W e re tu rn th a n ks today for the peace and p ro sp erity o f th e n atio n , _ •of which old Oreg* n has h er sh are. - T he energy o f o u r people is fast ov erco m in g th e one h an d icap which accom panied th e blessing o f a clim ate th a t knows no d ro u th , no fam in.e no general failure o f crops. A year- round system ol good th ro u g h roads has been achieved and th e s h o rte r ro ad s a re rapidly being p u t in condition lo r travel in w inter as in sum m er. W e have enjoyed o u r s h ir e o f the resu ltiu g business, for which o u r ou sto m ers have o u r thanks. 3 THANKSGIVING H IL L & a sense of relief, she saw Hugh ball­ “Oh," the girl said hastily “I don't grant w ith the flowers B arbara loved ' ing her from the terrace steps. think he— we— 1 shall never quite un­ novel meal, they are asked to rem em ­ about her. It seemed strangely cold. 1 “Are you fixing up the t r lp F be derstand him .” ber that, coarse as It la, it la all that gloomy and deserted. Placing hla asked. Joining them. Feeling that to be likely, Mrs. Field holds body and soul together for the A chill fell on Hugh. hand» on the g irl’s shoulders. he said no more. She kqd sown the seed. orphaned boys and girls overseas, to ■railed aero»» at Croft. “Ix>ok here! I f ever It were needed. . “ Where is M is. Stockley?” be asked whom the elem ental factor ot hunger W ill you please sutiate Bab with uneasily. Then the last night at home— She is each day’s v ita l problem. travel, with sight seeing, so that she hud looked around her fam ilia r little 'U pstairs,” sobbed M artha. She People here are rem inded that, how­ returns fed up to the teeth? T hat w ill room w ith mixed feelings. When next walked to the little bureau and picked ever poor the fare may seem, they can Insure a peaceful honeymoon, and 1 she slept here, whst would she have up a telegram. Turning slowly, she at least have tw o bowls of soup if shall be eternully Obliged!” learned of the things beyond that life h a lf held It toward him, and the flimsy they like, and tw o slices of bread. Barbara explained : long barrier of bills visible from he paper trembled violently In her hands. As they finish th e ir second serving, "Hugh wants to spend hts honey­ dlhdowf Hugh took the telegram »lowly from they are asked to rem em ber that the moon in hla father's farm y a rd ; and I W ith a warm rush of tenderness, sh- the woman. For a moment be looked orphan wards of the N e a r East R elief want to t o — " remembered that, upon her return, her uncertainly at her frightened face, can have only one serving, for there “Somewhere In the moon,” Hugh new life us Hugh's w ife would begin then -round the fan illlu r room, as If Is not enough to allow more. They broke In. "So our only hope of a Takin g the large photograph of him ■ reading to read It. , . . At last, are asked to rem em ber th a t these chll- 'happy (»sue' a» the prayer-book calls from the wall, she placed it carefully with, an obvious effort, he rnlsed the drem exist on such a diet 36S days it, lies in you, within her packed trunk. sheet, and turned awny. . , . out ot each year, and they w ill not • • • • • “Good lord I” laughed the otber. The telegruin .fluttered. unheeded, to liv e to become ipen and women un­ " It's a rather curious position I When And now the moment of departure the floor; and Hugh raised shaking less more bread and more soup are la the wedding?’ had come. Croft appeared, looking big hands to his head. Irk a vague uncer­ provided. “On December twentieth. Be sure and ulert in Ills flying kit, w ith un a ir tain manner. H e turned slowly, his Those who eat the Golden Rule you send her buck In tim e t* of confidence about him which ¿ninmu- face ashen, haggard and old all nt dinner w ill not lack distinguished C roft’s face grew sober. In his aieatad Itself. In some subtle way, to once. His lips moved n little , but no company. Such a meal w ill be serv quick, decided fashion, he swung his Barbara. Having been detain«) ov sound came; he looked at his friend cd on S .inday in the homes of kings, legs over tha parapet aad stood up, a m atter of form In the utlice, he bur w ith the bewildered eye of a dumb prim e m inisters aud presidents. fui-ing Hugh. i r1c«1 their start. The Golden Rule Is a universal animal awakening to some terrible “ Tou are quite willing fur her ta go, Hugh followed Barbara Info the pain of which, as yet, It Is not wholly creed. I t is a common denom inator I suppose?” cabin, where she turned and clung in conscious. of al’ religious and social w elfare o r­ Both glunced at him, surprised at him. He drew her Into Ills arms and Tom Westwoods picked up the tele­ ganizations. I t is a test of our re­ the earnestnuas of his tone. » ligion and our sincerity. Golden Rule kissed her w ith more pasalon tlmp gram. " I know you w ill take the utmost usual It was from the London agents of Sunday is a day for personal stock care of her,” Hugh replied. “ W e shall he m arried directly you re­ Croft's firm. H e read the few hold tak in g , for m easuring our lives by a “O f course.” turn. Bah, darling,” he aald huskily, sentences so fraught w ith tragic mean­ universally accepted standard of life .Suddenly und unexpectedly the feeling a suspicious lump In his throat, ing. The nirplqne, it stated, in char­ to ascertain how n early we have at younger man held out hla hund. Croft It Is a day of “I — I'll meet you. when you come hack acteristically chide words, was miss­ talned to an ideal. took it In a close g rip; but Barbara It won't be long.” ing. The lifeless body o f the me­ plain liv in g and high thin kin g gave an amused laugh. The dinner, however, is not an und Hugh knew thul his B arbara’s warm chanic had been found In the water, She struck down lightly w ith her I t Is an occasion, in the lieurted Impulse» occasionally resulted where, It was feared, the reat had per­ in Itself. Angers; and the two bunds fell apart. In moments of embarrassment. Gently ished. Search was In progress, but words of President Coolidge, “for I loosening the clinging arms, he bode w ith small hope of success. A typhoon bringing to the minds of those who are Aunt Dolly farew ell. Then he turned had swept across the sea» verging prosperous the ch aritab le req uire­ to the cabin door, hesitated,cam e buck upon t h e ' Philippine Islands. One m ents of those who are in adversity..' G littering like dragon-flies, several On Golden Rule Sunday the citizens kissed Barbura's wet <-heeks passion wireless message of distress had come machines hummed and buzr.ed near the of all nations w ill be seated figura utely again, and ran down the steps from the tnnehine. airdrome, some rising on trial trips. Croft leaned down and waved fare Then silence fell. i tlv e ly at the same table, p a rta k in g lit e ra lly of the same food, thin kin g the , , , I * ' * 11 i Uien he gave the signal. Slowlv. looping or diving down In spirals, as [ Ulu,.h|ne gll(Jed MWay ( 1 n be q o tjiu n . . ) , same thoughts and entering In to a though Intoxicated with the axhUara new realizatio n of the brotherhood Ot But w ith quick trankitlon, the move tlon of the summer morning. m ankind. meut merged Into the sw ift run of » A small crowd o f people. Including F u ll Info rm ation , w ith sample bird seeking cover. Faster and yci reporters und photographers, stood menus and suggestions for the obacr faster, It became a wild roaring rnci near the monster which loomed up sta vance of the day, w ill be furnished across the gr»«». which aoon the little Five Mil ion Dollars Needed by the N e a r East Relief, P o rtland or nb H, , ", " ,r L"' fll,b ‘ T h ‘ I * h" ’' * ‘ O‘’Ch' « Seattle. sunlight flashed upon the four propel- credibly short distance, the alrplan. for Refugee Orphans Under lers and the engine«, now so placid rose ,,