Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 28, 1925, Image 1

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    A g rc u ltu re
H o rtc u ltu re
L i v e s to c k
A W eekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land
Halsey Happenings
and County Events
school to be treated for kleptoma
Doings of Our Populace
Chronicled in Brief
Word has be n received ths
Miss Marv Evans and her aisle-
Mrs. Lackev, «pre to leave Chica
csgo the 86th and are due it
Portland tomorrow.
Mr. and M r- Herman Bethma
and four chi'drpn from H"o
River and Miss Freda Koch «
Portland were at Hans Koch’s fi
the week end. The visiting ladie
are Mrs Koch's daughters.
Guy C. Stafford of Ralstor,
Wash., and his sister-in-law, Mrs
J. H all cf M yrtle Creek, passe,
here today on their way to Eugetn
and Stafford’s brother Clive went
from here with them, the brothers
coming back in the evening:
Fresh oysters— not the canned
goods Halsey has been used to. Mrs
Pugh expects to have them at
Dad's and M am ’s restaurant aftei
Saturday. Young man, take your
girl and give her a treat,
A report is out that Arthur
Wesley’ s cancer, cured by the
x-ray a year or two ago," after
surgeons had operated twice and
pronounced the ca-e hopeless, is
coming back. A rthu r rays that
if it is he has not discovered the
Pine Gi ove Points
Brandon got home yester
Guy Merriam came
furlough yesterday.
home on
The Peoria U go I Go club has
resumed meetings for the winter
No more noon trains for Albany.
I »el man Wahl was home from O
Mrs. W- P. Wahl has her ton­ A. C. over the week end.
sils out.
Miss Grace K irk, who teach«»
Miss Maria Evans went to Eu near Albany, was her« for the
gene Sunday to visit her niece wtek end.
Mrs. Em m s Robinsoj.
Young James Rector visited his
Albany street lighting system is dut «other, Mrs. L. E. Walton, at Har-
for a change as the result of a move
isburg over the week end.
ment started by a citizens’ committe<
to have Individual lamp, on curl
Partial List of Contents
Ira Wilson, 22, of Bartlett, and
lora I. Davis, 17, of Brownsville
;ot a marriage license Monday.
News of Halsey........................ psg» i
bake Creek
Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alford ____ ______________ _
All O reg o n...___ . . . . ___
Church Announcements______
School Notes_______
Serial Story ______
League of Nations Stops W a r...
Freuch Cabinet Out Because of
U. S. debt row...... ................
German Nationalists iu a H u ff..
High Income Taxes to Be Cut
A 70-year Mapmaking J o b __ _
Sanday School Lesson. . . .
Alford Arrows
Coolidge Wants More Spanking
H o n e ......____ . . . . . . . . .
Editorial Comment___ ______
John "Appleseed '• Chapman. .
New Animals Found in Arctic .
Ah Ohi l Mastodon Tusk _____
Great Outdoors—Farm Items
Markets ...........
Agriculture of the Future____
Irrigation iu This V a lle y ____
Fashions ..................
Columns of Fun...................... 2 and
jungle Story.................... - ........
What's in a Name ? . . .
D a i r y
P o u lt r y
W ool
I lappcnings in
Public Schools
(By Special Correspondent)
League of Nations
Stops Balkan W ar
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
A boy, name not g ven to us,
•■as arrested in Brownsville by the
Lee Ingram went to Eugene
tarshal Saturday for profanity in Friday.
Chester Austin and family spent Greece and Bulgaria Each As­
Low railroad fares to lhe biggest Friday evening at Julius Falk’s.
sert That Other Country
vestock show in the world, at
J- H. Rickard and family spent
ortland Oct. 31 to Nov. 7. are
Started Trouble.
Sunday at W. D. Jenks’, at Tan-
ivertised in this issue.
Genevieve, daughter of Editor
Paris.— Fighting continued on the
Joe Cersonski and family visited
•lorgan of the Harrisburg Bulletin,
Bulgarian front at the very moment
as become a member of the staff • t Th<odore Stalp’s, near Diamond * members of the league of nations
H ill, Sunday.
f the U. of O. publication, the daily
council gathered for an extraordinary
Ingram and M illaid meeting calculated to extinguish the
Wooley of Norwood island were at new Balkan flame.
Dinner guests at W. A. M uller’s Lee lugtam ’a Monday.
From Sofia came word that two
Sunday were M r. and Mrs. Z. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H o lt and Bulgar towns hitherto untouched —
Kudd of Albany, M r. and Mrs, Miss Marjorie Hawk of Salem Plpernltxa and Petrovo — had been
fhad Young of Portland and Mr. were Sunday evening callers at subjected to a bombardment by Greek
an 1 Mra. J. W . Drinkard.
Lee Ingram ’s.
On the other hand, the aggression
Ed Treviston is held to the grand
Frank Kropf and family spent was not confined to the Greeks. If all
jury on a charge of stealing a horse,
afternoon with
Mrs. reports are to be believed. An official
saddle and leather coat from J. H.
Kropf’s mother, Mrs. Hostetler Of Greek statement Issued at Athens de­
McConnell of Shedd, by whom he whs Harrisburg.
clared that the Bulgars had occupied
Sunday evening callers at Ches­ Greek territory In the neighborhood
C. R. Templeton, brother of Mrs. ter Curtis'were Julius Falk and of Demirkawour (Demirkapudn), re­
W. R. Kirk, and a Dr. White were (children, Leonard and Hatton, fusing to retire.
While contradictory statements are
guests from Portland at Kirk's at and J. H. Buruett and family.
doming out of Sofia and Athens with
-ha opening of the pheasant season.
Lee Ingram and family and Mr.
consistent rapidity, the neighboring
Joe Kirk ¡aid wife were there too.
and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck spent
A. L. Knighten spent the week end
(Halsey School Reporter)
at Alb: sty.
The high school ie eujoying a
Mrs. Beryl McNeil visited the
sense of banquet».
In feet, tome
school Thursday afternoon.
of tbe student» seem te be afraid
Mrs. Arthur Springgate spent Wed- Ihev will get indigeelioo.
nesd y night with Mrs. Haynes.
The meoagerie in Mrs. Shot-
Miss Violet Gibson of Corvallis well 1 room bee bed several addi.
tione. There ere now three froge
visited at Frank Gibson’s Sunday.
A. M. Palmer came from Eugene end * good number of epideri and
and visited George Chandler until moth».
Several itudeota ere examiaibg
Sunday .
: their work lo get tbeir book reporte
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hover and
There must be a book report
daughters of Harrisburg spent Sun­ handed in every eix wee*s this
day at E. E. Hover's.
year. The English IV atudeote
Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Ethel Gillen- must read ten pointe non.fictioo,
water and two sons of Eugene visit­ ten poinia drama and ten pointe
ed Mrs. N. E. Chandler Tuesday.
Mrs. J. A. Johnson and Hazel
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
drove to Monmouth Friday to meet
Here is some late information from
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Campbell and
children, who came to make them a one of the physiology students in
the sixth grade: «1 have forty-eight
nbs, twenty-four on each aide, which
Prof. Cosby of the poultry de «re fastened to the spim-l cord in
partment at O. A. C. will speak at the back and to th . windpipe In
the Pine Grove schoolhouse next -rent. My spinal column is compos­
Friday evening on "How lo Feed for ed of five hundred bones.”
Winter Laying.”
We learn from an eighth grado
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes, Mrs. student that Senator Sunfield will
Arthur Springgate, Ray Hover and be "beseecUd” for misconduct
Little Ione Miller, while riding to
Mrs. E. E. Ho\er went to Salem
Thursday to the funeral of their school on the "front seat” of her
brother’s bicycle Thursday morning,
uncle, Charles Annis.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hover and w-as thrown off, striking her head on
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Springgate of the pavement. ,„ d spraining her
Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. L. A, <u kle. Her foot caught in the spokes
Hover of Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 01 the wheel, c..usir\g the accident.
A photographer visited tha school
McManus of Corvallis and Ray Hov­
er were Sunday guests at Beit last week and some very good pic­
tures were Uken of the high school
a«d the grades.
Martin Ginninings and family ,
P,Mo" ■nd Mr* Coleman
spent Sunday evening with Martin's took charge of Mrs. Kizer’s room
mother, Mrs. Hannah Cummings of Thursday while she .«ended the
funeral of a l.tUe nephew .6
Ret*. H R. Tate preached here Rrowmville.
Mi. Forster stowed away a large
Sunday morning and evening.
announced an all day meeting of the sack of corn i„ the b'»ament last
Holiness Association at Peoria NoV. week, and he has quite a reputation
■ s a corn popper, too.
11. Basket dinner at noon.
< ites display considerable alarm and
also a determination In no caae to be
drawn Into the row. Rumania and
Cxecho-Slovakia both have announced
their neutrality, and Belgrade has
given the strictest orders lo prevent
invasion of her territory by the bellig­
The Oregon Historical society has
selected "The Missionary Movement
To anyone actually out of hearing
U. tho Oregon Country” as the sub­
of the gunfire, the position Is very
ject for the 1926 C. C. Bockm»« his-
hard to determine In view of the con­
“ory prize» and medals. Thd prix,.»
flicting statements from the opposing
sides. Each asserts that the other Modification of Estate
four, viz , Tint, aixty dollars;
Rtarted the trouble when firing began |
-'reond, fifty dollars; , h i < yorty
and Reduction In Income
October 19. and the Greeks In an of­
dollars; fourth, thirty dollars; for
Redmond Pearl Saturday and Sun­
lhe beat four original essayn bn the
Mrs. Charles Matthew of Goshen ficial statement asserted that tho first 1
day. The doctor is such an enthus­ visited Mrs. John Gormely last week. shot fired was by Bulgarians, who kill-1
j above named subject written and sub-
iastic nimrod that ho feels a griev­
ed a Greek sentry. His body, the Btate-(
' mitted by girls or boys over fifteen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ardry were ment avows, was recovered two hours
ance against the posters of the many
Washington. D. C. — Proposals for years of age and under eighteen
dinner guests at Martin Cummings’ later on Greek soil.
“No hunting” signs.
modification of Ihe estate tax and vears of age, attending any publfc or
On the other hand, the Bulgarians repeal or reduction of many of the Private school, academy, seminary,
In a motorcycle upset at Harris­
reiterate their first allegation that^ miscellaneous levies, as well as cut«
-liege, university, or other educs-
Mrs. Dicie Brock was a week end Greeks attacked a Bulgar post with In the Income rates appear almost
burg Sunday Ernest Everson from
institution in Oregon. Each of
Eugene was nearly scalped. Thirty
out provocation.
certain of Incorporation In the new
the four prize winners trill also re­
stitches were taken in sewing up the Williams.
I revenue measure the house ways and
ceive a handsome bronze medal
wound. The sight of his right eye
means committee will begin drafting
370} State st..
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wijfle from Char­
Write to the Orqgon state library.
H ostilities
until soon.
may be lost.
ity Grange were visitors at C. S. m any, in clu d ing civilian s, women
for particulars.
Salem, Ore.
The estate and mlscellaqeeua 1st»«
Williams’ Sunday.
(Continued on page 8)
and children, had been k illed. received considerable attention In Ihe
The L. C. & B. sewing club will 1 hen the league of nationst ordered 1 flret week of public hearings by tbs
The Ladies' Study Club tnet with
meet Thursday rftemoon at the the fighting stopped and it stopped committee. Proposals for changes In
This morning’s Oregonian says: these taxes will form Ihe main fight­
home of Mrs. Loyd Simon.
Mrs. S. J. Smith Thursday.
“ The league has shown that it has ing points In revision of Ihs law, fe
Mrs. B. M. Bond was chief engi­
There will be no school on Thurs­ power to prevent war without the dimtlon of ihe Income surtax and nor
day and Friday. Mrs. Ledgerwood aid of the UBited Slates. The Qigl V1'*-" being generally taken for neer of a hallowe’en program. Witch
way it has traveled has been longer greeted..
will attend institute in Albany.
pots and faggots burned while ghoat
and more toilsome than it would
Chairman Green of Ihe tommllfee.
were told and read. CaU and
have bean with the United State one of the advocates of federal tgsa
as a member, but, having won lion of estates, announced he fsvwed bate blinked s.t the as^mhlsrct fro^,
through to a position nfpnwer un­ modification of Ibis levy along llnee lhe lurid light of witch pots on the
aided by this republic, the league suggested hy the national committee tables.
may proudly go on its way indiffar.
on Inheritance taxation, which urged
Refreshments were In accord with
ent to our isolation. Tbe league repeal after «lx years of graduated the spirit of the evening.
Berlin.—Three nationalist members
attained full power with th» curtailm ent.
Fortune telling was a feature.
of the German cabinet resigned. They United States on tbe outside in the
Secretary Mellon, however, recom
Nuts were cracked, but the edi­
«re Herr Schiele, minister of the In
company of Russia, Mexico, Abys­ mended Immediate repeal of the ea tor'» head was not among them.
terlor; Dr. Von Schlleben, minister of sinia
How fate tax and his proposal at present
Mra. Morgason of Shedd and Mrs.
finance, and Dr. Albert Neuhaus, min ihall
wa eojoy thia kind of appears to hsve support of a majority
Woodward of Lake Creek war.
Ister of economics.
of republican members of the com gueita.
Neither a cabinet nor a parllamen
mltlee. while Representative Garner ol
tary crisis Is expected to follow the
Texas, lhe renktng democrat member
resignation of the ministers The In
A new schoolhouse was dedicated
•Ike Chairman Gr»en, has expressed
Washington, D C. — Prohibition
dlcatlons are that Chancellor Luther
on the top of a mountain near Fos­
favor of modification along lines pro
will fill the vacancies with nonpsrtl never will be adequately enforced as
ter in a district referred to as Over
posed by the Inheritance committee
»an ministers, then appear before the long as "our best people" consider it
Rain, such as
In addition to the t ¡100.000,000 tax ’he Top, Saturday.
reichstag for ratification of the se­ "smart and stylish” to serve and con­
Halsey for
reduction program advanced at the ha» not been seen
curity pact and arbitration treaties sume drinks procured In violation ol
opening seeelon of the hearings hy many moon», fell, and the steep road
the law
That represented th* opln
Initiated at Locarno.
the celebrants had climbed to reach
Political circles close to Dr, Stress- j Ion of Mrs. Mabie Walker Willehrandt, Swrxctory Mellon, suggestions have
cowse from representatives of Indus the affair became so slippery that
mann, the foreign minister, declare, assistant attorney general in charge
try and business, Including cuts In the moat of them stayed till neat
that Chancellor Luther la determined of prohibition cas»« before the Na­
the corporation levy and reduction or day, when chains were brought to
to continue the peace program Inatig tional Conn I < f Hie Congregational
repeal of the rates on admissions them for their auto tire».
urated at Locarno and that a crlal»' Churches
cigars and automobile passenger cars
has not arisen
The rhanodlor he ‘
More than 75 persons, representing
lieves that he is. assured the na-eseary (
After her return ttbm Montana,
50 national business and In
vote In the reichstag to ratify the pa«» 1 M. E. Church
where she visited her uncle, D. B.
and treaties with tbe aid of the three (
Robert Parker pastor,
before the committee and about as Standish, grid family, Mrs. Fred Tay­
middle parties and the loclallats
S un dsv school, 10.
many more will be heard this week lor went to Eugene with her hus­
whose combined votes are sufficient
Preaching, 1(.
Hearing« are to be concluded fialur band, who went there from Portland
to yield a atrong majority.
Junior League, 3,
day and the committee will start work in connection with the trip of the
Epworth league, 6:30.
Immediately on a hill which It eipects U. of O. football boys to the metrop­
Fred Robertson, William Be ¿tie
Preaching, 7:30,
to have ready to present .a tbe olis. On the way home Mr». Taylor
and the Brown family have left
Praver-mceting, Thursday, 7:30 house when congress convenes Decern called on her father, J. C. Standish,
Mrs. Lauren Dean and daughter Monday at Austin Alford’s, listen­
Margaret been at the C. P. ing to the Walker Brothers' music
A lady who has been wishing for Stafford home a few days, stopping over the radio.
a China pheasant found one hang­ on their way home from-a visit with
ing at her back door the other day
he two Dean families at Bandon.
A little detective work revealed
W. A. C.irey, in addition to the
Ihe fact that Jim McWilliams bad
Mrs. Lee Lowery returned from
been there. She enjoaed the bird improvements on the Halsey garage,
and says Jim's heart is in the right has bought J. D. Pittman’s small Oregon City Friday.
house on First street and w ill pul
O. G. Coldirne and afimiy were
Ivan Oxford of Brownsville has it on the garage lot for a residence Albany visitors Saturday.
been sent to the state training for Mr. Papman and family.
N. H. Cummings has dug his po­
Dr. Garnjobst went hunting with tato crop. The yield was fair.
Lake Creek Locals
Reducing Taxes of
the Big Fellows
Preferred Stock
! > Canned Goods
Tho Study Club
Nationalists Walk
O ut in Germany
‘ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name *
i implies—the choice of the pack.
) YY hen you buj Preferred Stock goods you
) have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-,
I lected for size, flavor and quality.
1 Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred,
1 Stock with other brands and it will meet withi
> your discriminating choice
1 Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet,
1 a price. They are sold only to those who ap-(
precíate first quality.
It is true some brands are sold cheaper, hut J
they arc sold solely on price appeal.
YVe are distributers of about thirty varieties |
of Preferred Stock goods.
Brownsville for Alberta.
*>« »
Bible Study Tuesday, 2.
ber 7.
and wife here.