Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 15, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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F .M . G R A Y ,
Cream and Proouce Station
Cash paid for
Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal
International Labor U n ion s deiegstions of 20 states. while
& Hides, m . H- S H O O K
All work done promptly and reaeon
Official Republican Propaganda
Phone No. 269
28 state
Excluded From LaFollette ' dek*«M
<’M have
a 11 c
In 5 other
C onvention A ll E xcept
Own F o llo w e r s
Halsey, Oregon
Official Democratic Propaganda
Republican majori-
states-the reprw-
’ mentation la evenly divided, and those
• »»»<«• «>uld have no vote to cask
Those states are Maryland. Montana,
Nebraska, New Hampshire and New
Some Not Regular.
The 23 states showing a nominal Re­
publican majority might not all vota
1 ‘ for
V I Coolidge
v w n u g c ,
a u r ir n
w w
n iir io
a t few
De- - tlves
1 ,,c,r *-'O
ot »om’ "presents
|g open t0 question, and If La-
Follette should carry those states, It
I Is not unlikely that their votes In the
Commercial and Savings accoums Solicited
LaFollette whs entered In the race house would go to LaFollette, despite
for President by an aggregation of na- ,he Republican label borne by aucb
tlonal arid international labor unions, congressmen.
Should any of these
The pufillc, and particularly the farm- states vote for LaFollette, or If the
or, had no voice whatever In his so -states should vote as they line np
called nomination. There has existed on paper—20 Democratic. 23 Repob-
for over three years an organization Mean, und 5 unable to vote, no
known as the Conference for Progrès- choice could be made, aa 25 states are
she Political Action, composed of 16 needed to elect the President,
Economy, Beauty ano
_ or 18 national und International labor I Attention would then center on the
unions, the majority of them railway senate. Here the state rule does not
labor organizations.
j apply.
Each senator of the 06 has
can lie p ut in to your kitchen by
The officers of thia Conference for u separate vote. For a quorum, two-
tb e installm ent of one of our
Progresahe Political Action are on ,lllrds ° f
9« must be present, or
the whole the national and Internation-
anJ f ° r a choice of vice president,
al officers of the lubor organizations ’ “ bare majority, or 49, is necessary,
composing the conference. The chair- ' However, In the senate only two
Bart by T e st
mun or president of thia conference ' ('an<hdates for vite president having
Is William Johnston, president of the t,le highest showing in the electoral
International Machinists’ union, and «"H««« may be voted for, and this
See our new and complete line
the director of the railroad strike In w,,ul<l narrow the choice down toGen-
1022. Mr. Johnston was recently can- erul Hawes and Governor Bryan,
didate for governor of Rhode Island
Present Situation Important,
on the Socialist ticket. The headqnar-1 As t,ie present senute would select,
ters of tids conference Is In the Ma- ’ be Situation there now Is important,
l*»~ T h e prices are right '«48
chinists' building, Washington, D. O., ' There are nominally 51 Republican
a building owned by the International senators, but tills number Includes La-
j Follette of Wisconsin and Brookhart
This conference hold Its annual of I,,wa' and others who of late have
meeting in St. Louis In February, 1024, •seldu,n voted with the Republlcana
adopted a platform, pledged Itself to Forty fhree senators are listed as
launch a third party, and adjourned democrats, and two, Ladd and Frazier,
to meet In Cleveland July 4 for that
purpose. The convention In Cleveland ■ -------' ---------- •— “
on July 4 was therefore nothing but apuator8 in llnp and get the votes of
the adjourned meeting of tho Confer- t,le two Farmer-Labor senators, this
ence for Progressive Political Action.1 wou,d 8lv® hlln a nucleus of 45 votes.
rP llA A d n l o l , i ,
A » ... z b l ___ I _ a
I» V MPPI11* i11 0 f a i l l i * I l f t b a
B l i . o u II SA<1 D a
The delegates to the Cleveland conven­ By securing four of the so-called Re­ Democrats Name All Campaign Agricultural Producers Low
'1RES and
tion were merely delegates from the publicans, such as Brookhart and La
Issues in Arguments for Their
Fifteen Billions of Capitsd
labor organizations comprising the F'ollette, tids majority would put Into
Presidential Candidate.
Investments During Hard­
Conference for Progressive Political the White House a man for whom the
Action, plus a few scattering dele­ American people had not voted for
Waahlngton, D. C.— Twelve reasons
ing-Coolidge Regime, Official
gates from the Socialist party and a President, and who would he a minor­
why John W. Davis and Charles W.
few radical organizations such us the ity choice.
I f Uryun could secure only the 43 Bryan should be elected on November
League for Industrial Democracy. The
Conference for Progressive Political Democratic senators, the two Farmer-
Washington. D. C. — Proof of th e ’
Action established its own rules re­ Labor senators, and three such men ington, D. C , and are now being used disastrous effects of the deflation of i
garding whom It would admit ns dele­ ns LaFollette, the election would be by speakers in the campaign In various
parts of the country. All the leading agricultural prices and values begun Î
gates and these rules were so framed deadlocked, and the country thrown
by the Republican Congress hi 1910
that no one not In hearty accord with into a state of chuos never before issues in the presidential eontest are
and continued under the first year of
the views of the labor organizations faced. Throwing the election Into the stated In epitome In the twelve rea­
the Harding-Coolidge administration •
comprising the conference was admit­ congreee would of itself have a terrific sons.
Here are the reasons the Democrats Is furnished In a recent official report I
ted. Out of approximately 1,000 del­ effect upon business and Industry the
from the Department of Agriculture,^
egates, less than 25 were farmers oi country over, causing a wave of de­ are advancing for the election of their
over which presides Secretary Wal.
representatives of alleged farmer or­ pression which would affect everyone, presidential and vice-presidential can
lace, hlmeslf a Republican and mem­
as thia would cause months of uncer­ didatea:
1. Davis and Bryan are progres­ ber of President Coolidge's cabinet.
The officers of the Conference fot tainty before a choice by the congreee
The following is an extract from
have clean records and are men
Political Action were the officers ol
m ore c o s t
j Ford,
this report:
the convention. W illiam Johnston, So­ senate should get Into a deadlock at ot outstanding ability.
"As a means of gauging how the
2. They would raise national ad-
cialist leader, was the temporary and tho house it certain to, tho deprea-
ministration from Insignificant medio agricultural depression affected farm
also the permanent chairmun. After elon might easily became a panic, with
standards of living In the four years
crlty to dignity and distinction.
organizing the convention, a resolution terrific and far-reaching results.
Other Possibilities.
3. They are not only honest them­ since
was drawn up and sent to Senator La­
Follette asking 1dm to lead In a fight ! There Is the outside chance, In the selves, but they would demand and point, out that In this period whole-
for a third party. Not a single farmer event of Coolidge falling to receive a enforce honesty In all parts of the gov­ sale prices of all commodities declined
only 25 to 30 per cent, retail prices
of the c electoral
r p ilo r iiu iin e O
O M I Ade
I d e 1111*01«
i c v t u i u i t votes,
u ic o , m
of I H a D bona
furo» majority
er organization signed this petition, i " hen ,he m ,l,e r came t0 th« «enate,
4. They wotfld turn out rascals and of 22 food articles declined ouly 20 to
. . . -------
replace them with conscientious pub­ 25 per cent, and living costs declined
The -------.
platform adopted al such Democrats as Glass «*♦ Virginia,
only 13 to 15 per cent., while the
this convention offers absolutely noth­ Itruce of Maryland nnd Underwood of lic servants.
ing to the farmer. It consisted prac­ Alabama would vote for General
5. They are the enemies of the pro­ farmer's incoma declined as mush as
tically altogether of a recital of the Dawes, the Republican nominee, rather tective high tariff which takes money «0 to 72 per cent. The-departm ent
alleged grievances of organized labot than put such a mun as Bryan in the out of the pockets of the general pub also notes that, bestdes suffering this
Grown», brii'gn work and fillin g s . I t w ill
and a demand for the enactment ol White House.
lie to put It Into the pockets of an al­ great decline In current Income, the
pay you to g«t tny prices ou your dcutal work.
farmers experienced a deflation ot
A large body of thought In the
their legislative program. Not a farm
ready rich favored class.
er wns a member of any of the com-' United States holds to the opinion that
8. They believe that public office le property values by which ths worth
of capital Investments owned by farm
mlttees of this convention, neither th» the whole purpose of LaFollette la a public trust and not a private graft
committee on resolutions nor creden to throw the election Into the con­
7. They believe In an erect, re operators dropped from 3 4 (.500.000 000
tlals, nor organization, nor nomina gress, where he and hla followers sponsible foreign
policy whereby to 833,422.000.000. a shrinkage whteh
tlons. The chalrmau of each of these probably would wield the balance of America will frankly and courageously would Indicate that the farmers' share
m the country's total sgrteultural
committees was an official of some In power, and this small group would take her place in the council of na
ternatlonal labor organization. The name the next President of the United tlons Instead of pussy footing through property receded from «1 per cent to
personnel of these committees were States. Naturally, thia would put that the back door or Bitting on the door­ 5« per o e a f
The same article presents the result
either officials high In International President under heavy obligation to step.
of a survey made of ig.oop ow.B, r.
railway labor organizations or officials the I,aFnllette group, and be as tta
8. They believe In equitable taxa­
high in the Socialist party, and othet leader, would exercise tremendous tion. They do NOT believe in remov­ operated farms for 1*2». .howlng that
power, even though his followers rep­
allowing *870 for the n in e of the la­
radical organizations.
ing taxes from the excessively rich
The convention went on record In resent the smallest fraction of the and keeping them on the less for­ bor of the farmer and his family, the
rnrm showed an average net balanse
behalf of the candidacy of LaFollette. makeup of the United State« senate. tunate, a« the Mellon plan proposed.
The summing up of the situation
to the farmer for the year of «270,
LaFollette wns officially notified of his
* They believe labor as well as
ts this:
or 1.8 per cent, on the average value
nomination by a committee appointed
Voting for LaFollette is voting for
of the farm real estate and l u lm-
by Samuel Gorupers of the Amerlcac
10. They pledge themselves to the
p 1 «'deration of Labor and no member ol Bryan.
provements. a "return barely sufficient
Voting for Davis, by the earn» an­
to pay interest charges, " and leaving
¡J lids committee whs a farmer. LaFol
the people as opposed to special favors
practleally nothing as a return en the
| lette acknowledged his nomination It alysts, Is voting for Bryan.
Voting for Coolidge is voting for to special classes.
I the form of a letter addressed not to
farmers' own caplUl.
11. They advocate the ratlflcation
the people of the United States ot
of the Child Labor Amendment to the
the farmers of the United States, but
w a r vasts aiasneo.
Constitution, and the protection of “ VICTORY VOTE
to the American Federation of Labor ' Business-like methods by th« Repub­ ' women In Industry.
The campaign committee handling lican administration has saved 185,-
I t . Their election means honesty at
the LaFollette-Wheeler movement is 000.000 in department of war expendi­
home, honor abroad and world peace Democratic Women Start Work
the National Committee of the Con ture« in 1*23. Expenditures for 1934 and prosperity.
ferencc for Progressive Political Ac­ ware reduced |752.985,23* a« compared
To Get Feminine Voters
tion, plus a number of Socialists. The to those for 1>21. There were »0,10«
To Polls.
addition of Socialists to this Commit­ civilian employe« in the department
tee was demanded by the Socialist March 3. 1*21. On January 1, 1934.
th7 h ' hin€':’n' D~ ^ - A dr,T*
party ns the price of ...........
their support
ol there were 42.458. This was an annual Woman Lecturer Sayt Cott I« 8128
th . hundred, of thousand, of women
the ticket This demand was made saving ot (51,000.000.
For Each Family.
? * ’ * “*‘ d* n<> Pol't'c*«
¡it a meeting of the committee held In;
Indianapolis. Ind— Women are the
,n d b *” ner* f cast a vot.
Washington July 21, at which time i
Public Debt Reduced.
purikaaing aganta for all of tb t 25- for president, has 5 m d st.rted by ths
representatives of the Socialist party I
The public debt has been cut down J80.9M families In the United Slates
W s ^ ? , 1“
b s .d q u .rte r. in
"e re present and Insisted that they' nor« than 83.000.000,000 since 1*21. and as such they are the heaviest .u f
W ..h
he given 10 per cent of the commit
Thia meins an annual saving of more ferers under the Fordney-.McCumber
Of N ' w
Their demand was granted. :han 8135.000,000 in Interest alona high protective U rlff. according to T o r i t b t * * ye W
h.° h‘ * f° r tW° ye ar, blw i
I ■ here
Is an «-xeunuvw
executive rnnimiitee
committee or
of it)
Ip Taxation has beau reduced by the Mrs. Olive Ua'.don Lewis, of Indlanap
*U"««t«on sad 1. widely
- J handling the inside stuff of the I.a -' closing Republican administration 81,- »Ila. who has been delivering a series kn ew .
i >
Follette-Wheeler campaign. No farwt-< 150,000,000 anaually. or more than 8« 3t lectures to women on the tariff
aad d ,r«c‘ ° r of
“ chools of Democracy.
it Is on this committee.
The cam ¡>*r cent In three years. During the
Mrs. Lewis pointe cut that the R»
Mrs. Wilson w ill conduct ths cam-
1'iilga headquarters of the I a Follett e , present fiscal year, tax recetpts will
publican tariff Increases the expense
Wheeler movement is 408 Machinists ‘ how s raving to the people of ep-
v * * Bk ^ h,cA
b« called a "Victory
, ! ” ry A" * » lp«n home by
i , ag, ' ote D rlv n ," through the 9.00« or more
building, Washington, D C.
proximstely 88.000,ope a day. cos
The Conference for Progressive Po- oared with 1*31.
Democratic Woman's Clubs which had
modules in daily use
liticai Action Issues a weekly publica­
been organized prior to the campaign
The Club, win in no way e o m p £
tion known as loibor The fanner
Postal Savings Kffsctad.
has no part In It. It la managed and ! Three years of careful tad scoot
At this time of the y - ar the poultry for the vote with the r .g Ui . r t^ mo
edlMd w h,dl, hy repreaentatlvvs
leal admlnlstratlon by th . R e p ú b lica man begtae to realise the value of oro cratle ^gan¡rattou.
«í , ^ # ? nlt
organ Isadtop. but
but w w„
I . , « . , . _____-
O'W or pro
labor organlsarlnna. It ts their o » P *« T hss cm down the déficit In ths ,
•*8« It's time to thlnk
to ’ uppiemsnt ih ." L .. ,
ctal e m p e g a pubUcmttoa. k
J p e ^ d e p g rtm e n , ix lu o .m
| « fnU‘*
j ’ ork by « X ^ f b
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
fenders in Congress.
B R ID G E & B E A C H #
H IL L &<s
Give Twelve Reasons
Farm Incomes Shrink;
For Davis' Election
Living Costs Mount
H A L SE Y G A R A G E, A . E. FO O TE
T?I8K and
E xpert workmen $ 5
Rident Equipment
UTO accessories
lUTO Repairing prom ptly done
HALSEY, Oregon
A R RO W GARAGE, Gansle Bros.
U. S. <fc C. T. C. Tiros New. low-priced Gill
More servioe
Batteries for
Skilled Auto repairing ¡Star,
Auto accessories
? hovrolet
small cars
Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist
F IT ”
For G ra in S a c k » and T w in e see
o . W . IR U Y I
a,l<I best grade of
S ack s
0,1 Hand
Market prices paid for any kind of
g r a in a n d ha
A m e ric a n E a g le
Fire Insurance Co.
„„op D c UBd<r th# d)r#ction
Hay is worth ju st as muuli in etorng.
you might got for it in case of Uro Tl
(Amencan Engle Eire Insurance uunina,.,
Iw»l pay you 65% of tho cash vaino in u«s •
of loss by fire.
C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g e n t
pt-hom « and indspeadsgt woaan