Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 28, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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•gain, she rose a little, fljlng up to ­ you {111 not like to leave It! Out?'
w ard th e beacon—then round again,
She looked around the fam iliar room
and back to the reef.
she loved so well, out through the
Alan «>uld recognize h er now for doorway to the black figures In the
a seaplane. Seeing two figures upon garden, which had been such a pride
her, once more he waved, shouting vo­ —and again she felt her heart con
ciferously. , , . W ith a graceful tract.
swoop down, again she turned, sink- I The shadowy outside world had
lng lower and low er; until at last she i onc* ni,’r‘> become a tangible reality
rested upon the calm w aters of the ’
-------- -
lagoon, and came skimm ing lightly to­
w ard the shore. . , .
A silence of horror had fallen upon
The engine trouble proved more serl
I e natives. Some dropped on their ous than th e Frenchm en had antlcl
knees or flung them selves on th eir bated. Any idea of h dash to clvlliza
was abandoned. Until
♦ ices not daring to look seaw ard ; tlon for succor
««”* » ••« • »V VW BOOM-HUUUU. a m «
hers stood still us death, th eir gilt- I ’he gU“
* * “nd the moon ri”en
i ring eyes never w avering from the the three men worked upon It, Craft
bgure of their white chief, lh eir hands with the delight, of a child over tb»
i'/'ó "ift" j í ^ \ Í
t rasping th eir weapons—ready at a return of some long-lost toy. W hen a
w o rd , to dash forw ard, with tlieir short trial trip w as made, he took the
blood curdling yells, to his aid. . , . pilot’s seat.
Another sharp spasm of pain shot
Then one or two rubbed th eir eyes, ns
If unable to see aright, . . . The through B arbara’s heart, as she looked
" b ite chief was wading out, unarmed, round upon the faces she knew so well
He opened die entran ce lu d ie pal into the rippling w avelets, to meet the Much as rescue would mean to them
Isade. A westruck Into silence, they awful bird of 111 omen. . . . They both, th e thought of renouncing their
M ntCr th c warmth and the
p U y S n d s
° ° r re < re a ti° n ° f C a lif o r ™
Uled through, th eir minds full of the looked fearfully a t one an o th er! then free life here filled her with grief. The
“ d„ ln hand th *y descended the
little rules m aking a maze of clvlliza
hUl, full of th is fresh wonder. A fter by th eir menfolk. M ight these not turned to lund. . . . Two queer tlon chilled her. The analogy present
tourist fare to Lot An-
•u p p e r they sat on th e shore in the
gties; on sale daily up to and
ed Itself to her mind of being slowlv
moonlight, talking In low tones of the
including April 30; return limit May 31st
They squatted ln one close group, hun from th eir beads, w ere descending from caught up Into some huge net spread
future, m aking wonderful plans
v T k i in 8eCUre’ COIV comfo« via the com-
B oth possessed th a t curious sens!- gry and g rateful for all they received, between the vast wings. . . .
lay this little w ilderness w here she bad
tortdble, con ven ien t trains o f the Shasta
«veness to n atu re which compels one, following B arb ara's movements with white chief and his wife w ere ta lk ­ dwelt and learned to love.
“ I"18, t0 m ake i0T °Pen «Paces, adoring, wondering eyes, as she dis­ ing, laughing, wringing th eir hands
C roft’s Instinct w as to send her
You’ll like Southern Pacific d in in g car s e r v i c e -
in C
roft again and again. . . , B ut Io! the
lim itless horizons of ocean
1» . trib u , ted , . food. T heir faith —
h ghest quality food deliciously prepared and serv ed
w as a fte r m idnight when at last thev h?.“ ? ed tb e lr faith in thvlr god< Bu|- huge eyes fell from those fuces. . , . away to Im m ediate sa fe ty ; but that
at your accustom ed m eal-time.
He conferred
w ent to bed. T he night breeze h a d
Uttku' once w ithin the palisade, th eir The natives lifted up th eir voices ln proved impossible.
F ull stopover privileges en route.
lengthily w ith the two brothers, undet
^ d o w n , and ** p X 'a r X e of i
aank Tt>->
a howl of fear. .
Down by th e w ater, a babel of E ng­ cover of th e ir work together. A fter
For fu ll in fo rm a tio n , ask
•lrlessn ess pervaded th e islan d ; the I resting outside, kept a sharp w atch for
and French voices to rren ts of I ward,
u,“,',’.*' leaving Louis
*” U1B to finish, he and
w ater became calm to otliness.
q u e s tio n s p o u r in g f o r th 'in both ,an
P “ " ,PPe WeDt ‘nd°“ r8 to pore over
B arbara w as restless, and lay long to feed them. Alan went Indoors to
charts, discuss routes and conclude nr
•w ake. The stran g e stillness with Its atten d to his store of native weapons. Kuages, the replies unheeded ln the rangem ents. When. Inter, the two
•ensatlon of false calm heralding ap . • . . P resently th e excited visitors mutual relief, surprise and excite­ aviators, dead tired a fte r their adven
In th e garden, tired and satisfied, fell ment ! The two Frenchm en mixed
proacblng tem pest, revived h er pre
C. P. MOODY, Agent
Phone 226
asleep. . . .
both tongues Indiscrim inately, shak­ tnrea, w ere rolled In their huge coats
m onitions of disaster. W hen a t last
C roft deemed It expedient to wait ing the Englishm an's hands again and upon the floor, he drew B arbara Into
’ l 8 f8 U. asle«P- It w as only to be tor-
for Babooma to attack . To attem pt again, kissing those of the girl ln th eir their bedroom and unfolded the plans.
. th 018 aam e Prem onitions mag
Should Babooma attack in the night,
nlfled Into nightm are realities. She a return with these tired men risked dem onstrative exuberance.
meeting th e enemy In the Interstices
T hey had, it transpired, been swept the f renchmen, however zealous, would uis ears alert to every sound,
•w oke gasping and sobbing in A lan’
of the forest, w here open fighting from th eir bearings ln a thunder obviously fail to distinguish friends
»they bad beeu on that other
•rm a, and clung to him feverishly.
would be impossible. Given at last storm, having accepted a bet to fly From foe. T heir responsibility, th ere­
igbt long ago.
« h , dream ed you had disappeared,
the excuse, he determ ined to take no from America to Honolulu, thence to fore, would be the safeguarding of the
•lie cried, ln bewildered explanation.
Presently, ns before, he lenned quick- 1
H °w could th a t happen?"
He avoidable chances in attem pting the A ustralia, in th eir sm all seaplnne. women and children in the h u t- B a r -
■nothed her. -How could my bulk dis­ exterm ination of the growing menace While endeavoring to recap tu re their baru's w elfare being their special con­ l.v forward. For again the fain t sound
to the prosperity of th e tribe. lie route between the two la tte r places, sideration.
of breaking tw igs had reached him.
appear? Don't talk nonsense I”
“Should things go badly, and Ba­
. Again, near the outskirts of the
. J s . k’reakfaatp<J l« ter than usual, therefore inspected th eir weapons, faced with engine trouble, they had
■nd had barely finished when the noise arm ing those who had forgotten sword, perceived the beacon flaring below. booma m anage to do me in," be con­ palm grove, he hud caught sight of a
shadowy form.
. They introduced them selves— tinued hurriedly, “tru st yourself en
of many agitated voices reached th eir
Roowa as ad ju tan t, he posted part of Fhillppe and Louis de Boreeau, th irst­ tirely to th e m : they know what to do
B arbara rose with him. aw are with
G lancing apprehensively a t each
sued directions. A few men were sent notony of post-w ar existence.
doesn’t attack, but w aits for us to perate netlon was upon them ; glad of
other, they hurried out o f th e hut.
Advancing a few steps C roft ad­ move, Philippe de Boreeau will take It, since now she could fHce the danger
The sky was leaden, hues of angry In search of fresh fru its along the
north of the forest. Alan busying him­ dressed the bewildered natives In you away at daybreak and send help. with her man.
orange suffusing th e horizon, the a ir
”1 m ust go,” he murmured.
oppressive. From th e direction of the self with the rem ainder in stren g th en ­ words whose u tte r unintelli glblllty H is brother will stay with me."
She dem urred hotly to’ this, unw ill­
For a moment she elung to him
palm grove stream ed a hurrying, ch at­ ing the hut and palisade. With the caused the two stran g ers to gaze at
revolver, loaded with Its one rem ain­ him, then a t the girl, an uneasy suspi­ ing to leave him In danger, protesting "T ake ra r e ! ” she w hispered passion
tering crowd of black flg u re s-m e n
ing bullet, in her belt, B arbara found cion rising in th eir m inds th a t the against being compelled to desert her atelv. “Oh. my dearest, do lak e care I”
women and children.
Gently he disengaged himself, and
. J ?r°IVS br° w e x tr a c te d , and his lips her tim e fully occupied with the prob­ Englishm an’s brain had softened. How­ post among the frightened women. The
lem of preparing sufficient food for ever, a relief was obvious among the nrguiuent waxed long and heated be­ kissed her.
• « . The mine had evidently exploded
these uninvited guests. Suddenly she group of blacks, and a m urtilur of tween them. But, when C roft's mind
“I shall ho all right. Go to the worn
•ven nooner than he expected.
on, B arbara, nnd keep them Indoors ” (
was finally and Irrevocably made
Seeing him, a w ailing cry arose from started from her peaceful employment voices broke forth
C roft returned, and fu rth e r expluna- f anger and tears proved unavailing
and her cheeks blanched, a shrill
He hurried to the en tran ce; ghen
the advancing crowd. W eary and te r­
cry of fe a r had sounded beyond th
tions were given. Bit
by bit the ex
" .....................
Only by rem inding her of the debt turned back again. "D on't forget, If— '
rified, they stum bled forw ard to the garden. . . . A nother arose, yet cited Frenchm en grasped the main owed to a n o th er; by prevailing upon T rust yourself to De Boreeau if—” ,
palisade, where the women fell upon another. . . . sh e hurried out of facts of this extraordinary situation. alt her rising mqlherliood, did he at Not finishing the sentence she dreaded
the ground, moaning, weeping, waving the hut, meeting Alan running from
“Votre nom?” cried the elder. "Eli Inst break down her resistance.
to hear, he once more turned to go.
wild arm n sometimes adding th eir the landw ard end of the palisade,
A tiny choked exclam ation escaped
voices to the unintelligible babble of w here he had been working. Outside
her lips. H e looked quickly round.
the men. To com prehend th eir m ean­ the seaw ard entrance, a group of na
Swiftly, with a sudden passionate
ing w as a t present Impossible.
lives «lustered together, ch atterin g ex­
movement, ho seized her in hls arms,
P resently th eir talk grew more co­ citedly, starin g at som e far point in
straining her fiercely to him ; (hen, ns
h e re n t: be w as able to make out Its Hie sk.v. At sight of Croft, th eir agi­
sw iftly, he released her, and she found 1
tation increased.
herself alone.
i . « i.,,.
. -
............................................................. ’
Smoke and Crackling
"W e will serve thee, O G reat W hite
"A -aa! a-aa! G reat Chief, heboid!"
T he battle waged long and furious
F la m * A rt« « .
Chief! . . . Thou a rt m erciful! they cried, pointing upw ard. ’ See!
Thon a rt wise beyond th e wisdom of A great bird upproncheth. H earken f t
F or a tim e the men hidden on tlie h(ll- ' A’a , a aa :
side, a fte r surprising the little arm y 1 11 reacbed the ashen-faced girl with-
our m en! . , . We will work fo r to the sound of his wings, the cry
thee, O C hief! Thou carest not to of his w rath ! A na ! A bird of ill ft when
wrlggllng down the hay, kept It fierce ln ' ' and ,,f lbil* «lone was she eon-
ftien y o u r w ants a re in th is line. O u r stock if
l.v engaged, away from the hut. But ac,ou" Tll»‘ roaring flames and bllnd-
to rtu re and kill. . . . A-aa I A-aa! omen, O Mighty C hief!" They began ft a t u a c t i v e in both design and price.
• . . Thou hast done much for our to wall and moan, strik in g th eir breasts.
gradually, to the girl’s strained ears, I
the struggling black men
tribe. U nder thee It will become strong, O thers Joined them, taking up the g W
the wild struggle seemed to draw j nnd s,lo,1,lu»t stream of woman, faded
»♦ e c ca I y o u r special a tte n tio n to tbo
. . Presently, as she could f ' ° D1 ll8r eyea- ,,f’r w’o>'k w as finished
If thou w ilt be o u r chief. The fru its c ry : “A bird of ill omen ! A-aa ! a-aa !
tell by the excited yells close hy. those 1 here’ ’,n '1 sl,e never hesitated. W’lth-
of the e arth will grow, th e fish leap A bird of ill omen, O Mighty C hief!”
up from the w a te r ! . , . We love
men guarding the but Itself were at- 1
H e shaded his eyes with his hands,
(Continued on page 4)
thee, O. Mighty F rien d o f th e Gods! searching th e dazzling blue.
We will serve th ee! . .
The fighting blood of the Frenchmen
Suddenly his arm s fell to his sides;
and much more w ith a sim ilar b u r­ and he turned to the girl.
tingled w ithin th e m ; they fingered
den, did they babble In th eir eagerness.
ila 1 se.y
their axtraordlnary. clumsy weapons,
H e called to Roowa. “Go, R o o w a!
Three thoroughbred
Commanding silence, he hade one of r u n ! T ake Hie to the beacon upon
Im patient to hurl them selves out Into
Oregon f t the
them explain the cause of this v isita­ th e h ill! Make it to blnke fast and
fray— yet instinctively subm itting
Io their orders, realizing the wisdom of
h ig h ! Go—sw ift as the lightning
Babooma, It tran sp ired , soon a fte r flash— !"
the leader who had appointed each
C ro ft’s d ep artu re th e previous evening,
man hls task with auprem e Insight Into
f* a r off, the noise of her engines route to I'A ustralia, you tell us? But
"B ut my m ental agonies will be d etail................
had w orked him self Into a passion. but faintly audible, the unm istakable I rem em ber—dltes-mol—quick—your
worse than physical ones!” she as­
E xpressing contem pt fo r th e w hite man outline of an airplane showed nt a name, M’sleu F*
Soon th e uproar raged round the
Amor A. Fussing
Upon henring It, the little French­ sured him, rebelliously. “I hope Ba­ palisade. Every now nnd thpn, a crash­
and hie gods, he raised the tabu. En­ g reat height, flying tow ard the island
man danced.
booma attack s tonight. Then we can ing, ripping sound was heard, proving
couraged by his own adherents, he from th e north.
awyer and notary
“C lell I rem em ber!’’ cried Louis. face him together, and know the re­ portions to have been hurst through
then declared w ar upon th e w hite
The natives, forgetting all Instruc­
chief w ith in stan t death to all who tions, clustered together, full of super­ ’’All de vorld w as in terested ! It wns sult.”
and tram pled down. The scuffling feet,
H alsey , O kkoon
The tw o Frenchm en being utterly
snorting breath, m uttered cries, blood­
thw arted hla designs. This set the stitious terro r. The women and chil­ thought you all perish. B ut you and
fuse a lig h t. An o u tburst of m urm ur­ dren left the garden and huddled near —” He paused. He glanced at Bar- worn out, he forbore to suggest their curdling shouts and yella, were close.
ing disloyalty to Babooma w arred th eir men, a few moaning, the rest si­ barn, at the hand which, Instinctive­ going a t once by moonlight ; over which . . . P enetrating the bamboo walls
ly, she had clasped round Alan's forced delay she secretly exulted.
came venomous spear-points and sharp
with th e uaual superstitious fear of lent from feai of this new Unknown.
arm . . . .
The stillness around was Intense. arrow-heads, sometimes piercing the
him as th eir god-ordalned chief; while
A lan’s fingers gripped B arb ara's
And ln th a t pause, aofnethlng cold Now and then It was broken by the shoulders o f those standing near.
th eir genuine affection for C roft flared arm , and they ran down to th e shore.
local and Internal, and has been success­
The women grew demented. . .
up to w hite heat. To prove his words, W ith faces pale and tense, they stood and clammy spemed to clutch the girl's cry of a child, quickly hushed again
ful In thc treatment o f Catarrh fot ovet
m addened by opposition, Babooma th ere motionless, tb elr hearts racing h eart, causing her to grip closer the " Ithln the palisade, the black form s of B arbara fried, unsuccessfully, to keep forty years. Sold by all druggists.
the men lay close to the ground, with as many as possible In the central hut,
seized and strangled one of th e men chaotically, tb elr eyes fixed upon the arm she held.
here and there a pair of eyes watching, where only the tw o end walls were F. J. C H E N E Y & C O M T o le d o . O h io
Alan put hls hand over hers.
who dared openly to rebel.
speck growing ever larger, looming
between the stakes. With exposed to the w eapons; these points
Thia w as too much fo r the peaceful Dearer and nearer. . , . The dis­
Something seemed to contract In the tw o Frenchm en to protect the girl the Frenchm en guarded, ready for any
Secretly and sw iftly, they ta n t drone of the engines became lead-
conspired together, under cover of er. . . . From the hilltop a col­ B arb ara's throat, rendering speech Im­ from treachery, C roft felt p retty confi­ onslaught, . . ,
dent over the result of any night a t­
Sim ultaneously, with dram atic sud­ Funeral Director and Li­
night. W hile the rest of the trib e umn of smoke rose into th e clear a i r ; possible.
■lept, they stole out—some elghty-odd. soon a leaping flame mingled with I The world had throw n a shadow tack. Well aw are of the black c h iefs denness, three things happened to end
censed Embalmer
across th e perfect blue.
desires for her, he had w arned De the terrible period of w aiting
Including women and children—and
It • . . an o th er shot op higher.
Motor Hearse.
With a startlin g crash, the outer
Proud of th eir home, they led their
•pod through the woods to the north. • . . As th e machine whirred, loud­
Lady Attendant.
"If things go against us nnd you see wall of the sleeping but gave way, and
Thia drastic move m eant a trem en­ ly and sw iftly, to within a few hundred guests th ith er for food, when th e sea­
dous decision, bound around as they yards, still flying high, th e pile of plane had been safely beached. T here me bowled over, don't w att—don't risk m surged a lighting medley of Meek Brownsville.....................................Oregon
were with age-old superstitions. It sticks and leaves, branches and under­ during the meel, they explained the a mom ent—go!" he had Insisted, "even figures . , . From the other side, or
w as a forlorn, terror-stricken little grow th—quickly dried in (be afternoon native trouble. The Idea of fighting If It m eans physical fo rce!”
kitchen, a cloud of amoke and crack­
band which C roft presently addressed. s »n—burned, and roared, and leaped, anything or anybody thrilled both ! And De Boreeau, like mkny another, ling flame arose. . . . T he hut was
found him self following this m an's be­
H e spoke kindly, trying to allay th eir th e red tongues of fire and billowing these adventurous young men.
on Are!
W . L- W R IG H T
“Vat guns have you?” they asked, hests, with a zeal and fealty Inspired
fear, feeling a certain relief th a t the smoke showing clear against the blue
All power of restraining the women
A Funeral Director
“v at am m unitions?"
anticipated trouble bad occurred ar of sea and sky.
was post. As the Frenchm an dashed
ence to the last letter.
Halsey and Harrtaburg
•<>on. Most of the men. he noticed.
"Will they see It?" m uttered Alan.
Laying hls cheek against hers, Alan forw ard to meet the intruders on one
Call D. T avluu , Halsey, or
He waved w ildly; but the airp lan e arm s, and shown th e bows, arrows, became aw are. In the moonlit darkness, side, and the black amoke bellied In
were fully arm ed: therefore It should
W. L. W s ig h t . H arrisburg
hot be im possible to overthrow Ba- flew serenely on, skirting the island.
of the tears upon It.
they sat and gasped. The weapons,
accord, struggled madly In th eir stam ­
I’ooms and. once for all, quell the I
“ Not crying?” he whispered.
pede for the muln entrance, then
savage elem ent.
n n ro ara held her hreuth, every nerve no less than the hut, with Its many
But as the stra in seen d to Ingenious devices for use and comfort, saying nothing.
stream ed out—wild with te rro r—Into
“W hether I can be your chief or l ° u t- Hut
not Is in th e hnnila of my gods," he reach breaking point, the machine aroused th eir keenest Interest.
“ It has been very heaotlful,” he m ur­ the cold gray of the early dawn. . . .
"E h ! B ut It Is a leetle p arad ise!” mured, stroking her hair.
At the sam e time, from without,
concluded with prudent p iety; “b •! slackened speed. With sudden cessa-
rest assured of my protection. Yot.r ti n of noise, her engines w ere shut cried Philippe. “Vat you call ’cosay!’
Then they began to plan th eir future amid the general hubbub, one loud
women and children a re tired 1 ,i ' f, auil sne cam e sw iftly down in All ze ch airs! And a table! A n ’ ze
•picturing the Journey together to walling cry arose. In a m ixture of na­
large circles until low over th e w ater; flow ers!” He turned to B arbara, when England, th e greetings, th e meetings tive and broken English tongues—s
♦he long walk through the forest. 1.
♦hem come Inside our garden for s. ■ ; i then she tu rn ed and flew slowly hack Alan went out to restore order among with those who thought them dead. frightened, agonized cry : “T he white
1/ and food."
outside the b arrier reef.
T urning th e natives. “You have turned ze wil­ .
And ever the m an’s keen eyes chief; A s a ! a a a ' T he white chief I
derness into home, M adame t It Is dat wqitehed th e shadowy scene without, . . . . The w hite chief I . . ,
in Sunswept California
Southern Pacific
I -w
* 1
J . .
H IL L &<o
Barred Rock •' *?
Cockerels s., ¡,b
H a l l ’s C a t a r r h
M ed icin e
Krsl-class W o rk
J . W. S T E P H E N S O N .