Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1929)
TRE BSAVTRTON REVIEW TRIDA Y, JUKE U . 19g». Mrs. Geo. Teftt has as guests this week her daughters from Hood River. The infant son cf Mr. sod Mrs. .Lights and Sidelights on Local Activities. Geo. Ts'-'s* has been ill with ton silitis. Mr*. Helen Davis visited the local Mr. and Mr«. J. M. Allan of Mr. an- Mrs E. W. Barres vis Blackfoot, Idaho arc visiting hi» grange last Saturday. ited at tie O, A. McCloud home on parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allan. L. Knorr and family were Port Sunday. Loo Adams laft Monday for a land visitors the first of the week. The A. C. Chinn family visited wraka vacation to ba spent at Bel Irena Hetu visited with Miss Ada at the home of hia parent* Mr. and mont Springs. Brinkman at Portland, over the Mrs. C. D- Chinn in Portland Sun Mr. and Mrs. Elmar Stipa return- week end. day- ad from the Shriners convention Gerald Chinn left Monday for Mrs, Floyd Teftt and slaughters at Loa Angela» Saturday. Rowena, Ore., to spend moat of the Helen an I'holma spent the past Mrs. Robert Summers attended summer. week visiting relatives at Hood the 1924 matrons puncheon at Mr. A- M. Jannsen of Reedsville River- Campbell Court Wednasday. attended the Shrine convention at Mrs. Anna Boring, has been ill _____ with tonsiliiis the past week. Irene Hatu attended the Phar Los Angeles last wreck. macy alumni banquet, held at the Mrs. Florence Lynch or Seattle Mrs. Guatin, Mrs. Cooke, and Mrs. Heathman hotel, Friday evening. Mrs. R. D Boles of Butte Grange of Tigard | spent Friday with Is ,' Edna Gresger, Leona Hatu, Irene were guests of the local grange Young. the Rose Festival Monday. Mr. G. W. Young of Fruita. Colo Howard E. Weed of Weed s Nurs Hetu and Ckrl Johnson attended ery east of town left Sunda/ to a t rado. is spending his vacation at Theodore Hetu, Jr. is enjbying tend the flower ehows at New York the home of his son R. D. Young. Mrs- Rohse urd sons Thomas and weeks vacation at the homj of and Boston. David visited with Mrs. T. J. Harm- his sister Mrs. W. H. Miller at Mr. and Mrs. Pointer of Nache*. gan, Mrs. Rohse s mother, Saturday. Portland. J W ash, mrt visiting at the bom« Mrs. F- W. Cady and daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevens are of their son-in-law and daughter. entertainkgt MidJa Stevens’ sister! Rev. and Mrs. Donald M. McNeil. Barbara are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Barkus of Port Mrs. F. H. Douglas of Cheyenne, Mrs. Barbara Gorham attended the land Wyoming, for a few days. luncheon given by the 1928 matrons Miss Mayme Sandy of Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dean and at the Mallory Hotel, in honor of daughter La Merne. left Saturday Margaret Barnes of Grants Fas*, , was a guest at the home of her for a weeks vacation trip to be past grand matron of O. E. S. of friend. Miss Mary Kingston, last I w-eek. spent with relatives at Roseborg. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of the Mrs. L. L. Lasswell and son The second annual dinner by the Twentieth Century Grocery have Lewis Lee Junior spent Monday and men of the Bethel Church for every Tuesday at the home of her parents one, men. women and children, will moved into the Fedricey home on Mr. and Mrs. John Leel in Portland. be served on Friday evening at 6:30. Second and Lombard Street». The Mesames N. W. Gorham, F Twelve prises will he awarded at me Dr. Hetu and J. W, Sprague dinner hour and you are cordially M. Lassiter, Charles Jacka an daugh spent the week end fishing ta* ter Charlotte were luncheon guests invited to come- Gales Creek and Nehalem river- of Mrs. W. O. Roberts in Portland They brought home a fine string Joy Hulett is enjoying a short Friday of last week- of fish- £ vacation from her duties as Lino Grace and Gerevieve Johnson and type operator at the Review office Mr. and Mrs B. K. Denney and and ia spending it with her sister George McKercher were among those Mr. A. M. Kennedy left Sunday from Beavert-n to attend the Jour- morning for Myrtle Point, where Mrs. Orval Thompson and family at Moron. Ore. Ivan Long of Laurel- ( nsl Junior Festival at Jantzen Park they will attend the sessions ot the wood is operating durin her absence. Ust Saturday. State Grange. PERSONAL AND MINOR MENTION' Mr. Rnd Mrs. J. F. F red rice y and son Delmar left Saturday morning on a motor trip to Chicago, where they expect to remain for the sum- ro»r. They will visit relatives In Colorado. Kansas and Nebraska on their way ea st Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keller and family of Progress have rented the house on Third Street near Lom bard, belonging to Dr. Mason and moved in last week. They depart ed Saturday for a visit to Klamath Falls. , Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anderson of Ocean Lake visited at the W. R. Van Kleek home Tuesday and Wednes day. They were accompanied on their return to the beach by their niece Cathryn Van Kleek, who will spend several weeks with them. Tri i Mias Thelma Teftt was present ed in a dance recital at the Lin ci In High School auditorium last Sa tu Hay evening. She is a pupil of Misa Jessie Verrif. MY*. L. R. Dean and ilnughte.- La Mvr. e left last week for Ro-ehurg where they will visti relatives for a few week*. Mr. Dean left Sunday to join them and will return Saturday. LOCAL FOLKS ATTEND SHRINERS ROUNDUP M o il , William Bovd In •THE LEATHERNECK" One of the best pictures of the year. Comedy: “Have Patience" Wed. and Thurs., June 19, 20 "DANGER STREET" With Warner Bixter. And Fri-, and Sat„ June 21, and 22 REX. King of Wild Hordes In “TWO OUTLAW S" “Tarzan the Mighty." 6th Chap. | Comedy: "This Way, Please" EDWARDS IN ISLANDS \\ 1TI1 THE MARINES Thar* war# four new member* added to the church la»t Sunday. There wer* HO in Kibla »chool. The Bible school starts at 9:46. Enjoy the banner contest. The morning sermon will be on, “What Home Mtsaiona la Doing for Oregvin.’’ The evening service la to have as a »penal frature. Beaver ton'» boy pianist, Maurice Manning to play several numbers. This will lie worth coming for. The sermon will be on "Men and Woman of 1 Clyde Edwards, who recently en list«»! in the U. S. Marines sailed May 26th for IVarl Harbor, Hawai ian Diami». He has been in the athletic detachment at San Diego and won two medal» in at biotico, a si,ver one for the 100 ynial da»h ani a gold on* for the winning re lay race. They were presented to him by the commanding officer. After having his name engraved on Conviction.*’ them they were sent to his parents, Speml your Sunday evening* prof Mr. sivl Mrs J, W. Edward« here. itably at the church In Beaverton. Young Edwards is a graduata ot C»car A. Cooper, paetor. the Beaverton High School class of 1928. . J."]» Beaverton lUbok- ab Lode« No. S48 meal» Nr i t and third T um - day avertings hi ___________ 7 :3 0 1» M. In the I, O. O. K Hall Mra. M arjorie La- wis, Secretary, Mra. Sarah Cham- herlaln, N. Q. g*tf 666 ia a prescription lor Cold«, G r ip p e . F lu , D e n g u e , Bilious F e v e r a n d M a la ria . It la the moat speedy remedy known You Can Find W hat Y o u W ant A T BROWN’S BEAVERTON PHARMACY QUALITY T» ik H iohkht On The Highway P ricks LowgaT Saturday Special ROASTS Government Inspected No. 1 Steer Beef 25c Boiling Beef, per lb., 20c , Pot Roasts, per lb. FLOUR “Silver L o a f Guaranteed Montana Hard Wheat 49 lb Sack . • $1.65 Beaverton Market & Grocery SILVER NITE AT BEAVER THEATRE EVERY MONDAY. TUESDAY We Deliver Phone Beaverton 3203 * 1 5 to San Francisco now good on ( from main lint point») 4 trains So ¿rear has been the demand for this economical travel, the f 13 coach fare to San Francisco; $28 to Los Angeles, may now be used on all trains carrying coaches the "Shasta," "West Coast," "Oregonian and Klamath," (formerly the "Coach Special"), Good th o on Tonrhl Slrrpm To provide still greater comfort at low com , dies« coach fares are now good on Tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. This arrangement laves nearly half your travel costs. Planning a vacation? Pbont ot tall on tu for nil Irnvtl information Southern Pacific C. E. Allen, Agent E>.1 VOTE SCHOOL BONDS The $30,000 Is Not For, “Just a y> G YMNASIUM! ! """• h I’R IC I LIST* CATALOGS 7 PROGRAM BEAVER THEATRE Sun-. Church of ChrUt Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stipe, and Mr., and Mrs, F. H. Schoenv at tended the Shrine convention at Los Angeles- They stopped at Oakland where the Portland Sh iners were entertain«! by the Oakland Shriner* with a dinner uiul ceremonial. The visiting lsdiei were taken on sight seeing trips to various points of C. of ( \ Holds Lively Meet interest. Mr. and Mr^. Stipe and Mr. and Mrs, Schoeue returned (Cont’d from Front Pnge) Sunday. wite a letter of appreciation to the committee for the good work done LOCAL MASONS HELP and to have the letter publDhed. IN TILLAMOOK WORK I But on account of the meeting being About thirty members of Peaver- held so late in the week this will ton ledge No. 1*0 A. F A A. M. probably have to go over to next motored to Tillamook Saturday eve week. ning to confer the initiatory degrees NOTICE upon Mr. Robbin* formerly of Bea I verton. The party returned Sunday Beaver Social Club will hold a evening Deep sea fishing was en joyed by some of the members dur card partv at 8 p m. Wednesday evening. June 19. Refreshment* and ing their brief visit. Mr. E. P. Edward», formerly of prizes. 25c. Everybody welcome. ôvT F Martha Sleeper A Ralph Ince Production Comedy: “Alice in the big league" also Novelty Reel: "Pets" Tuee, June 16. 17> 18 W | PRINT Beaverton, cam* down from Ridge field, Wash., to join the local party. T hree Class Rooms in the New Addition. Besides a Much Needed .Auditorium t o S e a t 5 0 0 t o 1 2 0 0 People. KEEP The Outside Students Coming To Beaverton Paid Advertisement—School Betterment League. W. L. Cady, Chairman