Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, December 16, 1926, Image 1

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    A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L i v e s t o c k
A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn Countv
Etlablikbed 1912
1K W 6
f t a year in advanec
From the Editor’s
Seven Million
Dramatic Poster Tells Graphic Story
Point of View
Utility Investors
Of Need in Armenian Quake Zone
The Crime Wave, like the
Poor, Always W ith Ua
We hear much these days about a wave
of crime sweeping over the country
Don't let this kind of talk scare you out
of vny partof v°ur year’s growth, the
calamity howlers are always wirli vs—
always have been—and the world wags
on snd, in the words of Coue, “ every
day, in every way, is growing better and
better. ”j
Fifty years ago a popular song was:
“ Do yon wonder at crime? Do; you
wonder? " and gave the same explana­
tion that was voiced by fhe I. W. W. a
few years ago when it had a voice: “ The
rich are growing richer and the poor
poorer.” There is no basis of fact for it.
The rich are growing ticher, and so are
the poor.
But the crime wave has steadily grown
less since history was written. It is
recorded that in fhe first generation cf
men one-half of them had murdered
the other half Far less thau fcU per cent
of us are Cains now.
Later on, all the people except one
family were so wicked that they had to
he drowued.
Sodom and Gomorrah were even worse
than Herrin, Chicago or Harrisburg, in
wild and wooly lliinois of ioday, Yet
of ¡the three saved for their virtue from
these Dead sea cities, within a few days
one had gone on a drunken spree and
all had committed acts of grossest|nn-
niorality. The race has improved since
We even hope we may have seen
the last great war. I f so, one of the
greatest forward steps mankind ever
made was taken within these last ten
years. And war as it has existed
in so-called civilized nations had lost
its most revolting features, slaughter
and ranine, sack snd pillage, in captnre
towns and cities.
Mankind steadily improves.
Napoleon said : ‘‘.an army travel» on
its stomach.” So does a snage. Which
lias been the greater curse to mankind?
T h i financial, phvsical and mental
force that have been devoted to the
prosecution of Mrs. McITterson at l os
Angtles might, ii differently directed,
have solved the mystery of the Taylor
murder and some others.
Coolidge's opponents are gilding and
furbishing the third-term bogey to have
it ready to »ay “ Boo-oo-ool '* in sepul­
chral tones at the next republican con­
vention. Some day some party may
stick a pin in that spook and let the
wind out. There will lie nothing left.
P repared for Fog
London policemen on the boats
along the Thames river are equipped
with hooks and life-saving Jackets to
assist In rescuing persons who are un­
fortunate enough to fall Into the
murky waters during a dense fog.
(Eldtorial io Casper Tribune) *
More then 7,000,000 individual
investors have purchased the se­
curities of electric and gas utility
compauies, telephone and electric
transportation companies, because
of their confidence in them, says
W. H. Hodge, of H. M. Byllesby
& Co., owners of the Mountain
Stales Power company.
The safety of their investments
rests upon underlying conditions,
he says, amoDg which are :
1. The securities are issued by
industries rendering services which
save the user money, time and
inconvenience. They conserve,
and do not waste ; they build up,
and do not destroy.
2. The investments are backed
by tremendous physical plants and
distribution systems, staked to and
imbedded in the soil.
3. Modern gas, electric and
telephone systems produce and
distribute service st the lowest
reasonable rates. Utility compa­
nies have held down rates during
the past ten years, while costs of
everything entering into expenses
have advanced greatly.
of influenza, 2 of mumps, 1 of
pneumonia and 1 of tuberculoeia
were reported from this county to
the state board of health last
Cooley & Co., proprietor« of the
South Brownsville general mer­
chandise store, which has been in
business 80 years,¡are selling out to
The stage to pass here goiog
south went into a ditch last oight
and a subetitwte came late.
Mr. and Mre. Marks went to
Portland Tavsday, ^expecting to
return today.
Mrs. M. M Ward had a fall last
week Wednesday and was badly
sbaksn up. She has not yet fully
recovered from the effects of it.
Mrs. C.J E- Smith arrived last
week from Spokane for a stay of
a few weeks.
8. B. Tvcer of Brownsville died
in an Albany hospital yesterday.
D a iry
P o u ltry
W ool
Starving Children
Ask Us for Help
Fr^eaine in Snow Where
Noah Walked
Portland,JDec. 13, 1926.
To the Editor: (100,000 1st-
tara like the incloeed are going
through the northwest region of
the Near East Relief, a territory
that extends from Utah to Alaska.
On the returns from these letters
will depend in part the future of
85,000 children now in America»
care in the near aatt, and tha fat*
of 1800 children taken in from the
earthquake-wrecked villages.
If fundi permit, wa will minis«
ter to 80,000 honteloei people who
face tha long sevara witter of tha
Caucasus. Their extra clothing
is buried under tone of debris
sad etonee, now frozen into a solid
mass after having been soaked
by davs of rain, aleat and snow.
Church Notices
Thsir poultry and cattle have been
killed and half the food supply of
jin e Grove church :
the entire region destroyed.
Rev. Mr. Smith will preach at
J. J. Hsndsaker.
2 o’clock Sunday.
’•-TEBB e S’ .
” Dec- 13, 1926.
There will be no prayer-meeting
“ Dear Friend : Once thare was
at Pine Prove this week, as several
are attending the revival servicers »^country that little children
at the Peoria Free Methodist called : * The land that Santa
Claus forgot.’
Alfotis Kern of Eugene, a senior Methodist men’s conference in church.
** The land is still there, and the
majoring in English literature at Portland last week report it an
The Loving Shepherd
Send in yonr church notice on
children too. It is the Bible«
A young and nervous eurate was an­ the U. of O., after a competition in interesting affair. Mr. Hill was Monday every week if possible.
nouncing that the rector would return
very same land
which candidates from Willamette, especially appreciative of the talk There may be no change, but the
on the following Sunday. He did so
little children
in the following flowery but rather Reed, Linfield and Oregon Agri­ of Lorenzo H. King, negro orator, editor may not be ceitain of that
confusing words: “I am happy to an­ cultural colleges participated, has on “ Methodism and the Negro and he does rot want to take the into his arms and blasted them.
nounce that your shoving leopard will
been awarded the Rhodes sclio nr- Race|”
risk of publishing an incorrect There are 36,000 wistful tots—
be with you noxt Sunday and will oc­
nearly every one an orphan.
cupy the pulpit at both aervlcee."—
Mrs. f . E. Kelsay of Landax
“ In biting zero weather, amid
The Churchman.
Oxford university, England.
Pfhe Grove Points
Lane county, received 50 baby
dlifting snow, turned into orimson
William Perry was here from chicks Feb. 110. She railed 31
by their bleed in« feet, without
(Cnterarlea Uerreepoadenoa)
In f e r io r it y C o m p le x
.Monday, looking after the pullets and in 4 months and 5
There are two ways for a man to
L. E. Eagy was a Corvallis vir- shelter, arehnddled, at this mo.
days they were laying»
know what an ornery cuaa he can ap­ estate of the late Mrs. McNeil.
ment, little children.
itor Thursday.
pear to me. One la to run for office
Over half a million house doorsI
** Cities and villages hays bee»
Cecil Harrison of Brownsville
and read the political advertisement»
W. O. McNeil and wife visited
have been shtpped from Oregon in 1
destroyed, people buried alive,
of his opponent, the other la to be wae in town Tuesday,
at L. E. Esgy'e Thursday.
married and have his wife tell him
the past year, most of them to j
food supplies ruined and Amerlean
what she thinks of him.—Florida
Mr«. Sadia Peary of Woodburn orphanages wrecked by devastating
Great Britain.
promised if 1000 seres of beets
and W. G. Peary of Seattle are earthquakes in Armenia.
A shipment of Ortgon straw­
are grown in tributary territory
W. G. McNeil and family.
‘Anxiously these unfortunate
Cheap Seiemogreph
berry plants was recantly made to
next year and 8,000 in 1928
An instrument for detecting earth­
Miss Palmer and the children people await America’s response.
! Cambridge, (England. England's
quakes, so simple of construction and
John Arnold. L. D. Vidito, Ed c'uinate reeeuables ours, but »he are preparing a program to he Will you today please mall your
so cheap that It could be Installed tn
and H. W. Vincent are lias less Bunshine.J
given Christmas sve and commit­ check or ccotribution f Why not
every home, has been perfected by a
government scientist. The instruments the only sarviving members of the
tees have been appointed to get do it now, for Ufa is at stake? If
La Grande had a defective tide
now used are cumbersome and expeu
Brownsville G. A. R.
and decorate the Chrlstmae tree. you have recently sent a check,
slve, and consequently there are rela
walk over a flume, Leroy Bloorn-
please give this latter to a friend.
lively few In operation throughout the
The Womeu’e Missionary society
quist, 4 years old, fell into the
* 'Confident that your response
poultryman, contemlates a big
tlume and drowned. The supreme of the Peoria South Mdtbodist will be both swift and generous,
hatchery at the county seat.
court has confirmed an award to church met with Mre. E. K. Hover
The W orld’e Beet
Tne official cruise raisad Coos his mother of $7500 from the city. for its regular hutinest meeting Cordially yours, J .J. Handsakor,
' Northwest Regional Director,
Tlie American honey bee la the county forest valuations 373,000
world's champion heavyweight hone)
There are 2 000,000 ibeep in Thursday afternoon. Officers were
*'613 Slock Exchange Bldg.”
Last winter trappers captured Oregon, vielding-an annual return elected as follows: President, Mre.
maker. Many honey producers remove
the sweet stuff from the combs by 2019 Oregon beavers, worth 128,
W B.’Smith ; vice-preeident, Mr».
of »11,000,000.
centrifugal or gravity artractora. a
Every dollar received for a
Minnie Githens ; corresponding
process which yields a clearer product
I^N K W yearly subscription to
than that which comet through the
Klam ath
Falls lias 11,500
the Rural Enterprise before 6
crude methods employed abroad.
population and a million dollar
o’clock Friday evaning, Dec. 24,
monthly pay roll.
will be turned over to the Near
Lake Labish district, Marion
East Relief. jMska the paper a
county, has shipped 367 cars of
Christmas gift to a friend and
celery this year.
help tha homeless little ones.
Halser had a rocord weather
ehange this week —wind from
Bermuda-London Milestone
Santa Claus’ headquarters and ice
English mile» are marked In soro.-
an puddles Monday and Tuesday
of the distant parts of the world, as
and a southwest breeze and a j (
for Instance along a roadside In Ber­
for the Whole Family
muda one may read on a sign promi­
drizzle Wednesday morning.
nently displayed by the roadway thia
Mist Margaret Standish, who ie I
Stationery . . 33c a box to $2.50 box
Inscription, "London i.t/70 Miles." The
mtleatnae was placed there about two
still vilitiog at her great-uncle i
Face Powder . . . 50c to $3.50 a box
score years ago by an acUva British
John's, seems to like such Hals <-y I
official detailed there for service.—
society as ths has encountered. I
Perfume . . . . 50c to $3.00 a bottle
Ohio State Journal.
She is not within the age limit for' i
Bath Salts....................... 50c to $ 1.75
bobs posted in the window of Mil- I
M ullet1» Legal Standing
Bath P o w d e r........................... $1 a box
ler's barber shop, but she wear.- i
The bureau of flahertea says that the
her hair short all the same.
mnllet la a flab. The question arose
K o d a k s ........................$1.00 to 65,00
many years ago, whan an attempt was
In these limes of text-book '
made to restrict the catching of cer­
squabbling students of history and j1
tain kinds of fish la North Carolina,
the mullet among them. A fisherman
gsograpby can find much useful 1
was apprehended who had caught a
nformation in our serial story, |
mullet. H U defense was that the mul­
$1.00 to 3.00
Bill Folds
"The Doom Trail.”
let had a glxsard Instead of a stomach
—therefore. It was a fowl. Tha Judge
Could you hear Santa Claus |
50c to $3.00
agreed with him.
bells jingle when you saw snow on
grass and boards Monday morning'
A ge end W eight
Watches , . . . $1.50, 2.25 and 2.75
Mrs. Mary E. Windom of
Many autbortUee agree that after a
person passee the age of thirty he
Brownsville has been divorced.
Pens, Parker Duofold, $3.50, 5.00 7.00
should weigh from 10 te W per cent
T R . Mode has bought and he!
leas than the weight given on scales
Pencils, Eversharp . . . 50c to $5.00
and the boys ar» running the
as average. They explain that after
that age a person has ceased to grow
Mason pool hall and confectionery
and does not need extra weight for
building. It U, therefore, deemed un­
necessary te t a i the heart with pump
Mrs. J. C. Bramwell hae a
Ing blood through tlaeuee which are
housekeeping job at Corvallis:
not actuitly seeded.
____ ___
Halsey people who attended the
C /r is tm a s
^u a a e stio n s
Gifts for
sey x h a rm a c y