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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1893)
ATHENA PRESS Published Every Friday Morning , By J. W.-' SMITH, Proprietor. I W. SMITH AND F. B. BOYD, : : : EDITORS. Entered at Athena postofllc as second-clans mall matter. Subscription Ha tea: Per y.; tn advanc' 81 -80 Sing Vle-ln wrappers, 8c. AdvartlaiV"1 ateas Local reading notices, tint Inwrtlon, 10c per line. Each subsequent insertion, 5c All communications should he addressed to the PRESS, Athena, Oregon. ATHENA, AUGUST 18th, 1893. AN EXTRA SESSION. In response to numerous letter? from Eastern Oregon asking Governor Pennoyer to call an extra session of the legislature for the purpose of passing a law to stay the execution of judgments, the Governor has sent a letter to each of the representatives asking their view as to the advisability of such a Bession. Doubtless if such a law had been passed by the last legisla ture, it would have afforded relief to some parties whose property is now at the mercy of unscrupulous creditors, But we do not think it would be advisable to attempt to pass such a law at the present time. It would doubtless precipi tate the very thing it was intended to prevent. Those having debt due them would bring action at once to try to obtain judgment be fore the law passed. ' As the law could not effect judgments already obtained, a call for an extra session now would have a tendency io cause some creditors' to bring Bui, to collect their money who would not do bo under the present law. In many instances, the creditor", who are the most persistent in pressing collections at the present ime are the ttsuren; and if the debtors should take advantage of the usury law, it might prove a safeguard against such oppression GOLD AND SILVER. The production of gold for the whole world is, ot coureo, not ac curately known, but the Director of the United States mint is accus tomed to estimate it each year from the best statistics and information possible, So, also with silver. It is interesting to know the countries which are the chief contributors of metallic wealth. In 1891, at the head of the gold producers stood the United States, with $33,000, 000; second wa8 Australia, with $31,000,000; third came Russia, whose mines in the Ural Moun tains bavo always furnished a con siderable tribute, with $24,000,000; fourth is Africa, with $14,000,000; fifth is China, with $5,COO,000, sixth is the South American Re public of Columbia, with $3,400, 000; British India, comes next, with $3,400,000. All the other countries are small contributors. Of silver countries the United States stands at the head, with $75, 000.000; second is Mexico, with $53,000,000; Bolivia is third with $15,000,000; Australia is fourth, with $13,000,000. There are no other . large producers. Germany mines silver in the Hartz Moun tains, celebrated in European liter ary demonology, and Btands fifth, with $8,000,000. Chile producer $3,000,000. Austria-Hungary, Spain and France each take out some thing more than $2,000,000 an nually, as do the combined Central American States. Russia, which ia rich in gold and platinum, is credited with a pittance of $500, 000 of silver; while Mexico, which is one of the great silver producer", turns out only about $1,000,000 in gold. ' All the Central American States in 1391 produced only $150, 000 in gold. The Argentine Re public, in South America, would, from its name, be taken for a rich silver State, but it ie only credited with $600,000 of silver and little or no gold. New Orleans Picayune. DIFFERENT THINGS. Th decision of the Behringsea tribunal of arbitration wis handed down Tuesday. Five points of Article 6 are decided against the' United States. The close season is established to begin May 1 and to continue until July SI. This close season shall be observed both in the North Pacific ocean and Behr icg see, A protected rone ia es tablished extending for sixty miles around the Island. " Pelagaic peal ing is allowed outside the zone in Behring sea from August 1. The use of fire arms in sealing is pro hibited. American arbitrators have expressed their satisfaction with the text of the decision. American arbitrators believe that the regula tions decided upon by the tribunal mean practically an end of pelagaic sealing and that they are better terms than were heretofore offered to the United States by Great Britian as a settlement of the ques tion involved. " Jesus Christ Marie Antoine Garcia is a name that appears oc casionally as a signature in the acknowledgment of deeds on the jei;t,on county records says the Cor valli8 Ti'ines. Jesus is a county clerk out in Colorado, and if he isn't a great and good man it is no fault of his parents. He brought his name over from Spain, and that ho cmnrrrrlp it into the country is certain, for to pay duty on the whole thing would have bankrupt ed him and bis government for all time. It is suggest, to populist that if thin nnmfl rniilri be Secured as a security on which to bane an issue of silver certificates the finan cial problem would be solved. A. Campbell' Testimony Vindicated Against Eld. Scolet. By J. B. Ualley. Ed. Press: In your last issue the Press contains an article from Mr. Scoles as a reply, proper ly to A. Campbell, and not to Eld Daisley. Mr. S. never replied to the questions I wrote, and he never will. The issue is between Scoles and A. Campbell. Mr. C's testi mony is against the improper and unfair use Mr. S. made of the statement read in the tent. Scoles claimed that Campbell's language proved the binding force of the old covenant. Such statement cannot be found in any of Campbell's published works. When S. was isked to allow C. to speak for himself, he refused, there lore C. through the Press rebuked ind arraigned Mr. S. as knowing ly breaking the 1st commandment. He now tries to '"clear himself bui in hid effort he still plunges furth er into the mire of historical ig norance. Candid reader please read A C's. statement carefully and nee if his language even intimates that the ten commandments are now binding. The nearest it comes to it are in these words, ''So reads the fourth principle of the everlasting ten." This I believe and teach as well as Mr. Camp bell for the moral principles of the 4th command is rest which was from creation in God'B pur pose, and was enjoined upon the sons of Jacob to be observed by them only until the fulfillment in Clirht. Col. 2. 16. WhocHnnot see that the moral principle of the 4th command is rest here, and ever lasting hereafter. But the letter the command to rest on the 7th day has ceased, "is done away" ended on the cross, but the prin ciple which is proper rest is stil 1 in force and is observed by all Christians on the first day of the week, the Lord's day. The same may be truly said with re spect to the whole ten commands. The letter is done away, but the spirit or principle is still in force; these great eternal principles, thai constitute the unchanging and per fect law of God, and not the com mands. The mistake Scoles and his class makes is they are resting in the letter, the commanded works f law, instead of the spirit, which tlways was and is right without any command. This Scoles can't see that the spirit could exiat without the letter. I have this in black and white at his own con sent. Now, let us see if he honestly represents Mr. C. in his alleged quotations from his lectures, lit ays: "He once believed and ac epted the ten commands as the great moral law of God as th verlftBtrg ten." Is this state inent found in the quotation? Oi course not. He therefore willingly represents his language. You see he carefully omits the word, prin ciple the word which gives point ukI pith and sheds light on the whole statement. "So reads th fourth principle of the everlasting ten," quote him correctly and all is clear. He further savs, A. C. called, the ten commimds the moral law of God. See how unfair, and warped and mistaken he is. Now, listen to A. C's teBtimonv. My objection to denominating the ten precepts the moral law represents itself to the reflecting mind that all moral ity is not contained n them. For doctors in divinity tell us the first I able respects our duty to God, the second our duty to man. W hy, then call the ten commands "the moral law," seeing but six of them are moral? Are the immoralities cal led drunkeness, fornication poly eamv. divorces on timing at counts, retaliations, ,. etc., proh bited in them?" Scoles again says. "He afterwards rejected this according to Mr. D'b quotation." Charity says S. was napping when he wrote that sentence, each a thought never entered my head, nor even hinted in anything I wrote. Scoles eays, A. Campbell afterwards rejected this and be came an Antinomian. "It is un pleasant to expose anyone who ia so ungarded as the writer neeming- I 1 fPL. 1 ' .4 . . T 13' is. me auove statement is baseless . and contemptable, . with out the least shadow of evidence and clearly shows that his Sab bath keeping has not refined his better nature, but such is the cold crude spiritless' teaching of 7th dayism. How narrow must be the man to think that A. C. rejec ted the principles of right and , duty to God and man, which is to love God, and your neighbor as yourself, and thus became an Anti nomian. What is an Antinomian? According to Webster "they- who hold doctrine which supersede the necessity of good works and a virtuous life." f o Luther Williams Wesley and all in every age who lived "under the law of Christ" are classed with a low vila sect, who' disregarded moral law and a vir tuous life. This comes with but little grace from a man who believes God has sent him to proclaim the third angel's message. But not content ed with this he places him and his followers with Saul, a repro bate and Judas, the traitor. This is the fruit which the preachers of the 7th day Advents bear, from snch a spirit good Lord deliver us. Mr. Scoles says. "And what he may have written afterwards does ,;ot render untrue that which he wroiw before. "Here S. speaks with autor'ty but it'8 w'tn the thunder made in "Battle Creek," another evidence he Is in the dark. Mr. C. please give Mr. S. a little historical information in regard to what you first wrote. "Well, I arrived in Wash, Pa. 1809, preached my first sermon 1810, was baptized 1812, preached for the six churches organized by my fatheiV With these churches w'e united with the Baptist 1815. I ras ap pointed to deliver the opening' ad dress in the Baptist Association; this sermon was on "The Law" Sept. 1st 1816. This is my first written sermon and was made the ground of impeachment and trial for herisy, which resulted in our withdrawal from the Baptists 1819 established Buffalo Academy taught a few years aided by my father 1823, the Christain Baptist was established through which oe became famous as a reformer and spiritual educator. A. C. had no popular prestiage until abuui this time. Betheny college was not founded until 1841. The re formatory truths expressed in that sermon he contended for till death; and yet Mr. S. has the brazen uf frontuery of a Jewish pope to say that "he once accepted the ten commandments as the great moral law of God." Once for all let me say that the sermon on "The Law" in 1816 is first and last without change. After hearing this evi dence I still insist if you. are a christain, make an honorable con tension to the public of the chargeb you alleged against me. I now hand you over to Mr. Daisley. Mr. IS. says he is a Chris tian in truth und obeys his Lord's command in Ex 20. Well, Mr. d. if true why not be circumcised and keep the Passover, these are commands of your Lord back in Ex 13, You are a christian in deed, if the everlasting ten are binding, every jot and tittle of the Sabbath law and its requirements must be obseived. You sav a part won't do, "if I call myself a chris tian and do not keep all the com mands, I bring upon myself con demnation." Well, Mr. S. you are surely under condemnation for you aon't keep all the commands. Let us see. Do you offer the burnt offering of every Sabbath?' "Wor ship at the door of the gate." Ye shall gather ro sticks on the Sab bath "kindle no fire" bear no bur den on the Sabbath. "Whosoever doeth any work shall be put to death" children, servants, and cat tle must rest.' You shall neither bake nor boil. "Every Sabbath breaker must be stoned to death." Does the Sabbath law remain en tire. Then its penalties too, and f bo why donH you keep your Lord's commands. You say not one jot or title of it is to pass away, of the ten commands then it includ es the Sabbath law. Do you hear what the law paith. "Cursed is every one who continuelh not in ill things written in the book of the law to do them." Gal 3. 13. If yout mind was not warped, you could Bee that, John 2. 4. has no reference to God's commands through M"bcs, you can't see that Jesus gave any commands, all the commands are the ten commands. Oh not The ten commands con tains the Mibbath, I the com mandment.' . f God and the law of Christ bv the Apostles do not. He enn't see the law of Chrit "embodies all tho moral prinri pies of the old law, that Christ's new law of "faith" and "love" ia. greatly superior to the old law and sin and-death. Oh no; nothing can equal the.ten commandments. If they were done away with there would be nothing left. Such lan guage is enough to astonish any person. It is practically saying "We are Moses desciples, but as for this fellow (Christ) we know from whence he is." , Now I need not say in conclusion, th at of all the hideous monstrosities that have bestrode the human mind like a working nightmare, and a black pale of death, this monstrous delusion is without a parallel. J. B, Djlisiby, Marshal Stamper has instituted a crusade against all dogs that are not honored with a collar. He has Bent several dogs to dog heaven the past week. Do You Want Money? I have lately tasen the agency for the D. 8. BaKer estate for loan ing money on real estate in Uma tilla county. Those contemplating securing loans will do well to call on me. Besides making loans as cheap or cheaper than any one else, I can assure you prompter ac tion and less red tape. W. T. Gilman. For Sale. One thousand dollar will bay five acres of the beat fruit land adjoining the townsiteof Milton. Good aoll and level ground, well lr ragatcd and good water privilege!. Two acre ln strawberries. Will pay for Itself ln two years. W. T. Oilman. . . . Notice.' .i , To whom it may concern: Notice I hereby given that I will apply to tho common council of the city of Athena, Oregon, at a meeting thereof held on the JStb dny of AuguHt 1H83' to take effect from the atth day of August I8U3, for a lscense to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquor Jin less quantities than one gallon. Place of busi ness on lot 8, block 6, on Main street, Athena Ore. TiMOTiiy Tremble Y, Applicant. HAMILTON & ROURKE, Grain Dealers, ARE STILL HERE GRAIN BAGS FOR SALE. DAVE TAYLOR AGENT. Athena, - Oregon. Farmers and Wheat Men, Attention! We are now ready to do a general warehouse . you get the advantage of PORTLAND, TACOMA & SEATTLE We positively guarantee to load your grain on either Una of railway at one coat. Farmers look to your own interests and see our manager, J. N. B. Gerklng, at the office, or J. R. Arm strong, assistant manager, office and Warehouse, West Main tit rert. Between V. P. and W. Jt C. tt. Railway Tracks. FARMERS WAREHOUSE r. Joseph J. Graduate, M. B. C. V. S., London, Eng. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. CHRONIC DISEASES a SPECIALTY I am prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Hurgery, Emasculating horses and Reglings a Specialty. (This Is the only true method of operating on horses.) Hpeying of cattle and nogs on snort notice. I win treat an animals surgery, it you nave any sick animaia u win uv w ynur interest k canon DR. JOSYJ. BILL, Commercial Stables, Athena Oregon. Geo. "W. THE LIVE HARDWARE DEALER WestoxL Is selling at Bottom Prices: - - HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES, - . WINDMILLS AND AND WOOD WAGONS AND . . . . - . . Chas. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, FdRn nicmNERT. FRONT, FIRST AND VINE Tot naraatartaad ' Mawars fcava m A . . at . lifting tha ittUr bar, ata. tka many inparlor points that liava ' " - ',Vi- ,'iif tha old rellabU Mnck-y .? , B -5 :' JH been addad many new ; , - - " ' J DODD'S N2 2 STP.cL HEADER EEWyUx ell iritttples and lew Lmproniio.s, especially iliyti to Oregon, VasMigtoi ail Mail. HANDS SELF- FULL CIRCLE dump horse e&mmmm ALL steel HAY RAKES HAY LOADERS rmmmmm ADRIANCE REAR DISCHARGE BINDER The lightest, best balanced, most oonomical Binder made. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. SCHUTTLER FARM & MARKET WAGONS, f . .lOLTUrS STAR TRJCTIOi CNO FCR 1C3 J. H. CLARK, If You Don't Take THE PRESS, You Don't GET THE NEWS W. & C. JR. Ry. Co. in connection with NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. Form the QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE Between Eastern Oregon and ashlngton ana ruget sound Joints, as wen atr tne Popular and direct Line to aU Points East & Southeast Pullman Sleeping; Cars. Sunerb Dinninz Cars. Free 2d-Class Sleepers. THROUGH TO CHICAGO VIATniS LINE Passenger trains of this Company are nitt nlng regularly between Dayton, Waitsburg, Walla Walla, Wash, and Pendleton, Oregon. Making close connections at Hunt's Junction with Northern Pacific trains for Tacoma, Seattle. Victoria. B. C. Ellensbureh. North Yakima, Panco, Rprague, Cheney. Daven port, epoKsne, mute, fieiena, au ram ana Minneapolis. AND ALL POINTS EAST. TOURISTS-SLEEPING-CARS. For Accomodation of Second-Class Passenger Attached to Ex press Trains. w.F.WAMSLEY, G en'l Fr't and Pass. Agt., Walla Walla Wash W. D. TYLFR, Pres. and Gen'l Manager. J.AMUIRHEAD. Agent Athena, Oregon. business, aud by placing your grain ln our house aU the wheat competition of COMPANY, Athena, Oregon. in me mosi approvea proceaure oi veterinary IFaroelDS - bel Oregon .... v DECORA ALL STEEL - TOWERS, LUMBER, SHINGLES FARM MACHINERY. - - - Refrigerators at Cost, Co, OD IRON, STEEL, AM) PORTLAND, OR. . - - iXJii.tXZui- HAY PRESSES HAY TEDDERS THE NEW STAR VIBRATOR Aii Kutrljr Nw Maehlaa ball 09k MW anil n.ea.afal prlaalvlat. Rim ca?n:iSEs. phjetoss. TOP BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC., PARSERS CARPilliT !0::.miM ASQ FiSE ROAD WSE2S CATALOGUE FKCE. Hng'r, Athena, Or. Bill, mi. . i iiiinn a mm mm i -a I La Ladios Our r.ew stock of ZDlTeSS Goods hag arrived from New York, and we will be pleased to "bow them Among the dress goods will be the latest patterns in Pointelleu.Grendines, Sateens, Chambrays Cashmeres, Sublime, Summer Suitings, etc etc. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Chiffon and Oriental laces, embroideries, Hamburg edgings, fancy Tics, Gloves mitts, Handkerchiefs, etc. Entirely new and complete line of Ribbons, unique in design fend very pretty, Underwear and Hosiery ia all grades, and remember that we HAVE JUST RECEIVED of Ladies, Gents, Misses, Boy's and Children's Shoes ever brought to the city. They, comprise the latest styles and for neatness and elegance cannot be beat, and will be Eold at hard times We would respectfully ask your inspection of these goods, knowing you will be pleased, and it will be a pleasure for us to show them to you. BERGEVIN BROS., Athena THE C A BAEBETT CO. I ! v " ' DEALERS IN SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. FARM IMPLEMENTS, THRESHERS, JBammmmJOWERS, RAKES, HARROWS, g3L GANG PLOWS, MACHINE REPAIR?. Main Street, - - - - - Athena, Oregon MILLER " THE RUSTEER LEADING FURNITURE DEALER CALLS SPECIAL Line of I am the only dealer from the manufacturer, and that manufacturer, Wm. Campbell, of New York, is independent of the Nation al wall Paper Combination I buy my paper to the best advantage to myself and I 8ell to the best ad vantage of my customers. I have the largest line of wall paper in the county and it ranges in price all the way from 15c double roll, to 65c for the best gilt paper made. A fine line of undertasing goods con stantly on band, and I am prepared to do embalming. N. A. MILLER, STORE ON MAIN STREET, i mm L3 TRIMMINGS TO MATCH THE LARGEST INVOICE ncsB Oregon. THE ATTENTION TO HIS in Athena that buys direct ATHENA, ORE.