A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L i v e s to c k A W eekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land Halsey Happenings and County Events school to be treated for kleptoma oia. Mrs day. Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Word has be n received ths Miss Marv Evans and her aisle- Mrs. Lackev, «pre to leave Chica csgo the 86th and are due it Portland tomorrow. Mr. and M r- Herman Bethma and four chi'drpn from H"o River and Miss Freda Koch « Portland were at Hans Koch’s fi the week end. The visiting ladie are Mrs Koch's daughters. Guy C. Stafford of Ralstor, Wash., and his sister-in-law, Mrs J. H all cf M yrtle Creek, passe, here today on their way to Eugetn and Stafford’s brother Clive went from here with them, the brothers coming back in the evening: Fresh oysters— not the canned goods Halsey has been used to. Mrs Pugh expects to have them at Dad's and M am ’s restaurant aftei Saturday. Young man, take your girl and give her a treat, A report is out that Arthur Wesley’ s cancer, cured by the x-ray a year or two ago," after surgeons had operated twice and pronounced the ca-e hopeless, is coming back. A rthu r rays that if it is he has not discovered the fact. Pine Gi ove Points Brandon got home yester Guy Merriam came furlough yesterday. home on The Peoria U go I Go club has resumed meetings for the winter No more noon trains for Albany. I »el man Wahl was home from O Mrs. W- P. Wahl has her ton­ A. C. over the week end. sils out. *1« Miss Grace K irk, who teach«» Miss Maria Evans went to Eu near Albany, was her« for the gene Sunday to visit her niece wtek end. Mrs. Em m s Robinsoj. Young James Rector visited his Albany street lighting system is dut «other, Mrs. L. E. Walton, at Har- for a change as the result of a move isburg over the week end. ment started by a citizens’ committe< to have Individual lamp, on curl posts. Partial List of Contents Ira Wilson, 22, of Bartlett, and lora I. Davis, 17, of Brownsville ;ot a marriage license Monday. News of Halsey........................ psg» i bake Creek Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alford ____ ______________ _ All O reg o n...___ . . . . ___ Church Announcements______ School Notes_______ Serial Story ______ League of Nations Stops W a r... Freuch Cabinet Out Because of U. S. debt row...... ................ German Nationalists iu a H u ff.. High Income Taxes to Be Cut A 70-year Mapmaking J o b __ _ Sanday School Lesson. . . . 1 „1 J J Alford Arrows Coolidge Wants More Spanking H o n e ......____ . . . . . . . . . Editorial Comment___ ______ John "Appleseed '• Chapman. . New Animals Found in Arctic . Ah Ohi l Mastodon Tusk _____ Great Outdoors—Farm Items . Markets ........... Agriculture of the Future____ Irrigation iu This V a lle y ____ Fashions .................. Columns of Fun...................... 2 and jungle Story.................... - ........ Superstitions................................ What's in a Name ? . . . D a i r y P o u lt r y W ool I lappcnings in Public Schools (By Special Correspondent) Ä a t 6 6 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 League of Nations Stops Balkan W ar (By an Enterprise Reporter) A boy, name not g ven to us, •■as arrested in Brownsville by the Lee Ingram went to Eugene tarshal Saturday for profanity in Friday. •ubiio. Chester Austin and family spent Greece and Bulgaria Each As­ Low railroad fares to lhe biggest Friday evening at Julius Falk’s. sert That Other Country vestock show in the world, at J- H. Rickard and family spent ortland Oct. 31 to Nov. 7. are Started Trouble. Sunday at W. D. Jenks’, at Tan- ivertised in this issue. vent. Genevieve, daughter of Editor Paris.— Fighting continued on the Joe Cersonski and family visited •lorgan of the Harrisburg Bulletin, Bulgarian front at the very moment as become a member of the staff • t Th Canned Goods > Tho Study Club Nationalists Walk O ut in Germany ‘ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name * i implies—the choice of the pack. ) YY hen you buj Preferred Stock goods you ) have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-, I lected for size, flavor and quality. i 1 Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred, 1 Stock with other brands and it will meet withi > your discriminating choice i 1 , 1 Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet, 1 a price. They are sold only to those who ap-( precíate first quality. ( It is true some brands are sold cheaper, hut J they arc sold solely on price appeal. ( YVe are distributers of about thirty varieties | of Preferred Stock goods. < M. V. KOONTZ CO. ¡ Brownsville for Alberta. A *>« » h~‘ Bible Study Tuesday, 2. ber 7. and wife here. * »9