HALSEY F .M . G R A Y , Cream and Proouce Station D R A Y M A N Cash paid for Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal International Labor U n ion s deiegstions of 20 states. while & Hides, m . H- S H O O K All work done promptly and reaeon ably. Official Republican Propaganda Phone No. 269 * AVWW» WtMmMAVrM/WA VVVM6VVV>^VVVVVVVWVVVVV^ H A L SE Y S T A T E B A N K 28 state Excluded From LaFollette ' dek*«M <’M have r* t.- a 11 c sties. In 5 other C onvention A ll E xcept Own F o llo w e r s RADICALS IN POWER BAN SOIL TILLERS Halsey, Oregon Official Democratic Propaganda Republican majori- states-the reprw- ’ mentation la evenly divided, and those • »»»<«• «>uld have no vote to cask Those states are Maryland. Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire and New Jersey. Some Not Regular. The 23 states showing a nominal Re­ publican majority might not all vota 1 ‘ for V I Coolidge v w n u g c , a u r ir n ic a w w n iir io There are a t few where Blacklist Includes Their De- - tlves . , , 1 ,,c,r *-'O ot »om’ "presents |g open t0 question, and If La- Follette should carry those states, It ------------ I Is not unlikely that their votes In the Commercial and Savings accoums Solicited LaFollette whs entered In the race house would go to LaFollette, despite for President by an aggregation of na- ,he Republican label borne by aucb tlonal arid international labor unions, congressmen. Should any of these The pufillc, and particularly the farm- states vote for LaFollette, or If the or, had no voice whatever In his so -states should vote as they line np called nomination. There has existed on paper—20 Democratic. 23 Repob- for over three years an organization Mean, und 5 unable to vote, no known as the Conference for Progrès- choice could be made, aa 25 states are she Political Action, composed of 16 needed to elect the President, Economy, Beauty ano _ or 18 national und International labor I Attention would then center on the unions, the majority of them railway senate. Here the state rule does not Quality labor organizations. j apply. Each senator of the 06 has can lie p ut in to your kitchen by The officers of thia Conference for u separate vote. For a quorum, two- tb e installm ent of one of our Progresahe Political Action are on ,lllrds ° f 9« must be present, or the whole the national and Internation- anJ f ° r a choice of vice president, al officers of the lubor organizations ’ “ bare majority, or 49, is necessary, composing the conference. The chair- ' However, In the senate only two Bart by T e st & mun or president of thia conference ' ('an21. There were »0,10« To Polls. TARIFF TAX ON HOMES addition of Socialists to this Commit­ civilian employe« in the department tee was demanded by the Socialist March 3. 1*21. On January 1, 1934. th7 h ' hin€':’n' D~ ^ - A dr,T* party ns the price of ........... their support ol there were 42.458. This was an annual Woman Lecturer Sayt Cott I« 8128 ........ th . hundred, of thousand, of women the ticket This demand was made saving ot (51,000.000. For Each Family. IffiuLL ? * ’ * “*‘ d* n<> Pol't'c*« ¡it a meeting of the committee held In; Indianapolis. Ind— Women are the ‘ ,n d b *” ner* f cast a vot. Washington July 21, at which time i Public Debt Reduced. purikaaing aganta for all of tb t 25- for president, has 5 m d st.rted by ths representatives of the Socialist party I The public debt has been cut down J80.9M families In the United Slates W s ^ ? , 1“ b s .d q u .rte r. in "e re present and Insisted that they' nor« than 83.000.000,000 since 1*21. and as such they are the heaviest .u f W ..h he given 10 per cent of the commit Thia meins an annual saving of more ferers under the Fordney-.McCumber Of N ' w tee. Their demand was granted. :han 8135.000,000 in Interest alona high protective U rlff. according to T o r i t b t * * ye W h.° h‘ * f° r tW° ye ar, blw i ns I ■ here Is an «-xeunuvw executive rnnimiitee committee or of it) Ip Taxation has beau reduced by the Mrs. Olive Ua'.don Lewis, of Indlanap — •• *U"««t«on sad 1. widely - J handling the inside stuff of the I.a -' closing Republican administration 81,- »Ila. who has been delivering a series kn ew . i > Follette-Wheeler campaign. No farwt-< 150,000,000 anaually. or more than 8« 3t lectures to women on the tariff aad d ,r«c‘ ° r of “ chools of Democracy. it Is on this committee. The cam ¡>*r cent In three years. During the Mrs. Lewis pointe cut that the R» Mrs. Wilson w ill conduct ths cam- 1'iilga headquarters of the I a Follett e , present fiscal year, tax recetpts will publican tariff Increases the expense Wheeler movement is 408 Machinists ‘ how s raving to the people of ep- v * * Bk ^ h,cA b« called a "Victory , ! ” ry A" * » lp«n home by i , ag, ' ote D rlv n ," through the 9.00« or more building, Washington, D C. proximstely 88.000,ope a day. cos *121 a year la extra cost on M m The Conference for Progressive Po- oared with 1*31. Democratic Woman's Clubs which had modules in daily use liticai Action Issues a weekly publica­ been organized prior to the campaign The Club, win in no way e o m p £ tion known as loibor The fanner Postal Savings Kffsctad. has no part In It. It la managed and ! Three years of careful tad scoot At this time of the y - ar the poultry for the vote with the r .g Ui . r t^ mo edlMd w h,dl, hy repreaentatlvvs leal admlnlstratlon by th . R e p ú b lica man begtae to realise the value of oro cratle ^gan¡rattou. «í , ^ # ? nlt organ Isadtop. but but w w„ I . , « . , . _____- O'W or pro labor organlsarlnna. It ts their o » P *« T hss cm down the déficit In ths , •*8« It's time to thlnk to ’ uppiemsnt ih ." L .. , . * ctal e m p e g a pubUcmttoa. k J p e ^ d e p g rtm e n , ix lu o .m | « fnU‘* ***• j ’ ork by « X ^ f b C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 fenders in Congress. B R ID G E & B E A C H # RA N G ES « HEATERS * H IL L &