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About The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
QUICK ACTION BEING TAKEN OREGON RAILROAD COMMISSION GETS TO WORK. WILL ADJUST THE COMPLAINT Practice of Southern Pacific in the Matter of Handling Corvallis Passen- . gers to Be Taken Up With the Com pany by the Commission. ; That the article recently published in the Gazette callinsr attention to the manrwr'in which through nasseneers to Corvallis were being treated by the Southern Pacific company in the exac tion of an extra half-dollar to enable 'them to reach this point over the C. & E. road from Albany, has been produc tive of some good, i3 evident from the following letter to this paper from the Railroad Commission of this state: "Salem, Oregon, June 25, 1909. "We are in receipt of a marked copy of your paper, in which appears an ar ticle complaining as to the practice of the railroad company in handling Cor vallis passengers. We are taking this and it will undoubtedly be adjusted to i 1 i - 1 i C it J uietsansiaction oi an-concerneu. Yours verv trulv. Railroad Commission of Oregon , By Oswald West, Commissioner. ' It certainly is to- be hoped that the Commission will see that the present i -1 - r je . :i.i 1 ,1 condition 01 auairs is ijuiciiiy cnaiiyt-u and that Coryallis "passengers be given the .rights to which their railroad tickets justly entitle them - This is a matter in which the Gazette has no further interest than to see Cor vallis fairly treated instead of the im pression prevailiag that it is merely a side station on an unimportant branch line. While the Kailroad Commission is about it, ;the matter.of confusing con nections at Albany should be looked in- . .-. to. As it is now, passengers ao not . know where to find the C. & E. trains the consequence. Only this week two young lady students from Eugene left the- train at Albany to take the C. & E, i road for Newport, where they were to . work during the summer vacation, . They could not get any information-as to where the C. & E. train stood and in their confusion boarded a northbound irum 011 tile mam line, wixixi buun. iiieiu ' "' ' . j i c i- J : j their mistake, : . By the time they re turned to Albany and finally found the . rigfitxtrain for Newport they had been delayed an entire day and night and put to considerable extra expense: ' This is only one instance. Many others might be cited. Peaches Bring Big Price Among the early orchardists of the Grants Pass section to dispose of his crop of peaches for a fair figure is E. W. Shattuck, who has made a specility of growing fine . peaches for several ' ' years. Mr. Shattuck disposed of his ; , ' entire crop last week to a firm in Seat- tie for $600 ner acre on the trees, as . the fruit ripens. The firm took 12 acres at these figures. When the fruit has matured and js ready for shipment. ail tnac Mr. snattucK win nave to do "- will be to draw his money, as the firm in Seattle will do its own picking, pack ing and shipping, thus leaving the prof it fof $7200 to the fruitraiser, without any bother or trouble during the har vesting season. the state to inaugurate work along the lines of industrial training. President Ressler graduated from Otterfein University, Ohio, in 1891, taught in the public schools of that state for five years, and then took post graduate work at the Ohio State Uni versity, receiving his M. A. degree in 1897. He then removed to Oregon, where he was City Superintendent of public schools at Eugene four years, organizing the first High School in that city and graduating the first class in 1901. During the following year he was assistant professor of education at the University of Oregon,, and for the last seven years he has been president of the State Normal School at Mon mouth, bringing that school through the last two years with no aid what ever from the state, and serving with out pay for over a year and a half. Upon the recommendation of the Roosevelt Country Commissson this department of industrial pedagogy was iustalled in the college, - not only for the benefit of the regular, college students, but also to provide a depart ment in the state where the public school teachers can obtain instruction in the practical and industrial training work to be a part of the regular gram mar school instruction in many of the schools of the state. WELLS WITHDRAWS GIFT OF FOUNTAIN GIVES REASON FOR HIS ACTION Thinks Continued Hesitation to Accept Proffered. Bequest Due to Lack of Appreciation on Fart of the City to Make Suitable Arrangement. O. A. C. Girl Wins Honors Miss Mary Sutherland, an Oregon girl, graduated from the Teachers' col lege of Columbia university in the June class, completing a course which enti tles her to a degree and bachelor's dl pioma. She was the only girl from Or egon in the class and the only one who finished the prescribed course in one year's time. Miss Sutherland is a grad uate of Oregon Agricultural College and has been a teacher of domestic art in that institution. She will remain in New York this summer and will teach domestic art in Miss Helen Gould's school for girls at Tarrytown. N. Y. On the large estate left her by her father Miss Gould has established this summer school for girls who come from all the countryside to attend. The in s tractors go irom JNew York every morning and are met by coachmen from the Gould estate with equipages and are driven to the school. W. A.. Wells has decided to withdraw the offer he made to the Council some time ago to give the city a handsome public fountain and has so informed the municipal authorities In the following letter: , Corvallis, Or., June 26, '09. To the Honorable, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Cor vallis : Gentlemen : Nearly two months have elapsed since Mr. Virgil E. Wai ters, acting as my representative, ac quainted your honorable body with my offer to erect a public fountain at the intersection of Second and Madison streets, at a cost of not less than one thousand dollars, the fountain to be dedicated to the City of Corvallis, in memory of my son Otto. At the time of making the offer, neither I nor any one to whom I mentioned the matter, had any doubt but what it would be ac cepted at once in behalf of the City, by your honorable body. Your continued hesitation in accepting the offer leaves no doubt in my mind that the gift is not appreciated. I therefore withdraw my offer. Respectfully yours, W. A. Wells. This conclusion on the part of Mr. Wells, will doubtless be deeply regret ted by many Corvallis people who know the disinterested motives that prompted the gift. Oregon People Pray For Rain Valuable Books Given To O. A. C Heath House Bert T. Heath and Miss Julia House were quietly married in Portland last week, the ceremony being performed by Dr. Brougher, of the White Temple. Mr. Heath is a popular OAC student while the bride has been the artistic trimmer at Mrs. Weatherla's, millinery . parlors for two seasons. v .. As'- the groom's father has an im- ' portant government position at Manila . is thought by friends here that the young couple may go over to the Philli- pkies to live. John Ray, of Hillsdale, Ore., recently made the college library a valuable gift of several pamphlets on the geology of Corvallis and the surrounding country, also 32 volumes of "The Living Age." Several other gifts have been re cently made to the college library, one of which was a copy of "Miller's Dic tionary of Botany," a valuable old work published in London in 1796. This book was presented by Professor E. R. Lake of the college faculty. - A Diversified Farmer J. W. Mitchell, of Crabtree, who won fame in Albany a couple years ago,. was in town today. He is a diversified farmer for certain and is demonstrating how a man can make it by' hustling. Last year he cleaned up $2500 to $3,000 on potatoes, having eighteen acres in spuds. This year he has planted thirty-five acres. Besides he has five acres of cabbages, three of onions, forty or fifty in hay, some in rutabagas and in fact there is hardly anything Mitchell doesn't raise and raise well, with a big family to back him. And that is what is going to count- in " this valley. Albany Democrat , Women and Boys Exempt. County Clerk Allen, of Salern has re ceived a letter irom state Uame W ard- en Stevenson, of Forest Grove,' to the effect that all deputies had been notified not to require women and boys under 15 to take out fishing licenses. The Warden says the law plainly intended to exempt the women and children, and he believes it no more than justice to the state and those directly -concerned to abide by the evident intent of the law. Those people who have" been casting slurs at Oregon and saying that it rains here 13 months in a year will have to do some crawfishing, for down at Salem they are praying for rain. Colonel E. Hofer has issued an appeal to the peo ple of Salem to pray and pray hard for rain all this week. It is aanunced that there is most urgent need for rain to make the grain, hay and cherry crops and while it is a new thing to pray for rain in Oregon, this is a case of neces sity and people ought not to be asham ed to resort to prayer. Colonel Hofer publicly announces that he believes in the power of prayer to bring rain. He considered this bet ter than the Weather Bureau, which has twice made forecasts for rain, but failed to bring up a solitary cloud. Ac cording to the Colonel, if only one min ister with a large congregation will pray for rain earnestly and believing in results, there will be showers. If all the churches would pray for rain there would be a week of precipitation and the trouble would be to stop it, after the rain started. All prayer meetings held in Salem this week are urged to devote their ener gies to bringing a good, suDstantiai precipitation. Industrial Pedagogy Blind Piggers Soaked. Three men were sentenced by Judge Harris, of the Circuit Court, Saturday, for the illicit sale of liquor in Lane county. Mart Endicott, who was found guilty by a iury, was fined $250 and" sentenced to serve 30 days in the coun ty jail. Jesse Eddy,- who pleaded guilty, was fined $100 and will serve 30 days in jail. Oscar Parsons was fined $200 and sentenced to 20 days in jail. There are several yet to try, and a number will, perhaps, plead guilty. Uniform Hop Standard. The Department of Agriculture issued recently a pamphlet addressed to the hopgrowers of the United States urg ing upon them the advisabiiity of adopt ing a definite standard for judging the quality of hops. At present hops are graded variously, some according to points of origin, ; others according to general appearance, others by odor and in instances other stahdards are relied upon. All these, it is said, are unsat isfactory, as they fail to attain the de sired end a fair and just valuation. In Eusope, it is pointed out, there is a fixed standard, which is not cnly reliable, but satisfactory to hopgrowers as well as to hopbuyers. ' The .whole question is dis cussed at some length in this pamphlet, which has been prepared by W. W. Stoekberger, one of the hop experts of the department. Letter Carriers Convene Delegates to the convention of Oregon State Letter Carriers' Association were 1 in session in Eugene Saturday evening. State ' Delegates to the. National assocation, Another valuable addition was made to the college faculty, today, when President E. D. Ressler, of the Normal School at Monmouth accepted which will meet in August, will be elect the position as professor of industrial ed and also certain resolutions passed " pedagogy, a branch of study which will oe taught next year for the first time. President Ressler" will also make in stitute work'an important feature of his department, and will aid the teach- ers in the different schools throughout which will be presented to the National body. President F. E. Taylor, of Eu gene, presided. Vice-President F. E. Holm and Secretary E. J. Burrows, of Portland, are in attendance. : Port land sent 10 delegates. New Woodcraft Officers Delegates of the Women of Wood craft of District No 12, which includes the counties of Western Oregon, met in a one-day session at Albany, Thurs day, and elected the following officers for the district: Mrs. Nettie Parsons, Creswell, re-elected - district guardian; Mrs. Sheldon, Corvallis, district 'clerk; Mrs. Birdie Kerremans, Ashland,' at- tendent, Mrs. -.Rosenberg, , Cottage Grove,. inner sentinel; Mrs. L. E. Moe, Albany, outer sentinel. . Delegates elected io grand convention, which will be held in Portland next month," are Mrs. Murphy, of Eugene; Mrs. Verick, of Albany, and Mrs. McMillen, of Klamath Falls. Some Grub Oak wood for sale. W. G. J)avis. Ind. phone 6525. 6-25-W-2t Tjere will be no Coupon Card issued for July on account of remodelling store. . . HURRA H Celebrate ' the F I FT H of JUL Y in noticeh I Big Time Corvallis July will find us working harder than ever, selling goods at PRICES LOWER Than BEFORE All Summer Apparel and Wash Goods MUST be sold, and prices are the very lowest and values the biggest ever. .' TAKE ADVANTAGE. i n CORVALLIS on MONDAY, JULY the FIFTH Snaps for Summer; Ladies' fine Silk Lisle Gloves, Black, i q Tan, White, in all sizes, now the' pair Extra quality Jersey ribbed Vests, with drawers to match. All sizes.... 19c 19c Burson Hose, ribbed-top, split-foot, - Q out-size, black or Jan. "AH sizes. English Zephyr Gingham, plain and i n stripe patterns, guaranteed fast color Swiss Bateste Lawns, Dimity, etc plain, fancy, patterns regular 25c.. Fine Ribbons, Silk, Messaline. All Q colors for all use, regular 40c, now.l Immense line of stock collars, in all in the newest styles. All sizes on sale.. f Hundreds of yards of Calico, all colors, standard mills. 20 yards $1.00 Messaline, Satin, Fourlard Silks, in all the much wanted shades on sale.. Pretty, dainty Parasols for children, white, pink, blue and red on sale now' 75c 45c Big Bargain Giving and Price Slashing in our skirt section. Your own choice now Washable Dresses, in many new pretty styles, usually sold for up to $8.00 now only Net Waists, Ecru White Cream, all sizes, long sleeves, new and dainty, Now.' , $4.95 $3.50 $3.50 Muslin underwear one big lot draw- JQ ers, skirts, corsets covers, etc. Now.1 Your smallest purchase will make you a saving here now. Bring your neighbor GUARANTEED PURE LINEN TABLE DAMASK BLEACHED OR UNBLEACHED the yard 52c NAPKINS TO MATCH $1.15 the dozen. Wash Goods, Wash Dresses are selling at SACRIFICE price. LADIES AND MEN'S SHOES TO BE SOLD AT A LESSER PRICE THAN EVER. . . ., L Ml ILL ' 142 Second Street