V / M * 1 M The Great Outdoors P rogram O ut for Jersey Ju b ilee S aturday at A lbany LARGEST YET OF ITS KIND K Ruralists M a y Cure Flavors and Odors of Milk From Feed T h e ir O w n Ills W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and Vigorous H u m an ity a re Produced Federation W neat China P h e a sa n ts L in n C ounty’s Federation wheat grown I In Iowa there is a Big Cattle Show dongside of Dicklow, Bluestem. to rid the country of \ Some Problems in Precautions Must Be Taken Leaders Declare Farmers Can in Feedipg Vegetables. Solve Their Own Problem (P re p a re d b r th e U n ite d Statee D e p a rtm e n t By Organization. o l A g ric u ltu re .) campaign cows are feco remain through the .«.son w ith . Valued States w ill be on a domestic In ftJ T x r ’ ? ,h * " orld war he enlisted In the Karine« and came out a com- »rower; packers 1» * 6 4 c ^ bonul 1,CeDt’ a c ra 'r , w ith «rst two. Iodine can be s v ? * 7 , price basis for the greater part, if not missioned officer. He was sent hock to feeding ,odlun, or potassin»’ £ oi a ll the season. tata M a te ria l W " r ''“ ’’" r ’ ^ e n t to col- tarT7 ’ T We“ her ” m akln« record n» sea salt from which tta . t^T, \ ritoN ” Cal raaf,,‘r about the Ma or ripening red raspberriea In the not been removed bv re haS 4The fir^ t pfra front Oregon fo r low rrg o n d U tr ic t Small p icking , have commercially Iodized co»» ° n Dg’ “ r “ • • r , fre ig h t rates on a g ricu ltu ra l prod­ ‘and a ? For W I lf * fo r <* “ clr- MFMdy been made. Thia in dica te. I’hospltoru. ucts under the powers granted it by ta .n n c i 8 mhtera. s n p p iJ n S ’* ” ’e »re > „ a5out (nan fifty m .g .,1 ,,,,, a, , p „ , th h Hocb-8m tth resolution reached the mesl, spent hone h l . ck ** of tfre past several reara. In te rsta te commerce commission front ,n ,h * " c s t . phosphate floats. Sp#nt' h 5_ ra " ? ’ck eetan o- " T h' , r Na“ * the Umpqua Broccoli exchange of V.lieat crop conditions are good In not a uniform pn>dt*t ^ " ,< k la Legion . the oil country romance soon Roseburg. Oregon. Spring grain is th rivin g , ac­ lias t.een used by the s o / ’ l>«t which to appear ae a serial in thia paper. cording to the weekly sum m ary of should be fed i> r ut.* reflnerie» the w e a tt^r bureau. not recommended t,ODa“ *« l «• . Gamblers M ade the Prices on W h e a t Proper Plan to Supply Bee Colony Foundation I Powdery Mildew Disease Often Very Troublesome 1*1’*8 Pollination of Cherry in Northwest Sections Is Quite Satisfactory Field Feeding of Copi WHEAT PROSPECTS GOOD ' B “ ' - Mineral Supplements Is Subject of a Bulletin For th rifty, healthy chicks feed ISHER’S ClICK FEED and Developing Mash I ■ * •- • • »»*», 'F O. W . F R U M I /