n v i v u , tiX 1LKUK1SE California Celebrai fær SfofoHood rv LIFE’S ¡) LITTLE i JESTS £ K ip lin g I t E n g lan d ’s M o tt P opular A uthor R udyard Kipling has been adjudged tn g lu n d s most popular author. In a ! competition held recently to determ ine | her favorite authors. And the prizes , were not books, but automobllei j eight of them. The prize w inners f were those en tran ts who placed the , authors In the order established by their numerical appearance In the Hats ! “* «-»inpetltors. The old favorites I Mho have held their own since the be- ginning of the century were well repre­ sented. The order of fuvorltes us de­ cided by the contest w as: Rudyard For Colds Headache PERHAPS Kipling, Thomas H ardy. Hall Caine Conan Doyle, II. U. Wells, R ider Hag Pain Lumbago A German conk who loved to sleep gard, Arnold Kennett. Ethel M. Dell i In the morning warned the scolding Joseph Conrad, W. J. Locke, G. K Neuralgia Rheumatism m istress ot her Intention to leave for Chesterton, Iuu Hay. 1 America. A c c c p t o n |y 'O ver there.” she said, "the sun M in in g M en in A la sk a Bayer package rises much later, and when It Is al­ ready midday here It barely begins to M a k e Use o f A irp la n e whichcontains proven directions dswn In A m erica! I shall be able to It Is becoming a common occurrence Handy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablet« sleep a couple of hours longer."—Lot» for mining men to use the airplane for Alao ta ttles of 24 aud 100— Druggist« don Answers. Anplrln la the trad* mark o f B ayrr Mana» trips betw een mining camps In the In­ factura of MuuuaoaUcaclU«al«r of S a lk -jlk a c l« terior Of Alaska and also ln north­ Im p o ssib ility w estern Canada. Norman I.. Wlmmler, Exchange o f Courtesies “The m inister suggests,” rem arked placer mining engineer of the United T he president of a sm all bank In the flappers m other mildly, “that you S tates I ureau of mines, recently flew g irls’ give as much tim e to religion from Fairbanks, Alasku. to Eagle, an the \\ est. while In New York, received each day as you do to primping and airline distance of about two hundred an Invitation to visit O tto Kalin's Long pleasure." miles, In less than three hours, says Island estate and play golf over his private 18-hole course. "How absurd!" exclaimed the flap­ Compressed Air Magazine. "T h at's mighty nice of Mr. K ahn." per scornfully. "Surely a man of his Two modern airships now make reg­ education should know that there u lar trips out of F airb an k s—thus said the W esterner appreciatively. aren't 4s hours in a day,“—American bringing th at center w ithin a few "Any time he's out my way I'll he g |Hade California safely ours i of C utlcura Soap followed by gentle If the raising of the “California Re­ an,” by Garcia Ordonez de Montalvo 1 by cr>nr • " » r x u m .n i profound breeze." The health part Is all right I na hum an m ind puraura j why C alifornia's gold, lying alm ost m I but we J o n ’t fancy those breezes with their expulsion In 1767, the Dominicans gion New Albion. STOMACH BITTERS T„‘ «“ • «round plain sight, should have escaped the i w ater In 'em, m ineral or otherw ise _ « e re given the work, while the F ran ­ To ta lk in « IO U a. The Russians, blundering down j S p a n ia rd -th e moat Indefatigable gold- C ard .., Man Orrtrr „„„ ,.Mr„ ,,^ 7 " Boston T ranscript. ciscans w ere called upon to begin on through Behring strait In 1728, prose­ l a w . i L '''.n f ,r •" . a . li,'. upper C alifornia. F ath er Junlpero cuted the fur trad e vigorously, estab­ hunter the world ever Raw—Is a mys­ Im p a tie n t iiTatoï«. r."r " ‘“•"■•••S ■ onsy t,a, || |f mUreprenenterl. F ortune no longer knocks at a m an's Serra, padre presldente, had founded lished th eir fortified posts as far south tery—unless one believes In the guid­ Customer— Not done yet? And you door. Have an electric button If you fin e missions along the Camino Real as San Francisco bay and had the ing hand of Divine Providence In the advertise, "Shoes repaired Dickey's OLD RELIABLE Eye Water while you w ant to be in the push. from San Diego to S ub Francisco when Spanish C alifornians terrorized- The progress of th e one nation o f earth w ait.” dedicated to liberty, equality of rights he died In 1784. They prospered. Monroe Doctrine put an end to tb elr j and the pursuit of happiness R epairm an—T h a t's rig h t; only vou When a man freely adm its th a t his haven't w aited more than four days. wife Is stubborn he can afford to stop praying. “ cording to press reports the required Hack, with a diagonal hand, on which w N. IL, 8sn Francisco, No. 34-1925. M is p rin t sliver has been purchased In fndla Ind ra " r* r*v‘‘n,ed ; the second The reporter was Intervie, through a German firm and the nickel and third q u arters consist of „ ring I railroad m an's heir. The governm ent of Afghanistan has through an Italian firm. The manu­ tered field f r„„ „ „ „ w h |> “DM you g ran d fath er really mak* fniriwinced n new system of coinage facturing stam ps have been Imported th at statem ent about the p u b lie r *'hlch has for Its unit the nmnnla. a from Europe. lug In trefoils, with fhe color, -rang silver coin worth approxim ately the asked the new spaper man. Trnf wt o '1 ‘" ‘" t " " ,h e “No, I don't think so. It w as _ mis same ns the Kabuli rupee (about 16 u th e n u m b er w h o a re try in g to im ita te It. and white on the red. and all being print. mo«t Ilkeiy. The old man I a prob M a ry la n d ’s F la g a Copy r^nta). Tlie nam e of the new coin Is 1» B e rn -to -H a ir was n o t grow ing h a ir on bald represented a , mi the escutcheon of derived from Amanulla. 'h e name of ably suhl. T h e Public Be Ja m m e d .'" The stale flag of Maryland repre­ " l wo" W hsitotors. If th e m the present am eer of A fghanistan. In sents the escutcheon of the paternal the present seal of Maryland. is baidnea. o r aigna o f it you cen t affo rd to « Idltion to fhe nmnnla there will be coat of arm s of Ixird Baltimore. The H is O n ly Chance The beaver, though look«) „„ „ an to u»«“ForBt*a O rigin al B are-to-F4air.w ’""•ned half-am anla pieces and nickel first and fourth qu arters consist of embodiment of industry, sleena tea Fred Why was Adam m ade first? CorTi^ix/ndwe (dven F>r»onaJ AtttnUoo • d u s of sm aller dettotulnaUoos. Ac­ six vertical bare, alternately gold and hours a day. Dad To give him a chance to a s, By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN " Vou Ready r L HOSTETTER’S New Afghan Coinage the best recommendation B are-to-H air s word or two, I suppose. H E N R Y H E R M A N , Distributor 115 M a a o o St* fl«a F ranciaco, Calif.