Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, November 18, 1925, Image 3

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Last o f Me
She praises it
to everybody!
’ Lesson’
iB y
R B V P B r iT I W A T B R . D .P
ot tb « E v e n in g S c h o o l. M oody B lb l«
■ titu te o f C h ic a g o )
((S' I tS S , W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r V n lo n »
Charles W Morgan "D
Preserved as Relie
Mrs, Crane had indigestion for ten years;
Tanlac brought immediate relief.
Lesson for N ovem ber 22
A t <s clim ax to long year! of "cfer­
ing, *•'*«». H attie Crane got to bad
she couldn't sleep a n d there were
d a r t when the couldn't walk across
the floor. A t tim et the g a t pressure
w at to great the could scarcely
breathe. She w a t f a in t and dlzxy.
She writes: “ Tanlac brought im ­
m ediate relief a n d six bottlet were
enough to rid me of m y troubles a n d
bring back the jo y o f living. S ty health i t better than ever an J
J am to pleased with Tanlac I p ra ise it to everybody."
L E SSO N T E X T — A c ts l< t-»T.
G O L D E N T E X T — " H errin do I exsr-
c ts s m y s e lf, to h a v e a lw a y s a c o n ­
s c ie n c e vo id o f o ffe n se to w a r d God. an d
t o w ir d m en — A cta I t 1«
PR IM A R Y T O PIC — W h y P a u l W a t
N ot A fr a id
J f X I O R T O PIC — P a u l B e fo r e F e lix .
IC— P a u l B e fo r e E eltx
A C o n tr a st
IC— H ow to H ave a Good Conactenca.
AST of the wbab-ra—of
the old-time squure-rlgged
ships that galled the
Seven Seas for whale
oil. whalebone, spermaceti
and ambergris — Is the
Charles W. Morgan of
New Bedford. Elghty-four
years old. she’s In her
home port to stn.v. But
she's no dismantled hulk,
with which the elements
will have their way. She's
spick and span with fresh paint and
a new suit of canvas nnd she lies In
u concrete cradle on the waterfront of
the estate of Col. E. II. R. Green at J
Bound Hills. Henceforth her mission
Is that of object lesson of one of the
country’s greatest Industries, of which
she saw the rise, decline and fall. New
Bedford sent out her first whaler In
1755. For many years she was the
great whaling port of the world. Now
the Morgan Is as much a curiosity
to most of her people as to the lands­
man visitor front the Middle West
who thinks of a whale as "the hlg |
fish that swallowed Jonah."
Here’s how Col. Edward Howland
Robinson Green comes to be Inter­
ested In the old whaler. She was
named for Charles W. Morgan, her
first owner. Her second owner was
Edward Mott Robinson, father of
Colonel Green's mother, the famous
H etty Green.
Capt. George Fred Tilton Is the
v tr r r
a v & rf
crowning touch. He's a veteran New
a a J Jd P n rrt '
Bedford whaling skipper who looks
may he the end of the whaler.
the part. And when he spins whuling
Now, all of these things used to
yarns—why, the old days seem to live
happen In the old days. Once a whale
smashed a boat and the crew floated
Visitors? Well, rather. The old all night on the carcass—that’s a
whaler has been alive with visitors whaling classic. In J. T. Brown's
all summer from all parts of the hook, "Stray Leaves from a Whaler's
country. Most of them frankly admit Log" Is told In detail how Vera, the
complete Ignorance on the subjects of Portuguese boat steerer, uttered a cry
whales and whaling and listen round­ and "the immense glistening lower
eyed. But lots of them have read Jaw, armed with two rows of polished
“Moby Dick" or the “Cruise of the teeth, flashed from the water when
Cachalot" or "Stray Leaves from a the gigantic whale leaped Into the
Whaler’s Log"—or all three. So they air, carrying with It the head of the
take on airs.
hoot, which had snapped asunder, and
The Morgan's the real thing, all the unfortunate Vera, whose head and
right. Old as she Is. she was built long arms were suspended from the
to last. Jethro and Zacharlah Hill­ corners of the mouster’s mouth . . .
man of New Bedford built her of live Two other men, the how and midship
oak, with copper fastenings and oarsmen, were never seen again."
The Essex of Nantucket In lull) met
sheathing. She hns cruised over every
whaling ground from the Arctic to this fate: The captain and first mate
the Antarctic. For twenty years or so being fast to a big sperm whale, Owen
she sailed out of San Francisco, until Chase, second mate, headed the ship
the steam whalers put her out of busi­ toward them. The whale came to the
ness. These stenm whalers use modern surface and fiercely rammed the ship
methods and there's no adventure or bow on. stopping her as If she hud
romance In the business any more—It's struck a rock. It passed under the
ship, scraping her keel, nnd coming
Just slaughter.
Here's about the way a whale was up astern. After snapping Its Jaws
captured and handled on the Morgan and thrashing the water with Its tuil.
In the old d ays: When the lookout at the monster rammed the second time,
the masthead halls the deck with with Its head half out of water. It
•’•There she blows!" the whaleboats struck the ship directly under the
are lowered. There are five or six cathead and completely stove in her
boats, each requiring at least six bows. It then went under the ship
men. The boats race for the whale. and -disappeared to leeward. The
The first boat runs almost up against Essex sank. After ninety days of hor­
the huge bulk. The harpooner In the rifying experiences In two boats, the
how hurls the barbed weapon. The crew were picked up. the mate's boat
rowers back the boat frantically. The by the brig India of London nnd the
whale plunges down, sometimes to a captain’s by the whaler Dauphin.
There's no chance for anything like
depth of 200 fathoms. The line
sm okes out of the tub* Finally the this In modern steam whaling. The
whale comes up to breathe, usually high-speed boat can run rings around
In twenty minutes or so. Other boats j the fastest whale. A big gun In the
fix harpoons. Again .. the whale goes bow shoots a barbed harpoon carrying
down and so on Finally the whale I a botnh timed for three seconds. The
Is killed by lances. The boats then explosion Inside the whale kills In­
tow the carcass to the ship, where It stantly. The carcass Is then pumped
Is made fast to the chains so that It full of air. Ultimately the steamer
will not sink. Unless there are other tows Its captures to Its shore station
whales In sight, the men then cut up where the oil la extracted and the
the outer layer with “blubber-spades " meat canned by modern machinery.
And there's Ice. In 1871 a fleet of
Great cubical chunks are hoisted to
the deck to be "tried out” In huge forty-two whalers was caught In the
kettles, strained and stored In ensks. Arctic and only one escaped. More
But sometimes It doesn’t happen than 1.2**’ men were shipwrecked, hut
Just exactly this way. Suppose the escaped in boats. And New Bedford's
line gets around a man—that’s the loss was more than a million dollnrs.
St. Peter, so goes the old story,
end of him. Suppose the whale takps
out all the line. The axman cuts— peeked out through the Pearly Gates
and that's the last of a thousand and asked, "Who knocks so loudly?"
"John Smith, the faraoua fisherman."
feet of line. Suppose In the dying
flurries the great tall—25 feet by 7— was the answer.
"Well. I isn 't keep you out for that,
hits a boat—that’s the end of that
boat and maybe several of her crew. but go easy on your fish stories."
But John Smith told 'em, morning,
Suppose a toothed whale bites the
noon and night, to admiring throngs
boat Into splinters—that's one boat
But always there was a man on the
leas. Suppose a hlg sperm whale gets
of the circle who sneered and
mad and rams the whaler Itself—that
I. Paul Accused (vv. 1-D).
•Authentic statement from our hies.
Tsui was now In the hnnds of Felix
w ho determined to hettr Ills case after
Y o u d o n 't h a v e to ta k e ou r w ord for T a n la c . J u s t tr y th is
his accusers had come from Jerusalem.
m a rv elo u s tonic y o u rself and see how q u ick ly it b rin g s resu lts.
Ananias. the high priest, and elders
T h er e is n o th in g lik e T a n la c t o clea n se an d r e v ita liz e slu g ­
catne with Tertullus, perhaps a Ro­
gish b lo o d , restore lo st a p p e tite s an d p u t th e w h o le b o d y in
man barrister, who formally made the
fig h tin g trim .
accusation according to Roman law.
R e su lts co m e q u ick . Y o u sta r t feelin g b e tte r rig h t from
He began with flattery. He gave Felix
th e first d o se. B efore th e b o ttle is g o n e y o u w ill w onder
the fullest praise when he and all the
people knew that he lied, for Felix was
w h a t m ira cle h a s h a p p en ed to y o u .
one of the worst goverlnors, destitute
T a n la c is a b so lu te ly p u re an d h arm less. I t is a n atu ral
of morals and Justice. He brought a
to n ic , a form u la o f r o o ts, b ark s an d h ea lin g h erb s g a th e red
four fold charge against P au l:
from e v e r y p art o f th e g lo b e to brin g y o u h ea lth and stren g th
1. "A Pestilent Fellow" (v. 5).
N o tb : For Constipation, take Tanlac Vege­
This would Indicate a fellow utterly
table 1‘ills, Nature's own harmless laxative,
b a s e and corrupt—a plague.
2. An Inciter of Rebellion, a Mover '
of Sedition (v. 5).
This they hoped would bring hltn In
to conflict with the Roman power.
3. That He Was the Ringleader of
a Sect—a Schlsinatlcal Party—a Her­
etic (v. 5).
This was designed to throw con
tempt nnd suspicion upon the Chris­
tians, by this means to bring Paul into
E co n o m y
Success R u le *
deeper trouble.
“But Isn't It expensive running ■
There are scores of starters to every
4. That He Had Profaned the Tetn- finisher. Every person who gels ahead country house every summer?"
I pie (v. fi).
“No; I save money. We can’t get
recognizes, consciously or unconscious­
In this charge we see the wickedness ly, four rules for success: First, lie help to stay out there nnd my wife
again, they wilfully suppressed facts.
makes up his mind; second, he's happy bus to do all her own work."
II. Paul's Defense (vv. 10-21).
and keen at Ills work ; third, lie studies
B(«»p ( h r ( ’« I n .
This is a splendid example of the and thinks; fourth, he tlnlalies uliul
T h e h u rt o f a bu rn or a c u t «top «
strength and dignity of a man whose he starts.—Grit.
w h e n C ol«'« C arb ol Inal v e It» a p p lie d . It
h e a l« q u ic k ly w ith o u t sca r « . 30c a n d
life Is controlled by a noble purpose,
60c by a ll (IruKKiatM. o r «en d 30c to
W r i g h t • In d i a n V e g e ta b le P illa a r a not
and who has nothing to conceal, and
T h « J. VV. C ol« C o . 127 H. E u c lid A v«.,
o n ly
p u r g a tiv e .
T h e y a x **rt • to n ic » e tlo n
will not distort or suppress facta.
O ak P a r k . III.— A d v e r tis e m e n t.
on th « d lg w a tlo n .
T e a t t h e m y o u ra w lf now
1. Paul's Frankness and Courtesy
1 (v. 10).
A u tu m n M usings
There Is usually a vast difference
Flattery is entirely wanting. He ■
We can see very plainly that one
between a man's worth and what he
walked unity. It got on John Smith's gave recognition of the fact that Felix
new family Isn't going to he very
Is worth.
nerve« and lie asked St. I’eter, "Who'» had been ruler of this people long
popular In our neighborhood. They
that uppity chap who tries to queer enough to he able to Judge justly, as j If some people practice humility It moved In after dark the other night,
the habits and ways of the Jews were , Is because they are looking for the nnd nobody got a good look at their
my best fish »torles?”
familiar to him : he then In a digni­ underhold.
"Oh, that's Jonah," said St. Peter.
furniture.—Kansas City Star.
Which raises the question, Has fied manner assumes that Felix will
Jonah any right to take on airs? In render a Just decision based on ths |
other words, did the whale swallow facts of the ease.
2. The Charge of Sedition Denied
Not wishing to he caught between I (vv. 11-12).
He flatly and scornfully denied this
the upper and nether millstones of
the fundamentalist» and modernists, [ charge, showing Its utter falsity since
this deponent further snyeth not. But the time was too short, It being but
as to whether the whale could have twelve days since he went to Jeru­
swallowed Jonah, why, bless you, that salem. and half of that time had been |
all depends upon the kind of whale apent as a prisoner of the Romans.
3. The Charge of Heresy (vv. 14-
It was. If Jonah's whale was like the
one shown In the old print reproduced lfl).
Thia he met by a concession and a
—why, one gulp could have done It.
For this Is a toothed whale (cacha­ denial. He admitted that he was of
lot, sperm whale, spermaceti whale). this "way" which they called heresy,
Its length often runs to sixty feet. Its hut denied that Christians were schis­
head forms about one-half Its hulk matics. He showed clearly that Ills ac- j
and extends more than one-third of Its lions were In keeping with the Hebrew
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
length. Its mouth Is very large and religion.
(1) He worshiped the same God >
wide and its throat Is large enough to
(▼. 14)
pass a man with ease.
(2) He fully believed In the same
Incidentally, there's a new book out 8crlptures (v. 14).
—“Our Naval Heritage," by Lieu­
(3) He had the same hope of a
tenant Commander Fitzhugh Green, coming resurrection of the dead (v. I
U. S. N„ F. A. O. S., M. Sc. The 15).
jacket soya It'» "officially approved;
He declared that he had «« the prin­
read and checked by the historical ciple of life a conscience void of of
section of the Navy department.” And fense before God and man
in the very first chapter we find thia;
. Accept only “ Bayer” package
(4) The Charge of Sacrilege or Prof
anntlon of the Temple (vv. 17-21).
which contains proven directions.
M o reo v er. It Is r e a lly s u r p r is in g h o w
m a n y o f th e e a r ly
la b s w ere
This charge he refuted by showing:
Bandy "Bayer” boxea of If tableta
fo u n d e d on fa c ta th a t d ctled e x a g g e r a ­
(1) That he had come all the way (
Also bottle« of 24 and 100— Druggists.
tio n
T ake
th e
w h a le and
. O ur o w n L ite r a r y D ig e s t
from Greece (v. 17). to worship at j
A w lrta I» tha trade a irk at B tjrt Meno feet,ire of Moooaeetltwtdeeter of RallextlcaeM
h a s p r in te d a tr u e s to r y o f a w h a le r
the feast.
la u n c h in g tw o w h a le b o a ts o f a fu ll
e q u ip m e n t o f m en In an a tte m p t to
(2) That he did not come up empty- ,
F o u n ts o f Sweets
C o n s e r v a t io n
c a p tu r e a g ig a n t ic sp e rm w h a le . In
handed but had brought alms for Ids
According lo a recent statistical
th e b a t t le w ith th e m o n s te r th e w h a le
“Your wife aaya you can't keep any­
c a p s iz e d o n e o f th e b o a ts
A ll o f th e
nation (v. 17).
survey, the chief centers of candy
thing from her."
m en w e r e s a v e d e x c e p t tw o w h o w e r e
(3) That there were not competent
"Khe la mistaken
I hnve a qunr manufacture In the United State« ara
s u p p o s e d to h a v e b een d r o w n e d
w h a le w a s s u b s e q u e n t ly k ille d
witnesses present to testify of his be­ ter Inside the lining of my vest at thia New York, Chicago, Boston, Cam­
d a y s la te r It w a s c u t up, an d to t h s lr
bridge. Maas.; Cleveland, Pittsburgh
havior In the temple (v. 19).
very moment."—Judge.
v a s t a s to n is h m e n t , th e m en fo u n d o n e
and Sun Francisco.
(4) By challenging his enemies to
o f th e ir s h ip m a te s w h o m th e y had
t h o u g h t d ead ly in g u n c o n s c io u s In th e
testify as to his conduct In the roun- j
V e r if ic a t io n
b e lly o f th e w h a le
T h e m an s n a m e
w a s J o h n B a r t le y , a n d h e A n ally r e ­
ell (v. 20).
Best of all |iayrhoanulyata la a man'»
Officer-Kay! You can't swim there!
c o v er e d .
III. Fall» T rtm bles Betors Paul
Bather—I know I can’t. I'm drown conscience. It knows and he kuowa
It knowa
On the other hand. If Jonah met np (vv. 22 27).
lo g I
This Is a sort of a sequel to the
with a toothless whale— why. there
was nothing doing, except by wny of trial. Wicked as Felix was, Paul's
miracle. The toothless whale may be manner somehow won his favor,
Ills j
Just as hlg as a toothed whale nnd though he did not release him
have Just as large a mouth, hut that sentence was Indulgent Imprisonment,
mouth I* rhoek full of whalebone, which kept him free from his enemies
through which 1» «trained the food. while under Itomsn protection. Felix
Beside«, the gullet Is absurdly small sent for Paul that he might hear of
Christ from him. Paul behaved him­
for ao huge a creature.
^ x \\\v x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\>
Those who think of a whale as a self aright before these sinners In high
H e reasoned of righteousness,
"hlg fish" should think again. It's
self-control and of Judgment to come,
hlg enough—the only bigger living
before Felix and his sinful wife with
thing la the Big Tree of California.
such power thst Felix wss terrified,
But the whale Is as much an animal
snd declared thst he wonld hear Paul
as a horse or « sheep It has lon gs;
further at a convenient time. This
breathes air; gives birth to Its young was a most flimsy excuse for not
and suckles It. Moreover, the mother changing his life and granting Jostles
whale displays great affection for her to Paul.
12-foot offspring.
C hildren C ry FOR
C astoria
Increasing Burden*
the tower, but because of valuable ob­
jects stored w ithin
Expert burglars,
however, managed to enter, scale the
Theft from a temple of the apex of tower, remove Its Jade and gold fop,
n almost priceless Jade tower, has and make off with a number of golden
Iven the Peking detective bureau a linages.
roblem. The tower In question was
T rib u te to th e O p e n F ir e
onstructed more than 2.000 years ago
In the Are! The plumber
rlthln the Hal Huang San. a Lama
ample. Its top contained 300 ounces with all his modern art falls to produce
f gold with a market value of about ; the crudest daub. Ills background of
0.200. Priests guarded the temple by piped calories gives forth no romantic
ay and by night—not with any Idea j coloring. No chord of fancy vibrate«
hat the top would be removed from 1 In harmony with thermodynamics. But
Clever Japanese Thieves
how countless the poet« Inspired by
the open fire, how endless the scene«
portrayed by painters of words before
the blazing hearth, what tender mem­
ories evoked thereby! In the hectic
rush of modern life It may be that the
people of the world still have need In
tlielr hearts snd homes foF the calming
Influence of the friendly fire.—“B. F.”
in Chriatlan Science Monitor.
Use N a t u r a l C ae
Oklahoma la the only «late of the
Union without an artificial gas planL
The man who Increase« the hardens
of his brother will find hla own load
growing heavier.—Western Christian
R evenga
Revenge la sweet to the taste but I
bitter In the heart.—Western Christian
F aith mean« surrender of the wftl.—
Western Christian Advocate.
M O T H E R :- F letcher’»
Castoria it especially pre­
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages
of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there­
from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the
assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep.
T o avoid imitations, always look fo r the signature o f
Absolutely Ila rm le s t - N o <Ipiatrs, Physicians everywhere recommend i t