Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 16, 1926, Image 3

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    ^ p h e Courtesy Shop
^ ^ íb a n y <¡2)irectory
Ready-to-wear and M illinery
Mrs. C L. box
117 Broadalbin st , Albany
Joe Ingram of H arrisburg spent
• S aturday n ig h t with his nephew,
i I-ee Ingrain and family.
G ertrude Gengenbach and Mamie | J. II. Rickard and fam iiv spent
Falk were Sunday afternoon call- ! Sunday at the F. E. Je n k s borne
ers at H. J F a lk ’s.
j near T angent.
Pine Grove Points
T his is good ad»ice; “ If you live
in Albany, trade io Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in th at tow n.'
But in these automobile days many re- I
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
at least part of th eir buying in the
larger town. T hose who g o to Albany!
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill th eir require­
m ents w ith courtesy and fairness.
A lb a n y Floral Co.
Neighborhood News
(B y Special Correspondent)
Mrs. Jessie McLaren and Doro­
thy and the Misses M aty and M ar­
garet H einrich and the Pine Grove
orchestra attended the com m unity
meeting a t Riverside Saturday
C u t flowers |
and plants,
b'loral a rt for every I
The Corvallis cham ber of com ­
and all occasions.
1 he time for glasses—is right at
Flow er phfine 458-1.
the beg ini ng of the trouble with merce put on an excellent program
| your eyes. Delays are dangerous.
O u y o la l olii* bulbs now .
50 and 75c per dozen. / Allow for rile ej,e is t,ie 03081 delicate mem
postage H all's b'loral and Music Shop, h er of the hnniaii body and every
Westside greenhouse products
, ,
mom ent you delay after the trouble
start« you are getting ju st th a t
Tire V ulcanuiug- Battery re­ much toward possible blindness.
charging. 221 W. Second.
Come in today and let us examiue
Ed Falk, Prop.
your eye«.
astb u rn 3 ro s.—Two big grocery
Our new address—318 West First
stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
Main. Good m erchandise at the right I St , next door to W estern Union.
Meade & Albro
tp lite C afeteria and confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
J e w e le r s ,
Courteous, efficient serviee.
We make our ow n candies.
and M anufacturing
O pticians
Tires and accessories
K ir k -P ollak M otor C o .
tjV irtm iller F u rn itu re Co., furm -
* ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges.
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First j
street, Albany, Oregon,
M anufacturers of
V U L L E R G RO CERY , 285 Lyon
A (Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
Phone 2b3R
Opposite Postoffice
f t n d B u >’e f S ° f E ^
H arold G. M urphy Prop.
Phone 665
W e never close
agneto ele c tr ic co ?
with the famous Diamond-Grid plates
priced to suit the consumer. 423 \V Firs.
and money are best when
T’A busy. Make your dollars work in
our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate
B ank . Under governm ent supervision
(A beauty aid for every need)
1923 C hevrolet T o u rin g
1926 D odge S edan
Olds Coach, 1925
2 Ford Coupes
Je w e tt T o u rin g , 1926
I Ford T ru ck , 1 to n
O verland T o u rin g
St. Francis Hotel
Prop. W inifred Rose
Miss Pearl Pehrsson gave the ex­
am inations T hursday and P tiday
to some of the sixth grade pupils,
who failed in the May exam s.
Mrs. Em m a Sylvester, Fred S y l­
vester, Fred Sylvester and Eunice
were M onm outh visitors S aturday.
Mrs. Johnson and daughters were
Albany visitors F riday.
Edw in, C larabell and Raym ond
Blood, spent the week-end visiting
friends at their old home at Trent.
Mr. and M rs. P. A. Pehrsson
and Pearl attended the graduating
exercises at W illam ette U niversity
Monday. Mis« Nora Pehrsson is
one of the graduate«.
IM P E R IA L C A FE , 209 W. F irst
Ray Mode and W ill M cLaren
speut Sunday at Newport.
About 25 people of the neighbor­
hood gathered a t the school house
I A F a r m e r s ’ C o - O p e r a t i v e Saturday evening for a feed of ice
cream and cake.
Everything in the l i n e ^ e ^ “ * “^
Creamery Association
a t the com m unity meeting Fridav
evening and all enjoyed the even­
ing very much. About $39 00 was
taken in from the supper.
Highway Garage
Monday evening, June 21 »be
annual school election will he held
at the school house. AH the vot­
ers of th e district are urged to be
present as there is some business
to be considered.
Mr. Blood lias the lum ber on the
ground fo r a new b a rn , work on
which will commence soon.
Spoon River Sparks
(By an Bnterpiise Reporter)
G eraldine Stralev visited at the
Mrs. E. O. Isom, Carl and Bev-
home of her grandpa G. J . Hike, erly, Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck, Mrs.
W ednesday, In the eveuing C. J G 'orge W orkiuger, K enneth anil
Straleys were visitors there al-o.
Lois Jean. Mies G ladys W illbanks
Mrs. Lee Iugram and daugh­
L. R. Falk and fam ily were S u n ­
a all attended the Grange
day visitors at F. W. Falks.
picnic at Pence’s grove S atu rd ay .
W arren Isom called at Henry
Velda and Alice C urti» visited
Seefeld’s Friday evening.
Bertha Comely Mouday afternoon.
E. E. and G ilbert Carey were
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bond and
helping H. Seefeld last week w il h
children of G lide are visiting
his new baiu.
at the Julius Falk home.
A. H . Quimby and son John
L*'e Ingram and fam ily accom­
were visitors at F. W. F a lk 's S u n ­
by Joe and Bob Ingram ot
H arrisburg took a trip through
Leroy and Mearle Stralev a t­
part of Benton county Sunday.
tended the chicken pie supper at
Pine Grove Friday evening. Miss
Late Market Report
P e tri Pehrsson returned with them
and spent the night with Miss
rt « » a _ -.
Mearle at fl» e -Btraley hom e. They
W heat—Big Bend bluestem . $1.38;
attended the grange picnic at hard white, hard federation, $1.38;
the Pence grove S aturday.
soft white, w estern white, $1.39; hard
Carl Keen and wife of C alifo r­
nia are visiting at the formers p a r­
ent«, Mr and Mr«. Fred Keen.
They expect to rem ain here until
after the Pioneer picnic.
Lena Keen, who ha« been teaching
school at Hood River expect« to go
to California with them.
N ou rish in g D rin k
C h ild r e n ^ ^
A. L. Falk is w orking
Santiaui-Cascade road.
m ake rocm for our spring
stock, will sell organs at almost
your own prices. We must have more
room. D avenport Music House.
YVfaldo A nderson & Son, distrib-
’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­
mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupiuobile cars.
Accessories, S pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin.
When in Need of an Outside
Albany, Oregon
Willard Service S ta tio n
We serve all make«
W illa r d s
and sell
U nder new m anagemen
L. M. T aylor, Prop.
121 W . Second, A lbany.
If you enjoy a good meal,
.»ml know a good meal when you get it,
You'll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it.
Our aim is to please voti.
at lowest rate of interesL
Real Estate
Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent.
W m ' B a in , Boom 5, First Savings Ban<
builning, Albany
W hy suffer from headache?
H ave your eyes exam ined
Dr. Seth T. French
F. M. Frencn & Son
Jew elers
O ptom etrist «
A lbany
Mr. and Mr«. W. R. K irk were
callers at 0- J- A lb ertso n ’« T hurs­
day evening.
Y3 ABIES and children, th e «ante as
adults, grow w eary of being fed
the sam e food In th e sam e way each
day. It is tru e th a t most children take
naturally to milk, b u t th at does not
mean th at they m u st be fed it ad
nauseam . On th e contrary, th a t is the
very thing to be avoided.
P ediatricians advise consum ption by
children of a q u a rt of milk a day In
one form or another. This does not
meun skim milk, but whole milk, for
the skimmed product is lacking both
in b u tter fa t and the essential food
elem ent known as vitam in A. which Is
found In b u tte r fat. Many m others
do not ap p reciate th a t removal of
cream from th e top of a bottle of
milk resu lts In «klm milk.
In evaporated milk, a product rec
ommended by many leading doctors
fo r th e use of in fan ts and children
and which is simply pure cow’s milk
sterilized In cans and with «ixty per
cent of th e w ater removed, there Is
no cream line. The milk in the top
of a can Is the same as It Is In the
bottom of th e container.
This re­
su lts from a process called homogenlz
atlon. In which the ftit globules in
the milk are broken up Into such
microscopic hits th a t they rem ain in
homogeneous auspenskei. Every drop
of homogenized milk has a buttery
ta ste because It contedns b u tter fat
F or th is reason, In ev ap o rated milk,
th ere is none of th e flat ta ste one
finds In drinking from th e bottom of a
b ottle of m arket milk.
In order to avoid feeding th e baby
or child plain milk th re e or four tim es
■ day, many au th o rities recommend
the use of a m ixture o f fruit Juice and
milk, a highly p alatab le and refresh
Ing drink.
Following Is a recipe worked ont
by experts for an orange-m ilk d rin k :
Mix in a fru it Ja r *» of a cupful of
orange Juice, % ,,t a cupful of evap­
orated milk, th ree teaspoonfuls of
sugar, H teaspoonfnl of lemon Juice
and a few grains of salt. Shake well
before serving.
W ashington, B. C. D epartm ent of
in terio r figures made public, placed
the wiping off of construction charges
against Irrigation se ttlers at $27,456.-
371. la accordance with the new om ni­
bus reclam ation adjustm ent act.
Hope Hussey was a dinner guest
The bureau of reclam ation said th a t
$414,937 above the original recom ­
a t W. R. K irk'* Sunday.
m andations of the board of survey and
Jam es Rector visited his friends,
adjustm ent would ue elim inated In
H enry and W illis Kirk S atu id ay .
charges. Tho governm ent, it added,
will assum e definite losses totaling
Mr. and Mrs. C. H Davidson
W heat—Soft white, w estern white, $14,677,965, with paym ents suspend­
visited at W. R K irk ’s S aturday.
Big Bend bluestem , $1.42; hard w inter, ed involving probable losses of $12,-
The Potter sewing club was $1.38; w estern red, $1.37; northern 788.406 on the construction costs of 19
entertained W ednesday afternoon spring, $1.39.
H ay—Alfalfa, $26 tim othy. $23;
The sum rep resen ts th e chargo-oft
a t 2 p. m .a t the home of Mrs. J.
tim othy P. 8., $20; do, mixed, $26.
which congress has authorized to be
N . Elliot. T hirteen members re­
B utter—Cream ery, 38® 40c.
lifted from the obligations of farm ers
sponding to roll call. Interesting
Eggs—Ranch, 26®32c.
for project construction.
features of the afternoon were an
Hogs—Good, $15.10® 15.25.
Among the o th er projects receiving
C attle— P rim e steers, $8.00@8.26.
“ advertisem ent” contest conducted
substantial relief under the new law
Cheese—Oregon trip lets, 24c; W ash­ were:
by Mrs. Safely and a “ nicknam e”
ington triplets, 21®22c.
U m atilla, Oregon, $1,479,944.
contest by Mrs. A lbertson. Mi«*
Okanogan, W ashington. $820.173.
Velora M cDonald and Miss Marie
Yakima. W ashington. $381.192.
Jenson of Shedd, Mrs. W. R. K irk
H ogs—Good. $15.60® 15.35.
Klamath. Oregon-California, $64,293.
C attle—Steers, good, $7.OO@8.OO.
and daughter Miss G race and Miss
Vida Albertson were guests of the I
M. B. H arding and fam ily visit, club. .Lunch was served by the
JJO S C O E AMES H A R D W A R E F irst and Baker
A lbany, Ore, e l at Eugene Sunday.
hostess assisted by Mesdauiea Al-
The W inchester Store
C. H. Falk was a Sunday visitor birtson and h ’.fely and the Misses
at Marion C arey’s.
G race Kirk and V ida A lbertson.
Rawleigh Rike went to the coun­ This was the last regular meeting
Geo. L. Hurlev, Pr iprietor and
of til* club U litilf fall.
Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing
ty «eat W ednesday aflernoon.
and sheet m etal work, tin and gravel
roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal
vanized iron work, metal skylights and
cornices, pumps of all kinds.
13b Ferry street, Albany.
Phone 127J
w inter and n orthern spring, w estern
red. $1.35.
H ay—Alfalfa, $18.50@19 ton; valley
tim othy. $ 19® 19.50; eastern Oregon
tim othy. $21.60@22.
B u tterfat—41c shippers' track.
E ggs—R anch. 24@27c.
C heese—P rices f. o. b. Tillam ook;
T riplets. 27Vic; loaf, 2 8 tic p er lb.
C attle—Steers, medium $6.85®8.00.
H ogs—Medium to choice, $13.50®
$15 50.
Sheep— bs, medium to choice.
$ll@ 13 00.
D. W. C rossland of Montgomery,
Ala., one of the most widely-known
S hrlnsra of the South, who w as elect­
ed imperial potentate at th e Im perial
council held in Philadelphia.
Alford Arrows
(B y an E n te rp rise R ep o rter)
Young At 60,
Or Old At 40?
Diet Decides
Women a re as old or- a s young os
th eir state of health. A woman may
he young nt sixty years a r old a t for­
ty. It ull depends on tier physical
Youth and beauty havd a founda­
tion In sound health.
A nd food Is
easily the most im p o rtan t Item In
health. In giving eon sld era'lu n to rite
subjects of diet and b eauty, w unin)
should not forget the food essentials
th a t make for the pres ervatlOn of
teeth, hair, figure and complexion.
Blame for round shoulders, flat
chest and poor teeth a n a,n g women
Is due in large m easure to faulty diet,
or, specifically, fo a lack o f lime and
Milk, or evaporated
milk, which is sim ply cow 's milk with
00 per cent of the w ater ta k e n «way.
Is especially rich In IlmF
Because of th e con cen t "atlon of
evaporated milk, which Is regulated
by governm ent stan d ard s. It I* of
A heavy hail storm dam aged 2000
acres of w heat on furm s n ortheast of
Kimball, Neb.
(inc hundred nnd fifty two cadets
were graduated from the United S lates
m ilitary academ y. They will lie com­
missioned as second lieutenants.
Evidence show ing expenditures of
at least $3.000,000 in the recent re­
publican prim ary cam paign In Penn­
sylvania has been presented to tho sen­
ate investigating com m ittee.
Tho contest brought by ex S enator
Magnus Johnson against S enator
Schall, republican, of Minnesota, was
dropped when the senate com m ittee
filed its report recom m ending dismis-
.-,«1 of tho case.
R etu rn s from the republican sena­
to rial prim ary in Iowa, showed Sm ith
W. B rookhart, Insurgent and form er
senator, nom inated over Senator Al­
bert n. Cummins, adm inistration sup­
porter, by about 70,000 plurality.
Every man. woman and child In (h-4
United S tates should have had 22 ren te
more on June 1 than on June 1 a year
ago. the treasu ry disclosed In announc­
ing th a t the per capital distribution
was $42 11 on that date The am ount
was a pi-r cap ita advance of 10 cents
over May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stum p and
Sam Templeton of Long Beach,
four children of L ob G atos, C ali­
California and nephew A lton W il­
fornia spent Saturday evening, a t
liams visited a t J. I*. T em pleton’s
a . E . W hitbeck home.
several days last week.
Stum p is a B aptist m inister and
A large num ber from this v icin ­ 'they are old friends of the W hit-
ity attended the piatiic a t Pence's beck’s.
grove S atu rd a y .
E. D. Ieom and fam ily visited
Mr. and M r» G. J . Rike and
Mr*. Isom 's mother, Mrs. L. E.
grand children of the former were
Bond, in Albany Sunday. Mr«.
business visitors in Albany several
Bond has ju st returned from a trip
lay« last week.
to Los Angeles, Calif.
A ndy Christensen and wife were
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Curtis and
Sunday dinner guests at A. L.
Delta, Chari es, D ein, A nna I-ouise
F a lk ’s
and E lnora «pent Sunday at tie
Mrs. J. N. E lliot and son M illon J a y C urtis home near Lebanon.
accompanied R andall and Bertba
Mrs. J. H. Rickard, daughter
Zellmer to A lbany T hursday a fte r­
C om m ittee Action Kills Wet Bills
Miss L illie and «on Em ory atten d ­
W ashington, B. C .- T h e senate Judi­
ed the wedding of their niece and
ciary com m ittee reported eight wet
H erm an Stienkes visited at G. cousin, Miss Jessie Jenks to Mr.
hills with a recom m endation th at ac­
R ike’s Saturday evening.
Wm. Pendleton, son of the Meth­
double the richness of ordinary m a r­ tion on them bo indefinitely postpon-
Ella and Della Falk visited at R. odist m inister, in T angent at the ket milk, us 1« Kbown in the following jd. This m eans that the m easures will
E. Bierly’s T hursday.
I die with hut little If any serious con-
M. E. Church T hursday of last table :
O rdinary Milk.
| ulderatlon on the floor. The bills ro­
Mrs. C. B. Philpott and d a u g h ­ week.
F at ......................,...8 .» to 4
per cent 'p o rte d Included the proposal by Sen-
ter«, Leone and Bernice picked
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Whitbeck Proialn* ...................».g i o «
p,.r ...
j ato r Bruce, dem ocrat ot Murylund. for
loganberries a t the King te rry were S(in<|ay afternoon callers at Mineral* ............
.7 to .75 per cent a constitutional am endm ent to le t
ranch last week.
E vaporated Milk.
stales decide w hether they w ant pro-
the Carl Seefeid home.
i 'a t • • • • • • • ..............1 8 to »2 per cent hibltlon.
L. R. Faik and son Charies were
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe drove
Proteins .......... ....... 7 5 to S.Z p ir cent
business callers at Albany S itn r- to Buena Vi«ta W ednesday of last M in erals ....................1.4 to 1.« per cent
U. ot W. G raduates 1500.
week taking their grand dau g h ter,
A q u art of milk a day for adults Is
Seattle. W ash.—The largest gradua­
Mr. and Mr«. J. P. Templeton Vena Godwin home after a two recommended by doctors not only be tion class in the history of the Uni­
attended the birthday dinner ami we ks stay. She was helping to cause of Its high m ineral content, hut versity of W ashington left th a t In­
for th e reafcnn* th u t It help* keep the
supper given a t the Presbyterian care for her grandm other durii g digestive tra c t In proper comlltlon, stitution, when the 61st commence,
church a t Brownsville Friday. her illness.
strengthens th e leely to re«l«t dl«ease, m ent exercises of th e university were
held In the stadium . Approxim ately
gives proper balance to the diet.
The dinner qas given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. R o b n e ttn rd
Salads also play an Im portant p art 1200 student« com pleted courses this
Mr. Tem pleton's fath er’s seventy- daughter Dori* of Eugene ep< nt In the dietary. Some sort of a naiad, q u arter and nearly 300 during the win­
fifth anniversary.
Sunday evening a t the E. D. 1st in lettuce, tom ato, fresh fruit, cabbage ter q u arter, m aking a total of 1500.
or vegetable, should he eaten a t least
Miss Nellie Falk spent Thura- home.
day w ith her aunt,
Wilma and Lois Falk spent Sun­
day with Velda and Alice Curtis,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. V anniceand
Work at the Porter gravel pit
children, K enneth, Roberta a n d * b a t stopped for a few days to al-
E dna «pent last week visiting rela-ilow the men to e v e for th eir hay
lives in W ashington and Idaho.
once a day. N eith er Is the dally
menu complete w ithout a generous
quality of coarse, leafy vegetables,
valnnble for th eir high vitam in con­
F ruit juices also have very
beneficial properties.
If a woman follows out the rule« of
diet, birthdays to her will he nothing
ga n a te s • m « aa Lticwiavvu.
140th A nniversary of Flag Observed.
P hiladelphia. — Philadelphia observ­
ed the 149th an n iv ersary of the Star«
! and S trip es Monday with a double
I celebration, m arking the anniversary
1 ot »*>« birth ot the American flag and
tne dedication of the Sesqui U aatra-
nial exposition.