Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1924)
— — he B e a v e r t o n Review and THE BANKS HERALD Issued Every Friday At Beaverton, Oreiron J.. H. Hulett REVIE W Editor and Publisher K n t* r* a U » « -..-it <•!•»' m.«««T I V r M b M » Ik . IKi, «« the IY»t (X1W «I Itotwt«. Or««««. un«l«r tb« A rt o f Marri» S. W λ Subscription, $1.50 per year. Advertising rates on application Henry i, not run. one Ford that wilt If > oii must kick, kick toward the goal. t he flivver Ilia! will no| rtm is a si an di il g joke. One touch o f scandal the winde world chin. »he inox ed Troni one pari o f thè rttoin lt* tlie othor. slie could teli wliether she was near lini» or «trawing awny Troni Inm Sono h • hml no doubla a* to Ilio faci Miai Ite w a» under thè brd and decidui^ al all OthN to re 'love bini, look her umbrella «»mi inaile a vicioua Jah under Ilo* bed Scema thal llie jig wa* up, Ihe mouse rati oul Troni under lite bed and llirouitli (he ooor lo liTe, liberty, and thè pursiiil o f liappineas. makes Five Pay Hays halli March. May. August, and November. Ilie shortest day in Ihe year is Ihe one before a noie falls due. It s nice to slay m a hotel. You can gel the towels as dirty as you like. A woman may exaggerate other things, but it is different with her age. What a lot o f fellows would like to see invented now is a fireless employer. This will be a great country when the application o f good ad- v ice equals the supply. You never win an argument with a taxi driver nor a tele phone operator, snaps the editor. The most fascinating thing about popular songs is trying to guess where the music was stolen. Our own candid opinion is that we ought to have more people laying bricks and less throwing them. The speaker at a dinner usu ally begins: "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen"—you see what he thinks about (lie chairman. IN STALLS RARER RILE A number o f people have asked what that strange looking fixture in the office was. JUst to set them rigid we will say that it is a file for papers Some few weeks ago the edi tor was up to * In* high school and strolling into the manual training room got to watching tlie hoys working and into « •ti tle chat with Ihe teacher. Mr. F ti. Wehb Finali' Ihe thought came to mind that Hie boys might I mi iId some stiri o f a frame for a file b> hang the exchange' that come into Ihe Review office on. The boys did a 'c r y creditable job considering the material with which they had to work and now alt that is lacking is the rungs that are to go across the frame, to hold tlie papers. If some kindly disposed subscriber will bring in some old broom handles, noi to heal up the edi tor but to make rungs from, wo will he much obliged. The function o f a newspaper is to render service to (lie com munity. W e have conceived the idea that perhaps a file o f all Ilie newspapers published in Ibis vicinity would he of interest .ind value to the community. Then anyone who wants to see the pa pers can come in and read them REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cyrus. G. Wareham to Al J«>- b in : fracl m Fanno Creek Acts* fraets, $10.00 Geo. M. Smith et ux to Win. Wexaiider: Tract in Humphrey's Add , Hillsboro, *10.00. Win Alexander to Anna M Hande. Traci m Humphrey's Vtld Hillsboro *10.00. L. S. Jacobs to O. Colislro: Pari o f Lot 01. Beuverton-Reed ville Acreage. $10.00. O'ipand W riglil el ux to Nor man H. Armes: Tract in H r 10 Kniest Grove. $10.00. Ctias, Geiberger el al lo J W . Kuytiard: Pari o f Blk 7, Beaver ton. *10.00. Fdward IVmmin et ux to Chas. Deminin el ux: trael in Section 14 T I S. R 3 W. *10.00. Chas. Eugene Ih'akins et ux to Henry A. Hansen et ux: -* ac. T R Y THIS Forest Grove, $3700.00. Pul down the number of your F.rsted Machinery Mfg. Co. to living brothers. Winifred J. Billups: I ot 5 Blk Double the number. I t Garden Homes. $10.00. Add three. Pierto Parise to J. H. Brailh- Multiply the result by five waile el ux: I I ac. See 7 A 18 T Add the number o f living sis I N. R I W $2700.00. ters. \V R Mel.ned et ux to W orld Multiply the result by ten W a r Veterans' Stale Aid Com Add Ihe number o f dead bro mission: 80 ac See 22 T 3 N. ther* and sisters. Subtract 150 from the result. II 4 W $10.00. Albert Running el ux to. C. L. The right hand figures will H u g h e s ; Lots in Blk 43 Corne he Ihe number o f deaths. The middle figure* will be the lius. $10.00. Peter C. Hoffman et ux l<> Zoc number o f living sisters. The left hand figures will he A. !laup«*rl: lot In Frewing o r chard Tracis, $10.00. he number o f living brother* Hora E. Chick to IVias. E. Strang«* freak o f figures, isn’ t Kuenzler: Lots ill Electric Add. I? — The Western Farmer Tigardville. $1.00. John Jansen el ux lo Roy M Pnn|e: tract in Blk 8 Eairview SOUTHERR PACIFIC ADOPTS Add. Hillsboro. $10.00. MANY SAFETY SUGGESTIONS W e pay no attention to it when The constant effort o f Uie a *15 a-week man buys a new- auto out o f his salary. But Southern Pacific Company and s employes to eliminate all when a *6 a-week girl sports o new silk waist we all know (here forms o f accidents is shown in n annual report jusl issued on is something wrong. •afely work for the year. During Ilie twelve-month por- ADVICE •d a tidal o f 3120 safely sug- Be careful, son, if you are wise. gp*tions were made by employes. And do not make a break; If these. 2170 were approved You'll find the girl with dreamy Some of Ihe suggestions were eyes 10 I found feasible and Ihe re Is very wide awake. mainder are still under consi- leration. Don't let this good advice be W. S. Osbourne, machinist al lost. Ihe I.os Angeles Shops, led the To grab if you should try: list o f employes with 187 4 cre The things you get for nothing dits for his work in promoting cost -afely. Others with high stand More than the things you buy. ings included (r . W . Rushton, t os Angeles; A. H. Morgan. Ser- There was a girl named ■emento: C. B. Baker. Portland, ind A. M. Balzarini, San Fran June W ho was followed by cisco. August. When he asked her to marry UNIQUE PICKLING P L A N T Him she said. “ Some day T OPERATEO BY RAILROAD Mav But right March.” now you had better "TIRESOME STOPS” W aitin g for the go-signal of traffic. W aiting for the end o f a ser mon. W aiting fur a train to pass a crossing. W aitin g for a telephone con nection. Waiting for an elevator. W ailin g for a woman. W aiting for the fellow who walked after gasoline. T w o salesman were swapping tales on Ihe relalive faults o f two o f our prominent railway systems. The first traveler finished up by saying. “ On my last trip through here it was sc smoky thal we had to leave ttie d"or nl the rear o f the coach onen in order to let the «moke out." "Th at's nothing," came back the second, "You gel *. covered with soot on our line lhat the Iasi time I got o f f the Pullman one o f Ihe ladies on (he platform handed me her suitcase and tipped me a quarter!" As she entered the room she fell, that there was some one else in the room and it was the inquisitile nature o f the woman that caused her to investigate and see If he could he found. As All timber for the lake trestle lieti lite flotir ver> genlly, (beli is placed in tlie briny enclosure lite 'a m ila : do net stop beai for a partid o f ninety days he t'g il uiitfl il i- pili mio Ili«* l o r » being used. The “ pickling" . pan lo bake llakc forly min process preserves the wo d. 'Ilio I iilcs In a moderale ovini, lev il life of the timber thereby is a str.rv •* t if Imi silfi lei m. ill' lengthened and IV li i emani a . vv minute* longcr. i ot I ' iiuiinteliance decreased. Ilo noi open thè oven unni Ilio 'i > id e a l Sail I ike I resile eake ha* he n in fìftcen min con : lly is under close III spin Utes. Use a t ati wliuli lui* uc\ ti ill in order In assure com er been greased Turo lite pan plete safely to Ilie many trains upside down lo coni, and when passing over the lake eold take oul b) loosetlillg ’ li ui'il Mie sides willi a kmfe CROSSINO RLAQMAN W IN S lee wdli Mie fo llo « mg icitlg: Ilio FAVOR AS SKETCH A RTIST « b i l e , o f l " o cgu, and Ivvo tea V Bohemian Minosphere is cupa o f granulale«! slittar ; boli not a necessity fo r Ilie advance- Ihe sugar until rlear « d b Just mcitl o f art. water cuntigli lo nioislai* il. This is evidenced by Ilie ease Beai Ilio eggs lo a - lift frolli o f .1 .1. I.y mi 'I i . 87 year old fla g timi polir Ilo* bollimi svriip verv man employed by Ilie Southern slowly over tliem. hcaling eoli Paeifir Company at thè II Street «tantly; add a Bilie eviraci of r.rossing at Modesto, California. lomon. I yiieh, formerly member o f a section gang in Oregon, is a Sponge Cake Beai Ihe \ lk- natural artist and devotes nni'li of his span* lime in drii'viiig o f Tour eggs smollili add n oup pictures liuti h ave a 11 me ted fa o f sugar and beai fi'«' mimile* vorable attention from person* o r more; beai Mie whitcs «>f ilo' who pa*sed his crossing. I.ynoli egg- lo a * l i f f frolli, stir ìli -uv» he enjoy* 11"' work and idd olii* eup of flour a- - « i f l l » Miai he ha* never taken a lesson and lighllv a* possibl«'. and bake «I olire. hi drawing. A pickling plant is operated by the Southern Pacific Company. Such a plant may seem to be a novel adjunct for any railroad. However, it may he stated lhat cucumbers or oilier vegetables are not placed in the brine at the Southern Pacific's pickling plant. Instead, the plant, located on tlie western shore o f Great Salt. Lake at Lakeside, Utah, is u*ed to "pirk le" heavy timbers used in maintaining the eleven miles of Ire-tie over which Irans-eon- tinenlal trains "g o to sea by rail." Bread Sake— l'Iiree ooffoeeitp* o f bread dongh Inibì «moligli lo bake. two and Iwo-lhirda tea- eups o f sugar, mie teacup of buller. Mir«*c egg*. one iitilmeg lini a leaspootifili o f cilliiiinioii : mix logelher Ihoroiighly ; .uhi ralslus and fr u ii' «< desired l.el il rise for ali Imur lo Mie |Uill iti wliicli II |s tu he h.ikcit. Spica Calve— lake « leartip of buller, two pollini- of hro« n *u •rur. and Mire«* eggs; h«*at all tn- •Hier, Mien ¡ut«l a half a cup of and the willies o f three eggs sour milk " d i i a I« , iful of beaten lo a « u f f frolli. I Mula In II, two legspnous each I f yolk« of agga ara left, they of ground chives, cinnamon und THE allspice, nutmeg, Mien two and will ki'i'i« for amoral days if PIONEER FURNITURE I'vn-thlrds cups o f flour, and Mmroughly heiitrii ami set in a Clic whiles o f «'ggs DEALER last of all Iwo cups of chopped eold place. lo keep musi no) he heulen, lini raisins. Bake in a slow oven. sel in a cold place. ling* l.liim». linn, Wnll pit Quick Oako— Stir logi'lliei one per, 1‘ ix lilt w 1 eup o f sugar, one-half eup of WANT ED isd FOR S A L E IlnaieC kill'll ! huiler, and one egg; Mien add oil fiihiiii'l* a eup o f sour milk, a teaspoon For Sal*— llm,*i\ buggy utul liar 1 soda. Mire«* cups o f flour, and ti«'**, $35 00 Inquire ni J II lie*. 858 Siine 853, Plmueei «•in' eup «if raisins Sill' well a KiMi'i-iitnit'g lllacksiiillli Slmi handful o f flour among Hie,, ftri'gmi. Adv e 15 to FOREST (iROVE, ORE. raisins hefor«' pulling ilictti in, and adii them Iasi, und lliry " i l l Fop Sato— tin«' drug kiiw . «uti< not settle In (lie bottom o f Ilie r n ‘ " ( ’ til *uw. block mul tackle Dr. J. R. Talbar . cake. If Inlerealed cull al Imune, 7 1 h «o d Mino. Mr* Myrtl«' H « I ii « m , DENTIST Jelly Roll— One eup of sugar, * Beaverton p 15-18 one eup flour, three eggs, three Rua*l Hulldltiir Inhlespooiis water, one teaspoon For Sala— Dahlia liihi'r* nini baking powder, and flavoring to Holly 1 1 -«*«'*. Mr* K, J Mann, Beaverton Oregon Lisle Make and spread willi Jelly R«*ule I, lli'wvertun. Plume and roll while warm. 56-41. i; loir Claude Smith Jelly Cako t wo egg*, one eup o f augar. one half eup o f milk « in' I.*ibl«**poi»iiful of butler. Iwo and Iwo-Miirds eup* o f flour, litre«' tcuspoimfuls of baking powder. Bake in layers and spread wit It jelly. fur I t m o n Cake— T w o eup* of *u- For Rant—ll"u*e, parity tllahed, wilh git* and light*. gnr, one eup o f buller, one «-ili» acre ground, three block» from ,«f - wti 'I milk, one eup o f con» llidier «.tution. Cove 11 ( ’.«»,. *larcli, Ivvo cupa o f flour. Ihe Beaverton. c 18 If " b i l e * o f nini* eggs, five tea- ■______ sponiifiil* o f luikiug powder. Mix For Rent— 00 ur r«** in Sect ion ^ flour. «'orti 'la r d i, and baking Towusliip ‘ N, Itiinge I W, powder logelher, adii Ilo* wlliles S.W of s K.I4 ami S V» of o f Mie egg* beateti lo a s lìff S E •*. "Id J I>iih iiu | i > ii claim frolli Moke III layera in Jwlly Hlea*!* make o ffer lo I*. II ini*. Eor spreading layers: one Itraudenherger, care o f Con- lemmi grated. one eup o f sugar *ulut«> o f Switterland. 107 Ger- lloger Bldg. Pufrilnml. Ora. c 18-10 BANK OF BEAVERTON No a c c o u n t too s m all to receive our careful a tte n tio n . i Officers idc l B. K. DENNEY . Vice preskUnt DOY GRAY Ca ller -r Henverlon, Mregno, SHOr BEAVERTON BARBER FlrKt-clua* Work Hulli in ('tmiieelltiii An I'p to iln te Hanilitry Simp C. J. Stmni, Prop. BE AVE RT ON, ORE If You Como Once. You'll Come Again Bet i f liunTrr.poForRaU V .»I«# A .U m » l b « « Tl T$ui A P I * «V its« |K r work •»»J »f** 1*1 Ui.‘>fL $ d f fj tut l uay a » |«p emiten a h »t u-vr. * lr> iltm jruuff fttte. RAT 'V \ r itAMnn«M>y|«rV'‘ r lAftAlMd R im i % r , ( n « « r c A l y ( « r t i « t : iM iB ii« I d * » »II» u!b. r t «*U t »U An.l w * r $ I (• R e lia . lU L a d ry up *«.4 lo »v * tu *nu>lL TYifrtj |I\J f n- tmm ; « a far houamor • • • '«• • r*s«v| 1)1 H f a t |«m $ rm 4 «fUatlkJuiv«. Lt-*r% kiUtng r»u I u I aj . S t i l t : — Four-room I iouhc ,»R»aa4 trjr m m m m portly furnished, and one- IN' iiii ' h l>ru^ Hton'i lU»uvi»rion, linlf acre of ground, «done to imrement. To Im mild ehnnj», on 1'nsy nionfitly |«.iyinents W. E . f’egg. Men verton. or LET J !.. liow." 1117 ANDY FIX YOUR W ATCH Anderson "He *urc know* ! Walehm.tker and Jeweler. 2«| SI., Hillsboro. Oregon. F op Rant— Four rooma mid halli fluì, willi room for a garden. All modern convenience*. $;•« per month. Inquire al Stipe * ‘ billige. Adv H i If C astori A M O T H P 'R ! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for —■■ ■■■■ ( asb/r Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea l'uro Jersey Milk ai.J ('.main from Tuberculin teat- cd CURS. Daily d e ll'elle* jn Rectl'lllc, Aioli«, llllber, imd Beuvcrtoii. Phon« your order*. SSS on S7. I. II Jopaos, l,ropri«itar, W o o led— General Contracting mid Diiililtnp work, Joaaph Kuo*, Phone. M 6863, Haul« 8. Box 255-A. Portland <>re-. iron. o-tr / ✓ 71 HOLLYWOOD SANITARY DAIRY. 0 1 il For Rant— !• lim i, licit room* al reasonahe price*. The Melxell House, Mr*. L. W Wise. Prop. C 8 tf. C iy for Mit L I B E RT Y RE S T AURANT The most careful attenlion given to all business intrust ed to us. Q llld r e n I leu verton ilííl—15 l 'arin H ch . For Sala— r. ||. l e , teil H o l,lem " A QOOD PLACE TO E A T " cow, $1 00 Diililia bulli», $1.00 Tell Your Erlonil» per doten. Mr». K. J. Mano, Cor. 2d anil Main Hillsboro, Oro. Beaverton, HL 1. Phone 55-11. c II If Deeds, Mortgages and Wills, in fact all kinds of Notary Work promptly executed. T o blanch almonds, pour boil ing water over them, let stand a moment, drain and throw them into cold water, slip o f f the i skin* and pound or chop. MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL offici« For Rent— two or !hr«*e fui* oi*hed moni». Inquirr o f S. II. /.immrrman ou Front SI. ea*l o f l.omhard. r I llf Insurane of every kind written in the very best Com panies. RECIPES AND SUGGESTIONS Anoels’ Food Cake— Whi t es of I eleven eggs. one and a lialf , glasse, o f sifted granulatori su- ’ gar, one glass sifted flour, one ! tnaspoon vanilla, one leaspoon to a frofh. add thè sugar lightlv. rroan, o f tarlar. Sift Mie flour fruir filile», fhen add Mie erearn o f tarlar and sift agafn. inea— | surinp it hefore putling in Mie eream nf tarlar: sift thè sugar land nieasure il; beai Mie egg* DR. SAMUEL SORENSEN ! Oc. Samuel Sorenson, D. V. S. Gì min ile ¡imi llccn»ad vclcrinary. , IMION’ KH DUI Plcklea— -I « i s t opcnikl, o c » I urici «Idi pickle*—(bey are fine and dniiily. .'0 ceni* por qunrl. Ilring your pali. Karl K. Ei*her, Iteaverlon. Orrgon. c 13-15 A Sale Deposit box in our Fire & Burglar Proof Vault for your valuables will relieve you of all worry. Household Dept. In baking layer cake it i, im portant In thoroughly grea,e the tins, grease, and greas«; again. A fter using rub o ff with a coarse towel fill they are free from all parlieles o f eake. grease and use again. b u i. Interest at 4 ‘ « on Savings accounts $ 2 5 .0 0 will start a checking account which will give you a nice record of your business and a check makes ihe best kind of a receipt for bills paid. VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD T o prepare cocoanut, cut a bole through the meal at one o f the hole, in the end. draw off the milk, pound tile nut well on all side, to loosen the meal, crack lake oul the meat and sel Mie pieces in a cool open oven over night or for a few hours to dry. then grate. If all is not used, sprinkle with sugar after grating, spread out in a cool dry place, and II will keep for weeks. U . T Ì C N A L lilC h '.'V iA s J For Sala link dlnlog lahlc .imi dulia ruhlnrl. G"od «‘umiliImi. w t' McKell, l o t i » t. | oavcp > Will b< pleased to serve you F W. LIVERMORE Pr Removed— Block nod line from SI Mury'n nlalimi. The putty i* kiic"n If he will return »«m e, there will be in« que* thuis ii'ked. or they muy he left h I owner» liou»e In Ilea- verlon. p in Wind Colic T o Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates * ______ To »void imitations, always look for the signature of C/ua^Æ /-CeMAJlA* Proven dir«" «inn« on each uackane Physicians everywhere recommend if. By Owrln Sughro* Lubricating Gasoline Costs No More No Carbon (jreater Mileage-A Cool Motor-More Power Drive into any of the stations listed below and give this sci entific Petroleum product a trial; Ihe I.ubricating Oasoline will make you a satisfied customer. ask. A fair trial is all we Highway Garage, Foreat Grovo, Peterson Bros., Hillsboro. R. H. Phelps, Cornellu«. Highway Qaraga, Gaston. W . M, Boyd, Beaverton LaBorne Service Station, Earl Boyd, Dllloy. Canyon Road. Ollnger, Bros., Reedvllle. 'Twins” The Man H oller,^’Hooray!1’