(A o A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k NTERPRI, A Weekly Chronicle ol Local Events and Progress on Linn County Laud HAL8EY, OREGG.-v Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs o c r i t i?:s the call was intended for members o ily. The Hsleey garage has taken on a new color. Preston Newton and wife (W il- metta Forster) have bought their own home in Portland. While playing in a boat Saturday evening Leila Gansle fell and broke Grant Taylor hag a new «¡da* her arm. She is a patient little walk. patient, and is going to school H . L- Straley and wife were in regularly. Albany Saturday. L ast Sunday Virgil Peacock fired Twenty-two men are working on at a supposed deer before he saw its horns and shot Clifford Forney the Santiam pace road. through the lungs while they were The Lake Creek South Methodist hunting in the Cascadia section. church nas a new roof, The pheasant season opens tomor­ Mrs, Pugh is running Dad's and row and farm ers who have fed and M am ’a restaurant again. fattened good flocks of the birds qre Rev. Mr. Gillespie of Peoria is putting up “no hunting” notices to seriously ill at his home this week. protect their fences, th e ir crops and Velva Hadley is staying with their supply of birds. Mre. Eliza Brandon thie school Mesdamss J. W. Moore an d L. E- term. Walton were here from H arrisburg Mre. J. W. Huseey has received Thursday. notice that her mother died in her 1. C. Russell, SO, a Mountain North Dakota home last week. States Power lineman, while making The Harrisburg bridge will repairs after Thursday morning’s probably be open for travel very fire _ at Shedd, ____ r ________ accidentally touched a ?°.On’ , , en good by to th e old high-power wire and dropped dead, i «-tak in g ferry. A fter the ghed<| Thursday A. A. ru ssi ng of the law Arm of morning, Halsey was without elec- T u a .m g A ru s a .n g ex p e cts to p u t trie current all day, but ju st as , r « 0" ' V lh# darknMa was dosin* dow" ‘he firm’s Brownsville office and most , of the afternoons here. , everlng the flow of julce came back' The L .k e Creek Buceyelub met B.Tbe S,h