Image provided by: Joanne Skelton; Cottage Grove, OR
About Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1927)
A N O T H E R E X C E L L E N T V E G E TA B LE P L A T E Improved Uniform International W h a t’s the f A nsw er___ A Tasty Combination Lunch. (Prepared b j the United State« Department of Agriculture.) SundaySchool ’ Lesson ’ Q uestions N o . 2 0 1—"'h a t Is meunt by the terra “W i ter Babies?'* (B y REV. P B. F1TZW ATBR. P .D . D ea* Moody B ib le In stitu te o f Chlc&co .) (© . H IT, W eat«ra Nwwapapwr Union > - —What was the real name of l.ew Is Carroll, author of "Alice in Won derland"? Lesson for Novem ber 6 3— Which is the largest river In New England? 4— What audacious American genius who was painter, etcher, pastellst and lithographer; who had much In com mon with the impressionists, but was of no school but his own, was also fa mous for his wit In conversation and the brilliancy of his writings? 5— Who was the first woman to swim the E^-’ llsh channel? 6— What was the date of the Boston massacre? N o Over-Acidity AMOS PLEADS FOR JUSTICE LESSON TEXT— Am os 5:1-27. GOLDEN TEXT— Let Judgment run down as w a ters and rig h teo u sn ess as a m ighty stream . PRIMARY TOPIC— T reatin g E v ery , body R ig h t JUNIOR TOPIC— The Kind of Man God Hears. INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC— A Squaring for God A gain st tha Crowd. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TO P IC— Tba C onditions of D ivine Approval. m ore A M A T H E M A T IC IA N Rufus was told to count the post holes uround a certain lot and let the owner know how many posts would be needed. He said, "Boss, I cau't count.” “ Yes. you can,” was the answer. “Go on I” So he started out, saying, "Dar’s one. Dar’s one. Dar’s one.” After he had goue around the lot he reported, "Boss, 1 figures It w ill take a post for every hole arouud that loL” Oat, nautaa, tick haadacha, heart- bom, diatraaa after eating or drink ing quickly and auraly relieved« Safa. Pleasant. Not a laxative. N o r m a liza a D ig e s tio n a n d S u N e ttn t th a B r e a th and floured, until It Is a delicate brown, and keep It hot while the other foods are being arranged on the | 6 BELL-AM t plates. Hot w a te r Avoid having too hot an oven for Sure Relief the baked potato. A very hot oven I. Israel's Desqlatlon Predicted produces a hard dark crust When (vv. 1-3). the potatoes feel mealy and tender to 7— When did Daniel Boone first Amos lamented over the doom the very center, take them out of the come to Kentucky? which was to overtake the nation. oven Immediately and work them be 8— Who discovered X-rays? Israel la called a virgin because she 254 AND 75« PACKAGES EVERYWHERE S eeking an E ncore tween the Angers, then stick a fork : 1 -----2 _--------------- 3 9— What is the annual salary of the had never been subdued by any fop into one side and make an opening to “ You may not remember me, sir, C ount A b o v e 10 elgh nation (see Isa. 23:12). Her fa ll but two yenrs ago at the shore 1 res let out the steam. Press the potato President of the United States? Portly One—No, young man, word« 10— Does the name "Catholic" apply ing to rise no more seta forth the ut cued your daughter from drowning flesh upward and put a piece of but ter desolation and helplessness to and you made me a present of $1,000.” do not matter, it is only deeds that only to the church? ter on IL Sprinkle with paprika and which the Assyrians subjected the na "Yes. Indeed, young man, I recall matter; words never count H —What woman was the heroine tion. From this captivity Israel never serve at once. Young One—That depends. Have of the battle of Monmouth In the returned. Those who came back from you perfectly. What can I do for you ever sent a telegram?—Purls Blrs. you ?” Revolution? the Babylonian captivity were largely " I merely dropped In to Inquire C A N N E D PEAC HES CO RN F R IT T E R S 12— What general captured Stony from Egypt whether your daughter hns learned to Point in the Revolution? II. Tbs Call to Rsturn to God. W IT H C U S TA R D N IC E FO R L U N C H swim yet.” 13— Who invented" wireless tele God through the prophet says, “ seek graph ? ye me and ye «hall live." The Impli THE CAT Combination Served Occa Add Flavor and Crispness to 14— Who is the Western open golf cation is that while the divine Judg ments are not executed, an oppor champion? sionally Is Excellent. Vegetable Plate. tunity is offered for them to turn to 15— What American actress o f a God. In their turning to God they past generation Is most frequently were to renounce: (Prepared by the United State« Department (Prepared by the United States Department oi Agriculture.) oi Agriculture.) mentioned when the great stars of the 1. Idolatry (vv. 6, 6). Serve custurd sauce occasionally One of the nicest ways to add flavor, world are under discussion? They were to turn away from the with such canned fru it as peaches, richness and crispness to a vegetable Id —What great city of the world places of idolatry—Bethel, Gilgal and plums, apricote, or peurs, or with some plate lunch is to Include corn fritters. stands on two continents? Beersheba. God's Judgment was to of the fresh fru its In season. Cus There are many combinations that 17— What English author entered strike these places. tards, moreover, add to the supply of would be good with corn fritters, as, I f they would not come to Him for Iron and vltamlnes the children get, for example, spinach, creamed onions Mecca und Medina disguised as a life He would be their destroyer. "Our nnd they should be encouraged to eat and stewed tomatoes; or string beans, Moslem? 18— Where Is the Fiddler crab God is a consuming Are.” The only them. carrots and lettuce salad; or quick one wlp> can give life to those who To make a soft custard, use a double cooked cabbage, beets and buttered found? seek Him is the one who shall destroy. boiler, says the United States Depart mashed rutabaga. The other vege 19— In case of the death or disabil 2. Cease to pervert Judgment ment of Agriculture. Heat a quart of tables should be about ready to serve ity of both the President and the vice- (v. 7). when you begin to fry the fritters, so president of the United States, who "Turn Judgment to wormwood” im that the latter can be sent to the table becomes President? plies the bitterness of the perversion piping hoL Here Is a recipe for mak 20— What is the total number of of Justice to the injured. ing them, supplied by the United non-Christians In North America? 3. Cease to dethrone righteousness. States Department of Agriculture "Leaving off righteousness" Is “ Oh, Mabel, If Jack can giff off next thought to mean that unrighteousness Corn Fritters. A n s w e rs N o . 1 9 was allowed to take its place. In this week, we're going to get married.” 1 cupful l i q u i d , ■ oft-w heat flour "Why, surely they'll let him off 1— Vicente Biasco Ibanez. e it h e r fro m third exhortation the Lord's name is 1 t a b l e epoonful canned corn, or m elted fat given with the following statement of It's not like lie was taking a holiday 2— Jack Delaney. m ilk, or ih e tw o 1 egg to have a good time.” some of His works: No mother in thia enlightened ago m ixed 3— John Rolfe. 2 t e a a p o o nful» would give her baby something she 1. "Maketh the seven stars and 1 cupful drained b a k in g powder 4— Gen. Henry Hamilton, British. canned corn % t e a a p o o nful Those W h o T a lk did not know was perfectly harmless, O rion;” 2. "Turneth the shadow of 1% cu p fu ls sifted •a lt 5— Cyrus McCormick. death into morning;” 3. "Maketh the To those w ho inlk and talk and talk especially when a few drops of plain Thia proverb should appeal: Mix the flour, baking powder and day dark with n ig h t;" 4. "Calleth Caatoria w ill right a baby’s stomach 6— The Drews and the Barrymores, T h e steam that hlowa the w h istle salt. Mix the Juice from the canned and end almost any little ill. Fretful 7— The group of three great moun for the waters of tiie sea and poureth W ill n ever turn the wheel." corn, or milk, or whatever liquid is tain ranges which traverse the coun them out upon tiie earth,” both In ness and fever, too; i t seems no time used, the egg after It has been beaten try from north to south. rain and deluge; 5. "Strengthened the until everything Is serene. Such E x tra v a g a n c e Supply of Iron and Vitaminas Needed slightly, and the canned corn. Stir spoil against the strong.” That's the beauty o f Caatoria; its 8— They are water rnts and are “ You see that man with the high by Children. this liquid mixture gradually Into the gentlo influence seems Just what is III. The Sine Committed by the widespread throughout Euglund und forehead and the sunken eyes?” dry Ingredients. Add the melted fat. Wicked Nation (vv. 10-13). needed. I t does all that castor oil milk with half a cupful of sugar and I f the corn Is very moist even after Scotlund. "Yes. What Is he?" L They hated the Judge who con might accomplish, without shock to one-eighth teaspoonful of salt In the the liquid has been drained from It, “ He's an efficiency expert, he told 9— Immigrant Is used with reference the system. Without the evil taste. double botler. Beat five or six egg more flour may be added. Dried corn, Into which, emigrant with reference demned their wicked practices (v. 10) me.” It's delicious! Being purely vegeta- 2. They abhorred him that spoke yolks lightly and pour slowly Into which has been soaked and cooked un “ What on earth's that?” to tiie country from which migration uprightly (v. 10). able, you can give it as often as them some of the heated milk. Pour til tender, may also be used. “ The sort of man who doesn't enjoy Is made. there's a sign o f colic; constipation; This most likely referred to the hack Into the pan and t t ir constantly a sea voyage because all the salt 1 « Fry the corn fritters In deep fat or. 10— It Is an Important festival in the prophets themselves who told them of diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat until the custard coats the spoon. Re If preferred, In a skillet In shallow Greek, Roman and English churches. going to wuste.” —Stray Stories. ural sleep. their sins and urged uprightness of move at once and place the pan in a fa t In either case, drop the mixture It Is held on the 40th day after life. Just one warning: It Is genuine bowl of cold water, stirring until cool. by spoonfuls Into the fat and fry Easter. OUCH! 3. They trampled upon the poor Fletchers Castortu that physicians Add one teaspoonful of vanilla. Chill rather slowly, for these fritte rs need (v. 11). recommend. Other preparations may 11— The common fox. » the custard and serve with canned time to cook through to the center be The rich built magnificent houses be Just as free from all doubtful drugs, 12— Pedro Calderon. peaches or other f r u it fore the outside becomes too brown. out of the proceeds extorted from the but no child of this w riter’s Is going 13— Rene I.a Coste of France. Drain the fritters on absorbent paper poor. to test them 1 Besides, the book on and serve hoL 14— Battle of the Thames, 1813. 4. They afflicted the Just (v. 12). care and feeding of babies thut cornea Old-Fashioned Dessert This they did by taking a bribe. 15— Battle of San Jacinto, 1830. with Fletcher's Caatoria Is worth its of “ Flummery” Pleases Making Sweet Pickles 5. They turned aside tiie poor in weight in gold. 16— Richard J. Gattllng. the gate (v. 12). A ‘‘flummery’’ Is an old fashioned 17— Grieg; his "Peer Gynt” suite. Fom Brined Vegetables Because they had no money the dessert that Is easy to make in the 18— The Congo. poor were turned aside. Vegetables prepared by the "long season of highly flavored small fruits 19— The "from ” Is redundant, It was most difficult for the poor to such as blackberries and black rasp brining method'’ described In Farmers' get Justice. The times were so evil berries. Many people d is lik j the seeds Bulletin 14^8-F can be freshened and ‘‘whence” meaning from what place. in stewed or canned berries. Flum made Into sweet mixed pickle, which 20— Whitsunday is In contrast with that the prudent would best keep si mery has all the fru it flavor without hns been tested by the United States I.enL In that no fasting was enjoined, lence. IV. The Conduct of the Righteous the seeds. The bureau of home eco Department of Agriculture. and prayer was offered standing rath (vv. 14. 15). nomics gives these directions for mak Seasoned Vinegar fo r Sweet Mixed er than kneeling. No condition In the world, religious, ing i t : Pickle. social or political can become so diffi Blackberry Flummery. 2 cups vin egar 1 tablespoon mus- Historic Flag Now in cult that tiie righteous are shut off 1 cup w ater tard seed 1 cu p fu ls black b erry Juice from canned 1% cups su g a r 2 hot red peppers from help. The righteous can: French Arm y Museum or cook ed fresh blackberries H ounce spice m ix Busy Sextons 1. Seek God (v. 14). H c u p fu l's u g a r (If juice Is u n sw ee t A priceless relic of Napoleon and ture below Those who seek good shall have en ed ) Tips, rumors and hutches dig the his Grand Armee has been presented 3 ta b le sp o o n fu ls farina or 4 ta b le Spice M ixture. Jack Is certainly a nice fellow, but graves of millions of eaey go dollars with them the Lord God of Hosts. to the French Army museum at the sp o o n fu ls corn starch. ain’t he dumb?” 2 ou n ces allsp ice U ounce dried red 2. Hate the evil (v. 15). every year.— American Magazine. % tea sp o o n fu l sa lt Invalldes. This Is the original flag 2 ou n ces coriander pepper I don’t know, he don't go with me 2 tea sp o o n fu ls lem on Juice Evil must be hated. The sin ques 2 ounces y e l l o w % ounce bay leave» of the emperor's First regiment of foot tlon must be settled before God can ns much as he goes with you.” T o C u re a C o ld in one D a y m ustard seed grenadiers—the moat glorious stand Heat the blackberry Juice. Mix the bestow His blessings. 7 * k e ,j* » » ‘ l v . BROMO QUININE Tab- Bring the vinegar mixture to the ard of the Imperial guard. Measuring sugar nnd the farina or cornstarch 8. Establish Judgment In the gate » *'«. Tb" Safe and P roven Rem edy. G o o d D eeds and the salt, and add to the blackber boiling point and pour over the vege about 33 Inches square. It la beautl Look for sig n a tu re of E. W. Oroya on It was the custom In that day for Under no circu m stan ces tha box. 30c.— Adv. ry Juice. Cook In a fouble boiler for tables below after freshening them fully embroidered with Imperial eagles the courts of Justice to sit In the gate .Should good deeds avar dla. 15 to 20 minutes, or until the mixture for 12 to 24 hours. Seal in airtight and golden bees, and bears the In of the city. The prophet urges upon S t i ll t h e y « 0 on In a tran cs, A M a rk e d M an W hich you cannot deny. thickens nnd the raw starchy taste sterile Jars and store In a cool place scription : "Garde Imperials. L'Em- them the responsibility to place hon pereur Napoleon au Premier Regiment orable men In charge of public affairs Madge—"Was that your Intended I disappears. Remove from the Are, add Vegetable Mixture. de Grenadlers-a-pled.’’ Tills Is the saw you motoring with?” Marie— S olved I t the lemon Juice, and beat well. Serve V. The Judgment to Fall (vv. 16-20). 2 p in ts sliced cu - 1 pint cauliflow er. only flag which accompanied the em cold with top milk or plain >r whipped Have you heard of my latest dis “ Yes. but he hasn’t caught on yet." cumbera There Is coming a day of retrlbu cu t In section s cream. Raspberry flummery Is made 1 pint sliced on- 1 pint sliced green peror throughout his campaigns In tlon. Justice and right shall be vln covery ?” tom atoes Ions Germany and Flanders, and It flew dlcated. This w ill be realized In the In the same way. No. what Is It?” 1 pint cut strin g 1 pint cut g r e e n at Waterloo. It was this standard day o i the Lord ( I l Thesa 1:7-10; I've found how to tell the number beans peppers which General Petit held on the great James 5:7). H pint cut sw eet All wrong shall he of pieces of macaroni on a plate.” Celery Fritters Would parade at Fontalnebleu In which Na righted at that time. May we earnest red peppers How?” poleon hade farewell to his troops be ly pray, "thy kingdom come.” Why, you add up the ends and Be Good W ith Cold Lamb fore going Into exile, and which he VI. Worship Without Holiness of divide by two.” —Pathfinder. With cooler weather one may think Spinach Soup Excellent kissed In the presence of his weeping Life an Abomination to God (vv. again of hotter and richer food than R id icu lo u s E rro r grenadiers. It was presented to the 21-27). Dish for the Children has been served during July, August army museum by the family of the Hobby—That's a pretty sash Sacrifices, observance o f feast days Children need spinach as often as and September. Fritters in any form M arket men and con late liste n de la Gouplllere, a grand and tinging, when the heart Is out of your new dress, dear. roust be served piping hoL and be possible and they should have a pint son o f the General Petit who was sumers are insisting on uni Wlfe.v—Why, that's not the sash fellowship with God. Is most dlxplea* form color, now-a-days, and cause of the deep fat In which they of milk or more a day. Spinach soup, holding It when It received the em silty. That's the dress. Ing to Him. no real dairyman can afford to are fried, they add considerably to the which combines these two valuable peror’s last salute. trust to luck any more. Keep richness of the meal. These celery foods In an excellent way contributes U n d a u n te d T w o D ifferent Things your butter always that golden fritters, for which the bureau of home to both needs. Directions for making G r e a t L o v e r o f Books "What became of Brown's summer June ahade, which brings top The love of God and the world are economics supplies the recipe, would It are given by the United States De The greatest of book collectors was two different things. I f the love of hotel that failed because the place prices, by using Dandelion But partment of Agriculture. be particularly good with a menu con was so unhealthful?" Richard Heber, an Englishman who this world dwell In thee, the love of ter color All large creameries 1 quart m ilk I tablespoons flour slating of cold sliced lamb and spin 2 tablesp oon s butter 1 cvp ground or died almost a hundred years ago. He God forsakes thee; renounce th a t and “ Oh. he's running It now av a aanl have used it lor years. It meets ach. A fru it dessert would be good I teaspoon m ilk raw spinach all State and National Food Is said to have owned 150.000 bonks, receive thia; It Is fit that the nobler tarium." [’lace the milk In a double boiler 2 cups celery , finely I eg g L a w s Its harmless, tasteless many of them of great rarity. His with the sa lt Wash the splnadh well, library In London filled eight houses , love should have the best placa and cat , *, teaspoon sa lt and will not color Buttermilk. C iv i c G esture acceptance. 1*» cups sifted flout 2 teasp oon s bak- chop or grind It, and If ground place Large bottles cost when It was sold at auction the sale 1 cup m ilk tng powder "Why won't you con.rlhute to bring a bowl to catch the liquid which runs only 35c at all drug lasted more than six months and House Not M ade W ith Hands the New York Opera company to and grocery stores. S ift together the flour, salt nnd bak from the grinder. Add to the spinach brought over $250.000. Heber Is the The tent-life Is the true life until Plnnkvllle?" ing powder, add the beaten egg and Mix the flour nnd butter until wp II man who said that every gentleman Wei, 4 R,.lurdem Cs.. Uc F R E E ] "Tiiey w m’t come.” milk, then the celery. Fry by spoon blended and add to the milk with the ought to own three copies of sny good the building of God. the “ house not B irh u ttM . Vcoaaat "Then It's safe to promise a contrl imple. made with bands," la reached.—Phil fuls In a well buttered skillet. Drain spinach Stir nntil thickened and the book, one for show, one for use, and bution ” lips Brooks. spinach Is cooked. on absorbent paper, and serve hoL me to lend.—Youth s Companion. Many combinations are good in veg etable plates. Particularly appellzlug is this lunch or supper of baited po tato. cauliflower, fresh or canned pens, and fried canned pineapple. If cauli flower Is not available, cabbugc may be used. The foods must be timed so as to be ready together. The baked potato will require about 45 minntes to cojk, the cauliflower and freeh peas about 20, and the pineapple about 30 minutes, according to how many pieces are to prepared. Cook the pineapple slowly in butter, after It has been drained *ELL*ANS FOR INDIGESTION Children Cry for C astor i A Dont T ru st Your B u tte r To L u clv