father was General Butterfield and he was stationed in that vicin ity when the great race took place." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ft ,. I S 1.' I t WASHINGTON CIGARETTE LAW. WRONGLY APPROPRIATED. the Umatilla County People Loose by Paul Shultze Defalcation.: It appears that several Umatilla county people wili suffer loss by the peculations of the late f aul Shultze, says the E. 0. Mr. Shultze wa3 agent of the .Northern 1'acitio Railway company in the land de nartment. and to him Jesse Moore remitted a draft for nearly $200 in payment for some railroad land be had purchased. The draft was reg ularly drawn, sent, cashed and re turned through the proper chan nels, and Mr. Moore supposed his payments was recorded and he had a corresponding credit on the booics of the , land department of ihe Northern Pacific. . ' -i i It has been discovered that the money was appropriated to other uses ana letters are passing , oe tween Mr. ; Moore and Thomas Cooper, the present land - agent. Mr, Cooper has sent a letter re questing that the orignal draft be sent for his personal examination. Mr. Moore is but one of several residing in Umatilla county who transmitted money to the Northern Pacific when Paul bhultze was ag ent and find now they have no record of the matter at Tacoma. The probability is that thousands of dollars of shortage will yet be dug up and the total amount be augmented enormously. A Wise Hawk. i ' -'' Albany Heraldi Mr. II. M. Beall. receiver of the Linn Coun ty Bank, and another gentleman recently walked over to the excel sior prune orchard between Albany and Corvallis. On the way they saw a large nawK nying-over a field in serch of prey. A Chinese pheasant arose and flew away with such sudden force against a tele graph wire that it was instantly killed. Mr. Beall took the bird, which was plump and fat, and tied it carefully in a dense bush, in tending to get it on their return, but when they came back they found that the hawk had kept an eye upon the proceedings and had hunted out the pheasant and made a meal of it. It was an intellectual hawk and, like some people, was looking for soft snaps. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 cte., 50 cts., 11.00. V Buy Cook's "Dead Shot" squir rel poison 35 cents per can, three cans for $1 -sold on a positive guarantee by P. M. Kirkland and G. v. Usburn. Oath Must Be Taken Before License is Granted. - Washington's legislature passed a law allowing dealers the right to sell cigarettes, for ' which privilege a license shall be granted. This license will cost wholesale $25 per year and retails $10. for the same period. Oath must be taken be fore license is granted that the cig arettes do not contain "any injur ious drtig, narcotine or other dele terious matter, and that he will not knowingly sell any cigarettes containing any such injurious mat ter." The license can bo granted by the county ; commissioners or the board of aldermen or city council, and the money derived, therefrom shall be paid over to the county treasurer, except in Incorporated cities where the money derived from the said license shall be paid into the general fund of the said city. , Any person selling cigarettes containing any of the above men tioned injurious substances shall be liable to a fine c-f $50 and - im prisonment tor sixty days. It is prohibited, to soli to a minor under the age of eighteen years, for the violation of which a penalty of $250 will be imposed, half of which goes to the informant. ' Another New Republic. The state department has receiv ed a cablegram from Denby, Uni ted States minister to Uruna, stat ing that the Island of Formosa has declared her independence. The powers have been so notified, and a government, republican in form has been established, Before this gov ernment can recognize Formosa independence it' must be shown that a provincial government which CM stand has been . orgnized. There are great numbers of Japan ese in Formosa and it remains to bo seen what course they will ad- ont. In the settlement of the terms of piece between China and Jauan. the island of Formosa and its adjacent island and the Pesca dores group was among the territory that, was ceded to Japan, and the latter government has taken steps I to; exercise military authority over it. ' ' structing a mile of rail road. About $30,000. Who built the first locomotive in -the United States? Peter Cooper. What is the cost of a palace sleep ing car? About $15,000 or $17,000 if vestibuled. llow mauy passengers are car ried by the railroads in the United States in one year? 500,658,211 were carried in 1892. ; What are the chances for fatal accident in railway travel? Sta tistics show one killed in every 10. 000,000. . ' . Cure For Crippied Children. The National Surgical Institute, Pacific Branch, 31U Bush street, San Francisco, successfully treats all cases of Orthopedic "Surgery, , Diseases of the Spine, Hip and Knee Joints, Paralysis, Piles, and Fistula, Nasal Cattarrh, Bow Legs. Knock Knees, all Deformities, and Chronio Diseases. Their succes in treating these cases is shown by thousands of references from trust worthy poople all over the country.- ; ... I ... Persons having aillicted children or friends should convince them selves of the excellent result of the system of treatment by this Insti tute. One or more of these Burge ons will be at Froomes Hotel, Ath ena, Friday, June 7t.h to examine cases.,' Send for , circular. ' Refer ence may be had of, A. R. Price, Weston, T. J. Trice, Weston, uov. E. P. Ferry, Olympia, Hon. Thos. L. Davidson, Salem, and hundreds of others. Not Successful This Time. Occasionally a Pacific coast man gets an eastern wife through matri- mo in a i 'papers- ah niiicrconug case is of how an eastern girl did not get a Pacific coast husband "A young ludy of Chester, Penn. who selected a husband by mail, was so poorly pleased with her choice when he appeared in person that she refused to abide by it, He came all the way from Call fornia in response to her letter, but . . . 11. 1 ! returned aione a saaaer ana a wiser, as well as a very angry man. He proved on inspection to be stoop shouldered and baldheaded, and not at all up to the sample shown in hie photograph.'' Persons who sympathise with the afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kan sas ' City. ' He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in conse quence has had another attack. "It came upon me a&ain very acute and severe, ' he said. 'My joints swelled and became inflamed; sore to touch or almost to look at. Up on the urgent request of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's fPainBalmto reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my ag reeable surprise, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swel lings' extant.1 For sale by Os burn, v, . ' ' China Pheasants Hatching. . Mr. J. II. Robbins is fostering an infant industry that bids fair to prove a success. He has two pairs of China pheasants and the females are proline layers, it is supposed that a hen pheasant will lay in the course of a season from sixty to ninety eggs. Mr. Robbns has al ready secured three or four settings ' and has distributed ' the same among his friends. It is believed that the result of these settings will bo sufficient to give this section a . big start toward a stock of pheas-aant.-r-La Grande Chronicle. Harvey, the man who was going to "show the people of Umatilla county how to run a metropolitan (?) paper" in a country town and who met his stumbling block in the "Weston Philistine," is now lo cated at Waterville, Wash., where he is connected with the Water ville Index, a peoples party news paper. i A devotee of the lod and reel states that trout fishing should be Prohibited until the first of Jane, 'his is the spawning season in the streams of this section for the trout Species, and every time a trout is caught during this period it is li able to mean the distruction of hun dreds.; .,, -, For whooping cough Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is fexcellent. T. . II t 1 il.- J! J. uy using lb irwiv uie uibuubu io deprived of all dangerous conse quences. There in no danger in giving the remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Osburn. Geo. Law, one of our farmer friends dropped in Saturday dur ing the rain which no doubt prompted himto do soand renew ed his subscription to the old re liable. - Karl's Clover root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. ; Railway Connundrums, How many miles of railway in the world? 375,000 miles. How much did they cost. Over $30,000,000,000., .... . AVhich nation has the greatest railway5 mileage? Tl e . , United States 171,503 miles. : Vvhat has been the cost? Over $10,000,000,000. ; How many employes in the serv ice of railway in the United States? 821,415. This means that one per son in every 79 in the whole coun try is employed on a railroad. What state heads the list in point of railway mileage? Illinois 10, 079 miles. 1 What ia the average cost of con- Scrofula, salt rheum, and all dis eases of the blood, dyspepsia, head ache, kidney and liver complaints, and catarrh, are cured by Hood'B Sarsaparilla, the great blood puri fier. ' Hood's Pills cures jaundice, bil iousness, sick headache, .constipa tion and all liver ills. How's This. We offer On Hundred dollars Howard for any ease of Catarrh Uiat cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. J. Cheney A Co., Props, Toleds, O We the underxlgned have k nown K. J. Chen ey for the lat 15 yearn, and believes him rr fcctly honorablein all buninetts tranKHctlmis md financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by tlf 1 r firm. . , , Went Truax, Wholesale DrUKglst, Toledo, O. Waldlnic. Rinnan A Marvin, Wholexule Drrtgglst, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. act lngdirectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tho system. Prlcfl, 7.V rr bottle, bold by all JruKgiU, leoUtnouialsfree. For Sale. Thirty tons of wheat hay, bound, at $6 per ton, - Enquire of Hugh Walker or Mrs. Walker, Athena. . Read, the Part land Sun. Main Street, 1 i