Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, May 20, 1925, Image 2

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/ M * 1 M
The Great Outdoors
P rogram O ut for Jersey
Ju b ilee S aturday at
A lbany
Ruralists M a y Cure
Flavors and Odors
of Milk From Feed
T h e ir O w n Ills
W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and Vigorous H u m an ity a re Produced
Federation W neat
China P h e a sa n ts
L in n C ounty’s
grown I In Iowa there is a
Big Cattle Show dongside of Dicklow, Bluestem. to rid the country of
Some Problems in
Precautions Must Be Taken Leaders Declare Farmers Can
in Feedipg Vegetables.
Solve Their Own Problem
(P re p a re d b r th e U n ite d Statee D e p a rtm e n t
By Organization.
o l A g ric u ltu re .)
cows are fe<l such succulent
the China
Flax G row ing feed When
as cabbage, potatoes, green al­
Des Moines, Ia.— Clothed w ith power
Marquis, Liberty, Sonora and pheasant. The game commis-
falfa , green com. turnips and silage,
to "apeak w tth a u th o rity fo r agricul­
• ortyfold on irrigated land injsion pays a dollar for each bird
-Expert Says O ur Seasons ffavor in the m ilk unless precautions ture,“ a com m ission o f 25 farm leaders
"rook county outyielded those turned in alive, a t the county
Come H it and Miss as
Mre taken, says the United States De­ appointed by representatives of the 24
/arieties from 6 to 8 bushels per court house, and the same price
partm ent of Agriculture. A great deal m a jo r farm organizations o f the middle
acre last year. Approximately for a dozen eggs It is claimed
to M oisture
o f experimental work has been done west Issued a staement here ou tlin ing
70 per cent of the county’s 9000 that the birds do great damage
in tbe use of these feeds, and certain a united program calculated to coordi­
acres of spring wheat was seed-, to the newly planted corn fields IRRIGATION RECOMMENDED practices bave been found deeiruhie nate the fu tu re e ffo rts o f the farmer.
■d to federation in 1924 and the and the farm ers have appealed
and practicable. The Im portant facts
The commission, headed by W illia m
vear 1925 will see a big increase for
The China
The effort to have the grow­ brought out were as follow s:
H ir th o f Columbia. Mo., declared that
n the acreage of this variety.— pheasant was introduced in Iowa ing of flax demonstrated on t
Feeding succulent feed before m ilk­ the “ tim e has come when farm organ­
ing is like ly to im part an undesirable izations should federate In such a
Wasco News-Enterprise.
only a few years ago. In Ore­
large enough number of one- flavor and odor to the milk.
gon the game commission, a t a
m anner th a t a g ric u ltu re may speak
tracts in this valley so that
Tbe longer the tim e elapsing be­
cost of $5 or more apiece, raises
w ith one voice in congress and else­
Add Milk
» -,
birds and tu rn s them loose an idea of the practicability oi
w ill be the undesirable where" and placed “ fu ll resp on sibility
of Young Chickens to devastate the farm er’s grain impractiability of the industry pronounced
fo r continued depression upon the
flavors and odors.
1 fields and the fa n n e r is fined if Ynay be had has proved success­
Feeding succulent feeds immediate­ farm ers."
The statem ent urged th e e a rly crea­
he kills one before it has had
ly a fte r m ilking has Unie or no d e tri­
Adds Greatly to Increased tim e to fatten off his crops and ful. So confident are capitalists mental effect.
tion o f an export corporation ade­
Prompt and thorough aeration of quately financed and adm inistered by
limited in th e number he may of the success of the enterprise
Rate of Growth.
that mills for th e m anufacture I m ilk while s till warm w ill remove a board o f farm ers ndm inated by
kill a t r-ny time.
of linen are already under con­ slight flavors und odors and w ill les­ recognized farm organizations.
(P re p a re d b r the U n ite d Statee D e p a rtm e n t
of A d rlc n ltu re .)
sen the Intensity o f strong flavors and
"W e are not asking fo r a subsidy
That the addition of m ilk to the Bulletin on Caring
or fo r special privilege. W e are mere­
eguiar grain ration of growing chicks
The department’s m arket m ilk spe­
for Farm Woodlands growing the fiber m ay be fail­ cialists
ly asking th a t congress equalize the
eada to a greatly increased rate of
gay that feeds may be one of
;rowtb ia a conclusion reached by fed-
the most frequent causes o f abnormal burdens which rest upon the farm er
all kinds of soil under any cli­ flavors and odors In m ilk, and fo r that and from which in his present unor­
ral poultry specialists who have stud-
ed tiie m atter experimentally. The Knowledge of Forestry Is mate are adapted to the same reason the feeding o f the succulent ganized condition he cannot escape.’’
-iperim enta are s till in progress. The
The statem ent also asked recogni­
Profitable in Farming.
crop. There is quite as good feeds listed above should be done very
(inclusion agrees w ith the experience
tion of the p rin cip le th a t cost o f pro­
• t commercial poultrymen who have (P re p a re d by th e U n ite d S tates D e p a rtm e n t
Sometimes the appearance of feed duction plus a reasonable p ro fit Is
dozen experiments in Linn coun­ flavor
of A ffrk -u ltu ro .)
deluded m ilk in the rations of young
or odor In m ilk alarms the con­ necessary to the success o f a g ric u ltu re
“A knowledge of farm forestry, ap-
sumer, and It may be to the interest and m ay be obtained through organ­
Linen experts have pronounc­ o f the producer or d istrib u to r to ac­
Another experiment conducted by piled along simple lines, should make
ization o f farm ers to regulate and
lie United Stutea Department of As- furm ing more profitable,” according to ed the climatic conditions
in quaint tbe public w ith the cause.
tro l the m arke ting o f th e ir pro­
Iculture which promises to be of prac-
this valley ideal for the produc-,
----- -
lesl Importance is on the relative Home Woodlands." ju s t revised by the
tion of the finest grades o i Economical Ration for
T his program of farm re lie f sub­
(tlclency o f mush rations containing United States Departm ent o f A g ricu l­
Linn and Benton counties wil)
unite in the Jersey jubilee a)
the fair grounds, Albany, next
Saturday- It is expected thai
120 Jersey cattle will be on ex
The program follows:
9 o’clock, judging of cattk
by the best judge in Canada.
12, lunch.
Bring baskets
Coffee and ice cream free.
1 :S0, address of welcome bj
Robnett, • Ed School
Linn Jersey Club
Response by D. 0. Wood
worth, president of the club.
Vocal solo, Ted Gilbert.
Address, A. K s McMahan
president Kiwanis club-
Music, Oversea male quartet.
Address, Governor Pierce.
Slide tropibone solo, Victor
Cow demonstration, Prof. P
M. Brant, 0 . A. C.
There will be thirteen classes
Bulls aged; bulls 2 years anr
egetable proteins. The results thus
over; yearling bulls; senior bul
ur l»ear out those of previous years’
calves; junior bull calves; ma
ork to the effect that the addition of
ture cows; two-year-old heifers
ertuln mineral salts to vegetable
senior yearling heifers; junior
»oleins makes them compare favor
yearling heifers; senior heifer bly with anlmul proteins us a pro
■in supplement fo r poultry. Unless
c a lv e s ; ju n io r h e ife r c a lv e s ; ti e
he minerals are used the protein or
four animals by one sire; two nimul origin is more efficient.
animals by one dam.
These experiments ure conducted ut
There will be no cash prizes, lie bureau o f anim al industry farm,
b u t ribbons Will be awarded for
icaled at Beltsville. Md.. oenr Wasli-
first, second and third best. A ngton. Last year the government
m ltry specialists hatched about 7J5OU
special prize is up for the best
ilcka w ith good results. The fowls
showing by one exhibitor.
re used fo r a great vurlety o f stud
These spring Jersey show:
s in breeding, feeding, and muunge-
are adopted from the island o' -ent.
Jersey, where they have been ii
vogue for fifty years-
Cockleburs Are Fatal
£ •
_Feedine Ewes and Lambs
ture fo r general distribution.
scribed to by the farm organizations
The b u lle tin gives the farm wood­
Experiments at the Otilo agricul­ o f the grain belt states is character­
land a distinctive place in the man­ required to give them all the
tural experiment station have shown ized as the most progressive step a t­
agement o f the farm and in the de­ knowledge needed as a founda­
tempted since united action among
velopment o f the community.
The tion ‘for a definite decision on that when the ewes are In good th r ifts
ers became apparent and is con­
various chapters take up the Impor­
th at A
A Salem writei lam bing
uneconomical M
does D
---- I ------------------------------------—
• Is uncvuttmujiUI
liu Uijes
OT sidered in dicative of a "g ro w in g dis
tant local kinds o f trees and th e ir
sounds a note Of warning in last ln crcase the efficiency o f the ration. A position” to u n ify the d iverg ent in ­
uses, the proper location o f woodlands lirn
o lr’n A w nm /c
2» _ _ I IllHlt
RTflln H1
t however,
t v
u is a
to terests w ith respect to economic and
from light grain
on farms, th e ir economic value, the week’3 Oregon
be strongly recommended even though legislative measures.
different farm tim ber products, meas­ which we take the following:
legume hay and corn silage make Up a
uring und m arketing tim ber, u tilizin g
“The rub comes in the uneven large pa rt o f the daily feed, fo r the
tim ber correctly, protecting and Im ­ distribution of m oisture from
ewes fed one-third to one-half pound
year to year during the growing of grain per head dally In addition to
young timber.
legume hay and com silage weaned
This bu lle tin baa been prepared to season. This will prevent or
give to the organized school work in partially prevent the use of ma­ strong lambs and had an abundunt
to use long- supply of m ilk.
elementary and aecondary agriculture chinery designed
W ashington, D. C. — W ide fluctua-
A fte r lambing, the grain allowance
additional impetus in forestry. I t pro­ line fibre, because of the reduc­
should be Increased sufficient to main­ tlons rece ntly In Chicago wheat m ar­
vides m uteriul fo r Instruction and fur­ ed supply in such dry years.
tain the condition o f the ewes ns fa r ket prices were duo p rim a rily to heavy
nishes a topic fo r home projects In
“ My contention is th a t a capital as possible and to Insure a good flow tra d in g of a lim ite d num ber o f pro­
furestry that may be worked out pro f­
According to A A. Hansen, ween itably In niutiy communities. The bul­ investment o f »250.000 to »500, of m ilk. When the lambs lia v l learned fessional speculators, Secretary Jar
peciallst ut Purdue, cockleburs tit-t letin contains subject m atter material Q00 cannot be inode proHtubh to eat grain, nnd they should always dine declared in a review of the de­
ometluies fa ta l to hogs and ulso I, und a plun o f study which should be when the m achinery is lik e ly to huve a creep wliere they can eat w ith ­
partm ent o f a g ricu ltu re 's investigsu
Oitiig cuttle. It ia Uot known definite of renl educational value to the pupils stand idle part of the tim e or de­ out Interference, the grain allowance
y whether the In ju ry Is due to poison themselves.
pend on Russian fiber to run.
Wheat — Hard white, »1.88; hart’
The professional operations, the sec­
w ithout reducing the efficiency o f the
n the plants or to the mechanical ef
‘•Forestry Lessons on Horae Wood-
I he Miles p la nt is being con- ration.
w inter, soft w hite and northern spring
re ta ry declared, were fa c ilita te d to a
feet o f the burs In the digestive ays lands" may be secured on application
structed to handle shorter lin t
»ISO; western w hiio, »1.5»; wostert
considerable degree by the large par­
I f the burs are well developed
to the United States Department of liber for fish cord and coarse linei
red, »1.50.
ticip a tio n o f the public a fte r m a te ria l
take the tibgs from the Held but il
Agriculture. Washington. D. C., free and w ill be able to run any year
Huy — A lfa lfa , »20021 to n ; valley
l lie plants tU-e not large and the burr of charge as long as the supply lasts.
advance in prices ta d occurred in the
soft and Just sta rtin g to form titer» A fte r th a t It may be secured from the 1 do not know wbat tbe other m ill
tim othy, »20021; eastern Oregon
last h a lf o f January.
n no danger in leaving the hogs when government p rin tin g office, Washing­ propose*, But 1 do know that
timothy, »23®24.
The cost o f foundation Is*very small
Proof necessary fo r the con victio n
(hey are.
damask machinery is unpractical compared to the cost o f le ttin g tiie o f persons who m ight be charged with,
B u tte rfu l- 42c delivered Portland.
ton, D. C., fo r 15 cents a copy.
here u n til such tim e as producer, bees build It. I f the bees build comb m anipulating prices has not thus fa r
Eggs Ranch, 26028c.
vegetables and «malt
in s ta ll irrig a tio n , that they m ai they have to eat a good deal of honey been obtained, the secretary said
Cheese- Prices f. o. b. Tillam ook
fru its may be profitably fertilized w ltl
huve an even d is trib u tio n of m oist­ and stay In the hive to generate the
T riplets, 26c; loaf. 27c per lb.
Secretary Jardine Is determ ined to
a good dressing o f stable manure. B,
ure d urin g thte g io n iu g season. comb. They seldom build comb except u tilize the results of the in vestig ation
C attle—Steers, good, »9.50© 10.00.
liberal w ith the application and cui
Powdery m ildew is another dlsetise I t requires a better irrig a tio n eye
Medium to choice, »11.00© tb n te it in to the soil early In tin
By using foundation the beekeeper to In s titu te whatever prosecutions
which occasionally Is troublesome, al­ tem for flax tbau for many otliei
saves the comb builders much work, m ig ht be ju stified , but he is concern-
grains because of the very sLorl and thus provides many more field ed more p a rtic u la rly In the develop­
Shoep-Lam ba. mt-dium to choice
name would indicate, when leaves are root system. I t must gel its sus-
attacked by this disease, they take on ten w ee train the first three inches workers. Two advantages fo r comb ment o f some method by which a
foundation are as follow s:
rep etitio n of destructive price changes
a white, powdery appearance. Gen­
»oil. S ub-irrigation
1. Combs b u ilt on foundation are m ay bo obviated.
erally bordeaux m ixture, such as one
therefore be dangerous because of straight and easy to handle.
W heat—Soft white, »1.63; western
would use fo r leaf blight, w ill control
2. Comb foundation Is stamped fo r
the likelihood o f drowning out in
white, hard w inter and western red.
this disease.
w orking bee cells, und the bees draw
»1 61; northern spring, »1.62
There are other disease»* which at­ spoil.
“ Then, too, no precautions have It ont as It Is started, and In this wav
Hay-Alfalfa. »24; u. c.. »28- tim
tack the straw berry from tim e to time
but they are not universal enough to heretofore been taken in tbe vallet avoid raising excessive numbers of
otBy, »26; D. C . »28; mixed hay, M i
Studies o f sweet cherry p o llina tion
drones.— E. S. I’ revosfc Extension Bee
need special mention at this time, and to prevent flax w ilt, which may b»
B u tte rfa t— 43c.
in the Northwest have revealed th a t
where they are largely local Io char­ done by treating tbe seed with
Egg»—Ranch. 27®33c
seine o f the best varieties, such us
acter, the county agents o r the state formaldehyde. J his is a dangerous S h p p n CU i p o m » , ^ TUT v
Hogs— Prim e light. »12012.25.
Bing, Lambert and Napoleon, are n o t
C attle—Choice steers, »9 5o®10.
only self-sterile but are in te r-ste rile
generally equipped to give the desired in d u s try .
Prof. Baldy of the nni
w ith each other. Two o f the best va­
Cheese—Oregon fancy to retailers,
Inform ation on such Insects and dia-
versity of N orth Dakota savs it
»7« per lb .; do standards, 25c; Wash
There are many methods o f shear­ rieties w ith which to pollinate the-
thgton fancy triplets, 25c.
may take seven years to get flax ing sheep, ranging all the way from s above are Long Stem Waterhouse and
w ilt out o f the grouud ouoe it is pair o f ordinary the finest Black T artaria n. C. L. Long o f O re­
No fla x can be grown on machine clippers. Q uite a few farm- gon and Mr. D. Arm strong o f Wash­
Field feeding o f corn la moat suc­ there.
ground u n til it is purged, era at the present tim e are using hand ington are demonstrating the top
Hogg—Prim e mixed, »11.75011 85.
cessful when the weather Is dry. e ll
w orking o f some o f the commercial
msan disaster if it shears. Probably the most satisfactory plantings to these pollen-producing va­
C attle— Prim e ateere.
la not wise to keep pigs | „ the field
a fter heavy rains, fo r tiiey then waste became very general over the
flexible shuft machine, which has an rieties. H B. Tttkey o f the Hudson
corn nnd may in ju re the land. U ttleSs vaJley.”
u°“ ° f New York reI’orts re­
attachm ent fo r clipping horses and .7 1 67
very early varieties o f corn are used,
ih e Voter comments : • ’ E x is t­
sults which agree pre tty closely w ith
Crop Better than lO-Vtar Average
which are usually not heavy ylelders. ence of these difficulties does not mule« and another attachment, or flex­
Consld* r l ' ‘« theta re­
ible arm, fo r sheep shearing. This ma­ ^ 7 7 7 » T “ *1’
Predleted by Agriculture Oept.
tiie new corn crop w ill not be ready
mean th a t they cannot ba over­ chine w ill cost somewhere in the neigh­ sults, it does not seem advisable fo r
early enough In the fa ll to furnish
W ashington, D. C .-W h e a t areas In
come. Efforts to overcome them, borhood o f »30. Where several farm- «rowers to m aintain solid p ltin tln g , of
much feed for pigs which are to be
15 European countries, o th e r than
once they appear, w ill ce rta inly he P raf l" vO%n; U'a 'y 8re rro w ln S ’ heep c h Z r r ii " 8, Lam bert aDd N a^ “ »“
Russia, were reported by the depart
Bas a Japanned top. you say? Tee
October, before the usual slump in made by those whose a ctivities m .t a k
t rk v
o f the ani­
tte n t of a g ricu lture as being s lig h tly He «an easily qu alify fo r the beauty
depend upon a stable supply of mal husbandry division at Clernaon
prices occura
la rg e r than last year Indications are prise among bald-headed uiithure Thia
c o l le t suggests that they can coop,
W illam ette valley fla x fib er,’’
tha t the yield w il be above the 10 year gentle aprlngaid hasn’t had much ex
erate by purchasing « machine and
Dengues. Oh, no ’ During h it irh nn t
a^aif U T
maeh‘,,e f° r
In K a n . .. a „ . M o T it. r a ? ^
’M ineral elements are not to be re­
O rowtng c o n d itio *. In meet conn
circ u s h la* *" b* c'MUe “ dow n In a
garded as medicines to be fed in doses.
trie s were reported better than last
M,L hV P? !er.Or° ’ ’er’ ’ aM<>c<atlon. the T °B ,an i ?°<to to b e ,u PPlled daily,” says
JQ Canada conditions were
" a s^rawh 7 ' ,a ' * 9 aiency han’1 L. S Palmer of the Minnesota agricul-
ednea‘ to» really com­
represented as especially good, bul
merced. I t progressed when he be-
ling strawberries m carlota. has an- le tta N o " 1^ ’ " 1 8t“ U° n 1,1 speclHl b“ r -
estim ates fo r India and the United
can* press representative for a big
«tune«! the follow ing wa, e
le tin No. 94 entitled "M inerals »
Btatea Indicated a combined reduction taioUIu?nd.tf0 r C° lk W F Coil3r (B u f
Farm A n im a ls "
“ “ -rats . ur
Of 190.000.000 bushels. India la not ex falo B ill) shows. Next he was a ape-
‘ 7 P,nt h a ll° ' k «. w ith a bonus
p e ctrd Io have ah »«portable surplus
Tribune and Den-
and present conditions indicate the vee p W,°r (’ ’
rem‘. t - ,7 * Carrl' r ,0 p,cker« *f>o
remain through the .«.son w ith .
Valued States w ill be on a domestic In ftJ T x r ’ ? ,h * " orld war he enlisted
In the Karine« and came out a com-
»rower; packers 1»
4 c ^ bonul
1,CeDt’ a c ra 'r , w ith «rst two. Iodine can be s v ? * 7 ,
price basis for the greater part, if not missioned officer. He was sent hock to
feeding ,odlun, or potassin»’
£ oi
a ll the season.
tata M a te ria l W " r ''“ ’’" r ’ ^ e n t to col-
tarT7 ’ T
We“ her ” m akln« record n» sea salt from which tta . t^T, \
ritoN ”
Cal raaf,,‘r about the Ma
or ripening red raspberriea In the not been removed bv re
4The fir^ t pfra front Oregon fo r low
rrg o n d U tr ic t Small p icking , have commercially Iodized co»» ° n Dg’ “ r “ •
• r , fre ig h t rates on a g ricu ltu ra l prod­
a ?
W I lf * fo r <* “ clr-
MFMdy been made. Thia in dica te. I’hospltoru.
ucts under the powers granted it by ta .n n c i 8
mhtera. s n p p iJ n S ’*
” ’e
th h Hocb-8m tth resolution reached the
mesl, spent hone h l . ck
of tfre past several reara.
In te rsta te commerce commission front
,n ,h * " c s t .
phosphate floats. Sp#nt' h 5_ ra " ? ’ck
eetan o-
" T h' , r Na“ *
the Umpqua Broccoli exchange of
V.lieat crop conditions are good In not a uniform pn>dt*t
^ " ,< k la
Legion . the oil country romance soon
Oregon. Spring grain is th rivin g , ac­ lias t.een used by the s o / ’ l>«t which
to appear ae a serial in thia paper.
cording to the weekly sum m ary of should be fed i> r ut.*
the w e a tt^r bureau.
not recommended
t,ODa“ *« l «•
Gamblers M ade the
Prices on W h e a t
Proper Plan to Supply
Bee Colony Foundation
Powdery Mildew Disease
Often Very Troublesome
Pollination of Cherry
in Northwest Sections
Is Quite Satisfactory
Field Feeding of Copi
' B “ ' -
Mineral Supplements Is
Subject of a Bulletin
For th rifty, healthy chicks feed
Developing Mash I
■ * •- • • »»*»,
O. W . F R U M I