>•••••<*••••••• : : : MARCH 4 , i* i U t K A L fc-S T l-kP K Ih K V V ÌE * G L O B E «*•»*»* - So Big (Continued from page 4) Sunday and Monday .Wareh 8— 9 store near the High P ra irie station Farm er families for miles around were there. The new church organ —that time-hallowed pretext for so- ■ lability— was the excuse for this gathering. There was a small admls- ilon charge. Adam Ooms bad given them the hall. T he three musicians were playing without fee. The wom­ en were to bring supper packed In boxes or baskets, these to be raffled Maighan’a lataat and by far ,ff to the highest bidder whose priv­ bis greatest picture ilege It then wse to sup with the fair whose basket he had bought Hot Soon «orning, •offee could be bad at so much the cup. All the proceeds were te be de­ voted to the organ. M aartje had the greatest romance of packed her own basket at noon and American bistory bad driven off at four with Klaas and the children. She was to serve on one • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a of those hustling committees whose duties ranged from coffee -a a k lag to Haiiey Happenings llsb washing. Klaas and Roelf were to be pressed Into service. Jakob (Continued from page 1) Hoogendnnk would convey Selma to John Wolfe, Brownsville pioneer the festivities when his chores wery died yesterday. loae. Selina's lunch basket was tn l>e s separate and distinct nffalr, o f­ Wade Collins caught a BI pound fered at suction with those of the beaver ncgr Lebanon the other day Katrinas and Linas and Sophias of U V . Chance was a Brownsville vis­ High Prairie. Not a little apprehen sire, aha wae to pack this basket her ito r Saturday. « If . M aartje. departing, had left co­ M r. and M rs. Chancy Sickefs v is it­ pious but disjointed Instructions. M aartje's own basket waa of gigantic ed relatives in Corvallis Sunday. proportions and staggering content. M r. and Mrs. F. M . M axw ell of H er sandwiches were cubic blocks; Drain were v isitin g relatives in H a l­ her pickles clubs of cucumber; her pies vast plateaus. sey Sunday. The basket provided for Selina, A daughter was born to M r. and while not quite so large, still waa of M rs . C h a rle s M o r n b in w e g F e b . 2» ippalllng alze as Selina contemplated t. She decided, suddenly, that she in P o rtla n d , would have none of I t In her trunk George F ru it is building a house .he had a cardboard box such as shoes arid some of his grange brothers, and ome In. Certainly this should hold -nough lunch for two, she tbonght. neighbors donated th e ir help one day -the was a little nervous about the last week. * j vhole thing; rather dreaded the pros Mr. anfl Mrs Chancy Sickles and .ect of eating her supper with a High M rt. Vesteh attended grange at ’ ralrle swain unknown to her. Sup­ pose no one should bid fo r her b o x ' Brownsville last Saturday. She resolved to fill It a fte r her own isttern. dlaregardlag M aartje's heavy Clinton Morse and dai|ghter Shir irovender. ley and Curtis Veatob and daugbte She had tbe kitchen to herself. Wanda and Bessie Sb.ith were in Itkob was In the fields or out-bouses Eugene Saturday. The house was deliciously quiet, tellna rummaged for the shoe box. The Albany H erald did not fall Ined It w ith a sheet of tissue paper down in service when it ceased to oiled up her sleeves, got out mlxln : have a fu tu re to hope for. Its last .owl, flour, pans. Cup cakes were issue was one o f its best arid news ier amblrton. She baked six of them “hey came out a beautiful brown but iest. omewhat leaden. Still, anything was County Surveyor Leonard think* after than a wedge of soggy pie, she old herself. She boiled eggs very our present designated m arket road; ard, haired them, devilled their yolks, 45 in number, can be completer (rocked) in two years. But th a t w ill died the whites neatly with this m L i­ tre and dapped the halves together come f a r from giving us a road to gain, skewering them with a teoth- every man's door. dck. Then she rolled each, egg eep- rately In tissue paper twisted at the Mrs. E liza Brandon got home las aria. Daintiness, she had decided. week from Burbank, Cal., and goo» I.onid he the keynote o f her sapper w eather came a t the same tim e -ox. T h e food neatly packed she Mrs. Brandon prefers good old Ore vrapped tbe box In paper and tied It gon to the glorious clim ate o f thi with a gay red ribbon yielded by her bear state. runk. A t the last moment she whipped nto the yard, tw itted a brush of ever- Republluan House leaders agreed or reen from the tree at the aide of tbe the selection of Representative Haw muse, and tucked thia Into the knot ley of Oregon as chairm an of the •f ribbon atop the box. She stepped republican caucus He will enceeei. >ark sad thought the effect enchanting Representative Anderson of Mluae She was waiting In her red cashmere seta, who retires from congress ind her cloak and hood when iloogen- lunk called for her. They were late March 4. trr iv s l* T here were three fatalities In Ore Selina, balancing her bog carefully, gon due to Industrial accidents dur .pened the door that led to the wqoden lag the week ending February 1 « . ac .»airway. The hall waa on tbe adcond cording to a report prepared at the loor. The clamor that struck, her office« of the state Industrial accl •lira had the effect of a physical ^low dent commission A total at 6S9 aocl ' the hesitated a moment, and If there hnd been any means of returning te the dents was reported. Pool farm , abort of walking five miles Upper W illam ette riv e r traffic, ae la tbe snow, she would have taken It. cheeked on tonnage passing through Up the stairs and Into the din Evi­ the locks and eanal at Oregon City, dently the auctioning of supper baskets ‘ ncreaaed encouragingly during Feb waa even now In progress. T h e auc­ ru ary as compared w ith business In tioneer waa Adam (loins who himself January, according to figures reported hnd once been the High Prairie school teacher. A fox-fa cad little man. bald, by the luck keener s e e falsetto, the village dow n with a solid A bonfire of leaves le w illfu l waste foundation of shrewdness under hla clowning and a ta rt layer of malice of that which belongs te the solL • • • over It. ■ High and shrill came his voice. Ideas gained at the fnlrs last yeai What am I bid I w ill be of no use unleaa you put them “W hat am I bid) t i work thia reur. THOMAS MEIGHAN Campaign for Eradication of Tuberculosis Is Given Credit for Stimulus. Barbara Frietchie (FZf’Ze ^ o n fte tio n e r y ane crowd, a-tlptoe though she was. When pres­ since the days of the Greek drama, has chickens. It was found that of these ently he came hack he had In his hand been used to denote gastronomic de­ flocks a little more than 40 per cent light. had tuberculosis. This condition Is ua empty wooden soap bog. This he " E ig h ty !” was wrenched suddenly looked upon as a plausible explanation up-ended In the doorway Juat behind from Goris Von Vuuren. the nineteen of the fact that 22 per cent of the hogs tbe crowd stationed there. Selina year-old fat and gluttonous son of a •hipped from tbe county are found to mounted It ; found her head a little prosperous New H aarlem farmer. have the disease, as hogs are particu­ A ll work done promptly and reason • above the level of bis. She could sur­ Adam Goins rubbed brisk palms to­ larly susceptible to the avlun type of vey the room from end to end. There gether. ably. Phone ?k9 “Now then ! A d o lla r! A tuberculosis. were tbe Pools. Sbe w ared to d o lla r! It's an Insult to this basket to Az the same time that the prevalence M a a rtje ; smiled at Roelf. H e made as make It less than a dollar.'' He leaned N O T IC E of tuberculosis was disclosed among though to come toward h er; did come fa r forw ard over his Improvised pulpit. the poultry flocks, other condition* of H eansg ef final Aceonnt part way, and waa restrained by "Did I hear you say a dollar, Pervus were revealed which help to account Nolic« is hereby g iv e * that the fiss M aa rtje catching at his coat tall. Dejong?" DeJong stared. Immovable, for the poor result* obtained. Among •cconnt of W A. Allen as execute Adam Ooms’ gavel (a wooden potato unahashed. "Eighty-eighty-elght.v-elghty them are poor stock or c u ll* Improper end Lena Reene as exeeptnx o masher) crushed for silence. “Ladles!" -'gents! I ’m going to tell you some feeding, having pullets batched too the last w ill end testament of Eiuuia C (Crash) “And gente!” (Crash) 1 tiling. I ’m going to whisper a secret. late In the spring, and keeping old Allen, deceased, ba* been filed in tta "G ebtst Look what basket we've got His leun face was veined with crafti­ birds. The conclusion has been reached Connty Court of Linn County. Stete c here!" Oregon, end tbet the 6th day of April ness. "Gents. Listen. It Isn't ohteken as a result of tide study of conditions J 11925, a t the hour of 10 oclock a. tn , ha Look Indeed A great hamper, In this beautiful basket. It isn't that It Is advisable to keep the poultry J been dniy appointed by said Court fo grown so plethoric that It could no chicken. It's "— a dramatic pails. flock fenced In away from contact w it h the hearing of objection* to said fina longer w ear Its cover Its contents "It's roast d uck!" H e swayed back, other live stock on the farm. account and tlie settlement thereof, a bellied Into a mound smoothly cov­ mopped his brow w ith bis red handker which time any person interested it ered with s line w hite cloth whose chief, held one hand high In the air. said estate mav appear and file objection n a t iu n n g u u n iu u o u h glistening surface proclaim ed, It dam­ His last card. The best plan of handling heavy in w riting and contest the seme. ask A H im alaya nmoug hamper*. t'eted and first published March 4 "E ighty five!" groaned the fat Goris gumbo soil which is wen drained. Is to You knew that under that snowy crust Von Vuuren. 1’ W W . A. A llen, seed it to alfalfa and leave It In s lay gold that was fowl done crisply, Executor Aforesaid. "E lgh ty-flve! Eighty-five' Eighty crop like alfalfa, which requires no succulently; emeralds In the form of flveelghtyflveelghtyflve ’ eighty . five' Lena Beene. Executrix Aforesaid nlth atlon. for as long periods as pos­ Amor A. Tnssing. g herkin s; ruble« that melted Into Gents! Oea-tle-m en! Eight)-fiveon » n residence at Halsey, in Linn Conntt n * h * < « r o e pinched with spite îv * Floral and t 10 * : ‘ ',o CoIt" «"«I Oregon. H e prided hlmw-if „„ h„ Ihited and first published thia 4th da Music Shop n ku r"M <>hMp' P r o l i x of February, 1924 tloneer; and his chef d o e « ,M bad j , c . Bramwell, Albas.», U. Red«, 8tni',e« west of Halsey. Vdm inistratnr Aforesaid A. A T a te ia g , Atty, (or Admr. • ' SPECIAL DANCE AT • T u m b le I n n • 2 1-2 miles north of Albany, on the highway® • 0 SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 7 • © A Modern B arber Shoj A B E 'S P L A C E F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN CUT FLOWERS -S H E E T MUSIC HALL’S Lra J BALED HAY