1 •gain, she rose a little, fljlng up to ­ you {111 not like to leave It! Out?' w ard th e beacon—then round again, She looked around the fam iliar room and back to the reef. she loved so well, out through the Alan «>uld recognize h er now for doorway to the black figures In the a seaplane. Seeing two figures upon garden, which had been such a pride her, once more he waved, shouting vo­ —and again she felt her heart con ciferously. , , . W ith a graceful tract. swoop down, again she turned, sink- I The shadowy outside world had lng lower and low er; until at last she i onc* ni,’r‘> become a tangible reality rested upon the calm w aters of the ’ -------- - lagoon, and came skimm ing lightly to­ VII w ard the shore. . , . A silence of horror had fallen upon The engine trouble proved more serl I e natives. Some dropped on their ous than th e Frenchm en had antlcl knees or flung them selves on th eir bated. Any idea of h dash to clvlliza was abandoned. Until ♦ ices not daring to look seaw ard ; tlon for succor ««”* » ••« • »V VW BOOM-HUUUU. a m « , hers stood still us death, th eir gilt- I ’he gU“ * * “nd the moon ri”en i ring eyes never w avering from the the three men worked upon It, Craft bgure of their white chief, lh eir hands with the delight, of a child over tb» i'/'ó "ift" j í ^ \ Í " t rasping th eir weapons—ready at a return of some long-lost toy. W hen a w o rd , to dash forw ard, with tlieir short trial trip w as made, he took the blood curdling yells, to his aid. . , . pilot’s seat. Another sharp spasm of pain shot Then one or two rubbed th eir eyes, ns If unable to see aright, . . . The through B arbara’s heart, as she looked " b ite chief was wading out, unarmed, round upon the faces she knew so well He opened die entran ce lu d ie pal into the rippling w avelets, to meet the Much as rescue would mean to them Isade. A westruck Into silence, they awful bird of 111 omen. . . . They both, th e thought of renouncing their M ntCr th c warmth and the p U y S n d s ° ° r re < re a ti° n ° f C a lif o r ™ Uled through, th eir minds full of the looked fearfully a t one an o th er! then free life here filled her with grief. The I’rospect of bowing again to all the little blue devils," experienced here held th eir breath. . . . H e had re ­ “ d„ ln hand th *y descended the little rules m aking a maze of clvlliza hUl, full of th is fresh wonder. A fter by th eir menfolk. M ight these not turned to lund. . . . Two queer tlon chilled her. The analogy present tourist fare to Lot An- figures enveloped In much clothing, spring up and burn them even now •u p p e r they sat on th e shore in the j gties; on sale daily up to and ed Itself to her mind of being slowlv at the g reat w hite chief’s command? with fearsom e goggle eyes protruding moonlight, talking In low tones of the including April 30; return limit May 31st They squatted ln one close group, hun from th eir beads, w ere descending from caught up Into some huge net spread future, m aking wonderful plans ing over the universe, beyond which i v T k i in 8eCUre’ COIV comfo« via the com- The B oth possessed th a t curious sens!- gry and g rateful for all they received, between the vast wings. . . . lay this little w ilderness w here she bad tortdble, con ven ien t trains o f the Shasta «veness to n atu re which compels one, following B arb ara's movements with white chief and his wife w ere ta lk ­ dwelt and learned to love. “ I"18, t0 m ake i0T °Pen «Paces, adoring, wondering eyes, as she dis­ ing, laughing, wringing th eir hands C roft’s Instinct w as to send her You’ll like Southern Pacific d in in g car s e r v i c e - in C roft again and again. . . , B ut Io! the lim itless horizons of ocean 1» . trib u , ted , . food. T heir faith — ------- h ghest quality food deliciously prepared and serv ed w as a fte r m idnight when at last thev h?.“ ? ed tb e lr faith in thvlr god< Bu|- huge eyes fell from those fuces. . , . away to Im m ediate sa fe ty ; but that at your accustom ed m eal-time. He conferred w ent to bed. T he night breeze h a d Uttku' once w ithin the palisade, th eir The natives lifted up th eir voices ln proved impossible. F ull stopover privileges en route. lengthily w ith the two brothers, undet ^ d o w n , and ** p X 'a r X e of i L * aank Tt>-> a howl of fear. . Down by th e w ater, a babel of E ng­ cover of th e ir work together. A fter For fu ll in fo rm a tio n , ask •lrlessn ess pervaded th e islan d ; the I resting outside, kept a sharp w atch for lish and French voices to rren ts of I ward, u,“,',’.*' leaving Louis *” U1B to finish, he and any daylight attack. Roowa was sent w ater became calm to otliness. q u e s tio n s p o u r in g f o r th 'in both ,an P “ " ,PPe WeDt ‘nd°“ r8 to pore over B arbara w as restless, and lay long to feed them. Alan went Indoors to charts, discuss routes and conclude nr •w ake. The stran g e stillness with Its atten d to his store of native weapons. Kuages, the replies unheeded ln the rangem ents. When. Inter, the two •ensatlon of false calm heralding ap . • . . P resently th e excited visitors mutual relief, surprise and excite­ aviators, dead tired a fte r their adven In th e garden, tired and satisfied, fell ment ! The two Frenchm en mixed proacblng tem pest, revived h er pre C. P. MOODY, Agent Phone 226 asleep. . . . both tongues Indiscrim inately, shak­ tnrea, w ere rolled In their huge coats m onitions of disaster. W hen a t last C roft deemed It expedient to wait ing the Englishm an's hands again and upon the floor, he drew B arbara Into ’ l 8 f8 U. asle«P- It w as only to be tor- for Babooma to attack . To attem pt again, kissing those of the girl ln th eir their bedroom and unfolded the plans. . th 018 aam e Prem onitions mag Should Babooma attack in the night, nlfled Into nightm are realities. She a return with these tired men risked dem onstrative exuberance. meeting th e enemy In the Interstices T hey had, it transpired, been swept the f renchmen, however zealous, would uis ears alert to every sound, •w oke gasping and sobbing in A lan’ of the forest, w here open fighting from th eir bearings ln a thunder obviously fail to distinguish friends »they bad beeu on that other •rm a, and clung to him feverishly. would be impossible. Given at last storm, having accepted a bet to fly From foe. T heir responsibility, th ere­ igbt long ago. « h , dream ed you had disappeared, the excuse, he determ ined to take no from America to Honolulu, thence to fore, would be the safeguarding of the •lie cried, ln bewildered explanation. Presently, ns before, he lenned quick- 1 H °w could th a t happen?" He avoidable chances in attem pting the A ustralia, in th eir sm all seaplnne. women and children in the h u t- B a r - ■nothed her. -How could my bulk dis­ exterm ination of the growing menace While endeavoring to recap tu re their baru's w elfare being their special con­ l.v forward. For again the fain t sound to the prosperity of th e tribe. lie route between the two la tte r places, sideration. of breaking tw igs had reached him. appear? Don't talk nonsense I” “Should things go badly, and Ba­ . Again, near the outskirts of the . J s . k’reakfaatp