Ï I M t.« • SU R A L ©■f I h - >i, V-teCv I h r ilJ - r ut ’ be D • L I he G I«»' t, I be V r ij- ir U o q u ir t ! J BABE RUTH Chicago —Babe Ruth, king of a wat, will not play in 192« w ith the N ew York Yankee», he told a group of newspaper men here upon hla a rriv a l from St. Louie Thia statem ent was am plified with the assertion that Ruth i would quit if M ille r Huggins was re­ tained as manager. w ith Kuth told newspaper men th a t he aa under ¡filler contract c .n t .D ,. to .v , Yankees _■ . waa the l for the 1928 season and that If H u g ­ gins was retained it would be neces­ sary to trade the Bambino to some other team. Indefinite suspension and a fine of »5000. Imposed at St. Louis Saturday by M anager M ille r Huggins of the j New York Yankees w ith a b rie f ex­ planation that R uth had been g u ilty of "misconduct o ff the field ,” were the vehicles of the diamond king's descent. Romance and th iill* in v Lob Chaney’ » trium ph J 3 d a)», starting 5 bun. Septt 6 - 7, 8 Pabcolin • 1 A I BANY Halsey Happenings TZe artistic durable floor covering (Continued from page 1) Mrs hot to play ¡ Sett Paid Baseball P layer la Puniabed for Misconduct. : LON C H A N E Y 3 M A E BL’s C H J M A 'IT M O O R E G LO BE E N I E K r iU S E -An Improvement cn Printed Linoleum F. M. G ray is ill. Eloise Smith has her tonsils out Miss Lillie Rickard is visit­ ing in Spokane. Glenn Chance and wife vis­ ited Eugene Thursday. The Armstrong machine fin­ ished thrashing Saturday noon. H. F. Steinke and family vis­ ited in Eugene over the week end. pbia Isniii. at S ait L ake C ity. W illia m Brock, who n ill j D » V. R. Anderson of Salem. 1 r«d. Patton, the new »clmol Eugene ho»ni:«|, ¡a not recovering Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Messerve, '-incin-1 ei-t buine from bi» v< as rapidly i a hi a frie n d , had hoped. Rum C a rrie r H e ld ; Captain Fugitive. San Francisco.— T he 70-foot tra w le r parents ot Mrs. Clifford Carey, ation M onday. M rs John Gorm ley is home af- \ Irg in la I. said by coast guard o f­ arrived Monday for a visit. W . I I . R o b e rts o n a n d hi» d in g I,, t r »pending two weeks visiting ficials to be owned by the Sebastian Postmaster Bramwell and te r. M u . |> « „„,M c r.ia s , relattvea in H M S u d th c f a I- S m ith in b i» car, . » . f u l l » m t rm h ead on In to a c a r I.lu v d S m t b o A e ’ o ria waa c o m in g »noth in. Al ••f th e p a f i i e * w ere m o re o r le » bruised and tb p cars » e re w reckei I K* M iM \,v « n F r u m c « m e borne I > ir» d a y l- .- n i „ w e e k ’» v is it in A I,a n y . H e r m o th e r a n d »istr r •Vent d o w n a n d (n o u g h t h e r. Mr and M -a . W i l l i a m B la k e ly '>r>nerh ,,f Brownsville hut now t P e n d le to n , h a v e ju a t c e le b ra te d he r tilv t wedding anniveiaary, l.x e p h I.a r e n e p le a d e d g u i l t y Io i ch m rg - n f fu ln n in i)» a»-ault on a " t 'e g ir l nt R rn w n a v i |e an d gut a -iv - t e a r p e n ite n tia r y »entence R. A. Wright and wit'e and wife's mother and Joe Smith, all of Tacoma, called at S. J. Smith s last week on their way to Oakland, this state, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith. G G. S h ir le y , c it y record» of McMinnville, and wife were here last week looking after UniV^rsih40re¡jort • ” rp daily urlhouae. ' l h * C o -o p e ra tiv e P o u l ty m e n '» i>-<>ciation a n iK iiin c e » a c u t o f 4«- I- X»|| m , t | ia ,,w k e t'e m a n y m orn egg» in cold »to rag . til ' n 1» it y e a - Mis« M arie Jones of C orvall s i G erm any Invited to T a lk New Pact. London — France and her allies have and Ariiil Halcue of A m ity »Dent S o n d a y e v e n in g w ith M ils Jon e a ' $ 1.50 a year •r if ynn act quickly you can join ha The U N IV F R S IÎY r j O R E G O N contain» The College of Liter»ture Sctnwg •nd the Art» with 22 departiMnla Lucky Dollar Class which ia «till open. Taper starts 4. 12:09 p. m 34, 4:0S 0- 111, f f South 17, 12:09 p. m. 15. 13;45 p. w. 33. 8:12 p. in. flaj 31, 1 3 4 p .n i.f l» ; ------ -------------- ,.„ p to let of! passenger« from »outh of Eugene * No. 31, direct connnction for Mar»hfield points. Pas.eng ersforsvu th of Eugene should take tram N a 17. 0 Halsey-hrow nsville stage leaves Hal- ’ ey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8:1» p m *'e‘ ve* at 7:40 . m. and anu 8:45 p. in. Outgoing M a il A t the Halsey poatoffiee mai!, close going north at 11:50 a. m and 5:20 p. m. Going eoutb, 11:10 a. tn. an(t 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. tn. m t 12 m. M orning stage to Brown»- vtlle goes on to Crawfordsyill» Holley and Sweet Home. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. W- L- WRIGHT Mortician & Funeral Director H a lte y and Harrisburg C a ll D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or W. L. W r i g h t , H arrisburg Uusound Calamity Howl (Garibaldi News) November 4, 1907, Gifford Pinchot released an interview with the Associated Press that stated : In 20 years the timber supply in the United States, on government reserves and pri­ vate holdings, at the present rate of cutting, will be ex­ hausted, although it is possible that the growth of that period might extend the arrival of the famine another five years." I nfortunately for industry and big endeavor, unsound opinions are still voiced by so- called "big-men,” just as Pin­ chot slobbered on November N O T IC E T h e county bo«rd of equalization w ill meet on September 14 ut the courthonse in Albany, Oregon, and rem ain in s»s- sioiJ for 15 day* to hear complaints or correct errors in the assessment ro ll for 19.-5, Any one interested should appear at the tim e and place aforesaid. G ran t From aa, Assessor of l i n n County, Ore. A D M IN IS T R A T O R S SA LE Notice is hereby given th a t the u n. dersigned, by an order of the circuit court >f I.inn eouuty, Oregon, has been appointed adm inisratot of the estate of Sophia Isom, deceased. A ll persons h a v in g claims against «aid estate are re­ quited to present them w ithin six months from the date of this notice, w ith the proper vouchers, to the under- 4, 1 9 0 7 . signed at hi» residence, about four miles southwest of M aliey, in Linn c o u n ty *! ™ K.on ,D* ' ed fif * i published this P A S H P a ------------------------- id for false teeth dsn Invited G erm any to enter into nego sn-ter. Mr». M a itin Cumming». tlations for a definite tre a ty intended Mia» Jones w ill leave th is week for to guarantee an endless era of peace Ione, where »lie w ill tegoli this in western Europe. T he invitation was extended in a note handed to the Ger j man governm ent by the French am Rev. 8. El. BE, a n g le a n d w Jfe bassador at B erlin. I t is a reply to f o r m e r ly «if tliia p la c e h u t n ow of G erm any’s note on July 2» on the sub M i lt o n , h a v e accep ted a p o s itio n )ect of security. in 1 n n o ea .e e a m i w ill le g v e O re­ gon .o o n . The Shanglei b s v - Ten in Wisconsin Senatorial Race s -iv -.l m a n y p a s to ra te s in th e MadlRon, W l . - Ten candidate« o o r liw e .t a m i fo r s e v e ra l y e a r» were entered tn the race for the unex i . v . b een c o u iic o le d w ith th e M il plred term of the late Senator La F o l­ tou Col lege lett«. T hey Included alx who w ill try th e ir chances in the prim ary Septem­ L. R. Alderm an to be U. S. Educator. ber 15 and four who w ill pass up the W ashington. D. C .— Appointm ent of prim ary and run as independents in L. R Alderm an, fo rm e rly atate »uper- Ihe special election Septem ber 2». Atturueys for Adxnr. y e a r. at The profesakanal school» of Archi­ tecture »od Allied Art»— P.,«me»» Administration—Ed uc»lMin—4)r»d « •I» Study—Jo u rn aliin i—Law— Medicine— M u » k — Phy»w»l Edu- « tta o —■Sociology—E iten»ion Reconditioning Shop HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L all heurs. Clark s Confectionery Cheap«»« place ii. Dr. C. FIC Q , Dentist “ PLATES Any Girl in Trouble Cedar Posts , „ . qu#h uorth o, and THAT fall. n , y communicate with E n .,g n Lce of W hite Sh,«id Home, * 5 M . y f . l r .venue, Foitland. Oregon. Place order» now with E S. Hayc», R 1, Haltey» F IT ” Grown«, bridge work and fillin g . i , wrtl P»Y you to get my prices ou vour dcutal work, Cuaick bank build ng, A lb a n y for sale I ««raped w ith *S M in lo o t $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 a plate of C lark'» ire cream. Ita delicioua flavor. ■» p|e«»jp? lo t b« palate, appeal» to »very one'a taste, young or old. I f you deubt «hi» try »ome youreelf, Ona tria l will convince you and you aurelv w ill acquire a likin g fo r it. Sold •T the pint, q ua-t or gallon aud in (-nuke to take home, Modern BarberShop < »o you get murk for the money? , torR SU R PLU S NO ONE WILL REFUSE wv.npuisory acnooi W ork to b« Sought town to eat. Hia garage w ill soon Chicago. 111.— The Am erican Fed era­ be in operation. tion of Teachers w ill seek compulsorv educntlon for all children leas than 1» years old as a rem edy for the ’’alarm (ng Increase of Juvenile delinquency," F <1 Stecker. its secretary announce» * n Investigating com m ittee w ill study Laundry sent Tuesdays existing laws and conditions and make *C ncy Hub Cleaning Work» a report In the form of a model com pulsory education law em bracing the A B E S P L A C E specified age lim it. issaquan. ws»n„ C lark Shot by Robber Seattle. W ash. — E llsw orth B icker­ ing. 2D. a clerk, was shot in the bark and c ritic a lly wounded by tw o outlaws « who h* 1** “ P the Grsng« M ercantile cut and ready to deliver tbfa A N D Commercial and Savings account» Solicited Intondent of schools of Oregon and city superintendent of Portland, a» Mt. and Mrs. J. W. Miller .«peclallst in adult education in the received a visit this week from United States bureau of education, de­ the former’s sister, Mrs. Ida p artm ent of the Interio r, waa announc- Hill of Seaside. ed here. T he position was establish >-d by legislation at the last session of RURAL ENTERPRISE W. M. B U R R A N K congress to combat illite ra c y and take In itN in ti more good reading each h>« moved into bis new up problems of home, factory, Imnil than an? other L in n county grant and prison education in co-oper­ ResUarant and Soft Drink and lea Cream Place ai ekly, S»e p artial list of contvnta ation w ith the extension departm ent of state universities. 25 years'experience as cook. Meal •> top o f page 1. * 4 * * tn TORRANCE ( By Special Correspondent) W. G. McNeil and family were Albany visitors Thurs­ day. Raybestos Hi-speed Brake Mrs. Will McLaren and Mrs. Service Station J- K. Mode were A lh a u y callers Monday. 212 East First A lb ay, near the skating rin k i Bert Haynes and family Phone 379 spent Sundav with Bert’s nar- . .. *. ents near Coburg. A large crowd attended the Bert Minckley sale Saturday Uqi.«u Railroad r « . and most everything sold well. X Ra,lroad W Great B ritain and Mexico have re­ sumed diplom atic relations. Early hops are picked and Federal Income tax rolls were thrown open for public inspection on the late crop pretty well in Paid-for Paragraphs September 1, according to rulings of hand, due to the fine weather. the in te rn a l revenue departm ent. (5c a lin e ) The French cabinet approved In D E L B E R T S T A R R A few more Rbode lgJand R»J principle the B ritish ten tativ e o ffer of F u n e r a l D ir e c t o r a n d L i ­ cockerel», h ig h-laying »train, <1, a settlem ent of France's more than P. J. Forater, Haltey. censed E m b a lm e r 13.000,000.000 debt on the basis of 62 snnunitles of »62,500,000. Efficient Service. M otor Hears». For Sale— T a n registered year­ A live moth, tw o Inches long, was Lady Attendant. ling Shropshire Bucks. removed by physicians from the rig h t Brownsville........................................Oregon R . 1, H alsey. L. H . Armtirong. ear of George E. M oley o f N ew Yo rk Let us show you Pabcolin. There are patterns suitable for bedroom, bathroom, laundry, kitchen, porch, dining­ room, hall, in fact for any room in the house. Kennelh M iner left a week »g tor Heppner in woik for A rihn D y k s tra ’s father. Clubs Olympia, W ash — W ith a record gain of »15.395.J3S.87 over the previous .s e t, o Of f the theP « year, the total asset» 69 T do­ mestic savings and loan associations operating In the state of W ashington, as indicated by reports filed w ith the state division o f saving and loan for the year ending June 30, 1925. aggre­ gated »68,638,049.86. it was announced by W . L. Nicely, supervisor. Pine Grove Points a 1 he wisest guls keep out of trouble