RURAL EN TER PR ISE Last o f Me IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SiindaySchool She praises it 33 to everybody! ’ Lesson’ Whalen iB y R B V P B r iT I W A T B R . D .P ot tb « E v e n in g S c h o o l. M oody B lb l« ■ titu te o f C h ic a g o ) ((S' I tS S , W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r V n lo n » Charles W Morgan "D Preserved as Relie Mrs, Crane had indigestion for ten years; Tanlac brought immediate relief. Lesson for N ovem ber 22 PAUL B EFO R E A t wide and its throat Is large enough to (▼. 14) Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago pass a man with ease. (2) He fully believed In the same Incidentally, there's a new book out 8crlptures (v. 14). Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism —“Our Naval Heritage," by Lieu­ (3) He had the same hope of a tenant Commander Fitzhugh Green, coming resurrection of the dead (v. I U. S. N„ F. A. O. S., M. Sc. The 15). jacket soya It'» "officially approved; He declared that he had «« the prin­ read and checked by the historical ciple of life a conscience void of of section of the Navy department.” And fense before God and man in the very first chapter we find thia; . Accept only “ Bayer” package (4) The Charge of Sacrilege or Prof anntlon of the Temple (vv. 17-21). which contains proven directions. M o reo v er. It Is r e a lly s u r p r is in g h o w m a n y o f th e e a r ly sea la b s w ere This charge he refuted by showing: Bandy "Bayer” boxea of If tableta fo u n d e d on fa c ta th a t d ctled e x a g g e r a ­ (1) That he had come all the way ( ____ Also bottle« of 24 and 100— Druggists. tio n T ake th e w h a le and Jonah yarn . O ur o w n L ite r a r y D ig e s t from Greece (v. 17). to worship at j A w lrta I» tha trade a irk at B tjrt Meno feet,ire of Moooaeetltwtdeeter of RallextlcaeM h a s p r in te d a tr u e s to r y o f a w h a le r the feast. la u n c h in g tw o w h a le b o a ts o f a fu ll e q u ip m e n t o f m en In an a tte m p t to (2) That he did not come up empty- , F o u n ts o f Sweets C o n s e r v a t io n c a p tu r e a g ig a n t ic sp e rm w h a le . In handed but had brought alms for Ids According lo a recent statistical th e b a t t le w ith th e m o n s te r th e w h a le “Your wife aaya you can't keep any­ c a p s iz e d o n e o f th e b o a ts A ll o f th e nation (v. 17). survey, the chief centers of candy thing from her." m en w e r e s a v e d e x c e p t tw o w h o w e r e (3) That there were not competent "Khe la mistaken I hnve a qunr manufacture In the United State« ara s u p p o s e d to h a v e b een d r o w n e d The w h a le w a s s u b s e q u e n t ly k ille d Two witnesses present to testify of his be­ ter Inside the lining of my vest at thia New York, Chicago, Boston, Cam­ d a y s la te r It w a s c u t up, an d to t h s lr bridge. Maas.; Cleveland, Pittsburgh havior In the temple (v. 19). very moment."—Judge. v a s t a s to n is h m e n t , th e m en fo u n d o n e and Sun Francisco. (4) By challenging his enemies to o f th e ir s h ip m a te s w h o m th e y had t h o u g h t d ead ly in g u n c o n s c io u s In th e testify as to his conduct In the roun- j V e r if ic a t io n b e lly o f th e w h a le T h e m an s n a m e w a s J o h n B a r t le y , a n d h e A n ally r e ­ ell (v. 20). Best of all |iayrhoanulyata la a man'» Officer-Kay! You can't swim there! c o v er e d . III. Fall» T rtm bles Betors Paul Bather—I know I can’t. I'm drown conscience. It knows and he kuowa It knowa On the other hand. If Jonah met np (vv. 22 27). lo g I This Is a sort of a sequel to the with a toothless whale— why. there was nothing doing, except by wny of trial. Wicked as Felix was, Paul's miracle. The toothless whale may be manner somehow won his favor, Ills j Just as hlg as a toothed whale nnd though he did not release him have Just as large a mouth, hut that sentence was Indulgent Imprisonment, mouth I* rhoek full of whalebone, which kept him free from his enemies through which 1» «trained the food. while under Itomsn protection. Felix Beside«, the gullet Is absurdly small sent for Paul that he might hear of Christ from him. Paul behaved him­ for ao huge a creature. ^ x \\\v x \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\> Those who think of a whale as a self aright before these sinners In high life H e reasoned of righteousness, "hlg fish" should think again. It's self-control and of Judgment to come, hlg enough—the only bigger living before Felix and his sinful wife with thing la the Big Tree of California. such power thst Felix wss terrified, But the whale Is as much an animal snd declared thst he wonld hear Paul as a horse or « sheep It has lon gs; further at a convenient time. This breathes air; gives birth to Its young was a most flimsy excuse for not and suckles It. Moreover, the mother changing his life and granting Jostles whale displays great affection for her to Paul. 12-foot offspring. T A N L A C FOR YO U R H E A L T H m SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST 1 | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | C hildren C ry FOR C astoria Increasing Burden* the tower, but because of valuable ob­ jects stored w ithin Expert burglars, however, managed to enter, scale the Theft from a temple of the apex of tower, remove Its Jade and gold fop, n almost priceless Jade tower, has and make off with a number of golden Iven the Peking detective bureau a linages. roblem. The tower In question was T rib u te to th e O p e n F ir e onstructed more than 2.000 years ago Pictures In the Are! The plumber rlthln the Hal Huang San. a Lama ample. Its top contained 300 ounces with all his modern art falls to produce f gold with a market value of about ; the crudest daub. Ills background of 0.200. Priests guarded the temple by piped calories gives forth no romantic ay and by night—not with any Idea j coloring. No chord of fancy vibrate« hat the top would be removed from 1 In harmony with thermodynamics. But Clever Japanese Thieves how countless the poet« Inspired by the open fire, how endless the scene« portrayed by painters of words before the blazing hearth, what tender mem­ ories evoked thereby! In the hectic rush of modern life It may be that the people of the world still have need In tlielr hearts snd homes foF the calming Influence of the friendly fire.—“B. F.” in Chriatlan Science Monitor. Use N a t u r a l C ae Oklahoma la the only «late of the Union without an artificial gas planL The man who Increase« the hardens of his brother will find hla own load growing heavier.—Western Christian Advocate. R evenga Revenge la sweet to the taste but I bitter In the heart.—Western Christian Advocate. Faith F aith mean« surrender of the wftl.— Western Christian Advocate. M O T H E R :- F letcher’» Castoria it especially pre­ pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there­ from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. T o avoid imitations, always look fo r the signature o f Absolutely Ila rm le s t - N o