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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1893)
WHEAT. SomeJRcasom Why the Price of Grain is so Low at This Time. The present demoralized position ays Bradstreets, of wheat prices, is credited to .the financial sit uation in part, but more largely to the inimence stocks on hand, particulary at Chicago. A large portion is abscribed to the May wheat deal in that market, which at one time had attracted ' there 23,000,000 bushels in public 'and private elevators, and resulted in. the advance of prices in Chicago to afigure above parity- with all other markets. When it was found that the deal was not suc cessful prices dropped, but not sufficient to movo the cash wheat in Chicago. The carriers saw in the large stocks great profits in handling the wheat, and an effort was made to hold it in store. This was successful, and from month to month huge profits were made on carrying charges, result ing on July 1 in a difference of 74 cts. from July to September, things ran smoothly until finan cial depression reached its full force, and then it was impossible to get money on cash wheat, and the load in Chicago was forced out, driving it below a parity with New York. Toledo led the de cline at the start, and at one time showed a new profit ' of 6c. over snipping charges to New York. Inability to handle the new ar rivals and inability to sell New York exchange accounted for the disastrous break. When the de cline started there was no let up The liquidation of the August de liveries drove prices on July 31 to 54c. for cash, a price never before s-en in Chicago. The highest price for cash wheat in Chicago this year was in April, when it touched 88, making a net decline of of 33ic. During the great movements in previous years low pricas have been as follows: December, 1884, 69Jc and in October, 1834, 814c. The price made on Monday was life, below the lowest price ever seen in the Chicago market. ners in the exacting pursuit of teaching. They have reaon to be well satisfied with' the degree of their success, it 4erng 'their first trial. They are Miss Ella Ingram and Joseph Zaringof Walla Walla; Miss Anna Waddingham and Daisy Bryson, of ' Weston; Miss Martha Alcorn, of Stage Gulch; Miss Lillie Porter, of Pilot Rock. Mr. Zaring and Miss Bryson ob tained a per cent sufficient to en title them to second-grade certi ficates had they had experience in teaching. There were twelve applicants and three failures. Miss Woodruff considers the list of questions for this examination the best furnished by the state board since her incumbency as su perintendent. "They were ex tremely practical," she said "and related : to genuine school work. There was nothing at all in the line of catch questions, Good general information and mastery of the text books were required on the part of the applicants." J BURRELL-Ss- -COMPANY. Have constantly on band a full line of arming implements and vehicles, carts, - Buffalo-Pitts Thresh ers, Hodge-IIaines Headers, New Deering Bindert and Mowers, Columbus Buggy Co's Buggies; Racine Co's Hacks, the celebrated Wide-tire Bain wagon. CTl 333. G-OIR3yCA,!DT, isixLSgex', r - -A.TjZhL.exLa., Oregon. -THE- COMMERCIAL ' w-Ll very, Feed & Bale STABLES, Athena, Oregon. Paying off Sealers. Paying off a sealing crew is a different thing from settling with sailors of a merchant vessel. The captain of the schooner Allie I. Algar, which arrived at Seattle a few davs ago from the coast of Ja pan, found he had to distribute about 15,000 among his men. The schooner was remarkablv for tunate, and secured' a catch of 2227 skins, the largest number of any vessel of her class belonging on this coast. The skins were shipped from Hakodate to London, via the Suez canal, and when she reached home she had but two seal skins aboard. The schooner returned six weeks earlier than ex pected, and the reason given by Captain Wester was that the seal ing: season there is practically over, and that a large number of of ves sels, 180, are cruising on a limited territory. He reports a very lucky vovaze. not having carried away a rope yarn or met with any accident to the men. The best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by Day, WeeK or Month. Special attention given to Commer cial travelers. Give me a call. G. M. FROOME. Agents Wanted on Salary and Com mission for The Only Authorized BIOGRAPHY OF JAMES G. BLAINE. By Wail Hamilton, hit literary executor, with t.h a MMimtxtlon of his family, and for Mr Blaine's Complete Works, "Twenty Years ol Congress and bis later book, "Political Dls cusslons." One prospectus for these three cusslons." One prospectus ior invHtj ht Beet Helling book In the market- A. K. P. Jordan of Me., took 1111 orders from flret 110 calls; aieht's profit $198- 60. Mrs. Ballard of O. iook id ornere. la oem numm m i f,vm Ufl.25. E. N. Rice of Mass. took 27 orders In 2 days; preflt H7.26 J. Partridge of Me. took 43 orders from S8 calls; profit 76.25. E- A, Palmer o! N, ihvK. toon 04 oraere in profit H8.25. Exclusive Territory given, u you wish to make LiAKUU Jiua tu i , wrue Immediately for terms to THE HENBY BILL PUB CO., Norwich, Conn. TAFT TOLBERT & CO., GENERAL Reviewed by Bradstreet't. European supplies of wheat have begun to decrease rapidly, about 1,2000,000 bushels last week. Ex ports of domestic wheat continue exceptionally heavy (or Hub per iod, there being 5,018,000 bushels for the week, against 5,622,2000 bushels last week, 4,148,000 bush el in the week a year ago, and a little less than 2,000,000 bushels each in like weeks in 1890 and 1889. Mercantile failures through out the United StateB for the week number 474, against 459 last week, , and 133, 213 and-148 in like weeks in the three preceding years. Iron and steel industries remain exces sively dull, which is true likewise of woolen and cotton mills manu facturing raw materials, each of which lines is very low. Dis patches from the maritime prov inces report general tracto quite, but crop prospects good, with the business outlook in the provinces of Ontario as fair as in the prov inces of Quebec, where a large yield of cereals is expected. Cana dian banks maintain their position of converatism with respect to loans in the United States. Bank clearances at Halifax. Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton aggregate $20,470,000 this week, a gain of 7.5 per cent over last week, but a decrease of 1.5 per cent as com pared with the week last year. There were 58 failures in the Cana dian dominion this week, com pared with 43 last week, 24 one year ago, 25 two years ago and 29 three years ago. A Run Stopped. There was a run on a bank in an iron mill town and the depositors were being paid in silver dollars. The excitement increased and the run became a fast one. The cash ier was a young Irishman and the work put upon him was more than he liked. He resolved to stop it. He sent the janitor with a bushel of silver dollars into a rear room where there was a stove, with the instruction to "heat them silver dollars red hot " They were heated, and in that condition handed out with a ladle. The de positors first , grabbed the coin, then kicked. "But you'll have to take them away," said the cashier. "We are turning them out as fast an we can melt and mold them, and 1 if you won't wait till they cool you'll have to take them red hot." That settled it. The run was stopped. Like Rats in Trap. A fire resulting in the death of of guests occurred Monday morning in a three-story structure on Madison street near Fifth avenue. A man who jumped from the top story of the building was killed, and about half a dozen others were suffocated and burned to death. The body of Harry Godfrey, seven years old, was recovered. The building waB a dilapidated structure, occupied by a restaurant on the first floor, and by the Senate hotel on the upper floors. Thirty guests were in the buildi-g when the fire first broke out. Those who perished in the fire were caught like rats in a trap, unable to make their es cape. Threo additional bodies have been taken from the ruins, but they are as vet unidentified. The total number of killed is sup-' posed to be eight. An Oregon Treasurer, Another treasurer is ehort in his accounts. This time it is the treasurer of Jackson county Ore. . When court was convened Thursday for the settlement, Treas urer Bloomer was called and tailed so appear. Mr, Bloomer left Jack sonville last Saturday and has not been heard of since. The amount of his default has not been defini tely given out, but it is supposed to be from iPGOOO to tfSOUU. There is much sorrow and surprise ex pressed by his many friends and the citizens of the town generally. He has always borne a good rep utation and was one of the most popular young men in the town, lie is the senior member of the firm of Bloomer Cronemiller & Co. The members of the firm know nothing of his whereabouts. His bondsmen are absent and have been sent for. Blacksmiths, Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. S.. C. Stanton " Proprietor of the MEAT MARKET, Corner of Main fc Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al ways on hand. See us. Down With Are. you going to insure your Grain? J? you are, see Gilman. He represents some of the best Companies on 'the coast, lie writes polices for fun. See him before placing fyour Insurance. High Prices ALL FAHRSsmi'n . Some of them BoloTe FARMERS' ILU&ISE -The Co-Operative Store, H ELI 11 Is lu the Interests of- ,v try on CLARK WALTER,! Manager, CHAS.C. sharp; . ; , ..... ,. , V Successor to N. A; : Miller, PAINTER & PAPERHANGER AI3M -. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD ALL KINDS OF MACHINE REPAIRING AT LOW RATES. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MONEY To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Can get Money In less time than anyone Else can get it. S C. L. SIMMONS, MANUFACTURER OF fCtt, And dealei in Wood, Sand, etc. .A.. J.PAEKEB Prorprlotor of The Athena Club Rooms Fine Clears a Specialty. I HAVE, For sale a number of Choice Farms, including One of the best farms in Uma- tilla County, Two miles from Athena. A NUMBEir-V Of choice Residence Lots In Athena, on easy terms. ATHENA RESTAURANT. Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. H. .P. Milken, Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. IYRITE- Stood to his Post. Fourteen people narrowly es caped death an a Point Defiance car at Tacoma last Friday night. Some unknown villain piled rocks on the rail, and the car jumped the track, ran against the guard rail, over that and against the Bide railing and tottered over the edge of the bridge, where it was nearly 100 feet to the bottom of the gulch. Motorman William Gilson proved himself a hero bv staying with the car reversing the motor and saving the lives of 14 passengers, while the platform was over the edge of the bndgo. Insurance in the following Leading Companies: London and Lancashire, Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & Globe, and the Continental, the Great farm Company. T.D- HARPER, Athena, Oregon. The Teacher's Examination. The work of giading the papers of applicants was finished Satur day afternoon by the examiners, Mis9 Harriett Woodruff, county school superintendent, F. J. Van- Winkle and II. E. Woodruff, hav ing in chargn the last regular ex amination of teachers. Miss Maggie Leonard, of Pendle . ton,, and Miss Irene Taylor, of Athena, are honored with the suc cess, of securing first-grade certifi cates, a nn very easy matter these times. . Miss Leonard's rating was exceptionally good, being the highest noted for two years. A second-grade certificate was granted B. F. Conner, of Pendle ton. There was six third-grade cer tificates igiued, all to new begin- I will give free with every $10 (cash) worth of oods purchased, or to those having an account of $10 or over, who come and settle by Sept 1st., a 3 life size crayon or i Air Urusb Portrait. You have i undoubtedly some picture of re lative or friend that you would like to have enlarged and THIS is your opportunity. L L Crofutt. Weston Oregon. Notice. Complaints have been made to ma by par ties iwelvlut notice to pay up the Stanton Campbell aorounta. In justice to myselt, I tali to suy that It Is not my desire to have any one preened for payment at present. Tlieae accounts have uuavoWlably passou from my cont roL, M. C. Htaktos . For Sale. A good second hand header f.i sale, cheap, inquire of J. Bloch S Co. . - - ' Pay Hp All parties knowing themselves indebted to me, are notified to come forward and settle without delay. Jan. 1st tf. N.A.MILLER. Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every particular. None but White Help Employed, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. Suppers for Special Occasions SI ELS JS5 . THE- ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J. W. Frooms & Son, Props- Tho Only Hotel in First-Class the City. Ami the onto one that can accommodate commercial men and travelers. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL r.n I. uunmendei for its clean and well veutelated rooms, io which will be found everything congenial On The Lowest margins FIRST NHTIOHS. BMK OF HTHEHfl. 0 South side Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, $ 6OOO0 $21,000 Pays Interest on time deposits. Proper attention , given to collections. Deals in foreign and . domestic exchaoga. L. D. Lively, Cashier, Athena, Oregon CCDzlo .AbltLenzLa Meat Market FRANK BEAU proprietor. FRESH MEAT ALWAYS OH HAND solicit the patronage of the pnblio and in return will give you the best of fresh eaU at the lowest prices FRANK BEAL. John Gillts. ARE U Dan Gilli Going to bu Household jy any Furniture? IF SO . Call on us andg et ou Prices before going elsewhere Be assured it pays to call on us you Do not be influenced by what our opponents may say to eep from coming to see our goods. Come and see for yourselves. We car ry a full and complete stock of Furniture, wall paper and underta ing goods. GILLIS BROS. Do Ybu Ihe'dining rooms ate under the supervision of Mrs. Froome and the table is sup plied with the best the market affords. , ATHENA, OREGON. AWWYVVVV Ira i n HEADS! What Is the condition of yours? Is your half dry harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has It a lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or brushed ? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? Is It dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned la time or you will become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower Is what rou need. Its pndMtlasi It Bot in scetdenl bat the remit ef sdentlfle ran-D. Kuowled of the AUnm of the hair mn sal td to Mm discov ery of how to mwu litem. wSkooktmeOBUlnsMiUMrBiiBrlssroll. It 1 sot Die, bul Ulif ktfUltr eooiuig &4 rt rMhin Toaio, Dy HBnlHiK the totUclest t ttej Wjia luur, turn iutuintg' aa4 im kw imbaii kind. t W Keep the seslf etoaa. hesKhr, aaS tree from trrttattas enpttnaa. ky the use ot & &mw it destroys nwW tuuut, wkkk am If Touc dnuwuteaaartstunitrreasMd itwet o s. M w will forwwd prcpaU. on rmwiotet price, uraww, fi botue 1 1 ha sua boh. sim. pwjwi (or SUO. THB SKOOKUfl ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. 3 1jJ52liKK T Beatli Ftftk ATease, .w Tsk. . T. w Js PCKDOOOOOOQ. i F EEL -:SICK? T J VP Disease commonly come: symptoms, which m extent i-r'-ir.'l lr-rl.- -frf1 li-wn and graaua'i dan-:v: Estimates on all WorK Furnished. House painting, Decorating, Paper ' Hanging a specialty, Car riage Painting. P IIOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! Photographs in Every S T IT Xj 33 -Call on THE BOSS .PHOTOGRAPHER. HaeecHsor to Camming, Main St. Athena. Coppying and Enlarging, Viewing at eas- onaoie rates, (jail ana sea nira. Cox, McRae & Co., -Dealers In- HARDWARE And FARMING IMPLEMENTS RUSHFORD WAGONS, GATE CITY HACKS , WOODS HARVESTING MACH INERY, AfiD EXTRAS OF ALL KINDS. Call and Get Prices, COX, McRae & Co. Athena THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE J. M. SMETHERMAN, Prop'r. (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND SAFE TEAMS. STOCK BOARDED BY THE D4Y iiirri nn iiautii ; wttiv UH r.iunin. Give Me a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. is Tims sjfrpii?' to II you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYJ FEPCIA or INDIGESTION. . . U nil sre BILIOUS, CONST'.FAT" LIVES COMPLAINf, TAKK RIFANS A'.'-'. II jour COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, r- pi! . SUFFER DISTRESS AFTFfl E-tTi-vS, For OFFENSIVE BREATH nn ! . I "C DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . . ft i I V ; . w i':s tsiem xnd Ripans Tabules Hegjaie 1 EASY TO TAKE vise GIVES j RELIEF, j QUICK. TO ACT SAV2 :.AXY A DOCTOR'S BILL. ON SALE OMAIIA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS EAST. NORTH AND SOUTH Time Table of Trains: Passenger. No S, from Athena to Spokane and interme diate points, leaves 7:48 am No 6, from Athena to Portland and Intermed iate polnta, leaves - - 6:07 pm Prelght: No 41, from Pendleton to Spokane, leaves Athena - , . - 6:45 p m No - 42, from Spokane to Pendleton, leaves Athena . - - - 30 p m PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS V and DINERS V'.'. Steamers Portland to San Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS TO F-HOM EURUPE Sold by Druggists Everywhere. 5Z55SS5 PRINTIHGALl K,KDS l PRESS OFFICE. For - rates and peneraV Information call on A R. Bradley. Depot Ticket Agent, Athena. Oregon. W. H. HURLBUT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Act 851 Washington Portland, Oregon.