Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 14, 1925, Image 1

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A g rc u ltu re
H o rtc u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chronicle ol Local Events and Progress on Linn County Laud
Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Doings of Our Populace
Chronicled in Brief
o c r i t i?:s
the call was intended for members
o ily.
The Hsleey garage has taken on
a new color.
Preston Newton and wife (W il-
metta Forster) have bought their
own home in Portland.
While playing in a boat Saturday
evening Leila Gansle fell and broke
Grant Taylor hag a new «¡da* her arm. She is a patient little
patient, and is going to school
H . L- Straley and wife were in regularly.
Albany Saturday.
L ast Sunday Virgil Peacock fired
Twenty-two men are working on at a supposed deer before he saw its
horns and shot Clifford Forney
the Santiam pace road.
through the lungs while they were
The Lake Creek South Methodist
hunting in the Cascadia section.
church nas a new roof,
The pheasant season opens tomor­
Mrs, Pugh is running Dad's and
and farm ers who have fed and
M am ’a restaurant again.
fattened good flocks of the birds qre
Rev. Mr. Gillespie of Peoria is putting up “no hunting” notices to
seriously ill at his home this week. protect their fences, th e ir crops and
Velva Hadley is staying with their supply of birds.
Mre. Eliza Brandon thie school
Mesdamss J. W. Moore an d L. E-
Walton were here from H arrisburg
Mre. J. W. Huseey has received Thursday.
notice that her mother died in her
1. C. Russell, SO, a Mountain
North Dakota home last week.
States Power lineman, while making
The Harrisburg
bridge will repairs after Thursday morning’s
probably be open for travel very fire _ at Shedd,
____ r ________
accidentally touched a
?°.On’ , , en good by to th e old high-power wire and dropped dead,
i «-tak in g ferry.
A fter the ghed<|
A. A. ru ssi ng of the law Arm of morning, Halsey was without elec-
T u a .m g A ru s a .n g ex p e cts to p u t trie current all day, but ju st as
, r « 0" ' V lh# darknMa was dosin* dow"
firm’s Brownsville office and most
of the afternoons here.
, everlng the flow of julce came back'
The L .k e Creek Buceyelub met B.Tbe S,h<dd f araf en owned1,by E-
at Mrs. Lyman Palmer’s Thursday! ®helby’ formerly of Brownsville, was
afternoon. An enjoyable
time w a s , destroyed’ wltb ha,f a dozen auto-
mobiles, Friday morning by a fire
had by the ladles in attendance.
M r. and Mrs. Levi Oleman of supposed to have resulted from some
Meumoutb, M r. and Mrs. Joliu fault in the electric wires. Loss
Evan« and son W ilbur and Mis: $6000 or $6000, covered by insurance.
M aria Evans of Lake Creek were
Mrs. Annie Bailey of Eugene ad­
dinner guests at C. R. Evans’ dressed the women's missionary so­
cieties of Halsey, Crawfordsville,
Last week we stated that we Sweet Home, Brownsville and other
omit such expressions as*’Everyone localities a t a meeting at Browns­
la invited to attend ” from notices ville last week Wednesday and on
we publish of religious meetings the wr.y home called on her aunt,
because they merely state what Mrs. William Wheeler, at Halsey.
everybody knows.
In the item
Ole T. Oleson and his crew have
following this atatement was a been busy the past several weeks
notice of a religious meeting in cutting, hauling and loading poles
which that very expression nas for the market. We are informed
used. That wae on) of tho*« ca*-ee th a t Mr. Oleson, Jack Gamble and
where "th e exception proves the
Smoke Dawson loaded out two cars
ru le.” The notice in question
of the long poles for the Japanese
was of a meeting of a newly
m arket. Cleve Harrison has also
fromed organization and there
might be some who would thihk b te n h e lp in g a t L in n sta tio n . T h ry
have loaded fourteen cars, and these
are the big boys th a t one man
doesn't handle by himself.—Browns­
N o lic e
ville Times.
After October 16, 1925, I
will be located at 3701 S ta te
street, S A L E M . O R E .
Bancroft Optical Co.
Dr. H arry Bancroft, Mgr.
After running through the entire
fire season safely, with no fires ex
tending over more than one-fourth ot
an acre, lightning set a fire which
spread to an area of between two and
one-half and five acres on Blowout
creek, above Detroit, Supervisor C. C
Hall of the Santiam national forest
(Continued on page 3)
Partial List of Contents
News of Halsey_____ _______ page
Pina G rove______________
Alford . . . ________________
All Oregon_______________
Church Announcements............
"Truth ia Meats” .....................
Trucks Fight C as Tax...............
School Notes ______ __________
Atrocious Cruelty to a Dog____
Gypsies Rob Halsey Restaurant
ferial Story................ ................
Fashions . . . ________ ________
“ Preferred Stock ’ means all that the nam eg
implies—the choice of the pack.
When you buj Preferred Stock goods you
have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se- ®
lected for size, flavor and quality.
Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred
Stock with other brands and it will meet with®
your discriminating choice
Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet®
a price. They are sold only to those who ap-®
predate first quality.
It is true some brands are sold cheaper, hut ®
they arc sold solely on price appeal.
We are distributers of about thirty varieties
of Preferred Stock goods.
State Rules for f o u l t r y _____
Banker Complains of Criticism
Testing thickens and Call) e
Alfalfa Hurt by Nurse Crop .
1 Harnessing Tide for P o w e r.......
Early Man m Gobi Desert____
San day School Lesson_______
Column of Fun_____________
Luther Burbank to Relax..........
7 ju n g le S to ry ________ ________
Step-saving in K itc h e n ...............
1 Fatal Oregon Train Wreck___.
Value of Carrots for the Table-
Editorial Comment___ ______
” Heretic ” Bishop T alks.____
Federation Fights Child Labor.
3 A rm y and Navy Kxtravagance.
4 Czncho-Slovak D ebt_________
H Reclamation Promises by U. S,
8 New American Legion Head__
Prudi iu Meats”
A B E R D E E N -A N G U S S T E E R " Q U E E N M E R E 2 4 T H ”
G rand C ham pion P a c ific In te rn a tio n a l L lveatock E xposition, 1424.
Bred, fed and
e x h ib ite d by Conpdon and B a ttles , Y a k im a , W ash.
At the Pacific International Live- from the packer to the retailer. Farth-
stock Exposition to be held in Port- er down In the refrigerator, will be
land this year, October 31st to Novem shown the regular wholesale cuts of
ber 7th, It Is proposed to give a demon meat usually sold in the trade. These,
stratlon which will carry out the idea too, will carry their proper pricing as
of “Truth In Meats.”
, regards the various grades.
Assisting In this work will be the! Finally, In a counter will be seen
Department of Agriculture, colleges of all the retail cuts from these various
Oregon and the Pacific slope, packing-1 packing house lots; they In turn show-
house people, stock yard officials i nd ing exactly what a choice cut from the
commission men, and retailers aa well, choicest animal should sell for; bear-
Six to eight live animals, nicely bed lng In mind all the time that the over-
ded down and properly cared for, will head In the retail store is Just as
be graded from prime to common, and, much, pound for pound, on a common
over the head of each will be posted1 animal as It Is on a choice one.
the price on foot at which Its kind is, The purpose of this entire demon-
selling in the stock-yards that week J stratlon will not he to prove that the
Directly back of them, in a refrlgera-1 retailers are getting too little or too
tor, will be shown carcasses from anl-I much for their meat, but rather to
tnals of a similar lot. These car- show the relative value of prime as
casses will also show the selling price | compared with common meat.
Alford Arrows
(By an E nterprise Reporter)
E. D. Isom and family visited a t
A. F. Robnett’s in Eugene Sunday.
Chester C urtis and family visited
a t Ellsworth C urtis' Sunday evening.
Bird Ingram and family o f Bay
City spent the week end at Lee
Ingram ’s.
Mrs. Lee Ingram and daughter
Thelma called on Mrs. John Rolfe
Saturday afternoon.
Alice Curtis spent the week end
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Tandy of H arrisburg.
;• Preferred Stock :
Canned Goods :
1 Great Outdoors— Farm Items
. urkey Reported Preparing for W ar.
Rome.— Reports of great exrttement
and warlike preparations are being re­
ceived here In a roundabout way from
roBrtantlnople. These developments
era claimed to have arisen because of
the Anglo-Turkish dispute over .Mosul.
Hindenhurg te Ssnd Delegates to Meet
Berlin.—President von Hindenhurg
decided Germany would accept the al­
lied Invitation to a ministerial con­
ference In Switzerland next month at
which the tilled-German security pact
w ill be discussed for final solution
High-Proof Liquor Returns to Russia
Moscow.—After 11 years of partial
prohibition Russia Sunday became
completely wet. Whiskey, brandy and
liquors containing «0 per cent of a!
cohol and vodka cf 48 per cent alcohol
again appeared In *be cafes, restaur
ants and stores Heretofore the gov
eminent kae maintained a monopoly
of the manufacture and sale of spirit-
nous liquors but under the new order
private Individuals will be permitted
to make and sell liquors
B'rmieghsm Man Head of Bankers.
Atlantic C ity—The American Bank
ers' association elected Oscar Wells of
Birmingham. Ala- as Its new presi­
dent and adopted resolutions urging
perpetuation ot the federal reserve
• • •
Torkeye are seed and Insect esters
and do not thrive on sloppy mashes.
Pine Grove Points
(By Special Correspondent)
John McNeil
1 ) a i r y
P o u ltry
W ool
Happenings in
Public Schools
(Halsey School Reporter)
The first event of the school year
John McLaren skipped Lis hogs was a highly entertaining party giv­
en in honor of the freshmen by the
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten were sophomores. Perhaps the freshmen
felt th a t they had been too highly
in Albany Tuesday.
honored, as the first two hours of
Mrs. L. E. Eagy and son Lyle were the party were devoted entirely to
Corvallis callers Frida®-.
their entertainm ent. A fter the ini­
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Albertson vis­ tiation all played games. About 11
ited the Dinwiddie family in Benton o'clock refreshm ents were served and
j the assemblage broke up.
county Sunday.
At all high school p a rtie s thia
Mr. Cadwallader, father of Jean year two parents will be Invited as
and Elmer Cadwallader, arrived from ratro n and patroness and all parties
Indiana Thursday night.
will be dismissed a t 11 o’clock.
The high school girls held a m eet­
R. K. Stew art of Pleasant Hill
visited at E. E. Hover's from Tues­ ing a week ago Tuesday and elected
Agnes Hayes manager for the bas­
day until Thursday.
ketball season.
Raymond Blood met with an acci­
The subjects offered this year are:
dent last week which resulted in a English 1, II, and III; algebra I and
badly injured arm.
III; plane geometry; Freheh I, II,
and III; biology; American history;
The Women's Missionary society
economics; general science; world
met with Mrs. Will McLaren T hurs­
day afternoon for the business meet­ f iito r y an d g eo g rap h y .
Some of the classes are handicap­
ing. Those present were Mesdames
J. S. 1-aMar, J. W. LriMar, George ped, as the hooks have not yet a r­
Bayne, George Githens, Alice Dunne, rived.
Grace Wade, N. E. Chandler and E.
E. Hover.
School Pyogram Changed
Truckmen Ask
Gas Tax Refund
N u llific a tio n Sought By F re ig h t
Bus M en in S uits F iled
in F e d e ra l C ourt.
Mrs. Geer announces that Ore­
gon history will he taught in the
sixth grade hereafter, instead of
the eighth. Students aow iu the
sixth or seventh will get non» of it,
but there ie no Jaw against their
reeding about their own elate
and we advise them to tegin with
Horner’s “ Short History of Ore­
There will be, in the eouniy and
outside of Oregon, 5 eenteete each
iu spelling and arithmetic, and
lhe pupil making an average of 95
per oont in the former or 9fl In the
letter will be exempt from takiag
the etate examination in them.
In reading, tho pupil who com­
pletes the required course and the
reeding oircle work at home will
be exempted from the elate exam-
Portland. Or.—Nullification by the
United States court of all of the Ore
gon state gasoline tax laws, and re-
fund of $6 000.801» la taxes collected
under these laws, la asked by a group
of automobile freight bus operators.
In a suit filed In federal court here
against Sam E. Kozer. secretary of
state of Oregon.
Injunction la further asked against
the secretary of state to prevent him
frum further enforcing the gasoline
tax laws against the freight bus oper­
Sam S tarfas of Portland has a p ­
The complaining operators base
their Immunity on the federal highway pealed from a conviction and sen­
act, under which the state of Oregon tence to six months in Jail and $500
has collected large sums In Joint high­ fine for cruelty to a dog. He first
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
way construction and reconstruction hanged the animal for 16 minutes
Cecil Dawson is working for R. In past years, and which the complaint with a strap around ita neck. Fiad-
holds, prohibits the levying of tolls on ing it still alive he tied it behind
E. Bierly.
the highways so developed.
his i'.utomobile, dragged it more than
Henry Seefeld was in Albany
two miles and threw It into a ditch
Tacoma, Wash. — Owners of auto with the skin torn off its ¡.idea and
Roberta V; Jin ice was in Salem freight lines, attacking the state gaso its ribs protruding.
line tax on the ground that It Is un­
An unknown man, hoping to end
constitutional. and demanding $2,250,- its misery, shot a bullet into its head,
Kenneth V jiN ice, with his sister 000 In damages, which sum, they as
but it was found alivo next day by
Edna, went to Salem Saturday
sert. the state has Illegally collected
officers of the humane society, who
A. M. Snodgrass ¡.nd family were from Washington motorists since 1221, killed it.
brought suit In federal court here
at Henry Falk’s Tuesday evening.
S tarfas said th a t he thought the
against State Treasurer Potts.
was dead when he tied it be­
Mr. and Mrs. Harding are the
The complaint charges that the
parents of a baby boy, bom Friday.
plaintiffs “have been compelled to hind his car, but witnesses testified
Mrs. R. .E. Bierly and son Kenneth pay such taxes solely as a tribute or that, they saw it trying to run fast
enough to keep up with the cry and
were at William Pence’s Wednesday. exaction for passage by their said
motor vehicles on said public high­ urged S tarfas to untie it, b u t in­
C. L., W. A. and J. B. Falk have ways, to-wlt: A toll.” The federal stead he put on speed and dragged
three more days’ wood hauling before government, It Is pointed out, by the it away.
finishing their 300-cord wood con­ act ot July 11, 1918. already provides
Here's hoping he gets a new trial
aid to states In the construction of an,‘ has the penalties doubled,
highways. This act was amended
November 9, 1921, to read: That “all ¡ -S lie - G y p s y R o b b e i'S
12.COO.OOO Dodging Income Taxes.
Washington, D. C.— More than 12,- highways” constructed or reronstrt,ct-
000,000 persons are violating the law ed under the provisions ot the act
by not making Income tax returns shall be free from tolls of all kinds.
After the recent cerouatiou of a
and at least 10,000.000 of them are The state gasoline tax. It la asserted. new gipay king iu America it wae
subject to heavy fines, according to
announced that he would put a
istlmates by treasury experts. With struct and maintain highways.
stop to the migration of bands of
the high wages paid mechanics, car­
his people and t ie race would
penters. bricklayers, plasterers and G ERM ANY TO JOIN LEAGUE «ettle down to life in bomee. E i ­
even laborers, treasury officials be­
ther the ukase failed or eome
lieve the vast majority of the 20,000,- Agreement Reached at Locarno Con­ bands of thieves are passing ae
ference Upon Admission Tarma.
000 employed In “gainful occupations’*
are making more than $1000 a year.
Locarno, Switzerland — Agreement
A g ang passed through Halsey
was practically reached Monday on Friday. Two women entered the
Mrs. W ilson to Represent Red Cross. the condition of Germany ! entrance R re s ta u ra n t, w h ere a
Geneva—Following a month's study Into the League of Nations and the ta i , t a ta b le, in a tc h s d hie
of the functioning of the League of Na­ Iclegat»« to the security conference «teak an d [sem e b read a n d left,
tions, Mrs Woodrow Wilson will begin now hopefully predict the aoccesa of T h e eu sto m e r fled also.
activity the conference
Having found that there were
next week as a delegate to the 12th
The allies have perfected a solution no men arouad, nine or ten of the
International conference of the Red of the German league membership sit­ ■tags then came, grabbed the con­
Geaersl John Kerr la tha uation. which Chancellor Luther and
tents of a k o ttlro f boiled potatoes
other American delegate.
Foreign Minister 8tresemann hope
and some other plunder end made
will satisfy German pnhllc opinion sod off.
at the same time safeguard the friend
M ^ E . Church
I t ie regrettable that Mre.
ly relations of the relrh with Russia
Reynold! didn’t have an open can
Robert Parker pastor.
One btg Issue remains unsettled—
ol red pepper at band and pat it
Sunday school, 10.
France's guarantee for Poland, and
where it woeld do the meet good.
Preaching, 11,
this was discussed privately and with
Junior League, 3,
pregreaa by ?l Brlaad. Dr Stress
Epworth league, 6 30
Hope Hasse/ and Velva Hadley
main and Count Skrzynekl. the
Preaching, 7:80.
French. German and Polish foreign went to the Standard Bearers’ con­
Praver-mceting. Thnrsdav, ":30. ministers, prior to the plenary tee vention at Salem Saturday with Ken­
Bible Study Tuesday, I;30 .
«ion of the conference.
neth, Ellen and Roberta Vamitc«.
Billy ¡Sunday Tells of
Plaoe for this Fellow
Kirk Kinks
Operate in Halsey