Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, August 26, 1925, Image 3

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    n v i v u , tiX 1LKUK1SE
California Celebrai
fær SfofoHood
K ip lin g I t E n g lan d ’s
M o tt P opular A uthor
R udyard Kipling has been adjudged
tn g lu n d s most popular author. In a
! competition held recently to determ ine
| her favorite authors. And the prizes
, were not books, but automobllei
j eight of them. The prize w inners
f were those en tran ts who placed the
, authors In the order established by
their numerical appearance In the Hats
! “*
«-»inpetltors. The old favorites
I Mho have held their own since the be-
ginning of the century were well repre­
sented. The order of fuvorltes us de­
cided by the contest w as: Rudyard
For Colds
Kipling, Thomas H ardy. Hall Caine
Conan Doyle, II. U. Wells, R ider Hag
A German conk who loved to sleep gard, Arnold Kennett. Ethel M. Dell
i In the morning warned the scolding Joseph Conrad, W. J. Locke, G. K
m istress ot her Intention to leave for Chesterton, Iuu Hay.
1 America.
A c c c p t o n |y
'O ver there.” she said, "the sun
M in in g M en in A la sk a
Bayer package
rises much later, and when It Is al­
ready midday here It barely begins to
M a k e Use o f A irp la n e
whichcontains proven directions
dswn In A m erica! I shall be able to
It Is becoming a common occurrence
Handy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablet«
sleep a couple of hours longer."—Lot» for mining men to use the airplane for
Alao ta ttles of 24 aud 100— Druggist«
don Answers.
Anplrln la the trad* mark o f B ayrr Mana»
trips betw een mining camps In the In­
factura of MuuuaoaUcaclU«al«r of S a lk -jlk a c l«
terior Of Alaska and also ln north­
Im p o ssib ility
w estern Canada. Norman I.. Wlmmler,
Exchange o f Courtesies
“The m inister suggests,” rem arked placer mining engineer of the United
T he president of a sm all bank In
the flappers m other mildly, “that you S tates I ureau of mines, recently flew
g irls’ give as much tim e to religion from Fairbanks, Alasku. to Eagle, an the \\ est. while In New York, received
each day as you do to primping and airline distance of about two hundred an Invitation to visit O tto Kalin's Long
miles, In less than three hours, says Island estate and play golf over his
private 18-hole course.
"How absurd!" exclaimed the flap­ Compressed Air Magazine.
"T h at's mighty nice of Mr. K ahn."
per scornfully. "Surely a man of his
Two modern airships now make reg­
education should know that there u lar trips out of F airb an k s—thus said the W esterner appreciatively.
aren't 4s hours in a day,“—American bringing th at center w ithin a few "Any time he's out my way I'll he g |H<j
I-eg I on Weekly.
hours' travel of Tolovanu, K antlshna, to place my croquet ground at his dis­
. alaliu, Circle City and other mining posal. “—Boston T ranscript.
dlMtricLs on the Yukon.
— ..
’S a F ac t
“The last speaker," said the chair­
T h a t A lte re d the C ate
man of the H ealth Congress, “is a
W herever the
striking example of the efficacy of the
H usband (im patiently)—Is It pos­
doctrines he so eloquently advocates. ab le, my dear, th at you cannot keep
itc h in g a n d
Hale and hearty at eighty years ot those children quiet for a moment?
w h a te v e r the
age, he could tire out many a mao
W ife (soothingly)—Now, John, don't
ca u se , th e
younger than him self."
he harsh with the poor little things;
A voice from the audience: “He it Is natural for them to he full of
soothing touch o f r
spirit, und they're doing the best they
Rcsinol Ointment rarely
to give quick relief
H u sb an d -W ell, if i could have a
moment’s peace, I would sit down and
w rite th at cheek you’ve been bother-
1 ng me for.
Wife (s tern ly )—Children, go up­
sta irs at once I And If I hear another
word from you tonight I'll punish
you severely.
Say “ Bayer” - Insist!
September 9 Is 75th
Anniversary o f H er
1 Admission to Union
August Flower
ALIFORNIA this year
Shoes fo r B ird Dogs
celebrating the seventy
/» ' Constipation,
As part of the equipment of bird
fifth anniversary of her ad
Indigestion and
hunters using dogs, an eastern «port«-
mission to the Union. Ad
Torpid Liver
dream s of an empire on th e American
mission day is Septem ber 9 sions of California In 1834 there were I neifle. Including Hawaii, and Inciden
Surruaful for 69 year«.
leather boots be laced upon the four
but with characteristic ex 21, with a force of 30,060 Indian neo­
SI'C end 90c bottlaa-
E ditor—You can't get by with that feet of the dog. "This saves many
» t i. n n t i n e ,iR T s
uberance many cities are phytes. The padres had about 810,000
Joke. T h at’s an old P at and Mike nasty b riar cuts, stuhhle bruises und
throwing in fiestas and pa cattle, sheep, horses and mules. Their
sheds sand burrs. The dog soon be­
The red and yellow of Spain came wheeze.
H en H a t Rooster Plum es
* r v géants of their own for annual grain crop was 245,000 bushels;
( Jokesm lth—But don’t you see how comes quite w 'lllng that they should
flown In 1821, when Mexico won her
r H arry Beal Torrey, lecturing at
good measure.
th eir annual Income from sales from
Independence. T h ereafter the Mexi­ I've Improved It? I’ve changed the be placed upon his feet, for he realizes the sum mer classes of the U niversity
Merely a local nffulr? Hardly. Call herds was $550,000, The result of sec-
can flag floated In nominal sovereign­ names from P at and Mike to M artin a fte r his first hunt th a t his feet are of California, told the students th a t
fornla may rightly assume th a t the ularlzatlon was th is: “A few years suf­
L uther and Oliver Cromwell.
not tender and cut up as Is usual be had been able to grow rooster
ty over Alta C alifornia for 25 years.
I nlted S tates—and pretty much all ficed to strip the establishm ents of ev­
when hunting rough and weed Indcned feathers on a hen und clothe a rooster
Ju n e 14, 1846, a company of 33
the rest of the world—Is directly or In erything of value and leave the Indi­
country,” saya tills gunner.
S ym p ath etic
A mericans took possession of Sonoma,
In fem inine g a rl.
T bs change w as
directly Interested In her celebration. ans, who were In contem plation of made prisoners of Gen. M ariano G.
Tin fond o f m y d en lst.
brought about by adm lnlaterlng cap­
For all the peoples of the civilized aw the beneficiaries of secularization, Vallejo and his small garrison, hauled
H e’s n ev er a grouch;
T a rg e t S k ill in V a in
sules containing thyroxin, he ex-
And w hen he h as hurt me
world contributed to the gold rush of a shivering crowd of naked and, so to down the Mexican flag, proclaimed the
Miss C atherine Murdock, treasu rer plained. Doctor T orrey has devoted
He a lw a y s sa y s. "Ouch."
1848-50 th a t made the Golden state al speak, homeless w anderers."
Republic of California and ran up a
of a th eater ln K ansas City, practiced some years to the study of the thyroid
moat overnight.
A gain: California has such a bag of unique flag especially made for th e
shooting for months so th at she might and pituitary glands und by controlling
The Forty-niners, you see, mshpd tricks for visitors from ordinary spots. occasion from five yards of unbleached
Ni» Choice
cope with thugs and highwaymen who the effects of the glands he bus been
< nllfornla into the Union uway ahead It has, for example, assorted clim ates cotton cloth nnd a can of red p a in t
He had m arried a very small worn are alw ays expected nt the th eater box able to change the pigm ent of the
of her geographical turn.
at all seasons for all comers. I t’s Just
The "B ear flag" waved proudly over an, and was being chaffed about It office. One day as she was taking $1,- feathers, and by injecting hormones
This upsetting of the geographical as easy on a sum m er day to stand on the Republic of California for Just 24 at the club.
200 to the bank she was waylaid, and Into the blood could make a chicken's
sequence by the admission of C alifor­
'Now look here, you fellows," he gave up the day’s receipts without w hite feathers barred with bluck.
snowbank on the slopes of Mount days. The Mexican w ar had been on
nia as the twenty-eighth state intro­ Whitney (14.502) and catch steelhead since May 13. though nobody In Cali­ said.
“ It’s all very well laughing m aking an effort to shoot, explaining
duced new factors which hastened the trout In an Ice-cold lake as it Is to cook fornia knew it.
When the news about this, tu t I alw ays base my con­ later that she couldn’t kill a man for
N e a t Slogan
development of the Indian country. eggs in the sun In D eath valley (-276). reached Commodore John D. Sloat. In duct on certnln definite principles. One $1,200, and th at to have shot would
Rome bright w esterner has tw isted
Out of the demand for communication And at San Diego not even a native command of American nnval forces In I of them Is: given a choice of evils, have m eant death, ns her aim had be­ a phrase Into a slogan so pat that
come rem arkably true.
between the Mississippi and the Pa­ son can tell by the therm om eter w heth­ the Pacific, he sailed Into Monterey, alw ays choose the lesser."—Tlt-BIt»
has been adopted by nn Oklahoma
cific cam e the Overland Mail of the er It’s C hristm as or the Fourth of took possession of the port nnd on July
farm ers' organization. The slogan la
Fifties, the Pony express of 1860, the July. Then there Is Mount Lassen, 7 raise, I the S tars and S tripes nnd pro­
The W a y of A u th o rs
one we commend to gardeners every­
A lw a y s O b lig in g
St. I.ouis-San Francisco telegraph line the only active volcano, and the hlg claimed the annexation of California
publisher, w here : “Weed 'em and reap."—Bo
“W hat did you say when Jack th reat­
of 1861 anti the driving of the gold nnd trees nnd redwoods, the oldest and big­ to the United States. Admiral Sey­ ened to kiss you?”
track ed a Joke about authors at a fare­ ton T ranscript.
silver railroad spikes In 1869 at Ogden gest living things on earth, and so on. mour arrived with a British fleet a few
well dinner th at was given him In New
I told him 1 d like to see him try "
—each a story in Itself.
T he profllgiit» rake Is never able to
i ork on the occasion of his departure
C alifornia's very name suggests the du.vs later—Just too late.
“And then?"
for Europe.
hoe his own row.
Moreover the “lfs" of history have rom ance of her early days—and her
The “C alifornia w ar," set going by
“Well, Jack alw ays tries to do what
Author«,” he «aid, “never think
a fascination all their own and Cali­ historical beginnings are very old. the hoisting of th e “B ear flag." came 1 like."
about money, and, every blessed book
fornia furnishes several which will Cortez, conqueror of Mexico, gave the to an end with the signing of the “Ca-
they w rite, they expect a royulty big
long Interest historians:
name to B aja (Lower) C alifornia when huenga capitulation” of Jan u ary 13,
W /iy N ot ?
enough to keep them from thinking
If the Monroe D octrine of 1823 had he made his settlem ent at La Paz In 1847. The next y ear saw th e end of
L andlord—You've been living In about money for the rest of their born
not notified the R ussians that fu rth er 1534-5. California Is the name of a the Mexican war.
extension of th eir Pacific coast actlvl fictional Island. Inhabited by Amazons I A momentous day for California was the house only a month and It's a days."
total wreck.
ties would be regarded as the "m ani­ under Queen Calafla and — —
■ —
— —
— gold. I F , ebruary 2. 1848. On th at '1
(1^1 was
•» fa
Cutlcura 8oothes Baby Rashes
festation of an unfriendly disposition diamonds and pearls, ln an old Span- ’ ’S1"*'’ ,h<* treaty of Gnndalupe-HIdal- I T en an t—Then you ought to reduce
the ren t this month.
T h at Itch and burn, by hot b ath s
tow ard the United S tates"—
Isti romance, “Las Sergns de Esplnndl-
wh,ch ">ade California safely ours i
of C utlcura Soap followed by gentle
If the raising of the “California Re­ an,” by Garcia Ordonez de Montalvo 1 by cr>n<lue"t and purchase. And on '
anointings of C utlcura Ointm ent.
public” flag by Americans Ju n e 14. (1510).
j th at day Jam es W. M arshall .ticked up
I Nothing better, purer, sw eeter, espe­
1846, had not been followed three
In Alta (U pper) California, Cabrino ’
of K01'1 ln th e racew ay of the i
cially If a little of the fra g ra n t C utl­
weeks la te r at Monterey by the annex­ national
itlonal monument m arks the spot
snot ( Dew sa" 'ni,,l at Coloma In the Sacra­
A re you ready to enjoy social
cura Talcum Is dusted on a t the fln-
ation of C alifornia to the United first sighted by Ju an R odrigues Cab- mento valley. Just built by Capt. John I
duties, ,p o rt, or recreations?
l»h. 25c each.—Advertisem ent.
S tates—
rillo in Ju n e of 1542. He was a P ortu­ A. Sntter, of S u tter's Fort and New !
I f not t r y H o jT g T T rR ’« Cele­
If Admiral Seymour's Rrltlsh fleet guese navigator flying the golden Helvetia fame.
The L ig h t T h a t Guides
brated Stomach B itte r,, for over
had arrived at Monterey before Com­ castles of C astile and the red lions of
At the close of th e Mexican regime
Cull It Imagination, call It wonder
seventy year, noted a , a whole­
modore Sloat of the American navy Leon. So the flag of Spain was the there was the m iserable presidio and
call It love, w hatever It he th at shows
some tonic, appetizer and cor­
pueblo of Yerba Buena at the entrance
had taken possession. Instead of Just first to float over the coast.
us the deeper significance of the world
a fte r—
| and hum anity and (nukes the dlffer-
In June of 1579 a strange ship flying to San Francisco bay. with 200 Inhabi­
AI All Drug girls
If gold had been discovered In Call | the red cross of St. George swooped tants. By the w inter of 1849-50 this
I ence between the surface-light of sa
fornla during the Mexican war, In- j down on the coast of Alta California m iserable village had become the city
gnclty and th e Interpenetrating glow
Tb« Hoetetfgr (»naps
slead of Just a fte r the region had be­ nnd captured Spaniards, galleons and I of San Francisco, with 50.000 people
Pitt sharp, Pa.
of worship, we owe to It w hatever
come ours by conquest nnd treaty — ' treasure galore. It wag the Golden ; In canvas tents, tin bouses and wooden
| highest truth, w hatever tru stiest guld
j ance we have.—Jam es M artlneau.
Then, too, the rise and fall of the j Hind on her way round thp world un- ' cabins, scattered all th e way from the
Goodness, what kind of a bird laid
C alifornia missions Is of Interest alike der th at great sea captain. Sir Francis | bead, to Telegraph h lll- a n d as many
to historical student, economist and D rake—part gentleman adventurer and j more on the way via the Horn, th e ; u ‘°se funny green eggs I"
R ain N o In d u cem ent
j Isthmus and the overland trail.
j p art pirate. D rake landed north of
From a sum m er camp a d : “ Mineral
So th at Is w hat the discovery of gold
T h e U ltim a te Topic
Jesu its began the establishm ent of San Francisco, took possession ln the
I spring w ater and health In every
C g L iB R A T ID
lhe missions of Lower California. With name of England and named the re­ ; nt S u tter's mill did for California And Th° n* h.. m ,n >r • " » r x u m .n i profound breeze." The health part Is all right
I na hum an m ind puraura
j why C alifornia's gold, lying alm ost m
I but we J o n ’t fancy those breezes with
their expulsion In 1767, the Dominicans gion New Albion.
«“ • «round
plain sight, should have escaped the
i w ater In 'em, m ineral or otherw ise _
« e re given the work, while the F ran ­
To ta lk in « IO U a.
The Russians, blundering
down j S p a n ia rd -th e moat Indefatigable gold-
C ard .., Man Orrtrr
„„„ ,.Mr„ ,,^ 7 "
Boston T ranscript.
ciscans w ere called upon to begin on through Behring strait In 1728, prose­
l a w . i L '''.n
f ,r •"
. a . li,'.
upper C alifornia. F ath er Junlpero cuted the fur trad e vigorously, estab­ hunter the world ever Raw—Is a mys­
r."r " ‘“•"■•••S
■ onsy t,a, || |f mUreprenenterl.
F ortune no longer knocks at a m an's
Serra, padre presldente, had founded lished th eir fortified posts as far south tery—unless one believes In the guid­
Customer— Not done yet? And you
door. Have an electric button If you
fin e missions along the Camino Real as San Francisco bay and had the ing hand of Divine Providence In the advertise, "Shoes repaired
Dickey's OLD RELIABLE Eye Water
while you w ant to be in the push.
from San Diego to S ub Francisco when Spanish C alifornians terrorized- The progress of th e one nation o f earth w ait.”
dedicated to liberty, equality of rights
he died In 1784. They prospered.
Monroe Doctrine put an end to tb elr j and the pursuit of happiness
R epairm an—T h a t's rig h t; only vou
When a man freely adm its th a t his
haven't w aited more than four days.
wife Is stubborn he can afford to stop
cording to press reports the required Hack, with a diagonal hand, on which
w N. IL, 8sn Francisco, No. 34-1925.
M is p rin t
sliver has been purchased In fndla Ind ra
" r* r*v‘‘n,ed ; the second
through a German firm and the nickel and third q u arters consist of „
I railroad m an's heir.
The governm ent of Afghanistan has through an Italian firm. The manu­ tered
field f r„„ „ „ „ w h |>
“DM you g ran d fath er really mak*
fniriwinced n new system of coinage facturing stam ps have been Imported
th at statem ent about the p u b lie r
*'hlch has for Its unit the nmnnla. a from Europe.
silver coin worth approxim ately the
asked the new spaper man.
Trnf wt o '1 ‘" ‘" t " " ,h e
“No, I don't think so. It w as _ mis
same ns the Kabuli rupee (about 16
u th e n u m b er w h o a re try in g to im ita te It.
and white on the red. and all being print. mo«t Ilkeiy. The old man I a prob
M a ry la n d ’s F la g a Copy
r^nta). Tlie nam e of the new coin Is
1» B e rn -to -H a ir was n o t grow ing h a ir on bald
derived from Amanulla. 'h e name of
The stale flag of Maryland repre­
" l
wo" W
hsitotors. If th e m
the present am eer of A fghanistan. In sents the escutcheon of the paternal the present seal of Maryland.
is baidnea. o r aigna o f it you cen t affo rd to
« Idltion to fhe nmnnla there will be coat of arm s of Ixird Baltimore. The
The beaver, though look«) „„ „ an
to u»«“ForBt*a O rigin al B are-to-F4air.w
’""•ned half-am anla pieces and nickel first and fourth qu arters consist of embodiment of industry, sleena tea
Fred Why was Adam m ade first?
CorTi^ix/ndwe (dven F>r»onaJ AtttnUoo
• d u s of sm aller dettotulnaUoos. Ac­ six vertical bare, alternately gold and hours a day.
Dad To give him a chance to a s,
New Afghan Coinage
the best recommendation
B are-to-H air
s word or two, I suppose.
H E N R Y H E R M A N , Distributor
115 M a a o o St*
fl«a F ranciaco, Calif.