Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 26, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    W e re tu rn th a n ks today for the
peace and p ro sp erity o f th e n atio n ,
•of which old Oreg* n has h er sh are. -
T he energy o f o u r people is fast ov erco m in g
th e one h an d icap which accom panied th e
blessing o f a clim ate th a t knows no d ro u th , no
fam in.e no general failure o f crops. A year-
round system ol good th ro u g h roads has been
achieved and th e s h o rte r ro ad s a re rapidly
being p u t in condition lo r travel in w inter as
in sum m er. W e have enjoyed o u r s h ir e o f the
resu ltiu g business, for which o u r ou sto m ers
have o u r thanks.
H IL L & <S
R IV IL E G E D to live in th e c e n te r o t o n e
o f th e world’s m ost fru itfu l valleys, w here
th e skies a re su n n y in su m m e r and life-giving
m o istu re n ev er fails to com e a t its d u e tim e,
we in c lu d e in o u r th an k sg iv in g th e good p eo p le
ot th is vicinity, w hose p a tro n a g e is th e fo u n d a ­
tio n o f th e ¡prosperity we enjoy.
reet a new thanksgiving day with
joy and hope. O u r c o u n try is at peace
with th e world and o u r p eo p le enjoy
blessings beyond those known in o th e r lands.
F o r all th e se th in g s wo a re th a n k fu l; also
for th e favors o f fridnds and p atro n s, ot which
we shall striv e to m e rit a c o n tin u a n c e in th e
days th a t a re to com e.
added to the Hat. T h e movement was
F o r a moment she gazed at him
blankly, h alf In astonishment, h alf In ' started in A m erica by the N ear East
R e lie f as a new. s triking and inten­
fe a r; then, without a word, she burst 1
nie," » h i replied, with »tilted polite­
Mr». Field knew when to keep her
sive method' o f raising funds for the
thought» to herself.
feeding of the children in Am erican
Into the house.
“To me?" he asked; then gave a
"Q uite natural,’’ »he replied cheer­
orphanages in Bible Lands.
The color ebbed a little from Hugh's
■hort laugh. “(th. not at ull. I am fully. “And— Bab," »he went on, hesi­
On this d ay —Decem ber 7— A m e ri­
face. He looked r.t his friend In vague I
merely the p ilo t!"
tating a little, " If you need Alan'»
cans are asked to eat a dinner of
She flushed crimson, remembering friendship for uny reason, I think you
i soup, bread and stew, or of corn grits
lowed the woman Into the drawing
• -
her own words nt the sweeta-atalL W ith would find If worth having.”
. 7. ,
. . .
* and condensed m ilk, or of rice, maca-
room. Instead of being bright and fra- >
a sense of relief, she saw Hugh ball­
“Oh," the girl said hastily
“I don't
grant w ith the flowers B arbara loved '
ing her from the terrace steps.
think he— we— 1 shall never quite un­
novel meal, they are asked to rem em ­
about her. It seemed strangely cold. 1
“Are you fixing up the t r lp F be derstand him .”
ber that, coarse as It la, it la all that
Placing hla
asked. Joining them.
Feeling that to be likely, Mrs. Field
holds body and soul together for the
hand» on the g irl’s shoulders. he said no more. She kqd sown the seed.
orphaned boys and girls overseas, to
■railed aero»» at Croft. “Ix>ok here! I f ever It were needed.
“ Where is M is. Stockley?” be asked whom the elem ental factor ot hunger
W ill you please sutiate Bab with
Then the last night at home— She
is each day’s v ita l problem.
travel, with sight seeing, so that she hud looked around her fam ilia r little
'U pstairs,”
M artha.
People here are rem inded that, how­
returns fed up to the teeth? T hat w ill room w ith mixed feelings. When next
walked to the little bureau and picked ever poor the fare may seem, they can
Insure a peaceful honeymoon, and 1 she slept here, whst would she have
up a telegram. Turning slowly, she at least have tw o bowls of soup if
shall be eternully Obliged!”
learned of the things beyond that life
h a lf held It toward him, and the flimsy they like, and tw o slices of bread.
Barbara explained :
long barrier of bills visible from he
paper trembled violently In her hands. As they finish th e ir second serving,
"Hugh wants to spend hts honey­ dlhdowf
Hugh took the telegram »lowly from they are asked to rem em ber that the
moon in hla father's farm y a rd ; and I
W ith a warm rush of tenderness, sh-
the woman. For a moment be looked orphan wards of the N e a r East R elief
want to t o — "
remembered that, upon her return, her
uncertainly at her frightened face, can have only one serving, for there
“Somewhere In the moon,” Hugh new life us Hugh's w ife would begin
then -round the fan illlu r room, as If Is not enough to allow more. They
broke In. "So our only hope of a
Takin g the large photograph of him
■ reading to read It. , . . At last, are asked to rem em ber th a t these chll-
'happy (»sue' a» the prayer-book calls from the wall, she placed it carefully
with, an obvious effort, he rnlsed the drem exist on such a diet 36S days
it, lies in you,
within her packed trunk.
sheet, and turned awny. . , .
out ot each year, and they w ill not
“Good lord I” laughed the otber.
The telegruin .fluttered. unheeded, to liv e to become ipen and women un­
" It's a rather curious position I When
And now the moment of departure
the floor; and Hugh raised shaking less more bread and more soup are
la the wedding?’
had come. Croft appeared, looking big hands to his head. Irk a vague uncer­ provided.
“On December twentieth. Be sure
and ulert in Ills flying kit, w ith un a ir tain manner.
H e turned slowly, his
Those who eat the Golden Rule
you send her buck In tim e t*
of confidence about him which ¿ninmu- face ashen, haggard and old all nt dinner w ill not lack distinguished
C roft’s face grew sober.
In his
aieatad Itself. In some subtle way, to once. His lips moved n little , but no company. Such a meal w ill be serv
quick, decided fashion, he swung his
Barbara. Having been detain«) ov
sound came; he looked at his friend cd on S .inday in the homes of kings,
legs over tha parapet aad stood up,
a m atter of form In the utlice, he bur
w ith the bewildered eye of a dumb prim e m inisters aud presidents.
fui-ing Hugh.
r1c«1 their start.
The Golden Rule Is a universal
animal awakening to some terrible
“ Tou are quite willing fur her ta go,
Hugh followed Barbara Info the pain of which, as yet, It Is not wholly creed. I t is a common denom inator
I suppose?”
cabin, where she turned and clung in conscious.
of al’ religious and social w elfare o r­
Both glunced at him, surprised at
him. He drew her Into Ills arms and
Tom Westwoods picked up the tele­ ganizations. I t is a test of our re­
the earnestnuas of his tone.
ligion and our sincerity. Golden Rule
kissed her w ith more pasalon tlmp gram.
" I know you w ill take the utmost
It was from the London agents of Sunday is a day for personal stock
care of her,” Hugh replied.
“ W e shall he m arried directly you re­ Croft's firm.
H e read the few hold tak in g , for m easuring our lives by a
“O f course.”
turn. Bah, darling,” he aald huskily, sentences so fraught w ith tragic mean­ universally accepted standard of life
.Suddenly und
feeling a suspicious lump In his throat, ing. The nirplqne, it stated, in char­ to ascertain how n early we have at
younger man held out hla hund. Croft
It Is a day of
“I — I'll meet you. when you come hack
acteristically chide words, was miss­ talned to an ideal.
took it In a close g rip; but Barbara
It won't be long.”
The lifeless body o f the me­ plain liv in g and high thin kin g
gave an amused laugh.
The dinner, however, is not an und
Hugh knew thul his B arbara’s warm
chanic had been found In the water,
She struck down lightly w ith her
I t Is an occasion, in the
lieurted Impulse» occasionally resulted where, It was feared, the reat had per­ in Itself.
Angers; and the two bunds fell apart.
In moments of embarrassment. Gently ished. Search was In progress, but words of President Coolidge, “for
I loosening the clinging arms, he bode w ith small hope of success. A typhoon bringing to the minds of those who are
Aunt Dolly farew ell. Then he turned
had swept across the sea» verging prosperous the ch aritab le req uire­
to the cabin door, hesitated,cam e buck
upon t h e ' Philippine Islands.
One m ents of those who are in adversity..'
G littering like dragon-flies, several
On Golden Rule Sunday the citizens
kissed Barbura's wet <-heeks passion
wireless message of distress had come
machines hummed and buzr.ed near the
of all nations w ill be seated figura
utely again, and ran down the steps
from the tnnehine.
airdrome, some rising on trial trips.
Croft leaned down and waved fare
Then silence fell.
i tlv e ly at the same table, p a rta k in g lit
e ra lly of the same food, thin kin g the
, ,
I * ' * 11 i Uien he gave the signal. Slowlv.
looping or diving down In spirals, as [
Ulu,.h|ne gll(Jed MWay
( 1 n be q o tjiu n . . ) ,
same thoughts and entering In to a
though Intoxicated with the axhUara
new realizatio n of the brotherhood Ot
But w ith quick trankitlon, the move
tlon of the summer morning.
m ankind.
meut merged Into the sw ift run of »
A small crowd o f people. Including
F u ll
Info rm ation ,
w ith
bird seeking cover.
Faster and yci
reporters und photographers, stood
menus and suggestions for the obacr
faster, It became a wild roaring rnci
near the monster which loomed up sta
vance of the day, w ill be furnished
across the gr»«». which aoon the little
Five Mil ion Dollars Needed by the N e a r East Relief, P o rtland or
nb H, ,
" ,r L"' fll,b ‘
T h ‘ I * h" ’'
* ‘ O‘’Ch' «
sunlight flashed upon the four propel-
credibly short distance, the alrplan.
for Refugee Orphans Under
lers and the engine«, now so placid
rose ,,<hdy from the gr0Un<J
Thrice »lie circled, high above the
American Care.
Barbara, clad In the beavee-llned fly-
heads o f those who watched
Ing cap and leather coat .which Hugh
of her capabilities, she turned
had given her. stood dosa beside him. | with a final upward curve, and settled
B eiru t, S y ria.— F o r m any centuries
23 NATIONS JOIN OBSERVANCE children In Palestine have used, foi
down to her work.
grace before meals, a chant which has
been handed down from ea rly church
The days wore on to weeks, fu ll of
By W. B. HINSON. D. O.
the Im portant trifle» thut constitute Oregon Chairman Near East Relief fathers. T h e chant survives today at
a thrlce -d a lly exercise In all orphan
dally country life
F or a time I»a?
ages of the N ear East Relief. Several
bury felt a little flat, lucking In aensa
thousand copies of words and music
tlon. T here seemed to be a dearth of
Western Washington Chairman
have been sent to A m erica for use in
subjects for conversation; and when a
the observance of Oolden Rule St
W ith the co-operation of civic ant
community ha« nothing to tnlk about.
___ _ I
religious leaders throughout the U n i­ day on Decem ber t,
It la In a had way
ted States, the N e a r East R e lie f has
Letters from B arbara were frequent
Inaugurated its campaign for the
and full o f enthusiast?!. Croft was evi­
second observance of Intern atio nal
dently fulfllllng the part allotted tq
Golden Rule Sunday on December 7.
him to the letter, during the calls at
T h e aim is to raise funds to provide
each sight seeing place; and Hugh felt
during the coming year for 100.000
orphan children under Am erican care
When latter» became more Infris-
In Bible Lands. M ere than five m il­
Any farm er who wants an easy-to-
queot, owing In distance, wireless mes
lion dollars is the m inim um needed.
grow, good-yielding hay crop that is
sages stated that all was well.
Setting aside o f one day each year
relished-by p ractically all forma of live
W ith delightful suddenness a fresh in honor of the Golden Rule as a guide
stock w ill d o-w ell to plant at least a
th rill was provided for Dnrbury hv to In d iv id u a l,: national and interna
small acreage o f Sudan gruss and tu
Jenny Grant, a vlUngt glH. She had. tional life, is an Am erican Idea which
become acquainted w itb Its habits and
It w hs rumored! “nut Into trouble'' has been approved and adopt,-d by
Its valuable q uality, thinks C. P. Black
w ith a sailor who -fin'd’ recently been tw gnty-three notions. T he day, Decim -
on leave In the neighborhood
Mrs, bog 7th. w ill he observed through, ’.it j weljt agronomist at Clemson college.
Sudan grass. Professor Blackwell
Stockley, with commendable charltv, Europe and in muuy non-Bttrapeau
explains, la closely reluted to the cul­
Placed s large part of the blame on countries, such as Japan, Korea and
tiva te ^ sorghums und is a compurn-
the girl's mother The mother hail ac­ Palestine.
I liv e ly new forage crop In thia coun­
ceded from the church; therefore, of
Four annual holidays — Christm as.
try. It was Introduced Into tlie U n it­
course, she was no favorite w ith the New Year, Eastern and A rm istice Day
ed States In 1909. In appearunce it
bishop's descendant. . , .
— have heretofore been celebrated In­
is talle r, has broader leaves and la
There la, proverbially, a lull before
ternationally. A fifth has now been
a storm. Darhury. during those peace­
stents which make Johnson grusa soch
ful days of late summer, had no in tu i­
a bad weed on farm lands. It groats
tion of the most terrib le th rill ’o f all.
Barbara . , . Stood Cíese Beside In these day» of thrills.
to a height of 3 to 5 feet If seeded
Him. Watching . ■ . Nervously.
broadcast, and ta lle r than thia If
Hugh, especially, was of too bright
planted. In cultivated row». It Is gen
and wholesome a nature to have nils
watching the giant plane and Its at
erally seeded broadcast when grown
giving», when tho sun shone aud all
t-*ndsnis somewhat nervously. It was.
for hny production. It makes a large
seemed well.
s fte r all, a big adventure to embark
yield of huy, the yield varying w ith
upon . , Hugh was very dear. . . ,
the fe rtility o f the land and the fe r­
from a morning'» cubbing. It was
Mrs Field had hidden Barbara fare­
tiliser used, and ranging from one to
therefore with no sense o f Impendtna
well some days ago. and had gone to
eight tons of cured hay per acre. The
disaster that he reined np at Lske
tho famine area of Central Kurnpe on
quality of this hny la about the same
an organiration campaign.
as that of Johnson grass or Tim othy
the wlatfiilneaa of the girl's fare
Practically all forma of liv e stock rel­
the main road, turned and cast woo
something bad compelled her to tn rr
ish it and do well on I t I t is easily
flerlng looks In hla direction
back end kiss her again, when they
cut and la not dlfflcnlt to keep and
It was one of those glorious mom
"Ton don't regret going. Bsh. d earF
W hen sown broadcast fo r hay,
late summer and early autumn Inter
she had asked
shout 30 pounds of seed per acre
Hugh glanced ronnd w ith a
Barbara «book her head vigorously
sh tin he used. When planted In
pleased sense of appreciation.
“N o * I feel a little depressed over
row», the rows may be anywhere from
1 Then he rang the bell.
leaving Hugh; that's all
U seedii as
2t to «1 inches apart and « to 10
The face of old M artha, who o p m /n
pounds of seed per acre w ill he sufll
something— I
the door, was red and swollen «111
e len t fur planting
I f planted early
w hst- were ending
I suppose that's
in the season several cuttings may
H e r llmhe trembled, as If
natural upon going away for the first
be secured In one year.
(t*na suddeo »hock.
W . B. H IN S O N , D. O.
MU« ’
Golden Rule Day
Grandest Cave in America
Bet you can’t guess where it
is. It is not the Oregon Caves
nor the Kentucky Mammoth
cave. Jim Lee, a New Mexict
cowboy, has known it for 2k
years, but nobody paid any at
tention to his story and he stud
to his knitting.
The Dearborn Independent o
Nov. 22 publishes a short de
scription of it, with reproduc
cions of photographs taken with
in its depths, the whole occupy
log two pages ot the Fold papei
Here are a few extracts fron
the article:
Dr. Willis T. Lee was a recla
mation engineer working alon>
the Pecos river when Jim Whitt
went to him to report that tht
inside > of the Quadalupes wat
hollow. Nine months of ex
uloraXion by Lee,- White, and t
party of surveyors has revealec
not one cavern, but a series ol
caverns whose dimensions ever
now cannot be estimated, sinct
seen one of the earth’s
to the g-o.
graphic expedition not a hun­
dred persons had ever stood
in the king’s palace, so Jim said
—and a transcontinental rail­
road only thirty miles away.
Why? Because Jim White is
not a talkative man. He is a
cowboy—and an explorer.
One of the Colorado oil men*
had visited the Mammoth cave:
pf Kentucky. I asked him for'
a comparison. He said, very
soberly, “You can multiply the
Mammoth cave by one hundred
and still not do justice to this
place.” ____________
Geneva. 8 w lttarU ad .—A Jelat ap­
peal from twenty nations has keen
deced before the League of Nations,
asking for the appolataoent of a
mlBslon to' aaalst tha Am erica* Near
Bast Relief la tta work ter refugee»
m Oreeea and M bie Lands. The ap­
peal saya: “In view of the tateraa
tional character of the queatloa lnvNv
id and the necessity fer an Impartial
accurate aad authoritative statement
i f the situation, we regheat the League
of Nations to agpolnt a commisala*
which shall matte a prompt, thorough
.nqulry Into the distressing rnahhis*«
in the Near Bast aad iadtaete arhat
steps should, be taken to ameliorate
these condlioaa la accord with hu­
manitarian view« of our twentieth
century life.”
have been explored only for fif­
teen miles, in A general south
erly direction. The discover}
was of such startling magnific
enc2 that in October of 192:
President Coolidge set aside tht
l egion as the Carlsbad nations
monument, and the governmen
withdrew from public sale 80,
Moscow.— The annual aeremoay ef
000 acres on the mountain toj the Armenian church, known as the
lying above the explored por­ "Rlesalng of the Am irteaas.“ wlU take
plaifee at Erlvan, Cauoaalaa Russia,
next month. The ceremeay la an pa-
cluster of building.1- presalon
ot gratitude for help whlah
ventherbeaten now from Ion* the
United '.States hga eatanded to
lisuse, was used by crews o Armenta through the Near Bast Re­
aborers lifting guano, rarest o lief during t l * past few,years. .
— 4 ----------------- -—
fertilizers, for shipment to tht
nange groves of California.
Jim is not a scientist, worse
uck, but only an old-time cow- Jeraaalnm.— A gift of 100 live ta r
ioy 'who went down iMo a bat j
:ave and—
farm e r In Egypt.
The birds are ta
We came out in midafter-
loon without misadventure. We
provide C htlbtttaa dlnaera for L1W
Arm enia* / ohiidrea
ta orphaaagto
1 i
D r. C. F IC Q ; Dentist
F IT ”
Grown*, 1 ridg4 work and* filling». ■ It will
pay you to get my prices oujvour dental work
Cusick hank huild’rg, Albany
ARROW GARAGE, ; Ganáe Bros.
Sudan Grass
Easily Grown and Is Relu
by All Farm Stock.
U. S. & C. T. C. T ires
M ore serv ice
No m o re co st
Skilled A uto re p a irin g
A uto a cc esso ries
New. lo w -p n ce d Gill
B a tte rie s for!
.’ a n d (*
S tar.
• o th e r i
C h e v r o le t , sm a ll ca rs
A m e ric a n E ag le;
Fire Insurance Co.
H ay is w orth ju s t as m u ch in sto ra g e as
y o u m ig h t get for it in case o f fire. Th
lA m erican Engle F ire In su ra n c e co m p an f 7
I will pay you 85% o f th e cash value in case?
o f loss by fire.
A n v G irl in Trouble
may communicate w tih En»nni l ee of the Salvation A r r a j
W h ite Shield Home. S6.1 M a v h lr avenue. P ot t Und, Oregon,
», „