Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, September 02, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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I M t.«
I h - >i, V-teCv I h r ilJ - r ut ’ be
• L I he G I«»' t, I be V r ij-
ir U o q u ir t !
Chicago —Babe Ruth, king of a wat,
will not play in 192« w ith the N ew
York Yankee», he told a group of
newspaper men here upon hla a rriv a l
from St. Louie
Thia statem ent was
am plified with the assertion that Ruth
i would quit if M ille r Huggins was re­
tained as manager.
w ith
Kuth told newspaper men th a t he
aa under
¡filler contract
c .n t .D ,. to .v
, Yankees
_■ .
l for the 1928 season and that If H u g ­
gins was retained it would be neces­
sary to trade the Bambino to some
other team.
Indefinite suspension and a fine of
»5000. Imposed at St. Louis Saturday
by M anager M ille r Huggins of the
j New York Yankees w ith a b rie f ex­
planation that R uth had been g u ilty
of "misconduct o ff the field ,” were
the vehicles of the diamond king's
Romance and th iill* in
Lob Chaney’ » trium ph
J 3 d a)», starting
bun. Septt 6 - 7, 8
• 1
Halsey Happenings
TZe artistic durable floor covering
(Continued from page 1)
hot to play ¡
Sett Paid Baseball P layer la Puniabed
for Misconduct.
M A E BL’s C H
E N I E K r iU S E
-An Improvement cn Printed Linoleum
F. M. G ray is ill.
Eloise Smith has her tonsils
Miss Lillie Rickard is visit­
ing in Spokane.
Glenn Chance and wife vis­
ited Eugene Thursday.
The Armstrong machine fin­
ished thrashing Saturday noon.
H. F. Steinke and family vis­
ited in Eugene over the week
M.. and Mrs. A. J. Hil? a rt
on a visit to Portland and
W. P. Wahl and Dr. Marks
were among Albany visitors
Resistance to wear is probably the one quality you
look for first when selecting floor covering. And it
is that quality above all others w hich has been
built into Pabcolin.
Not linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement-
on printed linoleum—a floor covering with its wear­
ing surface composed of special enamel paint in­
stead of the usual soft oil-paint
T h u hard, w ear-defying surface rests on a firm "body” of
long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, and
thoroughly w a te rp ro o fe d by a special process.
I t pays to buy Pabcolin because it rives you e x tra -lo n is e r-
vree. I t keeps
its gloss
and beauti.u.
iu™ far
rar longer than
:iful w
you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet its
cost is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beauti­
ful patterns— many are new and exclusive.
15 M illion».
H IL L & Co.
The condition of W. A.
Brock in a Eugene hospital is
heir farm, between here and
reported serious.
Lake Creek Local s
P. J. Ashton and wife visit­ M i«« M a r y L a R u e w e n t to E : .
ed the latter’s mother, Mrs.
(Enterprise Correspondent)
'«11» l«»t w»ek.
S. E- Bass, Saturday.
. E d ith Smith o, Bandon ^ a T ^ h n ’
Mr». George Laubner was in
a visit before going home to vsletu
M onday.
visited old friends liv re la it week.
Portland. Mrs. Applegate re­
T w e n ty nine persons were injured
M r» . B e rt C lark is not expected
M r» . J 8. Nio-wond and datigli- Sunday when the engine o f Colorado
turned to Yoncalla.
‘ «r and sou were A lb an y shoprer» & Southern passenger tra in No.
Joe Elliott and wife have lo iu e fo r a c o u p le o f w eek»
------------- 7 — —
Charles K irk »nd
fam ily of M O day.
succeeded Glenn Chance and
Ubena ire visiting hereabout»
wife on the Frum farm.
Mrs Jay S uitar and M r. and train No. 8. southbound, near M ayne
M r». George M axw ell’s condi- Mrs. Coates aio at a bop yaid
Adam Smeitzer of Tillamook
Recom mendation th a t the forestry
was visiting friends in the Lake on is slightly better the ,)u,t fe„ near Corvallis.
bureau be shorn o f its a rb itra ry power
M r. am] M is H enry Brock srd in g ranting of grazing leases was
Creek country last week.
adopted by the A m erican National
a . 1). Isom ha» been appointed D in s were Sunday guests of ¡Vr
J. C. Bramwell and wife a d m in is tr a to r o f ths e s ta te of M r» . a d Mrs. Ihotuas A rd ry .
Livestock association, in conference
have as guests Mr. and Mrs. "i >pbia Isniii.
at S ait L ake C ity.
W illia m Brock, who n ill j D »
V. R. Anderson of Salem.
1 r«d. Patton, the new »clmol Eugene ho»ni:«|, ¡a not recovering
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Messerve, '-incin-1 ei-t buine from bi» v< as rapidly i a hi a frie n d , had hoped. Rum C a rrie r H e ld ; Captain Fugitive.
San Francisco.— T he 70-foot tra w le r
parents ot Mrs. Clifford Carey, ation M onday.
M rs John Gorm ley is home af- \ Irg in la I. said by coast guard o f­
arrived Monday for a visit.
W . I I . R o b e rts o n a n d hi» d in g I,,
t r »pending two weeks visiting ficials to be owned by the Sebastian
Postmaster Bramwell and te r. M u . |> « „„,M c r.ia s ,
relattvea in H<oJ R iver and Port- S tu art Fish company of Seattle, was
family are home from their
ogeuw Friday.
, land.
tied up at Meigg's w harf here w ith her
stay of two weeks at Newport.
Ib e law A rn i nf Tnssing & I |
Kenneth M in er of Ha'eay look cargo of about 1000 cases of assorted
A . B. Haines of Elkton has ’ ng appears in Jrgal advertising care of thè ranch w lijle »ir ai d liquors. T he captain escaped in an
ea rly m orning dash for liberty. The
been buying a flock of sheep n u b e Enterprise.
Ijd r» . M a rtin C u m m i.ig . and L u -
cargo o f the V irg in ia I was valued in
Around bore which he intends
'o ile spelli a week at M anzanit» excess of »50.000.
Ib c c n in ty board o f e q u e lix a .1 beaci.
« « » « n t t»
to keyp..
I II ineet» Oli Ih e U l t i and th e re -
fo r
15 d a v a a t
Rufehcr Hoffm xii 1» going to t l
t b r w - k r r » U n lm e tt
p la c e ,
c « ,t
town, « iw f,. with- »1« I.rood sou.
»Xpert» t.i rui-e acme of tl e
po-M his eiiat<im»rs call for.
Ili-tw*'»n h»r-
Rttndav night ( ’
han V. w it li M r».
tried Id |i«»s n
. » n il
l( a r r i- h lir >
S u d th c f a I-
S m ith in b i» car,
. » . f u l l » m t rm
h ead on In to a c a r v d S m t b o
A e ’ o ria waa c o m in g »noth in.
••f th e p a f i i e * w ere m o re o r le »
bruised and tb p cars » e re w reckei
I K*
M iM \,v « n
F r u m c « m e borne
I > ir» d a y l- .- n i „ w e e k ’» v is it in
A I,a n y .
H e r m o th e r a n d »istr r
•Vent d o w n a n d (n o u g h t h e r.
and M -a . W i l l i a m
B la k e ly
'>r>nerh ,,f Brownsville hut now
t P e n d le to n , h a v e ju a t c e le b ra te d
he r tilv t wedding anniveiaary,
l.x e p h I.a r e n e p le a d e d g u i l t y
i ch m rg - n f fu ln n in i)» a»-ault on a
" t 'e g ir l nt R rn w n a v i |e an d gut a
-iv - t e a r p e n ite n tia r y »entence
R. A. Wright and wit'e and
wife's mother and Joe Smith,
all of Tacoma, called at S. J.
Smith s last week on their way
to Oakland, this state, to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith.
G G. S h ir le y , c it y record»
of McMinnville, and wife were
here last week looking after
• ” rp daily
' l h * C o -o p e ra tiv e P o u l ty m e n '»
i>-<>ciation a n iK iiin c e » a c u t o f 4«-
I- X»|| m , t | ia
,,w k
t'e m a n y m orn egg» in cold »to rag .
til ' n 1» it y e a -
Mis« M arie Jones of C orvall s i G erm any Invited to T a lk New Pact.
London — France and her allies have
and Ariiil Halcue of A m ity »Dent
S o n d a y e v e n in g w ith
M ils
Jon e a '
$ 1.50 a year
•r if ynn act quickly you can join
The U N IV F R S IÎY r j O R E G O N
The College of Liter»ture Sctnwg
•nd the Art» with 22 departiMnla
Lucky Dollar Class
which ia «till open. Taper starts
<hen paid fo r, »top» on exp iratio n
in this class.
fo r a «wtoi. jue or a n f Information
u*r*te The ffegietrar. (/nnwrewg of
Oregon. Eugene Oregon
T*» 'O iy ia r Oye^ JepresOw, :< |»15
The Hover and Haynes
thrashing machine finished
the season’s work on Friday
Jane Cummings of Corvallis
are visiting their niece, Mrs. L.
E. Eagy, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Campbell
are a spending
c " " ? children
------- *
H c , , u *’ 1K »
few days With Mrs. Campbell's
mother, Mrs. J. A. Johnson.
A number of people from
this neighborhood attended
the funeral of J. A. Johnson
at Albany Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Pearl Pehrsson left
Friday for Moro, where she
will teach this year. She will
visit in Portland a few days
. . . . . .. .
N orth
«2, 3:24 a. m.
16. 5:15 a. m.
18. 8:16 a. m.
>4. 12:09 p. m
34, 4:0S 0- 111,
17, 12:09 p. m.
15. 13;45 p. w.
33. 8:12 p. in. flaj
31, 1 3 4 p .n i.f l» ;
------ -------------- ,.„ p to let of! passenger«
from »outh of Eugene
No. 31, direct connnction for Mar»hfield
Pas.eng ersforsvu th of Eugene should
take tram N a 17.
Halsey-hrow nsville stage leaves Hal-
’ ey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:1» p m
*'e‘ ve*
at 7:40 . m. and
anu 8:45 p. in.
Outgoing M a il
A t the Halsey poatoffiee mai!,
close going north at 11:50 a. m
and 5:20 p. m.
Going eoutb, 11:10 a. tn. an(t
5:20 p. m.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. tn. m t
12 m. M orning stage to Brown»-
vtlle goes on to Crawfordsyill»
Holley and Sweet Home.
Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle
at the Enterprise office.
Mortician & Funeral Director
H a lte y and Harrisburg
C a ll D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or
W. L. W r i g h t , H arrisburg
Uusound Calamity Howl
(Garibaldi News)
November 4, 1907, Gifford
Pinchot released an interview
with the Associated Press that
stated : In 20 years the timber
supply in the United States, on
government reserves and pri­
vate holdings, at the present
rate of cutting, will be ex­
hausted, although it is possible
that the growth of that period
might extend the arrival of the
famine another five years."
I nfortunately for industry
and big endeavor, unsound
opinions are still voiced by so-
called "big-men,” just as Pin­
chot slobbered on November
T h e county bo«rd of equalization w ill
meet on September 14 ut the courthonse
in Albany, Oregon, and rem ain in s»s-
sioiJ for 15 day* to hear complaints or
correct errors in the assessment ro ll for
19.-5, Any one interested should appear
at the tim e and place aforesaid.
G ran t From aa,
Assessor of l i n n County, Ore.
Notice is hereby given th a t the u n.
dersigned, by an order of the circuit
court >f I.inn eouuty, Oregon, has been
appointed adm inisratot of the estate of
Sophia Isom, deceased. A ll persons
h a v in g claims against «aid estate are re­
quited to present them w ithin six
months from the date of this notice,
w ith the proper vouchers, to the under- 4, 1 9 0 7 .
signed at hi» residence, about four miles
southwest of M aliey, in Linn c o u n ty *! ™
K.on ,D* ' ed
fif * i published this P A S H P a
for false teeth dsn
Invited G erm any to enter into nego
sn-ter. Mr». M a itin
Cumming». tlations for a definite tre a ty intended
Mia» Jones w ill leave th is week for to guarantee an endless era of peace
Ione, where »lie w ill tegoli this in western Europe. T he invitation was
extended in a note handed to the Ger
j man governm ent by the French am
Rev. 8. El. BE, a n g le a n d w Jfe bassador at B erlin. I t is a reply to
f o r m e r ly «if tliia p la c e h u t n ow of G erm any’s note on July 2» on the sub
M i lt o n , h a v e accep ted a p o s itio n )ect of security.
in 1 n n o ea .e e a m i w ill le g v e O re­
gon .o o n .
The Shanglei b s v -
Ten in Wisconsin Senatorial Race
s -iv -.l
m a n y p a s to ra te s in th e
MadlRon, W l . -
Ten candidate«
o o r liw e .t a m i fo r s e v e ra l y e a r» were entered tn the race for the unex
i . v . b een c o u iic o le d w ith th e M il
plred term of the late Senator La F o l­
tou Col lege
lett«. T hey Included alx who w ill try
th e ir chances in the prim ary Septem­
L. R. Alderm an to be U. S. Educator. ber 15 and four who w ill pass up the
W ashington. D. C .— Appointm ent of prim ary and run as independents in
L. R Alderm an, fo rm e rly atate »uper- Ihe special election Septem ber 2».
Atturueys for Adxnr.
y e a r.
The profesakanal school» of Archi­
tecture »od Allied Art»— P.,«me»»
Administration—Ed uc»lMin—4)r»d
« •I» Study—Jo u rn aliin i—Law—
Medicine— M u » k — Phy»w»l Edu-
« tta o —■Sociology—E iten»ion
Reconditioning Shop
Halsey, Oregon
all heurs.
Clark s Confectionery
Cheap«»« place ii.
Dr. C. FIC Q , Dentist
Any Girl in Trouble
Cedar Posts
, „ . qu#h uorth o,
n , y communicate with E n .,g n Lce of
W hite Sh,«id Home, * 5 M . y f . l r .venue, Foitland. Oregon.
Place order» now with
E S. Hayc», R 1, Haltey»
F IT ”
Grown«, bridge work and fillin g .
i , wrtl
P»Y you to get my prices ou vour dcutal work,
Cuaick bank build ng, A lb a n y
for sale
I ««raped w ith *S M in lo o t
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
a plate of C lark'» ire cream. Ita
delicioua flavor. ■» p|e«»jp? lo t b«
palate, appeal» to »very one'a
taste, young or old. I f you deubt
«hi» try »ome youreelf, Ona tria l
will convince you and you aurelv
w ill acquire a likin g fo r it. Sold
•T the pint, q ua-t or gallon aud in
(-nuke to take home,
< »o you get murk for the money? , torR
wv.npuisory acnooi W ork to b« Sought
town to eat. Hia garage w ill soon
Chicago. 111.— The Am erican Fed era­
be in operation.
tion of Teachers w ill seek compulsorv
educntlon for all children leas than 1»
years old as a rem edy for the ’’alarm
(ng Increase of Juvenile delinquency,"
F <1 Stecker. its secretary announce»
* n Investigating com m ittee w ill study
Laundry sent Tuesdays
existing laws and conditions and make
*C ncy Hub Cleaning Work»
a report In the form of a model com
pulsory education law em bracing the
specified age lim it.
issaquan. ws»n„ C lark Shot by Robber
Seattle. W ash. — E llsw orth B icker­
ing. 2D. a clerk, was shot in the bark
and c ritic a lly wounded by tw o outlaws
« who h* 1** “ P the Grsng« M ercantile cut and ready to deliver tbfa
Commercial and Savings account» Solicited
Intondent of schools of Oregon and
city superintendent of Portland, a»
Mt. and Mrs. J. W. Miller
.«peclallst in adult education in the received a visit this week from
United States bureau of education, de­ the former’s sister, Mrs.
p artm ent of the Interio r, waa announc- Hill of Seaside.
ed here. T he position was establish
>-d by legislation at the last session of
W. M. B U R R A N K
congress to combat illite ra c y and take
In itN in ti more good reading each
h>« moved into bis new
up problems of home, factory, Imnil
than an? other L in n county grant and prison education in co-oper­ ResUarant and Soft Drink and lea
Cream Place
ai ekly, S»e p artial list of contvnta ation w ith the extension departm ent
of state universities.
25 years'experience as cook. Meal
•> top o f page 1.
* 4 * * tn
( By Special Correspondent)
W. G. McNeil and family
were Albany visitors Thurs­
Raybestos Hi-speed Brake
Mrs. Will McLaren and Mrs.
Service Station
J- K. Mode were A lh a u y callers
212 East First
A lb ay, near
the skating rin k
i Bert Haynes and family
Phone 379
with Bert’s nar-
.. *.
ents near Coburg.
A large crowd attended the
Bert Minckley sale Saturday Uqi.«u Railroad r « .
and most everything sold well.
X Ra,lroad W
Great B ritain and Mexico have re­
sumed diplom atic relations.
Early hops are picked and
Federal Income tax
thrown open for public inspection on the late crop pretty well in Paid-for Paragraphs
September 1, according to rulings of hand, due to the fine weather.
the in te rn a l revenue departm ent.
(5c a lin e )
The French cabinet approved In
A few more Rbode lgJand R»J
principle the B ritish ten tativ e o ffer of F u n e r a l D ir e c t o r
a n d L i ­ cockerel», h ig h-laying »train, <1,
a settlem ent of France's more than
P. J. Forater, Haltey.
censed E m b a lm e r
13.000,000.000 debt on the basis of
62 snnunitles of »62,500,000.
Efficient Service.
M otor Hears».
For Sale— T a n registered year­
A live moth, tw o Inches long, was
Lady Attendant.
ling Shropshire Bucks.
removed by physicians from the rig h t
R . 1, H alsey.
L. H . Armtirong.
ear of George E. M oley o f N ew Yo rk
Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable
for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, dining­
room, hall, in fact for any room in the house.
Kennelh M iner left a week »g
tor Heppner in woik for A rihn
D y k s tra ’s father.
Olympia, W ash — W ith a record gain
of »15.395.J3S.87 over the previous
.s e t, o
Of f the
theP «
year, the total asset»
69 T
mestic savings and loan associations
operating In the state of W ashington,
as indicated by reports filed w ith the
state division o f saving and loan for
the year ending June 30, 1925. aggre­
gated »68,638,049.86. it was announced
by W . L. Nicely, supervisor.
Pine Grove Points
1 he wisest guls keep out of trouble