Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 10, 1926, Image 1

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Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Doings of Our Populace
Chronicled in Briet
z ¿eAzt/up
Harry Mason was down from Al­
bany Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross were
Albany visitors Saturday.
Ruby Schroll was a guest
Miss Beulah Miller Sunday.
Kirk Kinks
Zero Hours of Automobile
Accidents, 4, 5 and 8 P. M.
(e n te rp ris e Oorreepondence)
W. A. Carey of Salem was in this
vicinity Monday.
Miss Beulah Miller was a week
end guest of Mrs. Lorena Kizer.
R. E. Bierly attended a meeting at
Harrisburg Monday evening.
Grandma Robe of Brownsville
Brownsville high school will «ire
pupils credit for icstona imbibed at
Sunday school.
T here were 758 automobiles sold
in Linn county in 1925, against
8»2 the year beiore.
Proselyting” will be discussed by
the pastor at the Methodist church
No more ’’ Top of .the World ” Sunday morning.
pictures as premiums for new
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Knighten and
subscriptions. Stock exhausted. daughter Thelma of Albany were
The new American Legion hall, Halsey visitors Wednesday.
over the Howe store in Browi s-
Mrs. Ellsworth Shedd came up
ville, is floored w ith a view to
Shedd Thursday to attend the
meeting of the ladies’ club.
A big blow (oot political) came
on Tuesday night and continued
A. L. Falk and Albert West are
oft and on for two or three days.
tutting wood at Pine Grove.
With it and following it came the
Mr. and Mrs. Horace McKinney of
Salem were guests at C. P. Moody's
last week.
Mrs. Alonzo Neal has joined her
husband at Cochran, where he is
track walker.
I Wind Waa not Political...
Rain Dampened no
M. B. Harding and son* motored '
to Eugene Sunday.
Mrs. F. M. Gray was with th)
Mrsv C. P. Moody went to Harris­
majority who have the grip las« burg Tuesday to visit Mr. Moody’s
Big Blow Beals
Oregon Record
L. Falk jr. and family were heaviest downpour of rain thia
Sunday visitors at W. A. Falk’s.
season, reaching its crest Saturday,
5:00 P. M
4:00 P. M.
8:00 P M
Q N B thousand and thirty of Chicago’s 11.785 auto accidents last year
according to the Stewart-Warner Safety Council for the prevention at
automobile accidents, occurred between five and six o’clock, just when con-
gestion is at Its worst In the home-going rush. Only 47 of these 1 030 acci­
dents were fatal.
Four o'clock is the children’s zero hero. Thirty-three of the 182 children
killed by autos In Chicago last year came to grief at four o’clock, playing In the
streets after school.
Seven to nlue is the dangerous time for adult auto fatalities, according
Io Chicago’s 1024 record. Elghty-alx of 353 such deaths occurred around the
theater going hours.
Some of the Kirk Kinks were when bone-dry Oregon became
decicedly wet, though would-be
drowred in the recent high water.
boozers failed to duly appreciate
U M. Miller was a caller at R. E. (be fact.
Bierly’* and L. R. Falk’s Friday.
Trees and branches mixed things
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harding were up for the electric people. Halsey
was without juice from Tuesday
guests at M. B. Harding’s Thursday
eyening at 7 until after midnight.
At Brownsville an evening churoh
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steinke and meeting wse foregone for want of
H. J. Falk were at L. R. Falk’s (worldly) light.
Boards blown from over our city
water tauk crossed H street and
V. n . and A. L? Falk attended the
Drunken drivers are to blame for more than half these acci- tractor demonstration at Harrisburg smashed the south window of the
i Koontz store.
de is. Do you want to doable and treble the awful toll by m a k - Friday.
George Cross came over from Cor­ ,ng tire Volstead act less stric t?
A few shingles, picked up from
vallis and spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey and ■ undry roofe, weie scattered over
his brother, Eldon, and wife.
Gilbert Carey were visitors at Cecil ¡town.
A seotion of iron roof blew off
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton and
the reeidenoe of Mrs. Amelia P.
children were dinner guests of Mr.
J. H. Vannice and wife had for a Smith end teok a flue with it.
Miss Undine Danuen, recovered
teacher of the Pine Grove schorl
Alford Arrows
Pine Grove Points
The mission of M. S K. C lark ’s
sons and daughter from California
to Halsey was a joyful failuie and Mrs. C. P. Stafford Sunday.
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
week end guest their niece, Mildred
(By Special Correspondent)
There wee comparatively little
They were summoned to see their
Hubbard of Salem-
A son was bom a few days ago
Velda Curtis spent Monday night
damage, considering the velocity
father die and from (be time they
to Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon at Ta­ with Beverly Isom.
bany callers Wednesday.
Cecil Bilyeu and J. P. Templeton of tne wind and the volume of the
all arrived he has been getting
coma. Mrs. Lyon is C. C. Jackson’s , Mrs. Wallace Hawk of Springfield
have completed the chickenbouse at downpour. No serios damage at
the former’s place.
sea it reported. Washouts and
spent Friday at Lee Ingram’s.
school Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of
landslides caused some trouble on
On account of high water some of
Mrs. Lee Ingram and Thelma spent
Lon,g Beach, Calif., have been visit­
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy visited at
lend routes
the Lake Creek folic had to drive Sunday evening at John Rolfe’s.
I any Friday, bringing thsir daugh­
ing relatives and friends in Halsey
Will Eagy’s a t Oakville Sunday.
A section of road eoutbweet of
around by Harrisburg to get to
ter Grace home with them for the Halsey is closed by the washing
Mrs. Morgan is a sister of J. A church at Halsey Sunday.
E. D. Isom rind lee Ingram went
Edwin Blood and Mrs. Mac Mark­ week end.
out of a bridge at the Carey pleoe.
Stevenson. They expect to return
to Albany one day last week.
ham were Albany visitors Friday.
Mrs. Charles Arnold of Shedd had
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice mot­
Miss Sophia Heinrich of Corvallis ored to Monmouth Thursday to make
an interesting time when a horse
Mr,, and Mrs. Fred Burkhart are
Thursday the Multnomah grand stepped on one of her feet and she spending a few days at their farm.
spent the week end with her par- arrangement • for their daughter,
jury indicted Vincent Murphy, Inter dropped a flatiron on the other,
Ellen, who
{oing to attend normal.
Finley McClain, a Harrisburg boy,
James M urray and George Weloh hut her injuriea dre abating.
(. Joa Elliott. W. R.
Mr. Gardner and Adrain Smith
for receiving the bond« looted
Misses Meariw Straley an<J Buulah Sunday.
are doing carpenter work at N. E. Kirk and son\\VUIia and C. k Falk
from the Shedd bank. They are
sr. were among those from thia vi­
in custody in Portland. Nobody Miller and Eeroy Straley were among
Rev. Mr. Gillespie and wife and Chandler’^.
is tolling who has custody of those Halsey people who attended a basket son of Peoria spent Friday night at
cinity who attended Mrs. Lulu
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cadwallader of Brock’s sale.
social at Rowland school house Fri­ J. H. Rickard’s.
Eugene are spending a few days at
day evening. The proceeds amount­
Chester Curtis and family spent Elmer Cadwnllader's.
ed to a little over $23.00.
Hilarious Females Halted
Sunday at Charles Tandy's, near
M i. and Mrs. Bert Haynes spent
Rev. Robert Parker, Meadames J.
A couple of Eugene women drove
Friday at Harrisburg, Bert attend­
W. and W. G. McNeil, Mrs. Eliza
an automobile erratically in Halsey
Brandon, Mrs. A. W. Foote, Mrs. A.
Alice and Josephine Comely came ing the tractor school.
Sunday night and Night Watchman
F. Albertson and A. J. Hill braved home from Eugene because the water
McDowell took charge of them and
the storm to attend Friday’s Holiness I was so high the mill could not run.
Sunday association
Miss Ruby Dorst of Willamette U turned them over to Sheriff Richard,
at Sweet Home.
J. I. Isom of Oakridge and C. E. , spent the week end at the Pehrsson who took them to Albany to look into
S e r m o n S u b je c ts:
the cause of their hilarity.
Thursday afternoon the Study club Mercer and A. F. Robnett and daugh- ! hom<
McDowell swore out a warrant for
enjoyed a Valentine party at Mrs. ter Deris of Eugene spent Saturday
Morning service, 11 a. m.,
Misses Grace Pehrsson and Agnes the arrest of Grant Reynolds on a
Drinkard’s. Mrs. S. J. Smith and night and Sunday at E. D. Isom's.
Chandler came from Monmouth Fri­ charge of resisting an officer in con­
Mrs. Dr. Marks gave a costume dia­
Mrs. Clara Gause of Hubbard spent day evening to spend the week end nection with the case, and fireworks
log. Mrs. W. A. Muller got the
Evening eerviee, 7:30 p. m
may eventuate. The women's car ia
first prize in an archery contest and the week end at the home of her nt their homes here.
at Burbank’s garage, looking as if
Mrs. C. H. Koontz the consolation brother, Joe CersoVski, and family.
John Cersovski of Eugene also visit- j
rank Workinger spent last we°k it had seen hard usage. Sheriff Rich
prize. Next meeting at Prof. Pat n . l
i _
i n t n i e rt£»i rvki
.... I t . . — _ _ 1
in this neighborhood
and ard found no booze in it. Apparent-
repairing a tractor and car for ly the stuff had a'J been coutumed
Miss Lillie Rickard came home Fri F rank Gibson and a tractor for E. E.
(Continued on prge 8)
No word has come as to the fate
day evening for the week end and Hover,
of the females in Albany.
was unable to go back to her school j
The men of the neighborhood, di-
in Benton county for several days on
The directors of the Pine Grove
| ’ ided into three crews, spent Tues­
account of the high water.
day of last week overhauling the cemetery forbid any vehicles enter­
telephone lines, but the wind of ing the grounds except the hears«
Tuesday night threw some trees end the family car at funerals.
across it, so that it now needs more
(Enterprise Correspondent)
J. A. Bums and family spent Sun­
day afternoon at J. S. Nicewood’s.
Owing to the very bad weather $3,127,188 27 collected In t»25 for
Gain of 17 P e r Cent.
Mrs. Roy Owen was taken ill Sun­ the speaker from Corvallis expected
at the community meeting did not
day and is confined to her bed.
Salem, Or.—The elate tsx on itaso
arrive. P. A. Pehrsson gave a talk
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Curtis of on the Farmers’ Union, ami music line and distillate used In Oregon slur
Nixon were Friday guests at Henry by the Pine Grove orchestra enter­ ln< 1925 aggregated $3.127.188 2 7, a
gain of 17 per cent over the revenue
tained those brave enough to venture from the name source In 1824, accord
Among those suffering from grip out on so stormy a night.
Ing to a statement prepared by Se< ire
last week were Mi*, and Mrs. Peter­
tary of State Kozer. Collect Iona of
sen and son Glenn, Junior Williams Coos B ay S a w m ill C uts 700,000 F e et. atate tazes on motor fuel otla for 1!824
and Sammy Brock.
Marshfield. Or.—The large Coos Bay are shown In the statement as $2.(72.
home in a couple of weeks.
“ Proselyting* »,
“ Pilgrim’s
c J;
ljrKW lLKllLO<
„ ,
. , . ’ d what Is believed to be a world's
tended a party given Saturday night
. . . .
u ».
.» <
» ,„
record for lumber production during
by Mi. and Mrs. R. Brock were Mr. „„
. ...
,n **<ht hour shift when It turned
and Mm Henry Brock, Clarence Wd- out 7oo ,,00
A nPW month,y rP(.orrt
Roy Owen.
January with a dally average of 582,
up to
Mr. and Mrs. George Ledgerwool 000 feet,
----- whli
---- - h went
- — -e
— 805,000 feet
had as their guest last week end
during the latter part of the
Mis. I/Migerwood's mother. Mri. Wil- rnonlt*
lis, and brothel, Guy Willis, of Rid- ■
during the heavy storm
K good
hams and fam ily and Mr. and M r*.
die. M
Marie, a niece, was with
them. They made the drive Friday
Among those from here who at- Eumber company's mill here establlsh-
Lake Creek Locals
order J
M r*. N. T. Sneed presided at F ri­
day’s meeting of the Methodist W
F. M S and Mrs. C. P. Stafford
gave the lessen. The gathering was
at Lyman W. Patton's.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quimby's baby
was badly scalded Friday by the
contents of a hot water bottle
which escaped.
She was taken to
the Brownsville hospital.
481 98.
The 1925 taxes were paid on a ten nJ
nt 101,202.782 gallons of gaeol.’de anr^
3.877,868 gallons of distillate T o dajr
the state has collected a total << $10,
862,300 44, aa a result of the operation
of the motor fuel oil tax law. a ll of
which, except for rebates and admin
letratlve expenses. Is credited to the
state's road fuad.
Fair Stock holders’ Meet
Germany Applies for League Seat,
Berlin —The foreign relations com-
The annual meet ing of tbe st t»ck-
mlttee of the relehstag approved Oer
bolders of the L ityi County Fair
many's unconditional entry Into the
■seociatioa will ee bald in tbe
league of nations by a vote of 18 to 8.
R obert P ark er pastor,
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 3,
Epworth league, 6:30
Preaching, 7:80, , .
Praver-meeting, Thursday r 7:30
Bible S tu ly luesday, 2
Telephone wires and fru it trees
were ” shaken by ■ mighty wind"
and somewhat damaged.
Curtis Veatch had some stock
sLedt at Cottage Grove
Happenings in
Public Schools
A lbert* Kooulz wee a visitor at
tbe high schoolrooms Friday.
Charles Munger was absent from
school several days last week.
Dr. F. A. Poland, who is in charge
of the chemical engineering depart­
ment at O. A. C., spoke to the high
school and grades Wednesday after­
noon and performed many interest­
ing stunts with liquid air for the
edification of the pupils, such as
cooking an egg on ice, freezing rub­
ber balls until they broke to bits
when thrown on the floor and the
same with tin cans He also froze
gasoline and mercury, though it took
a temper ture of 490 degrees be ow
zero to do it in the case of the
Mrs. L. H. Armstrong and Mrs.
Karl Bramwell visited in Mrs. Cole­
man’s room Wednesday.
Miss Bessie Harvey expects to
discontinue her school work on ac­
count of a threatened nervous break­
« »
County tests were given last week
in arithmetic and spelling in the
seventh ind eighth grades.
The Parent-Teachers’ association
will celebrate its 29th anniversary
F riday evening. A birthday program
will be given and a birthday eake, to
be sold by the (dice, will be a fea­
ture of the evening. Proceeds to go
to the P. T. A.
At Friday evening's meeting cf the
Parent-Teachers’ association (and all
who choose to attend) the atmos­
phere will be one of patriotism, fea­
turing specially the memory of Wash­
ington md Lincoln. It will he Lin­
coln’s birthday anniversary. Read
the Lincoln article on page 7.
Mrs. J, H. Vannice and Miss Lillie
Rickard were visitors in high school
and grade rooms Monday.
Mrs. Coleman’s room had a party
in the basement playroom Tuesday
evening, which ia the outcome of a
deportment contest started, before
Christmas. The losing side gave the
party and furnished refreshment*.
June Layton and Frank Willie were
among those absent from the grades
on account of illness last week.
Mrs. Irma Shotwell »pent the week
end at her home in Salem
circuit court room! nt Albanv Sat­
urday, Feb, 13, 1926, at 1 o'clock
This meeting a for the purpose
of tleeting direetoie for the ensu­
ing year and transacting i ”ch other
busiuees as may properly come
before the meeting.
AH . t ^ o l d . , 8 o.* tbe aeeocia-
The elty council had a formal meet­
timt are*earnestly i urged to be ing Monday^ evening and adjourned
present, J. J. B ar'«tt, President, in time fori Rip Van Winkle.