(c ‘t 'f f i Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Briet Paragraphs z ¿eAzt/up Harry Mason was down from Al­ bany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross were Albany visitors Saturday. Ruby Schroll was a guest Miss Beulah Miller Sunday. of Kirk Kinks Zero Hours of Automobile Accidents, 4, 5 and 8 P. M. (e n te rp ris e Oorreepondence) W. A. Carey of Salem was in this vicinity Monday. Miss Beulah Miller was a week end guest of Mrs. Lorena Kizer. R. E. Bierly attended a meeting at Harrisburg Monday evening. parents. Grandma Robe of Brownsville celebrated her 91st birthday Thursday. Brownsville high school will «ire pupils credit for icstona imbibed at Sunday school. T here were 758 automobiles sold in Linn county in 1925, against 8»2 the year beiore. Proselyting” will be discussed by the pastor at the Methodist church No more ’’ Top of .the World ” Sunday morning. pictures as premiums for new Mr. and Mrs. Archie Knighten and subscriptions. Stock exhausted. daughter Thelma of Albany were The new American Legion hall, Halsey visitors Wednesday. over the Howe store in Browi s- Mrs. Ellsworth Shedd came up ville, is floored w ith a view to from Shedd Thursday to attend the dancing. meeting of the ladies’ club. A big blow (oot political) came on Tuesday night and continued A. L. Falk and Albert West are oft and on for two or three days. tutting wood at Pine Grove. With it and following it came the Mr. and Mrs. Horace McKinney of Salem were guests at C. P. Moody's last week. Mrs. Alonzo Neal has joined her husband at Cochran, where he is track walker. I Wind Waa not Political... Rain Dampened no Optimism M. B. Harding and son* motored ' to Eugene Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Gray was with th) Mrsv C. P. Moody went to Harris­ majority who have the grip las« burg Tuesday to visit Mr. Moody’s week. Big Blow Beals Oregon Record L. Falk jr. and family were heaviest downpour of rain thia Sunday visitors at W. A. Falk’s. season, reaching its crest Saturday, C. 5:00 P. M 4:00 P. M. 8:00 P M Q N B thousand and thirty of Chicago’s 11.785 auto accidents last year according to the Stewart-Warner Safety Council for the prevention at automobile accidents, occurred between five and six o’clock, just when con- gestion is at Its worst In the home-going rush. Only 47 of these 1 030 acci­ dents were fatal. ' Four o'clock is the children’s zero hero. Thirty-three of the 182 children killed by autos In Chicago last year came to grief at four o’clock, playing In the streets after school. Seven to nlue is the dangerous time for adult auto fatalities, according Io Chicago’s 1024 record. Elghty-alx of 353 such deaths occurred around the theater going hours. Some of the Kirk Kinks were when bone-dry Oregon became decicedly wet, though would-be drowred in the recent high water. boozers failed to duly appreciate U M. Miller was a caller at R. E. (be fact. Bierly’* and L. R. Falk’s Friday. Trees and branches mixed things Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harding were up for the electric people. Halsey was without juice from Tuesday guests at M. B. Harding’s Thursday eyening at 7 until after midnight. night At Brownsville an evening churoh Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steinke and meeting wse foregone for want of H. J. Falk were at L. R. Falk’s (worldly) light. Tuesday. Boards blown from over our city water tauk crossed H street and V. n . and A. L? Falk attended the Drunken drivers are to blame for more than half these acci- tractor demonstration at Harrisburg smashed the south window of the i Koontz store. de is. Do you want to doable and treble the awful toll by m a k - Friday. George Cross came over from Cor­ ,ng tire Volstead act less stric t? A few shingles, picked up from vallis and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey and ■ undry roofe, weie scattered over his brother, Eldon, and wife. Gilbert Carey were visitors at Cecil ¡town. A seotion of iron roof blew off Bilyeu's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton and the reeidenoe of Mrs. Amelia P. children were dinner guests of Mr. J. H. Vannice and wife had for a Smith end teok a flue with it. Miss Undine Danuen, recovered from smallpox. returned at* teacher of the Pine Grove schorl Thursday. Alford Arrows Pine Grove Points The mission of M. S K. C lark ’s sons and daughter from California to Halsey was a joyful failuie and Mrs. C. P. Stafford Sunday. (By an Enterprise Reporter) week end guest their niece, Mildred (By Special Correspondent) There wee comparatively little They were summoned to see their Hubbard of Salem- A son was bom a few days ago Velda Curtis spent Monday night Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy were Al­ damage, considering the velocity father die and from (be time they to Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon at Ta­ with Beverly Isom. bany callers Wednesday. Cecil Bilyeu and J. P. Templeton of tne wind and the volume of the all arrived he has been getting coma. Mrs. Lyon is C. C. Jackson’s , Mrs. Wallace Hawk of Springfield have completed the chickenbouse at downpour. No serios damage at better. Mrs. Beryl McNeil visited the daughter. the former’s place. sea it reported. Washouts and spent Friday at Lee Ingram’s. school Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of landslides caused some trouble on On account of high water some of The W. R. Kirlu motored to Al- Mrs. Lee Ingram and Thelma spent Lon,g Beach, Calif., have been visit­ Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy visited at lend routes the Lake Creek folic had to drive Sunday evening at John Rolfe’s. I any Friday, bringing thsir daugh­ ing relatives and friends in Halsey Will Eagy’s a t Oakville Sunday. A section of road eoutbweet of around by Harrisburg to get to ter Grace home with them for the Halsey is closed by the washing Mrs. Morgan is a sister of J. A church at Halsey Sunday. E. D. Isom rind lee Ingram went Edwin Blood and Mrs. Mac Mark­ week end. out of a bridge at the Carey pleoe. Stevenson. They expect to return to Albany one day last week. ham were Albany visitors Friday. Mrs. Charles Arnold of Shedd had Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice mot­ Miss Sophia Heinrich of Corvallis ored to Monmouth Thursday to make an interesting time when a horse Mr,, and Mrs. Fred Burkhart are Thursday the Multnomah grand stepped on one of her feet and she spending a few days at their farm. spent the week end with her par- arrangement • for their daughter, jury indicted Vincent Murphy, Inter dropped a flatiron on the other, eni,„ Ellen, who {oing to attend normal. Finley McClain, a Harrisburg boy, James M urray and George Weloh hut her injuriea dre abating. Mr. and . * (. Joa Elliott. W. R. was buried in the Alford cemetery Mr. Gardner and Adrain Smith for receiving the bond« looted Misses Meariw Straley an