Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 04, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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MARCH 4 , i* i
U t K A L fc-S T l-kP K Ih K
V V ÌE *
G L O B E «*•»*»*
So Big
(Continued from page 4)
Sunday and Monday
.Wareh 8— 9
store near the High P ra irie station
Farm er families for miles around
were there. The new church organ
—that time-hallowed pretext for so-
■ lability— was the excuse for this
gathering. There was a small admls-
ilon charge.
Adam Ooms bad given
them the hall. T he three musicians
were playing without fee. The wom­
en were to bring supper packed In
boxes or baskets, these to be raffled
Maighan’a lataat and by far
,ff to the highest bidder whose priv­
bis greatest picture
ilege It then wse to sup with the fair
whose basket he had bought
Soon «orning,
•offee could be bad at so much the
cup. All the proceeds were te be de­
voted to the organ.
M aartje had
the greatest romance of
packed her own basket at noon and
American bistory
bad driven off at four with Klaas and
the children. She was to serve on one
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a
of those hustling committees whose
duties ranged from coffee -a a k lag to
Haiiey Happenings
llsb washing. Klaas and Roelf were
to be pressed Into service.
(Continued from page 1)
Hoogendnnk would convey Selma to
John Wolfe, Brownsville pioneer
the festivities when his chores wery
died yesterday.
Selina's lunch basket was tn
l>e s separate and distinct nffalr, o f­
Wade Collins caught a BI pound fered at suction with those of the
beaver ncgr Lebanon the other day
Katrinas and Linas and Sophias of
U V . Chance was a Brownsville vis­ High Prairie. Not a little apprehen
sire, aha wae to pack this basket her
ito r Saturday.
« If . M aartje. departing, had left co­
M r. and M rs. Chancy Sickefs v is it­ pious but disjointed Instructions.
M aartje's own basket waa of gigantic
ed relatives in Corvallis Sunday.
proportions and staggering content.
M r. and Mrs. F. M . M axw ell of H er sandwiches were cubic blocks;
Drain were v isitin g relatives in H a l­ her pickles clubs of cucumber; her
pies vast plateaus.
sey Sunday.
The basket provided for Selina,
A daughter was born to M r. and
while not quite so large, still waa of
M rs . C h a rle s M o r n b in w e g F e b . 2»
ippalllng alze as Selina contemplated
t. She decided, suddenly, that she
in P o rtla n d ,
would have none of I t
In her trunk
George F ru it is building a house
.he had a cardboard box such as shoes
arid some of his grange brothers, and
ome In.
Certainly this should hold
-nough lunch for two, she tbonght.
neighbors donated th e ir help one day
-the was a little nervous about the
last week.
* j
vhole thing; rather dreaded the pros
Mr. anfl Mrs Chancy Sickles and .ect of eating her supper with a High
M rt. Vesteh attended grange at ’ ralrle swain unknown to her. Sup­
pose no one should bid fo r her b o x '
Brownsville last Saturday.
She resolved to fill It a fte r her own
isttern. dlaregardlag M aartje's heavy
Clinton Morse and dai|ghter Shir
ley and Curtis Veatob and daugbte
She had tbe kitchen to herself.
Wanda and Bessie Sb.ith were in Itkob was In the fields or out-bouses
Eugene Saturday.
The house was deliciously quiet,
tellna rummaged for the shoe box.
The Albany H erald did not
Ined It w ith a sheet of tissue paper
down in service when it ceased to
oiled up her sleeves, got out mlxln :
have a fu tu re to hope for. Its last
.owl, flour, pans.
Cup cakes were
issue was one o f its best arid news
ier amblrton. She baked six of them
“hey came out a beautiful brown but
omewhat leaden. Still, anything was
County Surveyor Leonard think*
after than a wedge of soggy pie, she
old herself.
She boiled eggs very
our present designated m arket road;
ard, haired them, devilled their yolks,
45 in number, can be completer
(rocked) in two years. But th a t w ill died the whites neatly with this m L i­
tre and dapped the halves together
come f a r from giving us a road to
gain, skewering them with a teoth-
every man's door.
dck. Then she rolled each, egg eep-
rately In tissue paper twisted at the
Mrs. E liza Brandon got home las
Daintiness, she had decided.
week from Burbank, Cal., and goo»
I.onid he the keynote o f her sapper
w eather came a t the same tim e
T h e food neatly packed she
Mrs. Brandon prefers good old Ore
vrapped tbe box In paper and tied It
gon to the glorious clim ate o f thi
with a gay red ribbon yielded by her
bear state.
runk. A t the last moment she whipped
nto the yard, tw itted a brush of ever-
Republluan House leaders agreed or
reen from the tree at the aide of tbe
the selection of Representative Haw
muse, and tucked thia Into the knot
ley of Oregon as chairm an of the
•f ribbon atop the box. She stepped
republican caucus
He will enceeei.
>ark sad thought the effect enchanting
Representative Anderson of Mluae
She was waiting In her red cashmere
seta, who retires
ind her cloak and hood when iloogen-
lunk called for her. They were late
March 4.
trr iv s l*
T here were three fatalities In Ore
Selina, balancing her bog carefully,
gon due to Industrial accidents dur
.pened the door that led to the wqoden
lag the week ending February 1 « . ac
.»airway. The hall waa on tbe adcond
cording to a report prepared at the
The clamor that struck, her
office« of the state Industrial accl
•lira had the effect of a physical ^low
dent commission
A total at 6S9 aocl ' the hesitated a moment, and If there
hnd been any means of returning te the
dents was reported.
Pool farm , abort of walking five miles
Upper W illam ette riv e r traffic, ae
la tbe snow, she would have taken It.
cheeked on tonnage passing through Up the stairs and Into the din
the locks and eanal at Oregon City, dently the auctioning of supper baskets
‘ ncreaaed encouragingly during Feb
waa even now In progress. T h e auc­
ru ary as compared w ith business In tioneer waa Adam (loins who himself
January, according to figures reported hnd once been the High Prairie school
teacher. A fox-fa cad little man. bald,
by the luck keener
s e e
falsetto, the village dow n with a solid
A bonfire of leaves le w illfu l waste foundation of shrewdness under hla
clowning and a ta rt layer of malice
of that which belongs te the solL
• • •
over It. ■
High and shrill came his voice.
Ideas gained at the fnlrs last yeai
What am I bid I
w ill be of no use unleaa you put them “W hat am I bid)
t i work thia reur.
Campaign for Eradication
of Tuberculosis Is Given
Credit for Stimulus.
Barbara Frietchie
^ o n fte tio n e r y
Best sweets ami sott tlrinks_
C a fe te r ia
at the
Bost cuisine
Efficient service
Pleasant surroundings
Albany, Oregon
She'll Be Thankful to You
for a box of Clark’« cam dy. G et
her a box of those d a in ty , lu eciiu s,
exqaiaitaly H avre.! ehocelatee and
richly blaadad bon bona. Every
box la purity personified. yet tbe
flavors are u nw alabably delicious
l ’ul up in attractive boxes to suit
your wishes. Get tom e today sod
y o u 'll wish you bad dona it sooner
Clark 5 Confectionery
“W h a t Am I Bidl T h irty Cental
Sham« on You, Gentleman!"
..... .. Shop
Ray be* toe Hi-speed brake
Servie* Station
im provem ent in
All Industries
There's a suro euro tor
hunger at the
• rr.u j’ it it mengcr elgl ty five cents, la-
Pn.irhr.he— ’ 1 don't know what’s In
aides doubt,e*» winning 1dm t li* en­
it. You dun t know what's in It. We
mity o f that profitable store customer,
don t have to know w hat’s In ft. Who
the Widow P.iarienberg
Gobs Von
has eaten Widow Paarlenbergs chicken
Vuuren came forw ard to claim his prize
on*e don't have to know.
Who has
amidst shouting, clapping, laughter
eaten Widow Paarlenbergs cake one.
The great hamper was handed down
don’t have to know. W hat am I bid on
te aim.
Widow Paurlenherg’s basket!
W hat
(T o he continued I
am I b id I W hatm lbidw hatm lbldw hat
m lb id!" (C ra s h )!
The widow herself, very handsome
In black silk, her gold neck chain rising j
and failing richly w ith the little flurrv
that now agitated her broad bosom,
was seated In a chair against the wall
not five feet from the auctioneer’s
stand. 3ba bridled now. blukhed. cast
down her eyes, cast up her eyes, suc­
ceeded In looking as unconscious as a
complaisant Turkish slave girl on the
Adam Ooms' glance swept the hall
(F ra p a ra d by tb a U n tta d Stataa b a a a rtm a n t
until It reached the tall figure tow er­
of A < rtc « ltu r« . )
ing In the doorway— reached it, and
The farmers of Hillsdale county,
rested there. H is gimlet eyes seemed
Mb-h., demonstrated their practical
to bore their way Into Pervus De­
foresight when In 1921 they decided to
jong's steady stare.
H e raised his
rid the entire county of bov'r.4 tuber­
right arm aloft, brandishing the potato
culosis. It was the first county tn the
masher. The whole room fixed Its gaze
country to be put on this free 11«. the
on the blond head In the doorway.
work being done In co-operation with
"Speak up I
Young men of High
the United State« Departm ent of Agri­
P rairie!
Heh. you, Pervus D ejon g!
culture and the Michigan College of Ag
W hatm lbidw hatm lbldw hatm lbld !*
riculture. Instead of sinking Into their
“F ifty cents!” T he bid came from
feather bed of la u re l* the people of
G errit Pon at the other end of the halt.
this community have gone ahead with
A dashing offer, as a start. In this dis­
other Im provem ent* stimulated by tbe
trict where one dollar often repre­
good reaults of their big venture tn
sented the profits on a whole load of
disease eradication which bas In­
market truck brought to the city.
creased their returns from dairy prod­
Crash 1 went the potato masher.
uct« and breeding stock.
“F ifty cents I'm bid. W ho'll make It
Economic Benefit*
seventy-flve? W ho’ll make It seventy-
Once the county had been freed of
tuberculosis In Its cattle herds, the eco­
“ Sixty 1” Johannes Ambuul, a wid­
nomic benefits were so satisfactory
ower, his age more than the sum of his
that the farmers were stimulated to
search for other ways of Increasing
“Seventy 1” G errit Pon.
the returns from their live stock.
Adam (Joins whispered It— hissed It.
Next to the securing of healthy stock,
Ladles and gents, I
the Improvement In the quality of the
wouldn't repeat out loud sucha Agger.
animals appealed to them as being a
I would be ashamed. Look at tills
logical step toward tbe realization of
basket, gents, and then you can say
a better live stock Industry'. As a re­
. . . s-s-seventy!”
sult there has been a noticeable In­
“Seventy-flve!" the cautious Am ­
crease In the quality of dairy stock
through the use of better blood and the
Scarlet, flooding her fa<*e, belied the
elimination of poor producers through
widow's outward a ir of composure.
keeping production record*
Pervus DeJong, standing beside Selina,
The most recent move, which may be
viewed the proceedings w ith an a ir of
said to have bad lta origin In tbe cam­
detachment. High P ra irie was looking
paign against bovine ruberculoal* Is a
at him expectantly, openly. The widow
212 East First sf A l b w y
the s k a tir * K.w .
Phon «
• North
No. 32,
3:20 * m. No. 17, 12:09 d m
IS, 10 48 a. m.
33. y;11 £ m '
4:25 p. tn.
31, 11:34 p. m.
No. 14, due Halsey
at 5:02 p. m.. stop*
to let off passengers from south of
No*. 31 and 32 stop only i f flagged
Nos. 31. 32, S3 and 34 ran between Port­
land and Engene only.
Passengers for south of Roseburg should
take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
No. 15.
Halsey-Brownsville stage meets trains
15, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named.
Paid-for Paragraphs
T h irty cental T h irty-five! Shame on
yon, gentlemen.
W hat am I bid!
(5c a line)
W ho'll make it f o r ty !"
Selina fe lt a little th rill of excite­
W holt milk delivered, 8c qtsrl
ment. She looked about fo r a place on
Mrs, W. F, Carter.
which to lay her w rapt, espied a box
that appeared empty, rolled her cloak,
Lost— In Halsey or Albany or
muffler, and hood Into a qgat bundle
on the train between tbe two
and. about to cast It Into the box, saw,
places— An Eastern Star
upturned to her from its depths, the
Finder please leave at Enterprise
round pink faces of the sleeping Kuy-
office and receive reward.
per twins, aged six months. Oh, dear!
In desperation Selina placed her bun­
dle qn tbe floor In a corner, smoothed
Rhode Island rad egge, 50c a
down tbe red cashmere, snatched up
P. j . Förster.
her lunch box and made fo r the door­
way w ith the childish eagerness of one
Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle
out of the crowd to be In It. She won­
dered where M aa rtje and Klaas Pool
at the Enterprise office.
wore In this close-packed ro o m fu l; and
Roelf. In the doorway she found that
The U. of O. school of businet
broad black-coated backs shut off sight
has 500 students, journalism 227, an
and Ingress.
She had w ritten her
medicine 209, while there are only 6
name neatly on her lunch box. Now
in the school of law. If half thos
she was at a loss to And a way to reach
Adam Ooms. She eyed the great-shoul­
would-b“ journalist beccgne as wel
dered expanse Just ahead of her. In
posted in orthography and punctua
desperation she decided to dig Into It
lion as oue needed to be to enter i
with a corner of her bog. She dug, i
printing office 50 years ago they wil
viciously. T he back winced. Its owner 1
turned. “Here 1 W hat—”
do well. And note that more thai
Selina looked up Into the w rathful j
three times as many want to be doc
face of Pervus DeJopg. Pervus De- ;
tors as aspire to the legal profession
Jong looked down Into the startled
eyes of Selina Peake. Large enough 1
B ert C la rk m ust be h eavily j
eyes at any tim e ; enormous now in I
plied w ith candy ju s t now or
her frig ht at what she had done.
" I ’m sorry!
Pm— sorry. I thought
community must have bocn jf tt
If I could—there's no way o f getting
well sweetened up a t his place,
my lunch box up there— such a
has ju s t received, as a prem iu m bi
crowd— "
on the size of a purchase, a 27-p
featuring tbe
A slim, appealing, lovely tittle figure ,
o i the w ell-know n Commu
la the wine-red cashmere, amidst all
C o lo n ia l N o v e lt y E n te r t a in e r s
© tilv c rw a re and it looks fine.
those buxom bosoms, and over heated
of San Francisco. 9 M U S I C I A N S playing 14 differsnr i n - J
bodies, and flushed faces. His gaze j J
left her reluctantly, settled on the :
The windup o f the le g is la tiv e set
strunoente. Over 300 people enjoyed their
lunch box, become. If possible. more be­ .
.on sees little good accomplished fo
G entlem en, $ 1.10 | | last appearance here | | | | L a d ie s f r e e ?
wildered. "That? Lunch bog?"
the people, altho soma o f the politi
"Tes. F o r the raffle. I ’m the school J
clans are app aren tly
w e ll s atisfie
teacher. Selina Peake."
w ith the punishment given the gov
H e nodded. " I saw you In church
'determined effort to Improve the poul­ ernor. Pierce was about as helples
. "Tou did I I didn't think you. . , . bit her red Up, tossed her head. Per­ try flocks by the eradication of the as a babe when it came to p uttini
vus DeJong returned the auctioneer’s rnme disease from feathered lire stock o v tr his ideas, and how best to swa
D id you?"
" W a lt here. I'll come back. W alt meaning stijlrk with the w ild gaze of a and by culling out the poor producer* the governor was the m ain consider
disinterested outsider.
Increasing R e tu rn *
atlon of senate and house, — C orval
“Gents I" Adam Ooms' voice took
The work of poultry Improvement
H e took the shoe box. She waited.
lis Courier.
He plowed his way through the crowd on a teurful note— the tone of one who through these means was started the
past summer In one township by a rep­
like a Juggernaut, reached Adsin is more hurt tliun angry.
Ooms' platform and placed the box Slowly, w ith infinite reverence, he l if t ­ resentative of the bureau of animal In­
dustry, United States Departm ent of
Inconspicuously next a colossal hamper ed one corner of the damask cloth that
Agriculture, and a poultry expert from
that was one of a dozen grouped aw ait­ concealed the hamper’s contents— lifted
the college of agriculture, the county
ing Adam's attention. When he had
Laundrv sent Tuesdays
paying ail their expenses except sal
made his way back to Selina he again At what he saw there be started back
said, "W a lt,” and plunged down the dram atically, at once rapturous, de­ a rte * The culling of the first 40 flocks
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
revealed that the average farmer. In
wooden stnlrway. Selina waited. She spairing. amazed. H e rolled his eyes
had ceased to feel distressed at her He smacked his lips. H e rubbed his spite of a popular Impression to the
contrary, was losing money on his
Inability to find the Pools In M>e crowd,
a-tlptoe though she was. When pres­ since the days of the Greek drama, has chickens. It was found that of these
ently he came hack he had In his hand been used to denote gastronomic de­ flocks a little more than 40 per cent
had tuberculosis. This condition Is
ua empty wooden soap bog. This he
" E ig h ty !” was wrenched suddenly
looked upon as a plausible explanation
up-ended In the doorway Juat behind
from Goris Von Vuuren. the nineteen
of the fact that 22 per cent of the hogs
tbe crowd stationed there.
year-old fat and gluttonous son of a
•hipped from tbe county are found to
mounted It ; found her head a little prosperous New H aarlem farmer.
have the disease, as hogs are particu­
A ll work done promptly and reason •
above the level of bis. She could sur­
Adam Goins rubbed brisk palms to­ larly susceptible to the avlun type of
vey the room from end to end. There gether.
Phone ?k9
“Now then !
A d o lla r!
were tbe Pools.
Sbe w ared to d o lla r! It's an Insult to this basket to
Az the same time that the prevalence
M a a rtje ; smiled at Roelf. H e made as make It less than a dollar.'' He leaned
of tuberculosis was disclosed among
though to come toward h er; did come fa r forw ard over his Improvised pulpit.
the poultry flocks, other condition*
ef final Aceonnt
part way, and waa restrained by
"Did I hear you say a dollar, Pervus
were revealed which help to account
Nolic« is hereby g iv e * that the fiss
M aa rtje catching at his coat tall.
Dejong?" DeJong stared. Immovable, for the poor result* obtained. Among
•cconnt of W A. Allen as execute
Adam Ooms’ gavel (a wooden potato unahashed. "Eighty-eighty-elght.v-elghty
them are poor stock or c u ll* Improper end
Lena Reene as exeeptnx
masher) crushed for silence. “Ladles!"
-'gents! I ’m going to tell you some
feeding, having pullets batched too the last w ill end testament of Eiuuia C
(Crash) 1 tiling. I ’m going to whisper a secret.
late In the spring, and keeping old Allen, deceased, ba* been filed in tta
"G ebtst Look what basket we've got His leun face was veined with crafti­
birds. The conclusion has been reached Connty Court of Linn County. Stete c
Oregon, end tbet the 6th day of April
ness. "Gents. Listen. It Isn't ohteken
as a result of tide study of conditions J 11925, a t the hour of 10 oclock a. tn , ha
Look Indeed
A great
hamper, In this beautiful basket.
It isn't
that It Is advisable to keep the poultry J
been dniy appointed by said Court fo
grown so plethoric that It could no chicken.
It's "— a dramatic pails.
flock fenced In away from contact w it h the hearing of objection* to said fina
longer w ear Its cover
Its contents "It's roast d uck!" H e swayed back,
other live stock on the farm.
account and tlie settlement thereof, a
bellied Into a mound smoothly cov­ mopped his brow w ith bis red handker
which time any person interested it
ered with s line w hite cloth whose chief, held one hand high In the air.
said estate mav appear and file objection
n a t iu n n g u u n iu u o u h
glistening surface proclaim ed, It dam­ His last card.
The best plan of handling heavy in w riting and contest the seme.
A H im alaya nmoug hamper*.
t'eted and first published March 4
"E ighty five!" groaned the fat Goris gumbo soil which is wen drained. Is to
You knew that under that snowy crust Von Vuuren.
1’ W
W . A. A llen,
seed it to alfalfa and leave It In s
lay gold that was fowl done crisply,
Executor Aforesaid.
"E lgh ty-flve! Eighty-five' Eighty
succulently; emeralds In the form of flveelghtyflveelghtyflve ’ eighty . five'
Lena Beene. Executrix Aforesaid
nlth atlon. for as long periods as pos­
Amor A. Tnssing.
g herkin s; ruble« that melted Into Gents! Oea-tle-m en! Eight)-fiveon<e
A tty, for Enr. and Exrx.
straw berry preserves; rakes frosted Eighty five— tw ice!" (C ra s h )!
,; QQ»
- Improved by growing swee! clover
like diamonds; tn say nothing of such to Goris Von Vuuren for elghty-flve '•
and by adding manure or tome other
semiprecious Jewels as potato salad;
A sigh went up from the assemblage
form of organic matter.
The Incor­
cheeses; sour cream to be spread on
a sigh that was tbe wind before the
of Adm inistrator
rye bread and b utter; coffee cakes; storm
There followed a tornado of
Notice te hereby given that the m
more practical method of Improving it
c ru lle r*
talk. I t crackled and thundered. The
dersigned, by an order of the Conni
Crash I "The Widow Pssrlenherg’s rich Widow Paarlenberg would have to than the application of lime, says L F
1 onrt of Linn Connty. Oregon, has bee
basket, ladles--and gents: T he Widow eat ber supper with Von Vuuren s hoy Call, head o f tlie agronomy department
appointed adm inistrator of the estate <
K u m i State Agricultural college.
Nancy Palmer, deceased. A ll persor
the great thick Goris
And there In
having elaiins against said estate ai
the doorway, t .iking to teacher as If
required to present thewi w ith in ai
they had know i each other for rears
for sali
montha from the date of this »otic«
was Pervus Dejong , | , h W, ,non(, T ,n
with the necesearv yonehere, to the nt
his pocket. It was as good „ „
dersigned administrator at h it place c
Adam Ooms was angry
His > » n
residence at Halsey, in Linn Conntt
n * h * < « r o e pinched with spite îv *
Floral and
t 10 *
: ‘ ',o CoIt" «"«I Oregon.
H e prided hlmw-if „„ h„
Ihited and first published thia 4th da
Music Shop
n ku
r"M <>hMp' P r o l i x of February, 1924
tloneer; and his chef d o e « ,M bad
j , c . Bramwell,
U. Red«, 8tni',e« west of Halsey.
Vdm inistratnr Aforesaid
A. A T a te ia g , Atty, (or Admr.
• T u m b le I n n •
2 1-2 miles north of Albany, on the highway®
• 0
B arber Shoj
A B E 'S P L A C E
Lra J