^ p h e Courtesy Shop ^ ^ íb a n y <¡2)irectory Ready-to-wear and M illinery Mrs. C L. box 117 Broadalbin st , Albany . Joe Ingram of H arrisburg spent • S aturday n ig h t with his nephew, -------- i I-ee Ingrain and family. G ertrude Gengenbach and Mamie | J. II. Rickard and fam iiv spent Falk were Sunday afternoon call- ! Sunday at the F. E. Je n k s borne ers at H. J F a lk ’s. j near T angent. Pine Grove Points T his is good ad»ice; “ If you live in Albany, trade io Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in th at tow n.' But in these automobile days many re- I siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. T hose who g o to Albany! to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require­ m ents w ith courtesy and fairness. A lb a n y Floral Co. Neighborhood News (B y Special Correspondent) Mrs. Jessie McLaren and Doro­ thy and the Misses M aty and M ar­ garet H einrich and the Pine Grove orchestra attended the com m unity meeting a t Riverside Saturday evening. C u t flowers | D and plants, b'loral a rt for every I , The Corvallis cham ber of com ­ and all occasions. 1 he time for glasses—is right at Flow er phfine 458-1. the beg ini ng of the trouble with merce put on an excellent program | your eyes. Delays are dangerous. O u y o la l olii* bulbs now . 50 and 75c per dozen. / Allow for rile ej,e is t,ie 03081 delicate mem postage H all's b'loral and Music Shop, h er of the hnniaii body and every Westside greenhouse products I . , , J mom ent you delay after the trouble /" ’EN TK A L T IR E SHOP start« you are getting ju st th a t Tire V ulcanuiug- Battery re­ much toward possible blindness. charging. 221 W. Second. Come in today and let us examiue Ed Falk, Prop. your eye«. astb u rn 3 ro s.—Two big grocery Our new address—318 West First stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good m erchandise at the right I St , next door to W estern Union. E prices. Meade & Albro tp lite C afeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ J e w e le r s , ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our ow n candies. Optom etrist« and M anufacturing W. S. DUNCAX. O pticians P O R D SA L E S AND SE R V IC E j ALBANY OREGON Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . tjV irtm iller F u rn itu re Co., furm - * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First j street, Albany, Oregon, M anufacturers of V U L L E R G RO CERY , 285 Lyon A (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Phone 2b3R Fruits LINN BUTTER ♦reduce JJO L M A N & JACKSON Opposite Postoffice f t n d B u >’e f S ° f E ^ H arold G. M urphy Prop. Phone 665 W e never close agneto ele c tr ic co ? M PHILCO B A TTER IES with the famous Diamond-Grid plates priced to suit the consumer. 423 \V Firs. lVJen and money are best when T’A busy. Make your dollars work in our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate B ank . Under governm ent supervision JW A r IN E L L O PARLORS ■^’A (A beauty aid for every need) Creamery 1923 C hevrolet T o u rin g 1926 D odge S edan Olds Coach, 1925 2 Ford Coupes Je w e tt T o u rin g , 1926 I Ford T ru ck , 1 to n O verland T o u rin g St. Francis Hotel Prop. W inifred Rose Miss Pearl Pehrsson gave the ex­ am inations T hursday and P tiday to some of the sixth grade pupils, who failed in the May exam s. Mrs. Em m a Sylvester, Fred S y l­ vester, Fred Sylvester and Eunice were M onm outh visitors S aturday. Mrs. Johnson and daughters were Albany visitors F riday. Edw in, C larabell and Raym ond Blood, spent the week-end visiting friends at their old home at Trent. Mr. and M rs. P. A. Pehrsson and Pearl attended the graduating exercises at W illam ette U niversity Monday. Mis« Nora Pehrsson is one of the graduate«. S IM P E R IA L C A FE , 209 W. F irst A Ray Mode and W ill M cLaren speut Sunday at Newport. About 25 people of the neighbor­ hood gathered a t the school house I A F a r m e r s ’ C o - O p e r a t i v e Saturday evening for a feed of ice cream and cake. I Everything in the l i n e ^ e ^ “ * “^ Albany Creamery Association a t the com m unity meeting Fridav evening and all enjoyed the even­ ing very much. About $39 00 was taken in from the supper. Highway Garage Monday evening, June 21 »be annual school election will he held at the school house. AH the vot­ ers of th e district are urged to be present as there is some business to be considered. Mr. Blood lias the lum ber on the ground fo r a new b a rn , work on which will commence soon. Spoon River Sparks (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) G eraldine Stralev visited at the Mrs. E. O. Isom, Carl and Bev- home of her grandpa G. J . Hike, erly, Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck, Mrs. W ednesday, In the eveuing C. J G 'orge W orkiuger, K enneth anil Straleys were visitors there al-o. Lois Jean. Mies G ladys W illbanks and Mrs. Lee Iugram and daugh­ L. R. Falk and fam ily were S u n ­ ter Thelm a all attended the Grange day visitors at F. W. Falks. picnic at Pence’s grove S atu rd ay . W arren Isom called at Henry Velda and Alice C urti» visited Seefeld’s Friday evening. Bertha Comely Mouday afternoon. E. E. and G ilbert Carey were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bond and helping H. Seefeld last week w il h (our children of G lide are visiting his new baiu. at the Julius Falk home. A. H . Quimby and son John L*'e Ingram and fam ily accom­ were visitors at F. W. F a lk 's S u n ­ panied by Joe and Bob Ingram ot day. H arrisburg took a trip through Leroy and Mearle Stralev a t­ part of Benton county Sunday. tended the chicken pie supper at Pine Grove Friday evening. Miss Late Market Report P e tri Pehrsson returned with them and spent the night with Miss rt « » a _ -. Mearle at fl» e -Btraley hom e. They W heat—Big Bend bluestem . $1.38; attended the grange picnic at hard white, hard federation, $1.38; the Pence grove S aturday. soft white, w estern white, $1.39; hard Carl Keen and wife of C alifo r­ nia are visiting at the formers p a r­ ent«, Mr and Mr«. Fred Keen. They expect to rem ain here until after the Pioneer picnic. Mia* Lena Keen, who ha« been teaching school at Hood River expect« to go to California with them. TV A N ou rish in g D rin k C h ild r e n ^ ^ A. L. Falk is w orking Santiaui-Cascade road. m ake rocm for our spring stock, will sell organs at almost your own prices. We must have more room. D avenport Music House. YVfaldo A nderson & Son, distrib- ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupiuobile cars. Accessories, S pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. When in Need of an Outside PRINTER, See FRANK TAYLOR * SON Albany, Oregon Willard Service S ta tio n We serve all make« W illa r d s and sell U nder new m anagemen L. M. T aylor, Prop. 121 W . Second, A lbany. If you enjoy a good meal, .»ml know a good meal when you get it, You'll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. Our aim is to please voti. PARAGON CAFE ALBANY G EO - M, G IL C H R IST FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interesL Real Estate Insurance Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. W m ' B a in , Boom 5, First Savings Ban< builning, Albany W hy suffer from headache? H ave your eyes exam ined Dr. Seth T. French W’th F. M. Frencn & Son Jew elers O ptom etrist « A lbany Mr. and Mr«. W. R. K irk were callers at 0- J- A lb ertso n ’« T hurs­ day evening. Y3 ABIES and children, th e «ante as adults, grow w eary of being fed the sam e food In th e sam e way each day. It is tru e th a t most children take naturally to milk, b u t th at does not mean th at they m u st be fed it ad nauseam . On th e contrary, th a t is the very thing to be avoided. P ediatricians advise consum ption by children of a q u a rt of milk a day In one form or another. This does not meun skim milk, but whole milk, for the skimmed product is lacking both in b u tter fa t and the essential food elem ent known as vitam in A. which Is found In b u tte r fat. Many m others do not ap p reciate th a t removal of cream from th e top of a bottle of milk resu lts In «klm milk. In evaporated milk, a product rec ommended by many leading doctors fo r th e use of in fan ts and children and which is simply pure cow’s milk sterilized In cans and with «ixty per cent of th e w ater removed, there Is no cream line. The milk in the top of a can Is the same as It Is In the bottom of th e container. This re­ su lts from a process called homogenlz atlon. In which the ftit globules in the milk are broken up Into such microscopic hits th a t they rem ain in homogeneous auspenskei. Every drop of homogenized milk has a buttery ta ste because It contedns b u tter fat F or th is reason, In ev ap o rated milk, th ere is none of th e flat ta ste one finds In drinking from th e bottom of a b ottle of m arket milk. In order to avoid feeding th e baby or child plain milk th re e or four tim es ■ day, many au th o rities recommend the use of a m ixture o f fruit Juice and milk, a highly p alatab le and refresh Ing drink. Following Is a recipe worked ont by experts for an orange-m ilk d rin k : Mix in a fru it Ja r *» of a cupful of orange Juice, % ,,t a cupful of evap­ orated milk, th ree teaspoonfuls of sugar, H teaspoonfnl of lemon Juice and a few grains of salt. Shake well before serving. on the MILLIONS CHARGED OFF ON PROJECT W ashington, B. C. D epartm ent of in terio r figures made public, placed the wiping off of construction charges against Irrigation se ttlers at $27,456.- 371. la accordance with the new om ni­ bus reclam ation adjustm ent act. Hope Hussey was a dinner guest The bureau of reclam ation said th a t $414,937 above the original recom ­ a t W. R. K irk'* Sunday. m andations of the board of survey and Jam es Rector visited his friends, adjustm ent would ue elim inated In H enry and W illis Kirk S atu id ay . charges. Tho governm ent, it added, Seattle. . will assum e definite losses totaling Mr. and Mrs. C. H Davidson W heat—Soft white, w estern white, $14,677,965, with paym ents suspend­ visited at W. R K irk ’s S aturday. Big Bend bluestem , $1.42; hard w inter, ed involving probable losses of $12,- The Potter sewing club was $1.38; w estern red, $1.37; northern 788.406 on the construction costs of 19 projects. entertained W ednesday afternoon spring, $1.39. H ay—Alfalfa, $26 tim othy. $23; The sum rep resen ts th e chargo-oft a t 2 p. m .a t the home of Mrs. J. tim othy P. 8., $20; do, mixed, $26. which congress has authorized to be N . Elliot. T hirteen members re­ B utter—Cream ery, 38® 40c. lifted from the obligations of farm ers sponding to roll call. Interesting Eggs—Ranch, 26®32c. for project construction. features of the afternoon were an Hogs—Good, $15.10® 15.25. Among the o th er projects receiving C attle— P rim e steers, $8.00@8.26. “ advertisem ent” contest conducted substantial relief under the new law Cheese—Oregon trip lets, 24c; W ash­ were: by Mrs. Safely and a “ nicknam e” ington triplets, 21®22c. U m atilla, Oregon, $1,479,944. contest by Mrs. A lbertson. Mi«* Okanogan, W ashington. $820.173. Velora M cDonald and Miss Marie Spokane. Yakima. W ashington. $381.192. Jenson of Shedd, Mrs. W. R. K irk H ogs—Good. $15.60® 15.35. Klamath. Oregon-California, $64,293. C attle—Steers, good, $7.OO@8.OO. and daughter Miss G race and Miss Vida Albertson were guests of the I M. B. H arding and fam ily visit, club. .Lunch was served by the JJO S C O E AMES H A R D W A R E F irst and Baker A lbany, Ore, e l at Eugene Sunday. hostess assisted by Mesdauiea Al- The W inchester Store HOWARD SR1GLEY C. H. Falk was a Sunday visitor birtson and h ’.fely and the Misses at Marion C arey’s. G race Kirk and V ida A lbertson. • p H E M ARTIN LU D W IG SHOE Rawleigh Rike went to the coun­ This was the last regular meeting Geo. L. Hurlev, Pr iprietor and of til* club U litilf fall. Manager. Warm air furnaces, plumbing ty «eat W ednesday aflernoon. and sheet m etal work, tin and gravel roofing, general jobbing in tin and gal vanized iron work, metal skylights and cornices, pumps of all kinds. . 13b Ferry street, Albany. Phone 127J w inter and n orthern spring, w estern red. $1.35. H ay—Alfalfa, $18.50@19 ton; valley tim othy. $ 19® 19.50; eastern Oregon tim othy. $21.60@22. B u tterfat—41c shippers' track. E ggs—R anch. 24@27c. C heese—P rices f. o. b. Tillam ook; T riplets. 27Vic; loaf, 2 8 tic p er lb. C attle—Steers, medium $6.85®8.00. H ogs—Medium to choice, $13.50® $15 50. Sheep—I.am bs, medium to choice. $ll@ 13 00. k D. W. C rossland of Montgomery, Ala., one of the most widely-known S hrlnsra of the South, who w as elect­ ed imperial potentate at th e Im perial council held in Philadelphia. Alford Arrows (B y an E n te rp rise R ep o rter) Young At 60, Or Old At 40? Diet Decides Women a re as old or- a s young os th eir state of health. A woman may he young nt sixty years a r old a t for­ ty. It ull depends on tier physical well-being. Youth and beauty havd a founda­ tion In sound health. A nd food Is easily the most im p o rtan t Item In health. In giving eon sld era'lu n to rite subjects of diet and b eauty, w unin) should not forget the food essentials th a t make for the pres ervatlOn of teeth, hair, figure and complexion. Blame for round shoulders, flat chest and poor teeth a n a,n g women Is due in large m easure to faulty diet, or, specifically, fo a lack o f lime and phosphorus. Milk, or evaporated milk, which is sim ply cow 's milk with 00 per cent of the w ater ta k e n «way. Is especially rich In IlmF Because of th e con cen t "atlon of evaporated milk, which Is regulated by governm ent stan d ard s. It I* of GRIEF GENERAL NEWS A heavy hail storm dam aged 2000 acres of w heat on furm s n ortheast of Kimball, Neb. (inc hundred nnd fifty two cadets were graduated from the United S lates m ilitary academ y. They will lie com­ missioned as second lieutenants. Evidence show ing expenditures of at least $3.000,000 in the recent re­ publican prim ary cam paign In Penn­ sylvania has been presented to tho sen­ ate investigating com m ittee. Tho contest brought by ex S enator Magnus Johnson against S enator Schall, republican, of Minnesota, was dropped when the senate com m ittee filed its report recom m ending dismis- .-,«1 of tho case. R etu rn s from the republican sena­ to rial prim ary in Iowa, showed Sm ith W. B rookhart, Insurgent and form er senator, nom inated over Senator Al­ bert n. Cummins, adm inistration sup­ porter, by about 70,000 plurality. Every man. woman and child In (h-4 United S tates should have had 22 ren te more on June 1 than on June 1 a year ago. the treasu ry disclosed In announc­ ing th a t the per capital distribution was $42 11 on that date The am ount was a pi-r cap ita advance of 10 cents over May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stum p and Sam Templeton of Long Beach, four children of L ob G atos, C ali­ California and nephew A lton W il­ fornia spent Saturday evening, a t liams visited a t J. I*. T em pleton’s the a . E . W hitbeck home. Mr. several days last week. Stum p is a B aptist m inister and A large num ber from this v icin ­ 'they are old friends of the W hit- ity attended the piatiic a t Pence's beck’s. grove S atu rd a y . E. D. Ieom and fam ily visited Mr. and M r» G. J . Rike and Mr*. Isom 's mother, Mrs. L. E. grand children of the former were Bond, in Albany Sunday. Mr«. business visitors in Albany several Bond has ju st returned from a trip lay« last week. to Los Angeles, Calif. A ndy Christensen and wife were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Curtis and Sunday dinner guests at A. L. Delta, Chari es, D ein, A nna I-ouise F a lk ’s and E lnora «pent Sunday at tie Mrs. J. N. E lliot and son M illon J a y C urtis home near Lebanon. accompanied R andall and Bertba Mrs. J. H. Rickard, daughter Zellmer to A lbany T hursday a fte r­ C om m ittee Action Kills Wet Bills Miss L illie and «on Em ory atten d ­ noon. W ashington, B. C .- T h e senate Judi­ ed the wedding of their niece and ciary com m ittee reported eight wet H erm an Stienkes visited at G. cousin, Miss Jessie Jenks to Mr. hills with a recom m endation th at ac­ R ike’s Saturday evening. Wm. Pendleton, son of the Meth­ double the richness of ordinary m a r­ tion on them bo indefinitely postpon- Ella and Della Falk visited at R. odist m inister, in T angent at the ket milk, us 1« Kbown in the following jd. This m eans that the m easures will E. Bierly’s T hursday. I die with hut little If any serious con- M. E. Church T hursday of last table : O rdinary Milk. | ulderatlon on the floor. The bills ro­ Mrs. C. B. Philpott and d a u g h ­ week. F at ......................,...8 .» to 4 per cent 'p o rte d Included the proposal by Sen- ter«, Leone and Bernice picked Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Whitbeck Proialn* ...................».g i o « p,.r ... j ato r Bruce, dem ocrat ot Murylund. for loganberries a t the King te rry were S(in<|ay afternoon callers at Mineral* ............ .7 to .75 per cent a constitutional am endm ent to le t ranch last week. E vaporated Milk. stales decide w hether they w ant pro- the Carl Seefeid home. i 'a t • • • • • • • ..............1 8 to »2 per cent hibltlon. L. R. Faik and son Charies were S ug ar ( l a c t o s e ) ,.,,» 5 to 10 per cent Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe drove Proteins .......... ....... 7 5 to S.Z p ir cent business callers at Albany S itn r- to Buena Vi«ta W ednesday of last M in erals ....................1.4 to 1.« per cent U. ot W. G raduates 1500. day. week taking their grand dau g h ter, A q u art of milk a day for adults Is Seattle. W ash.—The largest gradua­ Mr. and Mr«. J. P. Templeton Vena Godwin home after a two recommended by doctors not only be tion class in the history of the Uni­ attended the birthday dinner ami we ks stay. She was helping to cause of Its high m ineral content, hut versity of W ashington left th a t In­ for th e reafcnn* th u t It help* keep the supper given a t the Presbyterian care for her grandm other durii g digestive tra c t In proper comlltlon, stitution, when the 61st commence, church a t Brownsville Friday. her illness. strengthens th e leely to re«l«t dl«ease, m ent exercises of th e university were held In the stadium . Approxim ately and gives proper balance to the diet. The dinner qas given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. R o b n e ttn rd Salads also play an Im portant p art 1200 student« com pleted courses this Mr. Tem pleton's fath er’s seventy- daughter Dori* of Eugene ep< nt In the dietary. Some sort of a naiad, q u arter and nearly 300 during the win­ fifth anniversary. Sunday evening a t the E. D. 1st in lettuce, tom ato, fresh fruit, cabbage ter q u arter, m aking a total of 1500. or vegetable, should he eaten a t least Miss Nellie Falk spent Thura- home. day w ith her aunt, Snodgrass. Mrs. Alex Wilma and Lois Falk spent Sun­ day with Velda and Alice Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. V anniceand Work at the Porter gravel pit children, K enneth, Roberta a n d * b a t stopped for a few days to al- E dna «pent last week visiting rela-ilow the men to e v e for th eir hay lives in W ashington and Idaho. crop. once a day. N eith er Is the dally menu complete w ithout a generous quality of coarse, leafy vegetables, valnnble for th eir high vitam in con­ tent. F ruit juices also have very beneficial properties. If a woman follows out the rule« of diet, birthdays to her will he nothing * ga n a te s • m « aa Lticwiavvu. 140th A nniversary of Flag Observed. P hiladelphia. — Philadelphia observ­ ed the 149th an n iv ersary of the Star« ! and S trip es Monday with a double I celebration, m arking the anniversary 1 ot »*>« birth ot the American flag and tne dedication of the Sesqui U aatra- nial exposition.